Tag: suffocation phone sex

Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Mummified

bondage phone sex taboo painMy Master told me he had just come back from a weekend long seminar at the Serious Bondage Institute in San Francisco. He learned a new bondage technique-mummification.  Essentially this meant I would be severely restrained and wrapped up like a shiny package or mummy.  I have seen mummies. I was scared. I mean not being able to move an inch, and possibly being denied much oxygen scared the crap out of me. But, what am I to do? I am a worthless whore at the mercy of her Master.

First, Master put me into a tight, sexy neoprene hood. Then he laid me out on what is called a Gingerbread platform. He started to wrap my body in a transparent pallet wrap from head to toe, and then from my toes back to my head. Master put me in this contraption he called a “Vertical Vac-Cube.” It felt like a mummy’s tomb. I was completely immobile and trapped in this rubbery thing with a tube in my mouth to breathe. Master then dumped buckets of ice water on me. So cold. The idea behind any of the vac toys, Master said, was “To put the victim in between sheets of latex, and then attach a vacuum cleaner to the space in between the latex sucking the air out, collapsing the latex around the victim and essentially vacuum sealing them in the pallet.” When he extracted me from the Vac-Cube, I looked like the vacuum packed products you buy at the store. It was like I was shrink wrapped. I started to panic because I could not move an inch.  

bondage phone sex torture evilI could breathe through a little tube Master put in my mouth, but because the plastic wrap was sealed so tight on my body, my rib cage was constrained, making breathing very difficult. He laid me out on the slab then wrapped me even further on to the platform. It was now becoming extremely hot in that saran wrap. I was vacuum sealed with another layer around me to restrain me even further. My body was on fire. I was cocooned under two tight layers of thick heavy plastic wrap. I was sweating and my breathing was becoming labored.

Then I heard a strange noise. It was faint as my ears were wrapped tightly like the rest of my body but I could not move my head to see what the noise was. Then I felt duct tape going over my face blinding me, and it felt like he put a layer over my stomach to further immobilize me. I couldn’t even cry I was restrained so tightly. I swear my eye balls couldn’t even move.  Pressure was building up in my body. I was mummified. It was a strange feeling. I felt almost dead. Completely motionless. Hot. Swallow breathing. Darkness. Not much different from being buried alive.

bondage phone sex blonde bitchThen I felt the table I was on flip. Master turned me upside down so the blood rushed to my head. Felt like my eyes would pop out of their sockets. My head felt like it was going to explode. It was all I could do to not vomit. If I did, surely I would choke on my own puke and die. This was the most excruciating bondage position Master had ever put me in. When I thought it could not get worse, I felt the vibrator between my legs. My clit was being over stimulating sending pain all through my body. I could not shake. I could not convulse. All I could do was lay their motionless praying for it all to be over soon…. Soon came hours later when I passed out. I woke up feeling like my bladder would explode too since I could not even pee. If I did surely it would go back up into my bladder. After almost 22 hours of being mummified, Master released me. But I was weak, so very weak and I suspect a few pounds lighter. Master said that was just the beginning, that this was only one mummification technique out of many that he learned. I was in serious trouble.

bondage phone sex mummification specials

Caught in the Act

They say that the eyes are the window into the soul, but what if the eyes are completely black? I didn’t mean to make my daddy so angry, I really didn’t. It all happened so fast, first he was yelling and then I was yelling and the next thing i know his hands were wrapped around my throat and they were squeezing…hard. All I could see were my daddy’s eyes.  They were as black as midnight. He had caught me touching myself with a belt wrapped around my neck. As scarred as my daddy was making me, all I could think about was the way his fingers were working inside my dripping pussy. The combination of his rough fingers and his tight grip on my throat made me feel like I would explode at any moment! I was so scared, my daddy was squeezing my neck so hard I couldn’t breathe and then all at once stars exploded in my eyes and it was over. My daddy looked angry still, but he looked more disgusted than anything…he left my room without saying a thing.


Rape phone sex fantasies with a prostitute

Rape phone sex fantasies

I had watched her for a few days.  She had a definite heroin problem and sold herself only to feed her habit.  I don’t mind drugs, but they’re supposed to be recreational…not all of life.  Anyway, I knew that she wouldn’t be missed.  So, with my sweet smile and the promise of a stupid cheeseburger, I lured her into one of the seedy motels nearby.  I had everything set-up.  And, when she entered, I motioned toward the rickety table that barely held up the burger on the plate.  She talked about how long since she’d eaten; it was difficult to understand her as she garbled up her food and swallowed it with the help of some water nearby.

I watched her with intense interest and disgust.  Finally, as she was eating the last remaining bites, I told her that she was actually eating something that I cooked.  She didn’t look surprised or care; but, I continued to explain that I had a very interesting diet and it’s difficult to find people who share my delicate tastes.  She exhaled loudly and began to get up since the food was gone.  I told her not to be in a rush and she sat back down.  “Did you know Miriam?” I asked.  She nodded and told me a short sappy story about how she vanished; maybe she had been kidnapped by one of her Johns.  I told her that was not the case; in fact, Miriam was with us here and now.  She looked around the room, searching vigorously for her friend; then, I gestured toward the table at her plate.

Stupid girl didn’t understand so I plopped a picture of her dead friend, mutilated in my dungeon.  She acted as if she was going to throw-up; but, when she stood, she quickly realized that she couldn’t.  The eye drops that I had put in her water had knocked her out.  I proceeded to cuff her to the bed and place a plastic bag over her head.  She came to for only a few minutes; the rising and falling of the bag was beautiful.  There’s just something about watching someone’s last breath!  As she struggled to breathe, I read a few bible verses; I couldn’t think of anything meaner to do.  But, I was quiet for her last gasp.  I completed my afternoon by carving out a gaping hole in her upper torso.  I packed the meat in my bag in case I wanted to feed another prostitute later.  But, before I left, I had to break the cheap lamp by the bedside and shove it up into her nasty cunt.  I thought that was a proper send-off.

Rape phone sex fantasiesb

Cat and Mouse

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

Have you ever seen a mouse in a maze? They are actually pretty smart critters, eventually they find the cheese and than they can find it each time. But, add a cat and the fun begins.

She was running, screaming in the dark. Her adrenaline was pulsating, I could smell it. She ran off the main road and into the woods. Dumb bitch, she had no idea where she was running. She thought she could loose me in the dark of the trees, but I knew these woods better than the birds, especially in the dark. I had chased more than my fair share of prey through here, and they always, always took the same path. We ran together for a while, I always loose track of time during my nightly run. Sometimes it can feel like hours and other times only a mere second before they are breathless and bleeding.

I had her tomb ready for her at the end of the clearing, she would be resting there by morning.

Dragging my prey almost lifeless into the trunk of the car, the dock was always perfect to back the trunk into. I had put much care into the ramp that I back their tomb into, just enough so I could hear them scratch, perfect cigarette break, in my opinion.


Suffocation and Leftovers


On one of the message forums that I belong to, I read an interesting request. There was a woman who was looking for extreme suffocation play; and she rambled on about how one of her boyfriends had strangled her until she lost consciousness, but she had had the most amazing orgasm before she did. I laughed and thought she might be fun to play with; the dumb ones usually are. And, there her perky little smile was, staring back at me.

The cute little idiot coed visited my house for dinner. I always like to play with my food first. And, I invited my mentor along for the ride; I knew he liked big round butts, and she certainly had that. We dined and talked; her idle chatter was fueling my despicability for her. I dosed her wine with a little something, and my mentor reprimanded me, complaining that she would taste funny, but I told him it was just an herb…nothing too hard.

We restrained her; and when she woke up naked, the fear in her eyes was apparent. “Now, we’re going to give you what you came for, little girl,” I grinned. She tried to relax, but the imbecile didn’t even know what was coming. I pressed my fingers around her bird-like neck and watched the terror spread across her face. I let up and asked if she was liking it thus far; she “requested” that I be a little more gentle. “Like this?” I asked and held her throat closed for longer; my mentor’s evil brain began clicking and he placed a vibrator between her legs. I pushed the clear plastic around her face, smashed it.  We laughed at each other’s cleverness. I let her cough and struggle; but it was getting late and my mentor was eagerly awaiting his feast.

As a last touch, I took a pliable double-dildo out and wrapped around her bruised neck. I thought it was poignant that she be suffocated to death with what she wanted. And, my mentor enjoyed eating her plump, young flesh.

catch this, you’re infected

Words race through me like fucking crazy. Dickfucking, assfucking, wild insane thoughts. Most people would be horrified with just one peek into my crazy mind. Evil is my possession and I am its tool…

Shut your mouth

I’ll cut your tongue,

sew your lips shut,

put plastic wrap over your nose


your lungs…

getting big as you struggle, try to get air

You’re suffocating!

His dick is hard, his dick is hard! Gonna put it inside

don’t cry…

cut a hole

right over your mouth


Still can’t breathe

Now you’re choking on his semen

it’s spewing out and drowning you

in white yummy cum

eat it. lick it. taste the spud.

Want some more/I’ll give you mine.

Slain SIN makes funny things







I want to stick my finger in your pussy

tear it apart

Now I’ve got a crazy picture in my head, of you in bed. You’re not moving and I’ve blown a hole in your head. I did it with a firecracker, put it in your mouth, lit the fuse.


The fire started in your pussy! Now it’s gonna explooddeee.

When Giants Attack

Taboo phone sex Pandora3

My friend’s brother is always stalking about how sweet and petite women are supposed to be, how demure. And it makes me want to wretch. I’ve thought about suffocating him with my own spit at night, but I knew that wasn’t even good enough. No, I had to be patient and wait for the right moment.

Since we haven’t been the best of friends, I invited him out for lunch, under the pretense that I wanted to get to know him better. He sat aside from me and I let my hate build to a boiling rate as his mouth flopped about “a woman’s place.” I smiled, evilly, thinking about him finding his rightful place soon enough. After lunch, we headed out to a house that I had previously visited. He thought we were going to have some kind of cookout. Ha!

He looked around, surprised at what he saw: massive women in one corner and skinny men in the other. He laughed and said they were freaks. And, he enjoyed the show, watching as these men sometimes lost consciousness as their heads were squeezed between the thighs of the giant woman. He shouted and called those men, “pussies” and anything he could think of. He shook his head and said, “Damned if I’d let a woman do that to me!” I urged him on, riled him up. “Look, that fucker creamed himself? What the fuck?” He yelled, “You’re not a man!” Finally, as he was getting louder and louder, I stood up and screamed, “Hey, my friend wants to try!” I could see the oh-fuck-you look in his face; but, then determination replaced it. Yeah, he was gonna prove what a tough man he was in front of me and everyone else.

Out of all the women in the pack, the largest stepped forward. Apparently, she had heard him yelling during the exposition and was ready to teach him a little lesson. Laughter escaped my lips and I sat down, ready to enjoy every delicious moment.

He danced around like a freakin’ monkey and I rolled my eyes. Where’d he learn those moves, I wondered. As he tried to make something akin to karate noises, the woman was growing increasingly annoyed. She put her forearm against his throat and threw him to the ground. Her booming laughter sounded like a mix between a gorilla and some monster on television. I loved it!

He continued to ‘mouth off’ and she rubbed her pussy in his face, looking at the audience and laughing. Crossing my legs, I rooted her on; and we seemed to share a connection as our eyes met. Yeah, give that bastard what he deserves! She told him that she would get off of him if he shut up; she gave him several chances and got up. He tried to regain his strength; but everyone could see he was on his last leg. She gave him one more chance to shut-up but he shook his head ‘No’ and she kicked his legs out from under him.
She took off her clothes. Pushed her massive titties to his face. “Suck on momma’s boobies, baby,” she said in her husky voice. She rubbed her bush against him, leaned up so he could see it. His dick was getting hard in his pants and she pointed at it. “Is that all? You have a pencil dick?! You can please a woman like me with no pencil dick!”

I almost fell out of the bleachers laughing. Finally, he stopped moving. The guys who had wrestled before him took turns fucking him in the ass while us women beamed and were pampered. When we were done with him, a couple of the ladies took him to the curb and dropped him. When I was driving past, I saw a sign in red letters that said, “Pencil Dick.” How appropriate! He tried to avoid me ever since that day; I want him to live in fear for a little bit longer…

Taboo phone sex Pandora4
A few weeks later, I received a drawing in the mail; apparently one of the women in the group was an artist. It was me, my large feet stomping out all of the rejects of the world, all the stupid motherfuckers. That’s right, bitches, I am Giant, hear me roar!

The Flames Get Higher

torture phonesex karmaNot only was I craving the feeling of being lost in the beauty of it all. But I needed to be able to cum to the sound of the screams of agony and desperation. Preparing for the carnage builds the anticipation so much so that my body physically aches for release. I take my time with the accelerant, pouring it strategically around the pretty little cottage style home. Inside is a perfect little family, Mommy, Daddy, a boy and girl and of course the family pooch. I can see them through the bedroom windows sleeping soundly. Smiling somewhere in the land of their dreams. It only serves to heighten the need and I can feel my cunt start to leak juices.torture phonesex house My hand is shaking with anticipation as I strike the lighter and touch it to the accelerant. I watch as the flame quickly creeps along the path of the accelerant before I hide in the tree line. The flames with their beautiful colors of red and yellow and that brilliant blue mixed in are hypnotic. I watch as they climb higher and the blaze intensifies. I can hear the frantic barking of the dog and the sounds of a man yelling for his family to wake up, the screams of the females in the house are unmistakable. I know by now the smoke is becoming unbearable. They will try to get low and crawl for an exit. But it doesn’t matter because there are no exits, they are in flames! As I imagine the bodies being chard to a crisp, the pain and agony of being burned alive, I can feel my climax building. Just as I am about to explode there is a sudden explosion and at the moment I feel the ground shake under my body, my cunt erupts in an earth shattering orgasm! Just like the flames, It’s so hot in between my legs!torture phonesex fire

Paper or Plastic

torture phonesex karmaThe ad was short and to the point: “Man that loves living on the edge I have extreme, and sometimes dangerous, always kinky fetishes, looking for female with the same”
It definitely peeked my interest. I read it several times and the possibilities seemed endless. I was way more then interested. I knew I would call. I just hoped I wouldn’t be disappointed because my definition of the words “extreme and dangerous” were definitely far different from the average persons.
I called and we agreed to meet. He wanted to meet at a hotel for the first time. I knew this would not be satisfying for me. My idea of a wicked and twisted good time could not be had at a hotel without someone calling the law.
But I was determined to meet the requirements of his ad, based on my standards of course. One way or another he would put up or shut up. And you can bet I would be the one to be shutting him up. Very probably for good.
My cunt is creaming at the thought.
Any way our first meeting at the hotel was like playing patty cake. I don’t know if he was testing me or just warming up or if this bull shit was his idea of extreme. But all he wanted to do is burn play. Candle wax, small branding, putting cigarettes out on each other, the kind of shit that is like the appetizer, before the salad that comes before the steak and rich dessert in a four course meal. It was just enough to make my mouth water and my cunt long for more.
It took me two more visits before I got him to my place. He got one look at some of my “kinky” accessories and began to open up some more.He didn’t even notice the sign on the door to my room.torture phonesex contest1
I talked him into some strangulation play. Him choking me, not my idea of extreme but we were getting there. I could tell by his hard ass cock that he was game and it was game on. Surprisingly he didn’t wimp out and he choked me to the point of me passing out which gave me a fair orgasm before I went black.
When I came to he informed me that he still hadn’t gotten his rocks off only he wasn’t into strangulation as much as suffocation. He wanted me to put a plastic bag over his head .
It was my time! I laid him down with the bag securely behind his head. I made sure I could easily pull it over his face before mounting his throbbing cock.
I rode him in a frenzy imagining what I knew was to cum, what I had waited for, my moment of extreme orgasm.
He urged me on and I knew he had never been fucked like this, my desire to take his life urged me on and increased his need for more.
Finally I could tell he was close and even though I was supposed to wait for his word, I pulled the bag over his head. In his excitement he went with it and soon he was close to being out of breath and his dick began to jerk. He expected to cum and for me to remove the bag or cut a hole over his mouth.
Smiling and riding him harder and faster I held the bag tight, his cum spewing inside me, my orgasm was building, knowing what was going to happen. When he realized I wasn’t releasing the bag he began to panic, building the intensity for me.
I could see his eyes wide and full of fear thru the bag as he struggled. Again heightening the intensity of what was happening for me. I was going to cum all over him as he jerked and spasmed taking his last breath between my legs and deep inside my cunt.
As he lost the fight I gushed cum, in thick, milky, shots, squirting so hard it flowed down his hips and matted the hair on my cunt.torture phonesex contest

A Little Dirt Never Hurt

Snuff Phone Sex

A little dirt never hurt, at least that is what my Mother used to tell me.  I have learned that a lot of dirt can though.  If you pile it on thick enough.  It can cave in your chest, it can be sucked into lungs, it can get caked in the nose.  I guess my Mother just never played in dirt the right way.  Take for example this idiot.  I kept telling her, shut up.  Did she listen? Nope.  Do I have to hear her whiny voice anymore? Nope.  I’ll leave that to the worms.  They can put up with her.  I’ll leave her out there for awhile.  Not that she will last long, what with the gag, and bag over her head, but I’ll go out in a bit anyway, just to check on her.  I really hated to have to do what I did, she was a lot of fun to play with.  Her soft, creamy skin bruised up so nicely.  Have you ever seen a hymen rip? It is one of the most glorious sights to see, and now I bet there are bugs all up inside her by now.  Maybe I’ll send this picture to my Mother to show her that dirt can hurt, if the proper amount is used.