Tag: snuff sex

Snuff sex is the only thing that gets me off

snuff sexSnuff sex is something you have to experience before you can truly understand it and sad to say it but there are very few people who truly do understand it the way that I do.So  I was very surprised to find a man that not only understands it, he revels in it just as I do! He shares my passion for killing and is just as fascinated by killers from the past as I am too. Like Jack the Ripper in particular, we both love the way he stalked those whores and ripped them apart the way he did. We talk about him all the time and finally we have decided to pay homage to him by killing whores the same way he did. We found a dark alleyway and hid in the shadows until we found the perfect whore. She was obviously a working girl, probably had a pussy full of cum when we snatched her but we weren’t interested in her cunt all we wanted to do was gut the fucking whore. We completely eviscerated that dumb slut and we left her there spread open for the whole world to see. I wonder who we will pick to be our next victim…

snuff sex

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Never Take a Short Cut Down a Creepy Alley

snuff sex bondage painIt was dark, I was running late, so I took a short cut down this creepy alley. Big mistake. A masked man followed me, grabbed me and threw me in the trunk of his car. He took me to some abandoned building. Dragged me kicking and screaming by my hair into the scary looking building. I ended up in a room with a few other women. None of us knew what to expect. One of the captors entered and grabbed one of the girls. She was crying and pleading. He smacked her so hard a tooth came out. I heard another guy yell, “Don’t mess her up too much before the camera starts rolling.” Then I knew what was going on. Snuff sex.  They were going to rough us up, sexually assault us, maybe even kill us on film.

We heard that poor girl cry and scream for hours. I heardsnuff sex murder fantasies whips, chains, a blow torch, and finally a chainsaw. After I heard that, she made no more noise. I knew she was not alive anymore. The guy came back in for girl number two. He had on a butcher’s apron covered in blood. Her blood I assumed. The next girl to go, suffered a similar fate, but not as quick. Soon, I was the only girl left in the room. I almost would have preferred to go first. The waiting while hearing the others being tortured was frightening beyond comprehension.

When it was my turn, I didn’t even fight. I knew what my fate was soon to be. One of the masked assailants strung me up in the air. They turned on a light and saw the carnage. Women’s limbs all over the floor;  blood splatter on the ceiling and walls; internal organs in a pile…. I vomited at the site. I was about to die a slow torturous death because I cut down an alley. I just prayed it would be quick. I prayed to pass out.

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Out with the Old!

I have been saving for a long time! Doing what ever odd job I can so I can start my own mechanic shop! I have made a lot of money snuffing out little whores or snatching some sweet morsel! And it has FINALLY paid off! I closed this week end on my own shop! I didn’t think it was going to go through! I found the PERFECT shop! In a great neighbor hood! No other shops anywhere near! But the owner, who had owned the shop for 30 years was to sick to work it any more. I agree to buy it instantly! But the day we were suppose to sing the papers the old fucker changed his mind! He decided he was gonna try to make the shop work again! I was so disappointed! This fucker made the mistake of saying he just couldn’t sell his shop to any bitch off the street! I am not going to have my dreams ruined by some old fucker! So I walked away. That night I showed back up as he was closing! I picked up a piece of pipe and I beat the shit out of him! I beat that old man to death! I wont have my dreams ruined by some old fucker. The last thing he heard on this earth was me telling him he better pray his wife sells this property. Or I would beat her to death to! I know he understood me! It turned me on see the fear in his eyes! His wife had no intention of keeping the shop. She called me 2 days later asking if I was interested in buying the place still. I talked her down 20K. Got the place for a steal. I can’t wait to fully utilize the new space!


Snuff Sex Goes Splat

snuff sex karmaWhen you have a twisted and warped mind, the most innocent things give you the most wicked ideas. There is no fighting the urges within. When the thought enters your head, your nipples stand at attention and your cunt begins to produce juices that soak your little black panties, you know that you must live this out. Watching a show about science and seeing the experiment showing what falls faster, a bowling ball or a feather made me want to do my own gravity experiment. What falls faster a dead body that isn’t fighting or a live one that is kicking and screaming? So what do I need for my experiment? Two bodies of course, a building or a balcony to throw them off of and a stop watch to time it. All in the name of science….I got my two bodies and I took them to the abandoned warehouse that I often use along with a stop watch and a plan. My hypothesis is that the dead body will fall faster because it is dead weight.  Now to test this out and see. I know that both of my bodies weigh about the same, I don’t want to make the dead body weigh less, so suffocation or strangulation will have to be the method I use to snuff one of them. With them both tied up I play eeny meeny miny moe. Laying the looser on the cold hard concrete I cover her face with a clear plastic bag and hold it tight around her neck. While she kicks and flails under my naked cunt, the movement and excitement coupled with the sobbing coming from my other body, makes me cum hard. Now that she has stopped moving I lick my cum off her dead body before grabbing my stop watch and dragging her body to the edge of the balcony. Pushing her over and hitting the button I watch her fall and can’t help cumming again as her body hits and her skull pops open with a popping sound splattering brains on the floor below. Ahh this is so much fun. Now time for the second one. As I get closer to her she is shaking with fear and I just smile. I drag her up by her hair, stand her in front of me with a knife in one had and my stop watch in the other. I slice the restraints on her wrists, shove her and hit the button. Watching her fall kicking and screaming. Unfortunately she doesn’t hit the ground the same way and all though the way her body is twisted and mangled and the sound of her breaking bones makes me cum, her skull isn’t popped open. What a shame. And I am wrong, they fall at the same rate. I love fucking gravity!

Watching Ass Rape Porn with Reagan

Ass Rape Porn Reagan

He emailed me and said he had a special ass rape porn movie he wanted me to watch. This was his tribute for me. I love his gifts, he knows how badly I love to watch his movie collection. Only a few people in this evil world really knew how to make me cum like he does, and watching his snuff porn, really made me wet.

I clicked on his file and opened up the most delicious torture sex scene I had ever laid my eyes on. He had her bound and gagged on the floor of a basement. Three masked men hovered over her naked with hard and thick cocks. They were yelling and kicking at her helpless bruised body. They told her she was a slut and had to pay the price for having a wet cunt. I started to rub my wet snatch and fuck my hand as I saw all three men pick her up and use her like a fuck toy. She was crying and they just laughed at her, telling her it’s what she wanted, she needed to be violated and punished hard and punished raw. These men were so brutal and I found myself wishing I was there to help this cunt get used. I wanted nothing more than to take my special toys with me and play with this whore. I would love to pound her wet snatch till it bled, anduse my knife to slowly carve into her flesh as these men dumped loads of dirty semen up deep inside her.

After what seemed like hours of torture sex, a new set of men joined the room. But they had other things in mind other then just fucking our little cunt. They wanted to watch her suffer in a whole new violent way. I watched them tie a rope around her neck and hook the rope to a pulley. They slowly pulled her body up as they fucked her. Her body reacted with panic as they laughed. She was shaking and convulsing as the rope got tighter and tighter. She was such a good little fuck doll. And of course once she was no longer breathing, they got to enjoy a whole new delicacy of dead cunt to fuck!

Oh yes, a movie worth watching to satisfy your snuff sex desires!

Ass Rape Porn Reagan

From Cradle To The Grave

Sadistic phone sexOh man did you pick a shit day to come knocking at my door.  He is here and you are just the thing that He loves.  Plus, I have no clue where your Dad is.  What the fuck are you doing outside in just a t-shirt and panties anyway?  Don’t you know the apartment number where you belong? I suppose you do not since you seem to be way too young to even teach your address and phone number to.  Well.  I guess you can come in, He was getting bored anyway.

See, I tried to tell you this was a shit day for you.  Now you have that nasty bruise on your cheek.  I’m afraid little one that that isn’t the only injury you will be receiving today.  Not that it would matter because you couldn’t prepare for it.  Plus you can hardly talk correctly anyway.  Little people babble confounds me.  Maybe it’s better this way.  If He gets your face, and the back of your throat swollen enough I won’t have to hear it. 

He loves when your tiny body squirms around like that.  Him shoving his cock into that tight place between those chubby little legs of yours.  I have news for you darling, I don’t think your Daddy is looking for you at all.  I don’t hear any cop sirens, nor do I hear anyone calling out a name.  Looks like you are stuck with us for a bit.  I do mean a bit too, because after He is done violating and hurting you we will have to get rid of you by tossing your barely potty trained little body into a coffin in an abandoned building.  Maybe this isn’t such a shit day after all.

Snuff sex

The First Of My Snuff Movies

snuff movie1I placed an ad in the local paper for auditions in a film. My cunt trembled as it pumped cum while I was typing the ad. They think it is for a porn film so the most eager and kinky will show up for the auditions. Waiting for the auditions was torturous for me. Envisioning the snuff movie I was about to make and the agony having to wait kept me so fucking hot that I was fucking myself almost 24 hours a day for a solid week. I knew as soon as I saw her that she would be the one. She looked like Snow White to me, fair skin and dark black hair. She had an air of innocence about her with tempting sexuality. She was so excited to have the part and showed up early for tapping. The grey walls of the warehouse and the dim lighting were the perfect back drop. One twin bed with a metal frame and white sheets so the blood would show up a bright crimson against the bleak backdrop was going to be perfect. I had cameras set up and rolling from the moment she walked in. She thought she was going to be the star of the movie but in fact it would be me. Guiding her every step of the way she fell into my embrace as I ripped her clothes from her body. Each minute of filming became more violent and it didn’t take her long to realize something was terribly wrong. When her instinct to flee kicked in I tied her to the bed and pulled out my chain saw. That is when the real fun began. Mutilating her body and immortalizing the carnage on film. Watching it later I have to admit that of all the snuff movies I have ever seen, my very first snuff movie turned out rather well and had a happy ending indeed. snuff movie2

Cannibalism Phone Sex

snuff phone sex pandoraCome join my tantalizing endeavor. My appetite for a debilitated martyr is necessary for my Thanksgiving feast. My pussy twitches with the thought of catching another victim. I put my hand down my panties and rub my clit as I examine the requisite for my next undertaking. My urges are strong, I rub faster my breathing quickens, my body starts to tremble I must cum. It excites me thinking about how my knives chisel out the tender spots. My mouth waters seeking out those scrumptious chunks of fresh flesh. I love those special morsels putting them in my mouth savoring the warm juicy flavor of blood and muscle. You can’t beat gazing into their eyes as the pain overwhelms them. Just when they think it’s over I ravage their body making them endure more agony. Their screams are endless it’s no use no one can hear them. My knives are precise have to be tapered, they flow right into the flesh, and there is no time for jagged edges our feast has to be perfect. I can’t help it I came hard all over. The night is long we can’t wait, the pursuit has begun.

Dinner And A Movie

canabalism phone sex angieShe called because she wanted me to take her under my wing and teach her how to be a Sadistic. She read all my blogs and told me how hot she thought they were. How my evil and sadistic thoughts made her pussy wet. How she spent hours on line with me in secret, fucking herself and getting lost in my twisted and demented ways. Her voice was soft as silk and I knew she didn’t have an evil bone in her body. She was hypnotized by the dark side, But I know she wasn’t ready for it. The more we talked the more I pulled her in to my world. Teasing her with the allure of embracing evil. Enticing her with the satisfaction of letting go of all that is good and embracing all that is taboo and forbidden. Finally I invited her over for dinner and a movie. We were going to watch The Serbian Film. It seemed like the perfect fit. What she didn’t know was that she was going to be dinner. I had everything ready for her arrival. Of course I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the movie and I was right. By the time it was all over with, I could smell the fear seeping out of her pours. She was trying to hide it. All I could think of was how good that fear was going to taste. Taking her to the kitchen, I asked her to take all her clothes off and lay on the table. She didn’t even notice she was laying on the cooking tray. She followed my every instruction as I tied her into a fetal position, legs up wrists tied to her ankles. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass by and I licked her sweet pussy until she came on my face. Then I began placing apples around her and herbs and oils all over her body. She moaned, enjoying my touch and oblivious to her coming fate. When I began shaving her head before placing her over the fire in my large hearth is when she began to panic. The sheer joy of the whole process made me cum. I continued to fuck myself to her brief screams as her skin crackled while being crisped and her flesh began to cook. I was so hungry and couldn’t wait to eat, again.canabalism phone sex feast

Chatroom Rendezvous


I sat on my ass in front of my computer for months with him behind me.  All we did was scour chatroom after chatroom for the perfect one.  I swear to God if I ever see OMG, or TTYL ever again I’m going to puke then kill the person who texted it to me.  He thought it was funny how the conversations would go.  I had to learn all about K-Pop, Izzy Azalea, Taylor Swift and other mind numbingly boring singers.  Not to mention the millions of times I had to deal with receiving those stupid yellow emoticons.  If it weren’t for the big pay off I would of told him to do it himself because I was just not liking this at all.

FINALLY she showed up one day and told me she liked my hat.  Of all the stupid things, but there she was.  We chatted for hours, all about her stupid friends, her stupid school, and last but not least her stupid parents.  Then it happened.  She told me she loved me and wanted to run away with me.  He jumped up from his chair and said, “Thank you Goddess!”  You see I was always in the chatrooms as a boy.  Not a full grown woman, that would of never of worked.  

We made plans to meet and she sent me snapchats of her on the bus, of her in the cab, of her arriving at the place we were to meet.  She was a little scared but I told her that the reason for us meeting at a place like this is because her parents would never think to look here.  She thought that was “Brill”.  I put the phone down and smashed it with my boot.  

He and a few friends of his were a little way up the alley, I was standing in a doorway with my gun drawn.  She rounded the corner and I was on her.  She cried, she begged, she pleaded, she screamed as one of his friends punched her hard in the face while another started to take his pants off.  I watched them Gangbang all her holes, it was violent, it was nasty, it was brutal and it was fucking sensational!  I played with myself almost the whole entire time.  

At the end she was unrecognizable, muttering, trying to crawl away.  I picked up my gun, held it to the back of her head and fired off a shot.  Hunting is fun, and so was watching the carnal rage that I had the pleasure of witnessing.