Tag: snuff sex

You’ll love this experience!

evil phone sexThink about all the senses we have…touch, taste, hearing, smell, and sight, of course. Now imagine what I am experiencing myself right now. I hear it, it covers the floor, it is smeared across your body and mine, and it sounds so very sticky. I love the way it feels, still warm, sticky and innocent. It smells like sex in here, and the unmistakable smell of a penny. You can even taste it in the air, that faint touch of copper. Do you know what I see? Our very special masterpiece strung across the floor, no long bearing those perfect innocent tits, or that sweet virgin pussy. She lies there with more blood and cum on her that she would ever want anyone to see her in. But we love to see what we have done, love all the sensations of the blood, and feel the urge we had finally satisfied, both of them. Not only did she spill her blood for us but she made sure to please your cock over and over again, in hopes we would set her free. Until she realized she was only getting out of this one way… and that way was not her ideal choice. She started to reallllly lose it then, though, I had to teach her who was in charge – got a little cum of my own out of that little charade. Most people would feel remorse, but I only want to feel her blood, and remember the look on her face as we started to slowly torture this no longer innocent girl. She didn’t stand a chance, cumming on your cock as I cut her over and over again, blood and tears covering her slowly. I know her already tight pussy tightens every time she gets a new slash, soon she will have the ideal mixture of cum, tears and blood. And what better way to give her a proper goodbye to the world as she tastes it all in her mouth, choking her on your cock covered in her juices, blood, tears and cum and all as her life slowly drifts away.

It’s A Blizzard Blood Bath

bloody phone sex blizzardAnd there it was just as pretty as a picture. A gift left there just for me. The car was red, blood red. Stranded in the middle of the blizzard. Not a soul in sight. How much better then that can you get?

There wasn’t much snow accumulated on the hood, no tire tracks next to the car. This meant two things, it hadn’t been there long and no one had come along to help. Either the occupant was still in the car or not far up the road yet. My cunt was dripping as I approached the car. I could see the fog on the windows which told me the occupant or occupants were still in there.

Now my nipples were getting hard and my heart was beating faster with anticipation. I knocked on the window and when it came down my eyes took in the young couple, so grateful someone had come along. She was a little bit of a thing, I would guess 95 pounds soaking wet and he wasn’t much more.

I took out my gun locked and loaded and pointed it at his temple. “Get out of the car both of you and don’t try anything stupid, I really don’t want to shoot you right here.”

I don’t know if the shaking is from the cold or fear but it makes no difference to me. What is going to happen will happen.

“Take off all your clothes NOW! You may leave on your snow boots and socks and your underwear, that is all. UNDERSTAND?” With shaking hands they comply and the shivering increases to my delight.

“Now you have exactly five minutes to get as far a head of me as you can. I love hunting in the snow and you are my prey today. Your time starts NOW.”

Watching them stumble and run in the freezing cold, snow falling so hard now that I can’t see them after a minute or two. It’s all good, the poor visibility will make this more fun. I make sure my gun is loaded and I start thinking about their blood pouring out onto the lily white snow, I am cumming already and I haven’t even started the hunt. bloody phone sex karma

Snuff Porn Addiction

Snuff porn can become an addiction and a rather jading experience. There was a guy I knew that had to have his partners body cold in order to even get it up. It helps if she was pale and frail and he could really feel like he was fucking the dead.

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One night we were hanging out and partying with a few others and this guy wanted to go down to the cemetery. Not normally a big deal, except I knew him well enough. He gets this urge to try drugging a girl up and wants to do a snuff porn with her unconscious. In fact he would strangle her while pounding her ass, or one time he wanted to cut a slit in the chicks gut so he’d have a new hole to violate.

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This dude was way out there sometimes. Once we were getting super wasted and I actually went out and grabbed a crack ho off the streets for him. I lured her in and actually started torturing her on camera for this dude. I swear he thought he was in love with me, but I showed him. The snuff porn ended with his life slowly burning out like a candle’s flame.

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Killer Phone Sex Reagan * Pop Your Fucking Pills

Killer Phone Sex ReaganI decided to celebrate National Pharmacist Day with a Killer Phone Sex blog, dedicated to snuffing out those pricks. Those assholes don’t deserve their own day. Have you seen the prices of pills now a days? Fuck that. I know what I am gonna do this January 12th, I am gonna fuck up my pharmacist. The corner drug store is ran by some old stupid fuck in a white coat. I take some pretty dam strong psychotropics, and they are not cheap. One time he put the wrong damn pills in the bottle! I got so fucking sick from his ignorance, and I have been waiting for the right time to pay him back for his stupidity. This will be the perfect day to give him a taste of his own medicine!Killer Phone Sex ReaganHe normally works way past closing, and I know how to get into the store after hours. I sat in the shadows and waited till he was filling pill bottles. I jumped him from behind and hit him pretty dam hard on the back of the head. I laughed as I watched him struggle to stay on his feet. Once he was down I straddled his chest and bound his arms and legs. Then I put a metal gag in his mouth, forcing it open. Waiting for him to regain consciousness, I gathered up a few of his bottles of pills and got them ready. Don’t you love these Murder Phone Sex Fantasies? Once his eyes opened he struggled of course, but to no avail. I just laughed as I read each label and dumped bottle after bottle down his throat. He could not speak well with the metal claws holding his jaws open. But of course I cold make out a few words like “Please, No, Please, No”. I just had so many colorful pills to choose from! It was a rainbow! And since I am such a nice gal, I made sure he had plenty of booze to wash it down with! Funny thing is, once he was gone I was not sure if it was the pills he overdosed on, or just choking on his own vomit?Killer Phone Sex Reagan

The New Girl

I woke up to loud thumps coming down the stairs. It sounded like something huge and metal was being dragged down to the basement. I knew the sound, as I had experienced it before. You had a new slave and she was being delivered. I tried to sit up to watch the unloading, my heart racing, wondering how long she had been inside the safe. You hate dealing with their screaming when they first arrive – so they get locked away in a safe. Memories of my time in the box came rushing back to me. It had to have been days, but it felt like years.

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I was locked inside by some stranger who had grabbed me, and left there – cramped and starving. By the time the box was opened I was barely alive and nearly blind as the dingy basement lights tried to make my eyes focus. I remember being terrified but so thirsty that I couldn’t scream. That was of course your plan all along. To break us before you even let us out of the safe. To mind fuck us so intensely, leaving us for days to accept that we had been left to die – only to then let us out into our new living hell in the basement.
I watched as you unlocked the lock and swung open the door. Her naked body climbed out, weak but alive. She was bound and blindfolded, but like me, didn’t make a sound. She was already broken. You guided her to the table to introduce her to a new kind of pain. As the feeling came back into her limbs, from being cramped so long, you cut them and burned them and her body just seized on the table from the stimulation. I remember those first cuts and burns and my pussy came uncontrollably.

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She has been added to your collection of whores. We are here for you to experiment all your sexual desires on. I continued to watch her be tortured with the knives, still blindfolded. I knew she had no idea the future pain she will have to endure, and in fact grow to crave like a sick addiction. I felt myself drooling at the site of the blades cutting her fresh skin. I wanted another turn under your cruel hands. I needed to be touched, even if it only brings agony. I was jealous of this new whore. I wanted to go back to the day that I had first come out of the box….

The Devil Inside

The drugs were beginning to wear off, and as my vision started to clear and my hearing return, I began to feel their hands all over me. My head was spinning, and I ached all over, especially between my legs. I sensed at least two men groping my body and grabbing my tits so hard that I could feel sharp pain even in my altered state. I began to moan in agony, and their grip got harder on my naked body. I had no idea where I was or how I got there.

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I tried to focus and understand what was going on, and I reached my hands out trying to feel my surroundings. Yes, there were two men. I could feel their hot breath on my neck and chest. They were fondling my breasts and one has his hand down between my legs rubbing my raw pussy. It felt like fire as he kept grinding his fingers up inside me. It felt as if I had been fucked for hours already. They must have been fucking me while I was asleep.
I felt like I was outside of my body looking down, and I began to see them more clearly. They were very strong, and I was their plaything. Their cocks were hard as rocks and one of them even had blood on him. Judging from the fire between my legs, I knew the blood had come from there. My pussy ached and throbbed and felt so swollen that it could burst. My awakening had aroused them again, and they placed my reaching hands on their hard cocks. I saw one of their faces, and began to remember.

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He was the man from the party. The one who had been wearing the devil mask, and whispering in my ear that he was going to make me his satanic slave whore. His tongue had felt amazing on my neck, and I had let him grab my body in front of everyone that was watching. I don’t remember anything after that. I am certain he must have drugged me and brought me here. How long had him and this other man been taking my body? I have no idea, and before I could try to piece any more memories together, they put me on my hands an knees and made me take their cocks again.

Snow Storm

snuff porn stormIts cold outside. And I have to admit. I do have one thing I love to do when it is frozen and cold. I love to visit this little lake in the woods. It has to be the PERFECT weather. When it is icy cold AND going to freeze overnight. That is when it is perfect. I have been waiting for months for the perfect storm! Waiting for the weather to to be warm enough in the day to melt the ice. BUT cold enough at night to freeze it over. So I was SUPER excited today when I saw the weather. I have a list of possible victims for just this occasion! But I already knew who I was going to take. There is this little bitch down the street. She thinks she is all that. And she is always saying, “That is so hot” or “Isn’t that hot” Every fucking sentence. I would just ignore her, but she is my local rep to order parts for the store. I have to talk to her several times a day. And I just can’t take it anymore. I called my friend Ryan over. I snatched the little slut right from her bed. I let Ryan have fun with her first. Ryan beat her. Then fucked EVERY single hole. She was crying and begging for him to stop, but that just turned him on more! I loved watching Ryan rip her open! And when he was done…it was my turn. I drug her out to the lake. I placed her neck deep in the water. And waited. The cold water turned her lips blue. And they swelled up. She looked so pretty. The paler she got. The wetter I got. I watched all night as she slowly froze to death. As the pleas turned to whimpers. As she froze. Her tears looked like frozen water flowing down her checks. So pretty. It was so pretty Ryan had to stroke off one last time looking at her. The last thing she will ever know… is she is dying while cum is poring over her. I love it!

Torture sex is the only sex I like

torture sexI have a mean streak, I may as well admit that right up front because it definitely shows itself in everything that I do. I truly enjoy watching people suffer unimaginable pain, I love to see the agony in their eyes as I torture them slowly and unmercifully end their pathetic lives. These whores are worthless garbage, they exist only to pleasure us with their screams of agony until they breathe their last breath. I want them to suffer as I break their bones and slice their skin. I want to be covered in their blood, absolutely drenched in it from head to toe! After all, everything is more fun when it’s messy isn’t it? I will never be some boring vanilla sex loving bitch so if that’s what you’re looking for you should move on to the next bitch. But if you are a sick sadistic son of a bitch like me, we’ll get along just fine…

Snuff Porn Sends Geneva to Her Grave

The day was just another day as I followed my usual routine, and headed out on my run. Usual route and a normal day, except for what follows.

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I stopped to answer a text and do some stretches before continuing on my run. As I was kneeling down to fix my shoe laces a shadow fell over me. I quickly stood to find a large statured man standing over me. I tried pardoning myself and getting by this man as he grabbed my arm. Alarmed I tried yanking away and he pulled a gun on me. As I froze I could barely breath and I’m certain the color left my face.

Lured into a dark SUV with tinted windows I was shoved in the backseat. I was then blind folded and my wrists and ankles were bound. I was then given something to drink which knocked me out. The driver was already pulling out into traffic as I fought to keep from passing out.

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The whole time I was out they drug me into an old farm house where I was beaten, and fucked to near death. I was completely knocked out so had no recollection of what happened to me. I just know I was sore, bruised, bloody and my ass and cunt ached. I was in so much pain I wished they had killed me. My pussy and asshole were stretched ass gaping and filled with cum.

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When I came to I found myself in a large dirt hole, a shallow grave and started screaming. I was still bound and couldn’t move. I could barely talk or breathe and don’t know how I mustered up the ability to call out and eventually someone found me. Later I received a copy of the snuff porn that was made that day and I nearly orgasmed right then.

Clowning Around Town

accomplice phone sex clownDon’t you love taking a sweet and endearing symbol and twisting it into the most evil and sadistic thing you can imagine? Who doesn’t like clowns? Not many people. Sure there are a few that have a phobia but most younger people love clowns and thus the idea was born. We got a van. On the out side it looks like a regular clown van. It’s painted in fancy colors and even has a clown nose on the bumper. The inside is lined with sound proof panels and there is a divider behind the front seats for privacy.  This isn’t your average clown van. You won’t find one of these in the circus and my friend and I are not your every day clowns. This van is a mobile torture chamber. We have almost anything you would want to inflict pain upon another. We are not here to make you laugh and smile. Our goal is to make you cry and scream and beg for mercy. Screams that no one will ever hear. Mercy that you will never see. Unlike the clown mobiles in the circus where all the clowns pile in and then pile out. In our van once you come in, you will never get out. We are just clowning around town and introducing all the wee ones that are curious enough to get close to their nightmares. Won’t you join us? accomplice phone sex clown van