Tag: Snuff phone sex

A Sadist’s Home Movie

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We wanted to make a film, one that we could enjoy…and one that we could send to our next victims; we thought it’d be the perfect cruel joke. It was all set-up.

The little heathen was still screaming for her mommy; it would’ve been funny if I wasn’t growing tired of it. My accomplice was torturing the stupid, young pink ball of flesh while I was sharpening my saw. The girl’s mother was on my table, completely bound; and, I had made the good decision to gag her. She was crying, though, for her little spawn that was being stretched and carved like a Halloween pumpkin.

I dug the teeth of the saw into the woman’s flesh, just enough to imprint the edges; then, I pressed down, the faintest little trickle of blood falling down her forearm and wrist. She yelped with the gag in her mouth; I always enjoy those first few cuts while they are cognizant. It only slightly burned, but she knew that was only the beginning. I patiently sawed through tissue and bone above her right knee; it wouldn’t be a fatal wound and I didn’t want it to be. The sinew and corpuscles were completely visible as the dead leg hit the floor. She wasn’t thinking about her daughter anymore; isn’t it funny how our attention can change at the drop of a pin!

I was happy that the daughter had quit screaming; I looked once more and saw my accomplice shoving his cock into the hole where her small little nipple had been. Returning my attention to my victim, I sliced off her fingers, one by one, with the hedge trimmers. Then, I completed my tasks by removing her other limbs the same as I had done her right leg. She was a stub of a person, now. I untied her and threw her on the ground near the door. I taunted her, “Run, run. This is your chance.” I laughed as she continually fell and struggled.

Finally, when she had given up, I raised her by the hair and slashed her throat, making sure that the camera caught a close-up of her face. Yes, I would watch that over and over again later. The smell of death permeated the room; my accomplice and I were pleased with ourselves. We stuffed the bodies into a garbage can that we’d leave outside of the local daycare.

Cat and Mouse

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

Have you ever seen a mouse in a maze? They are actually pretty smart critters, eventually they find the cheese and than they can find it each time. But, add a cat and the fun begins.

She was running, screaming in the dark. Her adrenaline was pulsating, I could smell it. She ran off the main road and into the woods. Dumb bitch, she had no idea where she was running. She thought she could loose me in the dark of the trees, but I knew these woods better than the birds, especially in the dark. I had chased more than my fair share of prey through here, and they always, always took the same path. We ran together for a while, I always loose track of time during my nightly run. Sometimes it can feel like hours and other times only a mere second before they are breathless and bleeding.

I had her tomb ready for her at the end of the clearing, she would be resting there by morning.

Dragging my prey almost lifeless into the trunk of the car, the dock was always perfect to back the trunk into. I had put much care into the ramp that I back their tomb into, just enough so I could hear them scratch, perfect cigarette break, in my opinion.


Calling all Sadists

Sadistic phone sex2

Several guys have solicited my services who think that they are so tough but tuck their tails and run at either gore or sweetness. They mock my sugary, southern accent…but how do you think that I catch such ripe, young prey?! You are fools if you think you can come at people with a hatchet and slaughter many. No, I prefer to gather them up like a sweet flock and mutilate and torture them. You must have patience and the thirst for sadism.

People ask if I cum, and that’s stupid. Of course, I do. But it’s from sadistic torturing, blood, guts, revenge, and fucking the dead holes of some skank or mother.

I am tired of this silly little game that some people play. I want fun…relentless cruelty. And, if you cannot laugh in the face of a munchkin’s face getting clawed open by a shovel, don’t call me. If you can—and I do hope that you can—add to this, call me NOW. Let’s have some fun and let our wicked minds run rampant. Do you dare? I do…I double-dare you!

Abandoned Asylum

When my brother and I were young, we were sentenced to an asylum; our dumb parents thought that would help us… and it did but just not in the way they hoped. We learned new, better, more creative ways to harm ourselves and others.

We decided to re-visit our old haunt but we thought it’d be safer to go at night when it wasn’t as well staffed. They drug you at night; during the day is when you cause trouble. When we drove up, everything was dark and the building barely stood upright. Windows, walls, and doors were missing. We investigated the debris with our flashlights. There were toothbrushes by the sinks as if everyone had been unexpectedly interrupted in their routines.

It seemed like fire was the cause of the destruction. There was one place that we had to check for old time’s sake: a trap door in the floor. It creaked a little, then broke, as we removed the lid. When I shined my light down below, I saw a skeleton. My brother and I laughed because it had a name tag; and the only people who wore badges were nurses. We strained to read it: R-e-b-a. That was the head nurse!

We looked up at each other and instantly knew what had happened: no one knew about the trap door except patients, and that fire had been set on purpose, most likely to cover up dear old Reba’s death. We looked a little further and could see a few patients’ bracelets. “We finally revolted,” my brother said. I told him that it was a shame that we hadn’t been a part of that; but, we did our legacy…and that’s for another time. We walked out of the abandoned building and said, “Keep it tip-top,” which was Reba’s motto.

Mummy’s Revenge

Sadistic phone sex Jez2

I saw an advertisement on an online bulletin board that intrigued me; it was a college brat who wanted revenge against his pregnant girlfriend. I wasn’t sure if he was serious, but his anger sounded genuine and worth checking out. Sure enough, when we met at a coffee shop, he didn’t blink when he told me that he wanted his ex-girlfriend dead for cheating on him. I contrived a plan and he agreed.

We kidnapped that whore and tortured her, taking turns beating her with 2×4 planks of wood with nails that ripped her flesh. He struck her pussy with the sharp objects, laughing manically as she bled and cried in pain. She begged for her life, stupid bitch. We extracted each one of her teeth, her skull bleeding profusely. And, then he fucked her mouth with his hard cock while whispering that he was going to do the same to pink flesh inside of her. He was glad that he hadn’t gouged her eyes yet…because the look of horror was priceless.

I took the liberty of carving out her belly, flopping open the flesh and pulling the spawn out of her. She had several minutes to watch her ex-boyfriend spin it on his cock before bleeding out. Then, I told him that I wanted to mummify the spawn, fix it so that he could unwrap it and always fuck it whenever he wanted. I drained the blood and began the embalming process while he kicked around the corpse of his ex.

Today, I read in the paper that some stupid moron had jumped from a building; apparently, he had left a note that described his guilt and the horrid details of killing his ex alone. He was inconsolable, people said, because he learned that she was carrying his spawn. What a fuck-ton, I thought and laughed as a I finished my coffee. The paper didn’t mention anything about the mummified spawn; I guess he didn’t want to be remembered as a complete monster…what a douche-bag wimp!

Craving Sweet Young Flesh

Your wickedly evil and devious accomplice, Aria is ready for some sadistic fun and feeling those intense cravings come over my entire body. I share my thoughts and ideas with you and we plot another perfectly torturous session with some innocent and pure little piece of untouched flesh.

My heart pounds through my chest when we finally have her in our clutches and all those wicked, deliciously evil and violent fantasies are going to be played out right before our very eyes. I need all my senses satisfied with this little worthless fuck slut,

I want to hear her pathetic screams for mercy, see the terror and blood stream down her soft, smooth skin, touch her tiny virgin pussy and use it to our most nasty and sadistic purposes and taste her creamy, crimson and delicious blood.

I feed off of her terror and the look in her eyes as she realizes that she is never getting out of this, her fate is now sealed and she slowly gives in to her upcoming violent and extremely gory and bloody demise. My cunt throbs anticipating every move and step we take toward that erotic and intense craving I need to feed and satisfy and to purge myself of taking her life force from her and actually feel it dissipate before my very eyes.

We always have the most sensual and intense fuck session after an erotic fetish we fulfilled to the fullest…until the nest time.

blood for the chosen 1

That shit you’ve heard? It’s true. Sometimes I get a little low. And I never stay that for long . . . you see, I’m rarely ever sober. So when I’m without the effects of my beloved drink and drugs, I live in a perpetual state of wild rage. Anger boils in my heart when that little girl on the park swing looks over at me. I’m just conducting my business, goin’ about my fucking life, and I intercept a happy-go-fucky parade. Oh, just my pissing luck. I fucking hate society, the human race, and anyone with a tacky goddamn smile on their lying face, just begging me to rub it off with the heel of my combat boot. That’s how I was feeling when a little runt bumps into me and spills her snow cone all over my top. I couldn’t let it go, I just couldn’t. I had to slit her throat and watch the blood bubble up from her lungs like gurgling butterflies caught in the net of her esophagus. It was beautiful. I clung to her like a lifeline as I watched the inner strength fade away from her. She was draining her own memories, her own past, losing her future at my hands. My grasp…’round her neck. The blood on my hands was so red and vivid it made me do a double take. I couldn’t believe it. I needed more…so I took it. I lowered my head and began to drink. I licked it up like her fading life energy was my salvation. And when I dropped her motionless, wet body to the pavement below, I realized the ice of the snow cone was stained red, too. I didn’t know if it was the cherry flavoring or the blood I had spilled, but nevertheless, I’d smeared that white beyond repair…

Accomplice phone sex with the Mortician of Souls

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I got called in for an emergency; some old man had died and his wife demanded that he be embalmed and the funeral happen in 24-hours, which is not usual. I laughed and thought that the broad had probably gotten tired of his ass and killed him. Sure enough, when she showed up, she didn’t look like a widow: she had on a tight pink dress that showed her ample and fake cleavage. I overheard her talking about how her husband had left a note that all of this should take place A.S.A.P. because he didn’t want her to suffer through the loss longer than she had to. She had a dyke accompanying her, and I believe that was the real reason for the hurry.

I embalmed the stupid son-of-a-bitch; and, I caught a glimpse of why he died…poisoning. I wasn’t surprised, and I would have just let it go, but I thought of something better. I worked extra-hard and got him prepped in no time; then, I left but re-entered through the back. I had laced her sparkling water and waited for her to approve the body. She walked in and stood in horror; I had propped her deceased husband up, eyes open, and posed in a relaxed state. With the lighting, he looked like he was waiting on her. I jammed a cloth in her mouth before she started screaming; and, then, I laid her on my table. I told my boss that she had left and I returned to my victim, who was completely conscious now.

Happily I traced a pen around her breasts where I’m sure the incisions had been made for her breast augmentation. I carved out the flesh and then played with them in front of her, flicking the nipples. It was the best puppet show as the stupid bitch started to lose consciousness…but not before I slit her pretty little face and held a mirror up for her to see. Her last moments were looking at her own mutilated body and screaming; then, I took a picture of her holding a pair of scissors above her ripped torso. She had, after all, done this to herself! 

I put the breasts in the coffin, under the pillows of the old man; I thought he’d appreciate that gesture. Then, I buried the bitch in an animal graveyard. Poor thing left a note…that she had felt so sad about her husband’s death that she wouldn’t need any of the money and was disappearing to grieve; no one mentioned that the handwriting didn’t look like hers. Hahaha!

Part 2 Fantasy Fullfilled

Accomplice Phone sex with WIllow

Part 2

“I am going to fuck her mouth first.” You say to me.  She starts screaming but the gag over her mouth muffles the sound.  ‘Bite my dick bitch and I’ll make it even worse.” You tell her emphatically as you remove her gag.  She starts screaming you look at me and I back hand the bitch.  She bleeds and I laugh. You straddle her chest slap her face with you big mushroom headed cock.  You slam into her mouth at once. “Fuck yeah bitch take it, your nothing but a filthy whore and I am going to enjoy fucking each of your holes.” Then you begin to grunt with every thrust, grabbing the head board so you can really choke the little cunt.  Her mouth and tight throat feel good on your cock. You pull out enough so that she can give your cocks head the attention it so deserves. Then you climb down her body and feel her you pink pussy and find that she is wet.  A true slut like you wanted.  You don’t bother preparing her little snatch you just thrust your big veined covered cock into that tight little channel of hers.  She screams, begs you to stop. You tell me to sit on her face and make her be quite.  Fuck it is so hot to see you violate this little piece of ass. I straddle her face and make her work my pussy good. Now you have buried your cock in the little whore and as you fuck her wild. You slap my tits which makes me cum so hard.  You tell me good and kiss me violently knocking out teeth together while we dual each other with our tongue.  I smile and tell you not forget about her asshole. She tries to resist but you punch her in the gut. You tell me to untie her legs. Then you dangle her legs over your shoulders and tell me to spank the little whore until she is nice and red.  I get out the paddle and abuse her ass. You tell me enough. Then without any lube only her bloody pussy juice you slam that cocks straight up her rose bud ass hole.  She screams,”NOOOOO not there that hurts so much.”  I laugh at her and tell her, “Shut the fuck up you’re enjoying this!” Then you begin to fuck her as with such force it tears her and you can see the blood come from her ass. You pound her the little cum dumpster so hard the bad and her move back and forth.  “Yeah you slut bag whore take this cock take it up your asshole.” You pant heavily grunting and grinding into her asshole.   “I am going to cum.” You pull out of her ass and straddle her again she trashes around trying to get away from you. You force your cock in her throat and tell her, “Swallow all of my cum and clean this cock well.” You tell me to pinch her nose.  Now she can’t breathe and it excites you even more.  You fuck her mouth even harder then you yell, ”You stupid piece of shit whore swallow!!!” Then you cum in her mouth.  “Good girl”. You tell her and realize she wasn’t screaming or thrashing around in the bed.  She’s dead. You look at me and thank me for all I have done for you.   I tell you it was pleasure I hate stuck up snob bitches.  You leave and I take care of everything else.

Baby Cherries Bye-Bye

I love listening to babies scream! Have you ever broken a baby’s hymen? Well, it’s a lot of fun. I like to stick my fingers in their little diapers and feel around for those tiny cunny slits. When I find that wet baby hole, I make sure to peel apart those miniature pussy lips. So precious, tender, and fragile. So thrilling to fuck up! One of my drug dealers loves playing this game with me. He masturbates into a baby bottle and rubs his cock against the plastic container ’til his screwrod spills cum inside. Then I take the baby bottle filled with the guy’s spermy spud and bring it over to the house I’m babysitting at. When the younger brats are in bed, I spend a lot of time in the nursery. After all, such a small, defenseless baby can’t tell her mommy and daddy that I’m torturing her fuck holes. When the adults are away, the sitter will play! I doooo play. I shake that baby bottle full of adult man semen into that baby’s cunny hole and make sure to do it hard until she cries. I want to impregnate this little whining bitch some day. I know it’s hard to get young baby girls pregnant because they have to be ovulating, but it never hurts to try. Such a tiny little itty-bitty canal–I want to force my entire hand up there and split it apart someday.