Tag: Snuff phone sex

In Fear

accomplice phone sex layla (4)

I thought we were simply here to have a good time. My husband never took me anywhere so when he offered to take me to a water park I immediately agreed. I wanted to spend time together like we used to but this day was soon spoiled by his horrible fucking attitude and hair trigger temper. It all happened in the “Lazy River” when we saw a young boy floating past us looking for his mother. I could see all over his face how terrified he must be. Being so young and vulnerable out in the open by his self must be a mortifying experience. My heart went out to the boy! My husband was infuriated at the thought of me giving attention to something other than him. He crept up behind the boy’s floatie and ripped him off of it. I tried to look away as he pushed and held the pre-pubescent little boy under water. My husband had this sick look in his eyes like got whenever he beat me. That’s when I knew he was going to kill the youngin. I begged him to stop but according to that sociopath, “I gotta hear him say it. Let this little fucker beg for his life.” Before he could finish his sentence the water went still. I grabbed the boy trying to blow any air I had back into his little lungs. As my husband walked away I held the body of somebody’s lifeless little boy. I knew I had to move quick before somebody came and saw me holding this dead boy. I had no choice but to free him from my bosom and watch the weight of rigamortis bring him to the bottom of the wave pool. He died fearing for his life and I couldn’t even pity him. Mainly because I knew for certain now that when it was my time, that exactly how I will meet my death. In fear.

Prey at the water park

Cannibalism phone sex2

for Rick

My accomplice and I are lucky that we have very similar tastes in meals: the young, plump, and healthy ones. We decided to case out a parking lot of a local water park; I wanted a larger theme park (for more options), but my accomplice was quick to inform me that such a choice would come with dangers…most specifically, security cameras.

I wore a short coat with a hood that looked like I could have a bathing suit beneath it; and, he wore his normal attire because he would be staying near the van. It was dark, so I didn’t need my hood; but, covering more of my face made me look even younger. And here they were: a young couple of coeds having a quarrel. “Sir, my daddy needs car help,” I said in my little girl voice. I shuffled my legs like a teenager. And, of course, his female companion was sympathetic.

When we approached the van, my accomplice forced some chloroform to her mouth while I slit the man’s throat. We headed home while our little female captive was bound snugly behind the seats. I kept checking on her; I wanted to see her face when she opened her eyes and saw her dead companion with his neck barely hanging by a thread of skin to his body. And, it was exquisite; those large eyes, the tears…

I would discard the male’s body near a local bar after injecting heroin into his veins. Then, the female…she was going inside the house with us and straight to the kitchen. The spices were spread across the kitchen counter as my mentor handcuffed her hands to the metal rail on the table. I made slits in her flesh to place extra seasoning. The rosemary and red wine were added; and my accomplice placed stuffing in her ass. It was odd but nice how our victim had become dazed and compliant, almost as if she was having an out-of-body experience.

But when we placed her on the roaster, the bitch started screaming; he assured me that that the screaming would stop very soon…as soon as her lungs were filled with smoke. We saluted to our accomplishments and discussed how flavorful this one would taste. We traded compliments and began enjoying the lovely whiff from the kitchen. Mhmm…yes, it was one of the most exquisite dinners ever!

I Want You to Force Me to Watch

Snuff is an addiction. You are my fucking drug. I need you to take my life blood. I need you to crave me, and be hungry to taste my soft flesh.  I want to feel the sharpness of your blade cutting into my tits.  Cut out bite size pieces and we can eat them together. Make me devour myself for you. Feed me my own nipples and feed me my own clit.  Slice them off and make me chew them up and swallow them.

Take me to the edge of death by draining my blood out of my pussy. Take your spiked leather glove and fist my pussy. Punch the spikes up through my vagina and into my uterus, slicing and destroying my uterus. Make me the worthless piece of shit I am.  Keep thrusting your fist with the spikes deeper and deeper, until I can feel the spikes stinging the back of my throat. Your whole arm is inside me, blood everywhere, and your spiked fist sits in my chest ready to punch itself free.

Slice my eyelids off so that I have to watch. Then curl your arm so that your spiked fist comes straight out between my tits and tears me open in a shower of blood and screams. Then as my staring eyes start to fade, tell me I am your dirty little fucking whore. I need that to be the last thing I hear.

Belly of the Beast

Castration phone sex1

It was time for the annual meeting of freaks; and, when I say “freaks,” I mean people who jack-off to the idea of being devoured. My personal problem with it is that it’s all a theatrical production; no one is really eaten. Why can’t they just commit to being eaten by a cannibal. Anyway, this year’s theme was “In the belly of the snake.” A gigantic snake was created and the attendees were going to be able to be swallowed and digested by the monster; and, better yet, the attendees were supposed to dress as biblical figures. Now, this is the type of irony that I could appreciate.

I waited until mid-morning and set out to the studio; the crowd wouldn’t form yet until afternoon. But, there were a few stragglers; and all I had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity. They presented themselves fairly quickly: they were a young college couple. But, they were dressed as Jesus and Mary Magdalene; and, well, that was just too sweet to resist.

The admissions clerk took their money and then sat squarely behind a garbage can to finish smoking his rock. I snuck in easily; I had placed a couple of cameras in the large constructed snake and I could track their every move. Laughter and awe gave away to eroticism as they began to make their way down the intestines. By the time I reached them, they were mutually masturbating underneath their clothes and yelling, “Eat me. Yeah, monster, eat our deliciously sinful bodies.” I almost laughed.

Castration phone sex2

When I approached, I slid a blade quickly into the male and I told the female that he had, indeed, been eaten. Thinking that I was part of the production, she cried out to be eaten, too. She remained docile but excited as I tied her with rope and gave her some bullshit about being constricted in the snake’s belly. Then, she noticed that her companion hadn’t moved and there was a little bit of blood leaking beneath him. She began to scream; and I was a little glad that she was finally recognizing her dire situation.

I slit her belly open, carving out a large portion of flesh from her breasts to her torso. She bled out fairly quickly, but not before she saw me hack into her friend and place his decapitated head inside of her. And, as a last touch, I chopped off his cock and put it in her mouth. I staged them for the next visitors and pitied myself that I hadn’t brought some kind of manger and doll with me; but, I was proud of my work and took a quick photo.

Babysitter and the Man Upstairs

I started babysitting for this new family in the area a few weeks ago. Everything seemed to be going good. They had two little ones. They were adorable. I knew this would be easy money. Just get to sit around the house all day and watch them. Everything was going good. Until that one night. I had just put the brats to bed. I was downstairs in the living room sitting in front the T.V watching a good movie. My cell rang and it was an unknown number. I answered and it was the hot guy from school that I had a crush on. I couldn’t believe he was calling me, me of all people? I was so excited. We talked for a hour and then the house phone rang. I told him I’d have to get back up with him about that date. I answered the house phone and it just felt weird before anyone said anything on the other line. The hair on my arms and back of my neck stood up. It was a strange man with a raspy voice. He started asking me all these questions. At first I thought it was someone from school playing a joke so I went with it. I started to get freaked out so I hung up. Then he’d call back. Asking more personal questions. I had come to realize it wasn’t a joke. This was seriously a creepy man. The phone rang again, and he asks a question that made me feel like the air had been knocked out of me. He asked me when was the last time I’ve checked on the little ones and if I have been checking on them. Granted it had been a while, but what could they get into while they are sleeping. I’m so freaked out I call the police. They said they’d do their best to trace the call and call back and let me know.




With what seemed like hours, but really only minutes, the phone rang and I almost jumped out of my skin. They made my heart drop with the next few sentences that they said. They informed me that the call was coming from inside of the house. That I needed to get the little ones and get out as soon as possible. I froze and the phone fell from my hand. As I’m rounding the corner to head into the living room, I see red and blue lights flashing through the windows. I run to the front door and let them in and they come rushing in. I point them to the stairs and we’re all running up to the little ones room. Soon as we get into the door, my hair is standing up again. The same feeling I got when the stranger was on the phone. I look to the left and see a shadow of a man jumping out the window to the tree and down he went. One of the officers turned on the lights and what I saw I will never forget. It was too late, the little ones had been brutally murdered. There was blood every where. Written in blood on the wall above their beds was, “You’re mine”. Was he talking about me? I don’t even know this man. What did he want from me? I didn’t care if cops was all over the house. I had to get outside and get fresh air, and a smoke. I went to the dark side of the house so they wouldn’t see me smoking. I couldn’t seem to stop shaking and getting that brutal image out of my head. What did they go through? Did they feel any pain? I heard leaves and branches crackle behind me. As I turned to see, a hand came over my mouth and started dragging me into the shadows.




I was tied and blind folded with tape across my mouth. I was taken to a basement. I only realized this once my blindfold was gone. The man had an evil smirk on this face. I was thrown onto the bed and tied up. He stripped his clothes off and pushed my skirt up and pulled my panties to the side. I’ve been waiting for this he said. He rammed his hard cock roughly inside my cunt. I tried to scream out but he covered my mouth. He said I’d have plenty of time to scream later. Once he was done pounding my fuck box he got off and went to his phone. I could hardly hear what he was saying. I knew that he was talking to someone he was telling to come over and bring friends. I guess I must of passed out because I woke up to 4 men surrounding me. They were shoving foreign objects inside of me. I can’t describe the pain, anything they could their hands on. Rolling pin, cucumber, their fist. I was being stretched more then I could take, I was fading in and out. Screaming and crying. I was fucked in all my holes, over and over again. That was a few weeks ago. I managed to escape when he got drunk and forgot to tie me back up. I didn’t fight it when he fucked me. I made sure it was what he wanted and tired his drunk ass out. I ran as fast as I could. Naked, scared and alone. Bruised, broken and in pain. I don’t go outside anymore. I don’t look out my window. I wont even babysit. I still to this day have not seen or talked to the little ones family. I haven’t even used my phone. I am scared of my own shadow and I can’t forget what all those men have done to me. They still haven’t been caught.

The Devils Tramping Ground


torture phonesex karmaSome say it’s an Urban Legend, others swear it is the real deal. Either way I am about to find out for myself. I am on my way to North Carolina and a little place called The Devils Tramping Ground. I have read all about it and it is perfect for a camping vacation. So I am packing up my camping gear and headed out to a little patch of woods in a forest close to Bennett, North Carolina. Where there is a 40 foot circle of land that is barren. Nothing grows there at all. It is said that animal carcasses are found all around the out side of the circle and have been sacrificed to the Devil. It is also said that if something is put inside the circle, the next day it is found outside the circle. But the reason I am going is that it is said that if you dare spend the night within the circle, you will see the Devil as he patrols and protects his plot of land. That men who have stayed the night there have been committed to mental institutions, unable to live with the terror of what they have seen in the dark of the night with in the circle. It drives sane men mad with insanity. It is the perfect vacation for me and my evil cunt is dripping with desire to be there and spend not one night but the whole weekend camping right there in the middle of that circle with the devil himself in all his dark and evil glory! As for the fear of being driven mad…..well loves, I am already very much insane and I like it that way!torture phonesex devil

Teenage Hide

Torture phone sex

I was visiting a friend who has his own farm of sorts; he keeps a cage of young girls for his sexual pleasure…usually three at a time. But, the ones that he had were getting a little too old and starting to menstruate. We were having a beer and fantasizing about what to do with them. I told him that we should round them up like the cattle they were; he was so intrigued with the idea that he got up and began setting the plan in motion. He came back from the shed with two cattle prods and explained how to use them: clench the handle to ignite the iron at the end. At sunset, he rolled the cages out into a small gated area and released the girls. They ran in the dark, falling down on each other, as we laughed at their pathetic attempts to change their fate. One even tried to crawl over the fence but she was too weak and collapsed, spraining her ankle. We joined in the fun, poking them with the prods; I caught one in the buttock and held it for long enough to sear her flesh. I got tired of hearing the one girl with a sprained ankle sobbing; so, I took the prod and jammed it into her throat. Blood spurted everywhere, but she was finally quiet. I kept ramming the metal tip into her body and watching the coal-like tip of the prod gleam. I looked over at my friend who was sadistically laughing as he jammed the prod inside the girl’s pussy, blood dripping down her legs. His hand was around her throat while he kept the other girl on the ground by pressing his boot to her throat while she watched her friend. “That’s what you get for growing up, you stupid heifer!” he grunted at her and sent the last thrust that killed the bitch. As one last hurrah, he made the last girl suck his cock; I noticed that she had her teeth removed and he explained he hated to be bitten anywhere. Then, I had the pleasure of beating the girl while she gummed and sucked his dick; she was probably thinking she would survive if she did a good job. What an idiot! I put down the prod and chose a nearby whip. I lashed at her back and buttocks; I loved watching her wince as she tried to maintain sucking my friend’s cock. When he shot his load all over her face, he pulled her up by the hair and slit her throat. We dumped their bodies in the creek because we thought it was fitting, confident that the wildlife would finish the job we had started; but we took a few pieces of their hide to make into blankets.

Silly Cunt

taboo phone sex layla (1)

I made the mistake of addressing my new master by his real name the other day. I didn’t mean to but when he had me tied down and was spanking me it just slipped out. I know that I’m a stupid coon and nobody likes me so for me to even be that foolish was unacceptable. Master punished me by making me take my long French tips and dig them deep into my big nipples. He watched me squirm and ordered me to go harder when he didn’t see any blood. My nails dug deeper and deeper until I heard my skin break and begin to leak. Blood flowed down my stomach as I began to cry. “That’s right nigger” he said in approval. The worst was soon to come when he made me humiliate myself over and over again with slaps to the face. I had to bear slap after slap as each hit burned my cheek more than the last. He made me slap myself and say, “I’m a stupid nigger and nobody likes me”. I started to sob from the pain and master loved the sound of a crying bitch in pain and that’s what made me do everything he told me to do. I fear that if I say no he will do it himself and I will have absolutely no control over the situation. He vigorously rubbed my twat that wastaboo phone sex layla (2) pooled with a mixture of wetness and blood. It felt so good but I had already fucked up once and didn’t want to cum before master allowed me. I held back my orgasm and screamed from the pain and the pleasure. Master always cums first and it excited me when he blew his load up my nose and made me choke on it. In the back of my mind all I could think about was being able to cum but first I had to stop coughing. It shot up my nose then down my throat giving me the weirdest feeling. I couldn’t get his sticky load out of my nose fast enough. After catching my breath he demanded his nigger to make herself cum. I rubbed my clit as fast and as hard as I could. My life sucked in every aspect I needed to escape even if it was for only ten seconds. That’s when it hit me.. a wave of pleasure washed over me and I enjoyed being swept away with pleasure. Only a stupid black cunt like myself would think I would be given the time to enjoy that moment. I was snapped out of it with a hard slap to the face. “Clean yourself up bitch” master said leaving me there a bloody mess.

taboo phone sex layla (3)

Blood Whore Seeks Cunt to Fuck

Accomplice phone sex

People often ask me if I get horny; and, yes, I fucking do. But, it’s especially difficult to find lovers that meet my standards. But, someone has recently caught my attention: her name is Natasha. She’s got a foul mouth and a smart-ass attitude; she actually reminds me a little of myself. But, how to snare her for my own pleasure? Luckily, the opportunity presented itself after a little bit of stalking. I noticed that she had a contentious relationship with the waitress of a diner that she frequented in the evening; and, this time, she was alone. I wondered what exactly she had planned; but, I laughed at myself…of course, she was up to something devious. She was watching the waitress with as much interest as I was gauging her reactions; her long luscious limbs were only overshadowed by those plump lips and dark eyes. I loved the shape of her thighs, and I could easily imagine them locked around my neck.

I slipped, maybe it was on purpose; but, I stared at her for too long without looking away and she caught me. She analyzed me from my black leather boots to my porcelain cheekbones several times; and, when our eyes met, she had a smile on those lovely lips of hers. If the darkness wasn’t so deep within her or she wasn’t so damn perfect, I know that I would have killed her. But, no, I wanted to enjoy her and maybe even wreck havoc with her. My cunt ached as I thought about dismembering that waitress for her and then her thanking me with passionate kisses. As my pussy quivered, she approached me. She was silent, but we didn’t need words; when she did open her mouth, she said, “What do you think about her?” A nod to the waitress only confirmed everything that I already thought. I told her that the diner would be closing soon and she would leave early, leaving the cleaning to the boy in the back. She smiled; now, she knew that I was privy to the routines in the diner, too.

Accomplice sex Natasha
We struck up a conversation with the waitress, which was easy enough; and, then, Natasha asked her if she’d like to smoke some rock. Natasha flashed the drugs in a baggy that was in her pocket. The waitress’s habit had slipped my attention, but not Natasha’s; I was beginning to admire her for more than her looks and smart mouth. Natasha flashed an evil grin at me as we left and went to a nearby empty warehouse. We used twine to bind the waitress and then took turns slicing her; we fed off of each other’s lust for blood. While I was admiring our cuts and the indentions of the twine that had almost cut off her wrist,

Natasha pushed her warm body next to mine. “You want my pussy, don’t you, you blood whore?” She didn’t need an answer because I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her, her tongue soft and as wet as I imagined both of our pussies were. We tore off each other’s clothes and tossed them away from the bloody scene and then rolled in the dumb cunt’s blood as we fucked each other senseless. Her pussy juices coated my fingers and lips and mixed with my own; the stench of blood and our cum mingled in the air and fueled our desire. I pumped her pussy, wanting her smell to stay on my fingers all day long and wanting to hurt her…just a little. Then, we both struggled to stand, our bodies weary from sex and the killing; I watched her ass as she walked away with extra gusto because she knew I was watching. I licked my knuckles and knew that I wouldn’t mind seeing that little vixen again.

Accomplice phone sex waitress

Fucking Cunt!

snuff phone sex with Storm 1That fucking Cunt has GONE to FAR! I have put up with this little bitch that lives down the street. I don’t like to fuck around close to my house. I mean, I don’t want any shit tracking back to me. But this little whore has to be fucking put in her place. She thinks she is so fucking cute. She keeps sending people to my door. Signing me up for church shit. Today some Jehovah’s Witnesses showed up. They told me they were ASKED to come to my house by my neighbor. She had signed me up for CLASSES! WTF!!! I told them to get the fuck off my property. And then I marched right down to her house. The Bitch laughed at me! She thought is was so funny. Actually she had a gaggle of fucking friends with her all laughing. I let her have her laugh. And just smiled when the next group of Jehovah’s Witnesses showed up. Fuck em. I waited and watched. When all her fucking friends finally left. And the house was Dark. I made my way over there. I looked around knowing this stupid bitch would have a key hidden outside. And I was right. I let myself in. She was sleeping like a baby. She didn’t even wake up when I covered her mouth with a chloroform rag. She did wake up the next morning. Chained in my basement. She was screaming for hours. But I don’t give a fuck. The room is sound prof. When I came in the room her look of fear turned to terror. She started begging. Saying she was sorry. Saying she would NEVER tell anyone. I told her since she was SO interested in my religion I was going to show her! I pulled out a metal cross and dangled it about a flame. I held it there until it was red. Then I laid it on her chest. And listened to her scream as her flesh started burning. I could smell her skin cooking. She was hysterical. I pulled out my cattle branderSnuff phone sex with Storm 3. And started a fire in the fireplace. I let her watch as I heated it up. The hotter it got the louder she screamed. And then I started burn her. EVERYWHERE! Her face, her neck, those perfect perky nipples, then her nasty little CUNT! Ha ha ha. I loved smelling her skins crisping up. She passed out a few times. But I manged to wake her back up. I kept reminding her that she wanted to play. She started this game. And I am just finishing it! I laughed the whole time. I mean damn… Did she really think she could out play me??? I finished her off with an acid bath. And left her there to dissolve. Just like all my problems with my neighbors.

Snuff phone sex with Storm 2