Tag: Snuff phone sex

The Last Ride

snuff phone sexI left the party early, so pissed at my boyfriend. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught him cheating, but it would be the last. I’d discovered him fucking a skinny redhead with no tits behind the barn at the cook-out. Listening to his moans as he fucked her from behind still rang in my ears as I took off down the road.
I ran for half a mile before I slowed down. My breath was coming in gasps and wheezes. I had left my damn inhaler in that jerk’s car along with my phone. There was no way I was accepting an apology tonight. I saw headlights coming and I prayed it was a kind soul who would take me home, and not some perv from the party sent to retrieve me.
The sexy Corvette pulled up beside me. I heard a sexy drawl say, “Hey sweetheart. You need a ride?’ I looked inside and there was this dark and handsome man. He was well dressed and seemed well off. Surely, it would be safe to ride with him. “Yes, please, sir.” I whispered, my asthma still making me breathless. I eased into the luxury car.
We had gone several miles when he spoke. “Have you learned your lesson, Chelsea?” I was shocked. How did he know my name? “What do you mean, sir?” I stuttered. “Poor girl.” he laughed. We drove some more and suddenly, POOF, I was standing on the shoulder again.
I walked for a while wishing I had my phone. It was dark and creepy and the moon was full. I saw headlights. A car pulled over and an old man offered me a ride. He looked harmless. I jumped in without a second thought. I wasn’t paying much attention to the grandfatherly driver as I pondered my evening.
Suddenly, he veered off the road unto a dark path. The canopy of trees made a perfect tunnel and even the moonlight was gone. He stopped and turned to me. “Take off your clothes, little girl.” I shook my head and his fist shot out, busting me in the mouth. He had his cock out already and it looked huge and menacing in the darkness. He came around to the passenger door and pulled me out into the damp night. I felt his claws grab my arm, twisting as he spun me around and threw me face down on the car hood. I fought back, kicking and biting, but he just pounded my head into the hood of the ancient car.
I felt him fumbling to penetrate me and I felt his giant cock sink home. I screamed as I was not wet and he tore my flesh. He pulled out and scooped some of the blood from my busted head onto his cock to lube it. Then he rammed back into me again, grunting, and ranting about pretty girls using men.
The more I struggled, the harder he fucked my little girl pussy. I could hear him growling and I knew he was ready to dump a load of nasty old man cum into my pussy. At that moment I saw movement in the woods. Dead people. There were fucking zombies in there. His zombies. His way to dispose of the evidence. They surrounded me as he cut off one of my tits and tossed it to them. They fell on it like rabid dogs. I was screaming as they surrounded me and began to tear me apart alive. “Eat my pussy” has never been so literal.
Right before my last breath, the Corvette man’s face came into view. “You didn’t learn your lesson, Chelsea. Never accept a ride from an old man with an innocent face. They are the evil ones. Don’t you watch the horror movies? Poor girl. Now, you’ll never get home.”
The world went back as his face faded from my vision.
Coming Soon…. Part II: I come back to seek revenge and haunt my cheating boyfriend. Can anyone say “dead fuck?” (evil laughs)

Souls Cry out within the Bloody Room

snuff phone sexAlone in the bloody room with closed eyes.
Afraid to look ahead,
Afraid to look behind.
I fear that death has come for me.
My end is near.
No one hears my pleas.
So I lie here waiting, my breath abating.
My heart still beating.
Splattered in red,
that comes from me.
Evil is here.
It won’t let me be.
The knife twists deeper
and still I bleed.
And into my cunt,
he pumps his seed.
I pray to heaven
that I die tonight.
That my end is quick
and the light is bright.
Cause alone in the dark is no place to die.
Left here to rot
until my bones are dry.
Evil is near.
Her name is Natasha.
If she catches you,
the devil has gotcha.
Run for your life,
girls and boys.
Cause you are nothing to her
But pretty fuck-toys.

Stairway to Hell

snuff phone sex I smiled to myself as I climbed the stairs. No one had lived here for so many years. The locals all believed it was haunted. They had no idea of the real horror here. This was where I brought my victims.
The stairs were rickety but still stable. They gave off this delicious creak that terrified the girls I kept trapped upstairs. When they heard the creak, they knew that hell had cracked open and released me, and that I was coming to inflict pain and torture upon them. Even now I heard one of them moaning as she heard me ascend the stairs.
It was time for the oldest one to die and she knew it. She wailed as I uncuffed her from the wall. Her parents believed she had run off with a drug dealer many years ago. But all along she had been here, amusing me with her pitiful squeals and begging to go home. Her back was criss-crossed with scars, one eye was gone, and her pussy showed the mutilation that I loved to inflict.
“Today is your day, sweetie. Time to go.” I purred. “Home.” she whispered through parched lips. “No, honey. Today you get to die.” I laughed. I unchained her and took her by the hand. She panicked and fought. I wasn’t ready for that reaction. She kicked me hard and ran.
“You’ll never escape.” I screamed. I heard her feet hit the stairs as she ran like a panicked doe. Then I heard the sound of her falling. Yes, the stairs got them every time. They were alive and needed fed, too. As she hit the bottom and her head cracked open, I heard the stairs sigh as they sucked in the lifeblood pouring upon the floor. They became shiny and new again, their polished hardwood shining, the rotted runners brightly carpeted. I stroked the banister and heard the stairs answer in a creaking melody.
It was time for a new victim. I had one picked out already. The daughter of the town whore whom no body would miss. She was a beauty and I hated her already. Oh, the things I had planned for her. Maybe my Master would join us this time. He loved to fuck the new ones. And the dying ones and the already dead. He didn’t discriminate.
And when I brought them through that front door, the stairs would transform once again, to become the nightmare from which no victim would escape. And they would be waiting, for a taste of the blood.
Please let me be your accomplice as we finish this sinister story. There is so much pain that needs to be shared and so many victims who deserve to die. Let us ascend the Stairs of Doom and finish the work that I’ve started.

Blood Rave

I had found myself on a Euro trip overseas with a few friends. It was amazing. Though we were still in our teens, we were considered old enough to drink and party over there. And party we did. We were hitchhiking our way through Germany when we got ourselves an invite to the craziest party around. They call it The Blood Bath.

We were all down for something different. The place was some old factory building. It looked run down on the outside, but inside it was a huge tiled room with a raised platform where the DJ stood. The music was pumping and we found ourselves caught up in the crowd.
It was a while later that things got weird. I started feeling something warm and wet falling on me and when I looked arm my arm.. there were red dots on it. At first my mind tried to make sense of it… they wouldn’t use real blood would they? But looking up I saw them in the flashing and pulsing lights. They had people hung upside down over the dance floor and others that were walking around slitting throats. This was real human blood! I tried to scream but my voice was lost in the loud music. Then I felt someone grab me.. A hand over my mouth with a cloth that smelled funny. I was making me feel dizzy as I was dragged away into darkness.. Was I going to be put up there too?Snuff phone sex

Worth Every Penny

You’re finally here and I am finally ready for you to get what you paid for. I watched you buy me from that scummy guy in the basement of that shithole. Now I am in your mansion and you gave me pretty things to wear and allowed me to shower and smell sweet for you. I lucked out – you are handsome and have a certain dark charm about you. I know I will not live through the night, but if I am going to be snuffed then I am glad it will be by a man like you.

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You enjoy toying with my body and using small blades and needles to cause pain and bright red blood to drain from my nipples. You lick it off and then kiss me so that I can taste the sweetness that pumps through my veins. The pain is what I crave and you are delighted that you finally bought a girl who enjoys it. You keep telling me that I am going to die, and I just smile and say nothing. You appreciate me showing no fear.

You fuck my body slow and hard as you continue to slice my torso and arms. You do everything with exact movements and the designs of cuts look gorgeous on my tiny body. You lean down to cover yourself in my blood and it looks so gorgeous on your strong chest. I reach up and touch it with my bloody hands, leaving my prints dragging down your stomach. As you cum deep inside my tight pussy, I know the time has come for me to say goodbye. You place the blade next to my right ear and pull it to my left. I feel myself getting cold and the vision of your piercing eyes begins to fade. I hope I was worth every penny.

Mistress of Darkness

snuff phone sexRain was pouring down the night I made my first kill. My lover had fed me drugs and shots of whiskey and I was feeling no pain. Even in my fucked-up state I knew I had to obey him or my punishment would be without mercy.
Looking for my prey brought out my seductive side. I would sidle up to men, brushing them innocently with my huge 36FFF tits. The more attention they gave me, the more my pussy would twitch. I had no interest in having sex with them though. It was just a game to get them to take me home. Once we got there, it would all change.
My current Master was waiting there for me. If I complied and brought a victim home, he would reward me with a shot of liquid paradise, right into my vein. I was addicted to it. It made my inhibitions melt and brought out my animal side. I became a huntress, ready for the smell of blood.
My catch tonight was a skinny young drifter. After a few drinks and the promise of a sexual marathon, he was ready to follow me anywhere. He barely made it through the door before the Master was upon him. I heard him gasp once as he realized his mistake.
The Master hit him hard. He tumbled once and we were both upon him. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do. I tied his hands together and left him facedown on the floor. I took a long , sharp blade and sat down at his head. Master knelt behind him, ripping off his clothes, revealing a firm, round ass. His eyes sparkled with joy as he pulled out his cock. It was then my job to grease it and guide it against the puckered ass-pussy of my victim. I heard the drifter scream as Master rammed him hard. I pulled the drifter’s face against my pussy so I could feel his pain and the vibrations of his cries. It seemed to go on forever as Master violated his young ass, tearing it like raw meat. Finally, he reached his climax, filling the damaged fuck hole with cream. I screamed to the devils in hell.
I flipped him over. He babbled incoherently as I raised my stiletto over his scrotum and popped his nutsac like meat balloons. His scream was cut short when Master cut his throat. Afterward, Master would give me another dose and we’d fuck in the blood of our victim.
Tomorrow, I may be dead at his hands (or yours) but tonight I will just bask in the glory of the kill.

Snuff Porn Japanese Style via Sadistic Bitch Brayden

Snuff Porn JapaneseKonnichiwa Bitches.  Variety is the spice of life or some shit right?  Never let it be said that I’m not an equal opportunity Snuff Bitch.  I found this cute little Japanese bitch that truly inspired me for a new hunt.  She was a waitress at a Sushi Bar I went to.  Typical Japanese woman.  Super demure, appropriate garments, pale skin, olive eyes.  She bowed to me after she brought my order and I knew right then, I had to have her.  As I stalked her with my eyes, I noticed a Samurai sword hanging up above the bar.  I smiled as I waved her over and asked her oh so innocently, if it was real or not?  She suppressed a blush and nodded vigorously that her father had brought it over from the old country.  I do love toying with my food and asking my prey about the weapon of her soon to be demise amused the fuck out of me.  I payed my bill and easily made my way back to the ladies room to hide out until close.  Slapping an out of order sign on the stall and locking it did the trick while I waited for the fun to come. 

As I suspected, a submissive little bitch like that was indeed the one closing.  Unfortunately for her, she was doing it alone…. well not quite alone but I knew I would not be providing her with any comfort.  When I heard her move to the kitchen I slipped out and grabbed the sword from behind the counter and made my way back to her.  She was busy drying dishes and never heard me slip up behind her.  I raised the sword to her throat and she froze.  I told the slant eyed bitch to turn around and look at me.  She looked so scared it made my cunt gush in excitement.  I had to see the rest of her.  I used the sword to cut away her clothes.  She had tiny little tits and a small body.  I was surprised someone so young was allowed to work but shrugs… all the better for me!  I made her get on her knees and sit back for me while I set up my phone to record my handiwork.  I knew making a  Snuff Porn Japanese flick starring this unfortunate bitch would be very popular!  

She cried and begged in Japanese.  I smiled back at her as I tied her hands above her head onto the pot rack.  I walked behind her, now naked with noting but the torn fragments of her kimono on.  I brought the sword up to her neck, looked directly into the camera and nodded my head in a mock bow as I sliced the bitches throat wide open.  Her warm blood gushed out and down her body in a crimson waterfall of sadistic beauty.

I guess I really didn’t need to leave her a tip huh?  Sayonara Bitch.

Bloody phone sex

Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese?

Cannibalism phone sexThe heat in the room was stifling, but it was only hints to what was so come. I was watching him at work, the master chef. He was at home in this room. Upon the large cutting board table lay a lovely little asian teen. Her skin was fair, her body small and her face pretty. She’d been hog tied and the man was slowly picking through his spice rack and fresh herbs. His strong thin hands seemed to caress over the dried spices, as if waiting for the right ones to cry out to him. “Let’s see here..” he said softly, mostly to himself I think. “Garlic, Onion, and a touch of Ginger… Ginger is perfect when making something Oriental.” He glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled. I noticed him pulling out a bottle of soy sauce and some rice vinegar. Turning back to the girl, he poured a little soy sauce onto her legs and ass, then gently he started rubbing it into her skin. “We must work the flavors into the flesh and that will help you taste so much sweeter my dear.” he cooed almost lovingly to her. “And once I have you all roasted, you make for some amazing stir-fry.” he liked one of his fingers before pour on more soy sauce, then a few drops of rice vinegar and then he started sprinkling on coats of the dried herbs with a touch of brown sugar.

Stepping back, he admired her for a moment. The cute girl now smothered and primed with flavors. Pulling on a rope beside the table, she was hauled up off the table. I could hear her crying. Big heavy sobs that were stopped by the orange that was forced into her mouth. He slowly tipped her so her face was aimed at the ground and my eyes widened as he slipped another full bottle of soy sauce right into her pussy. I swallowed hard as you could see the slight movement in the glass bottle as its contents were being emptied into her. As it drained, he was moving her towards what looked like a huge pressure cooker. He gently lowered her in and before she vanished inside of it, he reached in and pulled the now empty bottle out. “Sweet dreams dear.” he said before releasing the chains that bound her from the ropes he was using to move her. His smile grew as he lowered the lid and sealed it tight. “Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese…” he whispered as he set the temperature and the timer.

Then he turned and his eyes were on me. “Now you lovely thing, you are not Chinese… No. You are full blooded American! You know what that means? Barbeque.” He licked his lips as he looked me up and down from where I hung from the ceiling. My hands and ankles bound in chains. He had an apple shoved so hard into my mouth it hurt to try and bite down on it. As he moved to me, he grabbed up a bowl from the table. In it was nothing but warmed butter and a little salt. Dripping a hand in, he reached out and started rubbing it onto my skin. So warm and slick, I tried not to moan as he gripped and squeezed my large tits but I couldn’t stop. “Such a fine piece of meat you are..” he murmured as he grabbed more and kept working it all over me. Once I was all buttered, he went back to his herbs and spices table, mixing up a batch of homemade barbeque sauce. He was so focused on his task, pouring in the tomato sauce, a bit of water, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, some pepper, ground mustard and lemon juice. He was about to add the Worcestershire sauce when I started yelling and shaking my head. He looked my way and frowned as it was clear I was trying to say something.  

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Coming over to me, he pulled the apple out with a sudden jerk. I gasped and groaned as I moved my sore jaw. “Tabasco..” I moaned out. His brows came together.

“What?” he asked.

“Tabasco sauce… If you’re going to barbecue me I won’t have it done with such a weak sauce. It’s gotta have a kick to it.. Like me.” I said. I know it was stupid to help him, but damn it if I was going to be cooked and eaten, then I better well be cooked just right.

A smile started tugging at the corners of his lips, like my request was not what he was expecting. But he shoved the apple back in and turned away.

“Fine, Tabasco it is.” He went back to finishing it up. IT was almost a hypnotic process when he came to me and started brushing on the sticky sauce. I knew what was coming and I was afraid, my heart started pounding in my chest as he started moving me. I could feel the heat rising and then I was being lowered. The first contact I had with the hot grill was blinding white pain and then more as I was fully laid out over the hot coals. The pain was making me pass out, but the last thought I had was, Damn… I smell yummy…

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Skull Fuck

The room was dim, lit only by a single lantern light. I don’t recall just how long i’ve been trapped here but it’s starting to blend all together. Dirty and naked I was chained to a large stone block. The man in the room with me was eyeing me up and down. They had already violated me everywhere.. just what was he looking for? What more could they do to me? That’s where I was wrong. The man looked me in the eyes and put on a wicked grin. Coming towards me, he started stroking my face and making me move to my knees. I thought I was merely going to have to suck his cock. He pulled out his rock hard dick and started rubbing it over my face. Then he had me look up at him and before I could react, he shoved his cock right into my eye. The pain was unbelievable as he thrust his meat drill into my eye socket and pushed all the way in. Blood was pouring down my face as I screamed and screamed, he fucked my skull until I could no longer speak. I swear I could feel him shoving into gray matter and when he finally came, he let his cum fill my head. Blood, semen and more leaking out from the hole he’d made. I don’t know how I was still alive.. but I no longer had any control of my body.. Nothing was working right anymore. I was trapped in a living hell. Please some one.. end my life.. Mutilation phone sex

gangbang rape porn

gangbang rape pornThe other day I came home from school and was alone all day and night. I kept getting strange feelings that someone was watching me. I was in the kitchen making dinner when all of the sudden I heard my front door open. I quickly grabbed a kitchen knife and went to see who it was. There were five men all dressed in black just staring at me. I grabbed the knife thinking I was going to protect myself, but that easily went away when I froze in fear. They knew the knife in my hand was all a bluff as well. They approached me and no matter how much noise I made, it only made them happier. My clothes were ripped to shreds as they took turns pounding my pussy. I was sprawled out on my kitchen floor trying to get them off. Nothing seemed to work. I regret having the knife once in my hand, because it only turned into a fun torture tool for them. I was counting the seconds until they stopped. I woke up from being passed out. I am bloody and sore, I wonder why they left my alive, maybe they are not done with me?