I would like to ask you all something. If you could snuff someone in anyway you would want and you know you would completely get away with it … How would you do it. I actually really want to know, even if we never have spoken before email me, or comment on it. You of course do not have to use your real name. I want you to feel free to just get it out there without any sort of repercussions.
Mine would be the following: Janice D., a stupid cunt from my school days. I really hated her, but I loved her body. She was a bitch, but a hot bitch. Now you might be thinking she was popular, one of those “mean girls”, but nope. She wasn’t popular at all. She was just always on the rag or something. Not once do I recall seeing her smile, or laughing. She would just mope around, and if someone tried to talk to her she would just ignore them then look at them like they weren’t even there. Pretty fucking rude if you ask me.
Maybe she was having problems at home, who the hell knows, and who the hell cares. Maybe her Daddy was sticking Legos up her pussy for punishment, or her Mom was feeding her shit sandwiches. I didn’t really care for the why, but anyone that miserable doesn’t deserve to breath. They are just taking up space, breathing precious oxygen, and just being an eyesore.
I would take her to a fun house (I have a thing for fun houses, have since I was super young). One that was in operation. I would tie that cunt up just like she was about to be drawn and quartered. I would make sure the ropes were so tight that they dislocated the hips and shoulders before they were tied off. Just to get the screaming going. Before doing all that, I would have paid a shit ton of homeless tweekers to show up throughout the night. Then right there, under those flashing strobe lights, and clacking of the cars she would be fucked over and over. I would be on the side dripping acid on her tits while she is continually violated.
Then after the fucking was done, I would get between her legs and splash that acid all over that freshly fucked pussy of hers. I can almost see the smoke and hear the slight sizzle as it eats into her skin. Right before I left, I would dump the rest of it down her throat then just leave her there for the people who ran the ride to find. Yeah I have thought about this a lot, why do you ask? lol
Now, it’s your turn. I look forward to hearing about all the delicious details.