Tag: Snuff phone sex

Halloween Gang Rape

Snuff Phone Sex

When I got the invitation to the Halloween Party, I was so excited. It was a lingerie costume party and I had a beautiful red and black corset I could not wait to show off. I had my makeup done to cover the bruises Master left during our last encounter. I felt so pretty and finally felt sophisticated, classy. When I arrived to the party location, there were a ton of cars there. This is going to be so great! I walked in the back door, like the invitation said, and I was greeted by 35 men wearing face masks and nothing else. As soon as I walked in the room, I heard the door lock behind me and felt a huge knife to my throat. I was pulled by my hair to the middle of the room where a bed was. I was pushed down on my back on to the bed. What’s happening? Did Master trick me? Master appeared from behind me, he was the one holding the knife to my throat. He used the knife and cut all the way down the front of my beautiful corset, ruining it and peeling it off of my body. I was then fucked violently by each and every single of the 36 men, including my Master, who of course got a piece of me after I was filled with stranger’s cum – His favorite.


Happy Hunt-o-ween

Snuff phone sex

Man oh man if I could actually go hunting with any of these amazing miscreants I would be so fucking happy.  You and I, together, telling them what to do and who to do it to.  We could have a whole god damn slaughter farm, and when is the best time for bringing lambs to slaughter? Halloween.  Those little fuckers are running around and they are easy pickings.  Parents get distracted, pushing strollers, or talking to other adults, and the next thing you know their little shit is long gone.  Only to be seen again when they are dug up from a shallow grave.

I can just see it.  You and I, walking hand in hand between the stalls we have set up for the night.  Listening to the bones crunching, the screaming, the hyperventilating, the begging, and just seeing the fear on all their little faces.  So many implements of pain would be used, we could just fuck in every single stall as we watch.  How fucking hot would that be??? Oh it would be amazingly hot! 

Hell, we could even join in.  Make our own marks on those little fuck toys.  Me spreading open those legs, or ass cheeks, you dipping your cock in blood to make it slick, then feeling them shudder as  you fuck them until they either pass out, or you split them in half with your massive dick.  I would be smiling the whole time, for me it would be fucking romantic!

Here is hoping your Halloween turns into a wonderful night for hunting the treats that you desire.  If you happen to actually capture the prey you always wanted, makes sure you let me know so I can share in your joy and revel in their pain. 

Happy Hunt-o-ween from your favorite fucked in the head bitch goddess, Indigo. 

Not Going Anywhere

Snuff phone sex


Aww.  She thought we were going to let her go.  She is so cute yet so fucking stupid.  Those big eyes, with big tears, asking for her Mommy.  Poor little thing.  So trusting, so young and so ready to leave.  We did tell her if that if she was a good girl and did every thing we asked that we would let her go.  You knew we were lying, I knew we were lying, but she actually thought we were telling the truth.  Ooops.

All those pretty purple, yellow and red spots marking her skin.  The huge bruise on her cheek, her split lip, her torn up cunt, she withstood it all just because of hope.  It is amazing what one can go through if you only have that one single thing.  She must of been imaging being in her Mommy’s arms, safe and warm.  She clung to that imagine, and she lasted.

Now she is standing by the door, waiting to leave.  Should you tell her, or should I? Better yet, why don’t we pretend to call her Dear Dear Mommy, you hand her the phone, and I will be on the other end.  I want you to watch her face as I tell her that she can’t come home because I didn’t love her anymore, that I never wanted her, she had been a mistake and her Daddy and I are so much more happier without her.  I bet she cries again.  Then we will start the whole process over again, but this time her hope will be gone so I wonder what she will do and how she will react.  Our very own little scientific study.

I think that is exactly what we will do, first destroy her little heart, then destroy what ever is left over of her hope and flesh.

Cut Up Slut

Snuff phone sex

I was awaken by sharp pain on my thigh. My crusted eyes ripped open and I flopped onto my side- a man stood over my dingy bed and I gasped. “Your master said I could play with you for 100 bucks, little doll. You’re in for quite a treat.” I began sobbing and begging hoarsely- my throat has been fucked so raw in the last week that I could barely speak. He was holding a huge machete over my bleeding leg. A deep gash was oozing thick red blood pulsated. He then violently flipped me over and began fucking my sore, raw cunt while he cut and sliced into my skin all over my body. I wheezed and screeched from the pain but he just kept making cuts big and small while pounding away into my bruised fuckhole. He sliced into my flesh until it was just ribbons of blood and skin hanging off my body. He used my fresh blood to lather his cock and then he rammed it into my inflamed rosebud asshole. He didn’t cum until I nearly passed out from blood loss.

Killing Spree



snuff sexSnuff Sex Was on my mind and my pussy was throbbing. I couldn’t contain myself. The urge to kill and dismember was just too fucking strong. I saw her at the truck stop trying to hitch a ride. I was dining on my organic brat flesh burger and I had an ache to take her body and abuse her to death. She looked scared and new at picking men up for cash. Blonde hair big tits and that sweet young face made me want to mutilate it.  Awe, a baby lot lizard! I got out of my car and motioned her over. I offered her some cash and a ride to the next truck stop in hopes of better drivers willing to pay for her young body.  She jumped at the chance. She would soon regret her choice. But her fate would be much the same and I would enjoy myself. snuff phone sex

She agreed as most vulnerable teen sluts do.  I offered her a hot burger and as she ate lavishly My pussy soaked my panties. She was eating young flesh and it made me so fucking horny. I faked car trouble and pulled off into the dark. I popped the hood and asked her to hold the light. I grabbed her from behind and choked her sweet throat until she passed out. When she came too she was missing both tits and I was cutting her lips off her pussy. She screamed into the night as I fisted her ravaged pussy.  She was bleeding out and I took my hunting knife and stabbed her over and over as I rubbed my orgasming pussy all over her face. Should have saved her for a paying customer but sometimes a girl just needs alone time. It was my fifth kill this weekend and I was craving more. Maybe this snuff phone sex whore needed an accomplice or two as I racked numbers up it would be easier. …


Snuff phone sexI had been chained to the table for at least 36 hours at this point. I was tired, hungry, dehydrated, and I could feel a mix of blood and semen running down my naked thighs to my feet and the cold concrete floor. My ankles were chained to the table legs, spreading them wide apart. I lost track at around 200 of how many times I had my holes raped over and over again. I don’t know who was doing this or why, just that I think I will be used here until I die, like the cum dumpster I am. This is all I’m worth. A whore and cum dumpster for whomever desires it. My ass had been taken so many times and so deeply, I know something had to have ripped. I’m not sure, but I think they used a chair leg to sodomize me. The duct tape on my mouth was burning from my salty tears running down into the adhesive. Will you use me too?

Snuff movies are so fun to make

snuff moviesSnuff movies are so much fun to make… especially when the victim is so young and innocent. This particular victim came with a bonus, I got her mommy too and I made that bitch watch her daughter lose all that innocence and die in a very gruesome way. I had the mom tied up and cut off her eyelids so that she was forced to see every moment of her daughter’s suffering, she begged me the entire time not to hurt her but her pleas just fell on deaf ears cus I was way too into it to stop! I tortured that little girl for hours, fucked every hole with all kinds of fun toys, by the time I was done with her she was torn to pieces. Then it was mommy’s turn to suffer, I let all my furry friends fuck her and tear her to pieces with their sharp teeth, it was so hot to watch her basically be eating alive right in front of me!

Snuff: Have It Your Way

Snuff phone sex

I would like to ask you all something.  If you could snuff someone in anyway you would want and you know you would completely get away with it … How would you do it. I actually really want to know, even if we never have spoken before email me, or comment on it.  You of course do not have to use your real name.  I want you to feel free to just get it out there without any sort of repercussions.  

Mine would be the following: Janice D., a stupid cunt from my school days.  I really hated her, but I loved her body.  She was a bitch, but a hot bitch.  Now you might be thinking she was popular, one of those “mean girls”, but nope.  She wasn’t popular at all.  She was just always on the rag or something.  Not once do I recall seeing her smile, or laughing.  She would just mope around, and if someone tried to talk to her she would just ignore them then look at them like they weren’t even there.  Pretty fucking rude if you ask me.

Maybe she was having problems at home, who the hell knows, and who the hell cares.  Maybe her Daddy was sticking Legos up her pussy for punishment, or her Mom was feeding her shit sandwiches.  I didn’t really care for the why, but anyone that miserable doesn’t deserve to breath.  They are just taking up space, breathing precious oxygen, and just being an eyesore.  

I would take her to a fun house (I have a thing for fun houses, have since I was super young).  One that was in operation.  I would tie that cunt up just like she was about to be drawn and quartered.  I would make sure the ropes were so tight that they dislocated the hips and shoulders before they were tied off.  Just to get the screaming going.  Before doing all that, I would have paid a shit ton of homeless tweekers to show up throughout the night.  Then right there, under those flashing strobe lights, and clacking of the cars she would be fucked over and over.  I would be on the side dripping acid on her tits while she is continually violated. 

Then after the fucking was done, I would get between her legs and splash that acid all over that freshly fucked pussy of hers.  I can almost see the smoke and hear the slight sizzle as it eats into her skin.  Right before I left, I would dump the rest of it down her throat then just leave her there for the people who ran the ride to find.  Yeah I have thought about this a lot, why do you ask? lol 

Now, it’s your turn.  I look forward to hearing about all the delicious details.

Face Fucking Whore

snuff phone sex

You pushed me down on the ground. My knees slamming into the warehouse concrete hard. I heard my knee caps crack as my entire body weight landed on the small sesamoid bones. I could feel the pain of my broken knee caps radiating through my legs. There’s no way I’d be able to stand anytime soon, maybe ever again. You led me around by my hair like a dog you wanted to punish. Each movement with my knees made me cry out in pain. How can you be so cruel? I know I deserve this. Then, with your hand around my throat and tears streaming down my face, you pulled out your big cock and started fucking my whore mouth over and over. You were merciless. Tears, saliva, covered your dick and the floor. Then you stopped mid thrust, with your cock gagging me and started stuffing your balls in my mouth. I could feel my lips cracking being forced open so wide. Why are you doing this to me?

Brat Torture Blood Moon Harvest

This Sadistic Slut has Torture phone sex on her brain! The blood harvest moon is perfect for my satanic killing rituals. Now my rituals involve the flesh of virgins. Now it doesn’t mean that they can’t be fucked in the mouth and little elastic ass holes before the kill! I have three perfect babydoll porcelain bodies tied up against wooden chairs waiting for the fun to begin. 

My room is filled up with the blood of the past sacrifices. My equipment, blades, and scalpels are all encrusted in blood. I love the iron smell and I always kill my victims so I enjoy mixing blood of dead!

I have acquired two little girls that are so beautiful It almost hurts me to know I will be ending them. The boy has a nice little dick for his age, My ritual requires three virgin females but I have made an exception as I want to be a deviant little slut and want to taste his small dick and fuck his ass as I kill him off. I want to make my demons very happy. I will sacrifice each in turn by cutting them into tiny pieces as I summon the blood Goddess. I am the accomplice to my two dark handsome men who will be getting their rape fantasies fulfilled tonight by turning these brats into cum sluts. 

I start by lighting my black candles and cutting each little hand and burning them after I suck a mouthful of blood from each. I walk to my accomplice men and spit the mixture in each man’s mouth.  It means that now the fucking can commence. Each naked little body gave up and ass holes turned inside out mouths choked to the point of unconscious and back again as I slice them up. I will be eating these fresh young bodies and this torture phone sex sadistic will be on the prowl for more after tonight baby. Care to Join me?murder phone sex fantasies