Tag: sex with dead bodies

Cassandra is a Snuff Sex Accomplice

It is no secret I am a pain slut; a submissive; a total fuck pig and whore. I do whatever I am told. So when this guy I met at a bondage club told me to meet him, I did. The address given to me turned out to be for the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of town. It is known for raves and  underground parties.  I walked in wearing a sexy little black dress and fuck me pumps. I could smell death and urine. The halls were dark, very creepy. It became quite obvious there was no party here. Well, not the kind of party I was dressed for at least.  As I got out my phone to check the address and use my flashlight app, I heard his voice yelling to me.

snuff sexI followed his voice like a good subby bitch to a room that didn’t look as bad. There was a bed, BDSM equipment, even film equipment hooked up to a generator. He likes to film himself punishing me. I wasn’t thrilled about the atmosphere, but my opinion doesn’t matter. “Get naked bitch, assume the position,” he said.  He doesn’t face me when we fuck.  That is romantic love according to him, and I’m not worthy of any of that. He started fucking my ass from behind. His cock is massive so it always hurts. I felt his hands travel up to my throat. His grip tightened like a vice against my jugular. I started choking. I could feel my wind pipe restricting. He was strangling me as he pounded my ass. I passed out.

I woke up chained. He was fucking another girl, strangling her like he did me. She was fighting though. I know better than to resist. He squeezed her throat so hard her eyes started to bleed and bulged out. Master stopped force fucking her, started using her tiny body as a punching bag. I was horrified at the image. I could hear her gurgling on her own blood, hear bones snapping, hear her screaming, hear her dying. Her body went lifeless. He tossed her onto a steel slab, fucked her dead body until he came all over her bloody corpse. I knew better than to show my fear or question what he was doing. I just witnessed snuff sex, which is what happens to bad fuck pigs.  “Don’t worry Cassie. This is just a worthless street whore no one will miss,” he said looking at me as he dismembered her body. sex with dead bodies

He used a chainsaw to cut off her legs at the knees. Blood spurted all over my face. I tried not to react, even though I was frightened. Next he sawed off her hands. I watched covered in a dead whore’s blood, as he used pliers to extract her teeth. He even cut out her tongue.  I knew what he was doing. Making sure she was unidentifiable. Clearly he has killed before. The darkest, most sadistic men always find me. He unchained me. Fucked me in a pool of the dead girl’s blood. Came on my bloody tits. Then got up, put his clothes on, kissed my bloody face and ordered me to help him carry her dead carcass to his van. He made me an accomplice to his kill. We tossed her along the highway. ” I knew you were special Cassie when I saw you. You are going to be the sexiest accomplice I’ve ever had,” he said to me as he pulled up to a street corner to get another whore.

sadistic phone sex

His Dark Angel

As I lay here in the dark I think back to all the fun we have had. 

I am Daddy’s girl.

He picked me and I was willing to go. 

 Bondage phone sex

I am Daddy’s dark angle.

My eyes have been forever opened, and my soul is forever darkened. 

Daddy has molded me into his perfect Accomplice.

I am by his side through all the kidnapping, knife and mutilation fantasies. 

We make them our own and I am proud to be daddy’s girl.

Kidnapping phone sex

As I lay here in the dark, I think of today. 

Oh the fun we had as you mouth fucked the gutter whore.

Watching her mouth rip open, and licking the blood as it drips down her face. 

You smile at your dark angle.

Oh daddy I love you. 

Mutilation phone sex

Daddy I worship you.

After she is long and stiff daddy you and I continue to fuck her. 

As her body get colder and her pussy drys up.

I am there pissing in her mouth and being your perfect accomplice. 

Forever and always your Dark Angle.

A Bloody Mary Before Dinner

cannibalism phone sex torture bloodyAs I was suspended from a rafter, I heard blood curdling screams beneath me. It was dark. I could see nothing. Added to the mix was the sound of a chainsaw. I was shaking uncontrollably from fear. What carnage was going on beneath me. Was I next? The screams were deafening. I wanted to help but I was restrained and gagged. Suddenly I felt something warm and sticky spray my body. The screams stopped. I tried to be quiet, not to whimper. My heart was racing. Whatever had happened beneath my feet did not end well for the screaming girl.

I could feel myself being lowered down to the floor. I stepped in something warm, but wet. It was seeping between my toes. I was paralyzed with fear. Instinctively I knew I was in the middle of a blood bath. What I was feeling surrounding my feet was blood. Copious amounts of blood. Without warning bright lights came on. The lights were blinding, but I could see the dead girl in the bathtub. Her limbs severed and dangling in a macabre fashion. She looked like a slain China doll. Her blood had filled up the shallow tub she was contained in and overflowed onto the floor, engulfing me.

bloody phone sex tortureTwo men were gutting her like a pig. They appeared to be harvesting her organs. They pulled her eyes out from their sockets, put them on ice. They separated the vital organs like the heart, liver and kidneys from the intestines and the brain. I puked at the smell.  Surely this was a nightmare and I would wake up and be back at the club dancing. I watched a man in black rubber boots and a rubber apron, chop up the body parts they could not sell. The non worthy flesh was put in a industrial size blender. Puréed brain, intestines and sinew was poured into a cup.

I watched him chug it like it was a beer. I thought I would vomit. Then he poured a second glass, walked over to where I was hanging, pulled my head back and forced me to consume the bloody remains of the dead girl before my eyes. I was told if I spit it back up, I would be in the tub next. I tried to think of it  as just a Bloody Mary. I couldn’t understand what was going on. Was I a victim or an accomplice? He replied, “Neither. You are dinner. It’s customary to a have a drink before a meal.”

Cannibalism phone sex

I was just finishing up my grocery shopping the other day when I ran into some brats selling cookies. I had to have some. I asked a couple of them for help taking them all to my truck, where of course I knocked them both out and threw them in the back of my truck. I drove home, just wondering what to do with them. I finally decided as I pulled into the driveway, smiling to myself. So many ideas. I threw the little brats on the bed after putting my groceries and cookies away. They were both out cold, the little dears.

Kidnapping phone sex

I picked one up and brought her to the kitchen counter, where I slit her throat and killed her in one swift moment. No bubbles, no screams, no second thoughts. One moment she’s here, one moment she’s not, funny how life works out. Or doesn’t, in this case. Hehe. I took her lifeless little body and turned it over, fingering her still-warm, tiny little cunny . I grabbed a glass of ice cold milk and let her blood pool into it until it was the color of strawberry milk. I then threw her body in the backyard, right in front of the window, and woke her little friend. I sat her down at the kitchen table. “Hey sweetie” I said, right at her eye level “A man hurt you and I saved your life. We’ll go back to the store and see your mommy soon. Just relax and have cookies and milk. Do you like strawberry?

Evil phone sex

” She nodded her head and I brought her two cookies and the milk, swirling it so the blood mixed in with the milk. Perfect. I sat it In front of her and rubbed her little head, her soft mousy hair was pulled back into two braids. She nibbled at the cookies and her face dropped when she sipped at the milk. “I think your milk is sour” she told me. “I’m sorry sweets. Take one more sip…Ooooh, birds!” I pointed at the vultures pecking away at her dead friend and she screamed as I slit her throat from behind. Hmmm, now what to do with this one? Maybe a yummy roast..

Cannibalism phone sex

Frat to Kill Part IV

violent phone sex langleyI felt the blood from their cocks dripping onto my flesh like a bounding eruption of volcanoes. The stingy smell of my own shit as it oozed from my almost lifeless body fell into a pool at me feet. I wished for death but I knew they would not allow that to happen. The mount less heads of the girls that died this way before me was a common place for these assholes. I saw them when they were fucking that other girl and then her neck finally broke causing the snap to echo through the hall we were being held. She didn’t give them what they wanted. Raw meat was pushed towards her aching pussy and she wouldn’t let them put it there so she was punished. Much of the glass that was pinched into my flesh didn’t feel like razor blades anymore. The pulled my hair with much exhaustion and ripped most of it from my skull when I was thrown down in this dungeon.

My date was had long since died and I watched as the cannibals ate his naked flesh and watched as they fed the other girl that was there. I tried to hold my insides as the brain was served to me but I would vomit and that caused them to let me taste the blood as they kicked my faced and hands with a rotten bamboo stick and leather belt. I was ready to be sacrificed like so many other girls but , I was a favorite among the leader of this ring and what he liked to do would be just enough to keep me wishing for death. Pulling me over to him he would take the rusty blunt knife and poke his cock and let me taste the blood that ran from it. Biting me he stuff it in my mouth and cream would slide down my throat. He liked the way I giggled and I am sure this pleased him. The glass that faded was the least of worry as the the darkness filled my eyes…..

Kidnapping Phone Sex: The Hunted

Kidnapping phone sex and the hunt of prey is a disturbing new game. These guys prey on women and girls in the most vulnerable states and I was not spared, completely. I was taking my sister to the club when she visited and we got seriously fucked up. Come to think of it we seemed to get fucked up quick and on very little. It would appear the hunk bartender that served and flirted with us set us up.

As we headed out towards our car we were knocked out from behind. The assailants grabbed and forced us into a van and it sped off. We start coming to and notice several other girls back there with us. All of us were dressed in club ware and wearing heels. The van stopped, and we were all still and silent, in shock I am sure. The doors swing open and there stood three huge men dressed in heavy leather butcher aprons with large knives in their hands. 

With a toothless grin the head guy starts laughing as they stood aside another of the men telling us to get out. We start shuffling out of the van it was dark and the floor was wet and sticky. I slid and fell on the floor to see the floor was covered in blood. Panicking I hurry out and pray this has to be some twisted joke.

Kidnapping Phone Sex

As we stood outside we see we are in a densely wooded area lit by the full moon. The guys smiled sheepishly as they told us only one will survive. That we would get a ten minute start before they come to hunt their prey. We were the prey. They continued on that they would torture, gut and kill those they catch. 

Finally we were told that the final girl standing would be forced to watch as they fucked and dismembered the fallen girls. That the winner would get the final reward of being fucked by all three of them and would be left in the woods beaten, nearly suffocated and strangled until she passed out. They would leave the winner alone and desecrated for any animal or man that happened by. With that final word we were released for the chase.

The shrieks and screams of girls taken down rung in my ears as I ran, stumbled and crawled through the downed trees and foliage. I removed my heels and continued to run, at a glance I notice infrared lights, fuck they have heat seeking technology so I can’t hide. Shit they got my sister…. Am I going to make it?



Torture Phone Sex: Tentacle Rape Porn Fantasies with a Subby Whore

torture phone sex rape fantasies

I’m a good torture phone sex whore. Callers ask me all the time if I am truly a submissive no taboos girl. Of course I am. I have to be. How I can I serve your sickest, most depraved and violent fantasies if I have limits? It is not my place to have any limits. I am here to be used for your pleasure, your amusement. One of my callers enjoys tentacle rape porn.  The idea of some monster with at least 8 appendages to violate my pussy and ass gets me begging him to me hurt. In his fantasy, I am tied to his bed. He is a mad scientist type who has been creating the perfect monster to not only defile and violate women, but eviscerate them too.

After trying numerous creatures to fuck me to death, he finally creates the perfect one-an octopus type monster with 8 tentacles. Tentacles wrap around my arms and legs to restrain me. I can feel its suction cups tearing the skin off my body. The remaining tentacles enter my fuck holes. The tentacles are slimy, sharp and thick, as they pierce through my pussy and ass, I feel my insides being pulled out of me. A tentacle that entered my cunt comes out my mouth. I’m gagging, choking on my own blood. My Dr. Frankenstein is watching in excitement as his creation fucks the life out of me literally.

tentacle rape porn submissive whoreI’m held down my tentacles that are tearing the flesh off my bones. Being fucked by tentacles that are shredding my insides, piercing my internal organs, killing me with every thrust. I’m gagging on my own blood, laying in a pool of my internal organs. My evil scientist jacks his cock over my bloody, lifeless body, and once I am dead, fucks the gaping bloody  hole where my pussy use to be.

I get off on whatever vile, twisted thing you want me to do or watch be done to me.  I never say no, not even to gang rape tentacle fantasies. Bring me your monsters.

You need to take strangulation phone sex slowly

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex is meant to be savored like a fine wine, you really shouldn’t rush it. My friend Mr B really understands that, that’s why we have so much fun together. See, Mr B really enjoys sex with dead bodies but he is very discriminating, he would never just take any old body off the street, he has to be involved every step of the way. You see he likes to pick out a nice young girl and stalk her for a while (this time we found a cute little whore named Becka) and when he has learned her routine we step in and snatch that whore. This stupid bitch was ridiculously easy to kidnap, I just walked up behind her and pressed my knife into her back and told her to come with me. She didn’t say a word as I led her away, it was like she was trained to be a slave, all she did was tremble and look down at the floor! I think she knew what her fate was and chose to accept it… or she was just a really weak willed bitch, either way it was almost too easy to bring her back to my place and restrain her. Once she was laying there naked, chained down to the table and unable to move we started in with the real fun. Mr B likes to wrap his hands around his victim’s neck and slowly squeeze, he never beats them or tortures them because he likes their bodies to be unmarked, the only bruises he wants to see are the ones on her neck. He will choke her unconscious and then stop, he lets her come back from the brink of death again and again until finally she dies. That is when Mr B starts getting really excited, he can’t get hard for live girls, only dead ones get his motor running and now that Becka has died all he can think about is fucking her. I left them alone then, he was lost in his game and had no further need of me… until the next time…

2 girl phone sex

The Making of a Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn ReaganShe looked so sweet when I saw her cry. Very yummy indeed. Her chest heaving with each raspy breath. The ropes were nice and tight, I can say if I am good at anything it is tying knots. I brought in her young one and she almost came unglued. Angry muffled sounds behind that tape across her mouth. A swift blow of my baseball bat cured her anger. At least the little one was calm. But not for long. I laid her down in the middle of the room and chained her to the rings on the concrete floor. Drain under her mid section. Starting with her pretty little face I stated to carve and peel. The blood was amazing. The more she cried the more blood there was. Mommy almost passed out from the blow to her head and emotional ordeal. When my carving was done I turned to my sad little mommy and painted her in her daughters blood. What a wonderful way to spend your daughter’s birthday, helping her make a snuff teen rape porn. I turned and pulled out the hammer and nails.Teen Rape Porn Reagan

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Happy Valentine’s Day to Me

bloody phone sex killer sexBe my bloody Valentine? I’m not a roses and candy kind of girl. I don’t want to watch The Notebook or Titanic. I don’t want to go to a fancy restaurant. I want to stalk, kidnap, torture and kill. I’m lucky, that I have so many men in my life that would rather give me a dead bitch than roses. One such sweetheart gave me a lovely present today. He booked us a romantic cabin in the woods. I knew John was up to something. He knows I’m not a typical romance kind of girl. I played along. The cabin was decorated with rose petals everywhere. A bottle of Pappy Van Winkle (about the best bourbon around) was on the coffee table. And, a trail of blood led to the bathroom.

Like a little girl on an Easter egg hunt, I followed the blood drops. There I found my present. This blonde whore who called me a freak a couple weeks ago when John and I were getting gas. I would have snuffed the bitch out right there if it had not been so public. But he loves me so. He went back, kidnapped her, and has had her on ice since then, waiting to give her to me today. She was bound, gagged, barely alive in the heart shaped tub waiting for me. Best Valentine gift ever. I looked over to the left and saw a table with all my favorite torture instruments. He knows how to turn me on. Normally, I take time to kill a victim. Savor the moment, but I had a romantic idea. I grabbed my big field knife, designed to gut deer and other large animals, shoved it in her belly and slit her wide open. Watched her blood, intestines and entrails spill out in the heart shaped tub.

John tossed her carcass to the side, we got in the tub and fucked in her bloody innards. Covered in her blood and guts, we came so hard. Very romantic. Best Valentine’s Day present ever. What would you give me on such a romantic day to prove your love? John set the bar high; so you better bring your A game or I might just gut you too.

bloody phone sex snuff