Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Tiny Victim In A Bikini

Bloody Phone Sex

“Can you put this on?” He asked as he handed me this retched piece of pink shit.  I just looked at him and gave him the finger.  He laughed and said, “Come on Indigo, humor me.”  He threw it to me.  I just looked at it.  It made me ill to see the color. PINK!  It is the ugliest color on the face of the planet.  Only prissy faglets and stuck up bitches wear this color. I am neither of the two.

He started to walk out the door and told me that he wanted to see me in it.  He had a surprise and it wouldn’t be much of one if I didn’t get the bikini on.  I went into my bathroom and swore as I put the damn thing on.  I looked ridiculous in the thing.  I would have to smudge my body with fire to get rid of the total puke factor when I took it off just to make sure no residual pink shit was left on my skin.

I heard the front door slam, then the distinctive sound of a hard slap.  I ran out of the bathroom and he was hovered over the couch hissing words at something.  I walked around the couch and there it was.  In almost the same damn bikini I had on.  I gave him a quizzical look and he just smiled at me.  I told him that I didn’t appreciate him bringing his playthings to my home, and he knows it.  He just waved his hand at me in a dismissive manner and told me that this was just some harmless fun.

He told me to stand in front of it.  I did so.  It had a tiny trickle of blood seeping from the corner of it’s mouth.  You could tell it had been crying a lot, and you could also see the slap mark across it’s face.  He sat down and said, “Go on, touch it.”  I moved my hand to it’s long hair, and it tried to fucking bite me!  He laughed so damn hard.  This made me pissed.  He knew that it would do that.  I walked over and punched him hard in the arm.

It made a run for the back door and he tackled it.  It’s head made this awful crunch noise as it hit the hard floor.  He kicked it right in the stomach.  It started to groan, then he leaned down close to it, smiled and said, “Awww come on sweetie, it’s not so bad.  Look at her over there, she is wearing the same thing you are, twins! I told you I knew someone who had the same bikini as you, and that’s why you came with me isn’t it? To meet the other girl that had on the same thing as you?” With that he yanked it up by it’s throat and my tiny little twin began to fight for her life.

Jill Frost

Taboo phone sex

It is fucking HOT, way too fucking HOT!  I hate the warm weather.  The only thing the sun is good for is decay, making things rot so their pungent aroma can fill the air.  That I love, sitting around sweating just sucks ass.  However, it does give me time to think, and I when I think I always go dark.  It’s much more fun to do so.

I have been working on a fantasy, one in which a little person with the name Jill gets the best cool off in the history of man kind.  I would take her into a deep freezer, she of course would be naked.  It wouldn’t take long for her core temp to drop, and that is when the fun begins!  Tell me.  Have you ever been outside when it has been ball busting cold and as soon as you get into a warm place  your fingers and toes tingle and burn? 

Now imagine our friend being so cold that she is almost to the brink of hypothermia, then taking her naked body and plunging it into hot water.  Hmmmm, I wonder how that would go.  Would she scream? I would fucking hope so.  Would her whole body ache? If I were a guy I would be getting a boner from just thinking of this.

Then I would turn the hose on her when she is curled up freezing again in the deep freeze.  Then defrost, then freeze, then defrost.  I wonder how long you can keep someone alive doing that.  In the end though, I think that I would just make her into a Jill Pop.  Put her outside on my balcony as a winter decoration.  Nobody would ever think that it was actually real,so why the fuck not.  Now I just have to find someone named Jill and make this fantasy into a reality.

Torture phone sex Fun

torture phonesex angieI have been feeling particularly twisted lately and my latest taste of torturous fun is very interesting. It has been keeping my pussy nice and wet for days now. I have lost count of how many victims I have played with over the last few days. I have body parts every where and each time I look at them and remember the screams, the agonizing pain, it makes me cum all over again. What diabolical, evil means of torture have I been implementing you ask? I will tell you….I have been grabbing unsuspecting and random people. I haven’t been particular about age or sex. The only requirement has been that they are alive and lucid. I created a machine in my basement that is crude but does the trick. It has two pieces of wood that are connected to heavy springs. I pull them down and latch them in place. Then I place my victim on them binding their ankles and wrists to the wood. When I pull the lever the spring create a great force, pulling the wood up and apart and ripping the bodies in half. The screams are deafening but brief however they are blood curdling and enough to make me flood my panties with cum. It is the purest erotic sensation ever and I am loving every minute of it. torture phonesex torture

Filthy Taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex keisha (2)

Whenever master isn’t torturing and abusing me I spend my time doing the things I like to do. I take off my makeup and tie my hair up. Then, I put on a comfy pair of sweat pants on and sit on the couch. I wait for about an hour until my bladder tells me it’s time to “go”. Instead of getting up I relax and let my piss soak my sweat pants and sofa. The warm sensation of it trickling down my pussy lips and legs sends chills up my back. I don’t do this often for I can’t keep replacing my sofa whenever I want to. I only pee on myself if I’ve been a good nigger slut for master all week. Master allows me to do it but thinks I’m a filthy piss whore. He leaves whenever I pee then when I’m done comes and humiliates me for being so disgusting. I like the feeling of being so below him yet grateful for him still dealing with me. I would do anything to make master happy but I wish he would let me be his pissy princess way more often. He would never allow that though and beat me senseless if I did something as ungrateful and ask for more.

taboo phone sex keisha (2.0)

Cannibalism phone sex

torture phonesex karma.JPGFinding quality fresh meat gets harder by the day. I have many creative ways to find meat but the pickings for humans with just the right flesh, just the right age for tenderness and flavor and not on drugs are getting harder and harder to find. I wish there was a human meat market for those of us that enjoy the flavor of human flesh. If you have never tried it you just don’t know what your missing. There are so many ways to prepare it, so many different ways to season and flavor it. I prefer to roast my human on an open spit, slowly turning the body for a nice even golden brown on the skin. Making it nice and crispy and so good for snacking on like chips. My favorite cut is the nice meaty flesh of the inner thigh. Just the right mix of flesh and fat for a flavorful plate full of tender, tasty meat. The arms are wonderful for stew meat and the organs are so delicious, especially the liver and kidney. My favorite organ however is the heart. I love to remove it and feel it beating in my hands before I drop it in a post of seasoning and cook it ever so slowly for a mouth watering treat. I would love to open my very own meat market ans share my love for this fine dining.torture phonesex market

Rape phone sex fantasies Alice ~ do the dirty

I am not a law abiding citizen of America. I say this fully intending to disclose a little secret I’ve been keepin’ about my true self. Maybe I’m not a picture perfect version of the United States’ sweetheart, but I can make you cum harder then anyone has every made you orgasm in your life.

That’s because I know what you really want. The stuff you’re way too scared to tell your wife or girlfriend. The dirty, nasty, sickeningly dark and violating aspects of human life. You want to mess up a slut and fuck your way through an entire all girls Catholic school, don’t you?

Well, I can help you with that. See, I have a thing for babysitting little ones myself. I can get in undetected and let you in through the front door without a hint of suspicion from the neighbors. When we have those young little babies all to ourselves, that’s when the fun begins. You try to keep your hands to yourself, but those pigtails and cute little diapers are too much for you to resist. It’s okay . . . bite into those miniature asses. I won’t tell a soul. That’s because I’m just as twisted as you are, baby . . . even more.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Bianca goin’ dumpster diving…

I’ve never been one for suffocation. I much prefer a more . . . hands-on method. Can’t blame me, really. I’m a sick, twisted slut for feeling of  life leaving another at my hands is just too fucking hot to pass up. So of course I decided to use my talents for the greater good of society. I do that sometimes . . . kill for the benefit of others. Life is too short for selfishness. I went to church today–bet you won’t believe me, but I did. Church of Satan, maybe, but it’s a place of worship nonetheless. Don’t judge me for my beliefs, and I won’t judge you for yours. Because I know your dick is just hard and ready to slam into a little tiny underage twat, now isn’t it? Don’t lie, baby. We both know your P-cock is ripe and begging for a nice, young tight hole to ram and rip apart. Well I found a guy who sliced, diced, and fucked his way through an entire school of girl cunnies. And I found him in an alley, shooting up tar. Track lines down his forearms, a dazed look in his eye . . . you know the type–trash. Well my public service involved taking out the trash with a 9mm pistol. Didn’t shoot him in the head though–that’d be too quick. Instead, I splintered the tendons of his Achilles heel and ripped the rest apart with my teeth. Mmmmmm. Maybe he had a blood infection, though. I’ll have to check myself when I get home. The thought just pissed me off further, so I rammed his head against the dumpster and fucked that dick up. The space inside of that dumpster was his final resting place . . . isn’t that where trash belongs? 😉

Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: Payback with a Cattle Prod

torture phone sex taboo anal

I have always been a subby bitch to men; however, when it comes to women I can be a switch hitter. When I was younger, I thought most girls were beneath me. I mean I am a tall beautiful goddess with huge tits. I could steal any man I wanted. In fact, in college, I often did.  Not because I wanted the man necessarily, but just because I could. There was this one girl whose boyfriends I regularly stole because she was a fat mean cunt and didn’t deserve handsome men anyway.  I saw her recently at the mall and I didn’t recognize her at all as she had lost so much weight and was actually kind of hot. She of course recognized me. We buried the hatchet and she invited me out for drinks. I met her, and I thought all was well, until I woke up in her basement tied to some table spread eagle with a baseball bat up my ass. She was fucking torturing my ass and when I started to scream and plead why, she simply said, “Because I can.” I begged for mercy for my ass. But she kept shoving bigger things inside me. My ass was being shredded. I could feel splinters in my ass. She pulled the bat out and it was covered in blood and shit and she shoved it down my throat and said, “Clean it up whore.” Then I glanced over and I say a medical tray filled with devices and one looked like a cattle prod. I pleaded again, but she didn’t care that I was a changed woman. She was hell bent on her revenge. A cattle prod would electrocute my ass, and may damn well kill me. She looked at me with an evil grin and said, “Cattle prods are hugs with oomph.” She then rammed that thing up my already destroyed ass. The rest is a blur.torture phone sex cattle prod big tits

Rape phone sex fantasies with a prostitute

Rape phone sex fantasies

I had watched her for a few days.  She had a definite heroin problem and sold herself only to feed her habit.  I don’t mind drugs, but they’re supposed to be recreational…not all of life.  Anyway, I knew that she wouldn’t be missed.  So, with my sweet smile and the promise of a stupid cheeseburger, I lured her into one of the seedy motels nearby.  I had everything set-up.  And, when she entered, I motioned toward the rickety table that barely held up the burger on the plate.  She talked about how long since she’d eaten; it was difficult to understand her as she garbled up her food and swallowed it with the help of some water nearby.

I watched her with intense interest and disgust.  Finally, as she was eating the last remaining bites, I told her that she was actually eating something that I cooked.  She didn’t look surprised or care; but, I continued to explain that I had a very interesting diet and it’s difficult to find people who share my delicate tastes.  She exhaled loudly and began to get up since the food was gone.  I told her not to be in a rush and she sat back down.  “Did you know Miriam?” I asked.  She nodded and told me a short sappy story about how she vanished; maybe she had been kidnapped by one of her Johns.  I told her that was not the case; in fact, Miriam was with us here and now.  She looked around the room, searching vigorously for her friend; then, I gestured toward the table at her plate.

Stupid girl didn’t understand so I plopped a picture of her dead friend, mutilated in my dungeon.  She acted as if she was going to throw-up; but, when she stood, she quickly realized that she couldn’t.  The eye drops that I had put in her water had knocked her out.  I proceeded to cuff her to the bed and place a plastic bag over her head.  She came to for only a few minutes; the rising and falling of the bag was beautiful.  There’s just something about watching someone’s last breath!  As she struggled to breathe, I read a few bible verses; I couldn’t think of anything meaner to do.  But, I was quiet for her last gasp.  I completed my afternoon by carving out a gaping hole in her upper torso.  I packed the meat in my bag in case I wanted to feed another prostitute later.  But, before I left, I had to break the cheap lamp by the bedside and shove it up into her nasty cunt.  I thought that was a proper send-off.

Rape phone sex fantasiesb

Taboo phone sex with a stiff

Taboo phone sex

He was very attractive: dark hair, tall, and confident. I crossed his path on the way to work only because I took a different route from a friend’s house downtown. Otherwise, I would have never seen him. But, as fate would have it, luck was on my side. I followed him for a little over a week; I knew where he went for dry cleaning and what days; who he was fucking when he could tear himself away from work; and even how he treated his clients. I became a little obsessed, even planting a recording device in his office and car. He was a ruthless stock broker; and, the more I learned about his method of cheating the system, the more I liked him. In fact, I was having second thoughts about killing him; but, of course, my nature got the best of me.

It was not difficult at all… I followed him home like I have done so many times; and, of course he was on his cell phone, making deals. I waited until he had finished his conversation and walked through the door to what should be a sanctuary. I tranquilized him and then drug his limp body to his desk, which I thought fitting to make a holding table. I had drilled holes, attached cuffs, and tried to make it as pretty as possible while scarring the slick mahogany wood. When he awoke, he didn’t struggle; rather, he tried to barter with me. Poor bastard. That made me like him even more.

I had brought an x acto knife and several tools. I sliced into his creamy flesh that probably had never had a bruise; I watched with satisfaction as his rich blood dripped onto the plush white carpet. I told him what I was carving into his flesh and we talked as I did so; I had to stage this carefully and thought that an angry client would be the best potential suspect. After I was done, then I could begin the fun: I sliced both of his nipples, exposing the tissue and taunting him with his own dangling nipples. Then, I dug my heel in the wounds. I sawed off his legs, the bloody masses falling to the ground with thuds. Gurgling blood, he stopped convulsing, and I knew he was dead. Finally, I did something that I hadn’t done in over a decade: I took off my clothes and mounted him, fucking his cock until I came several times. I realized that must have been my ultimate motive…since his dick was the one thing that I had left unharmed.

Taboo phone sex2