Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Crimson Part 4


   The screams of fear are far sweeter than any other sound; the primal noise ripping through the throat and reaching a volume one could never believe could be coming out of their own body is simple delightful. I almost felt bad to the poor girl suffering at my hands… almost. The blood slowly blossoming on her white dress looked like a beautifully twisted work of art. I took my finger and captured some of the crimson blood and painted my lips with the vibrant color. She was pleading for me to release her, telling me that she would do anything and pay anything for me to let her leave and go home to see her mother and father. Oh if this little cunt only knew… I placed the scalpel down of a surgical tray and picked up a pair of tongs. Her eyes grew so wide it looked like they would pop out of their sockets! Oh, what pretty blue eyes she has… not for long though! As I dug the tongs into her right eye socket, crimson blood seeped from around the wound and down onto the metal bottom of the gurney… tonight will defiantly be worth the months of planning…

Snuff Phone Sex: Kill it with Fire

Snuff phone sex 1

“‘[W]hen all else fails, kill it with fire.”

–Larry Correia

I was visiting a few friends in California when one of the massive fires broke out.  Instead of cowering and worrying, we descended on the city like dark angels…almost like sisters of the flames.  It was the most gorgeous sights that I had ever seen.  Our first adventure was together.  We chose one of the houses on the lower side of town where the lower class lived.  It was easy to spot our perfect target: it was a man in his 30s yelling at his little daughter (we assumed).  The mother figure was angrily pulling clothes off the line, talking to herself and most likely complaining about her male companion.

The went inside the house and chaos erupted; yep, this was our natural selection of sorts.  No one would think anything about them screaming, and no one would probably even miss them.  We entered like angels from purgatory; we didn’t destroy the house because it already was in ruins.  But, we did enjoy stabbing the grown-ups to their chairs; then, we bound them.  We grabbed up the young ones; I can still remember the little girl’s face.  Her eyes seemed to say that she had been waiting on me and wondered why I had taken so long.  One of my friends took particular interest in the mother, whose belly sliced open like a nice, ripe melon.  She didn’t have much time before the woman bled out; but, she was able to verbally and physically humiliate the woman.

Another friend and I wanted to pair the little girl and the male.  There were other brats running around, but they were being taken care of; some were being beaten like dirty little objects, and others were being sexually assaulted like little whores.  But, the girl…her name was Jasmine.  He reached her little hand up toward my belt where my knife was.  She waited for me to react; I handed it to her; she took it in her hands and straddled her bound father.  She leaned down and whispered something in his ear.  Then, without any hesitation, she stabbed him in the throat.  She watched him gurgle his last breaths.  I admired her; but, before I could do anything, my nearest accomplice scooped Jasmine up and slit her throat.  I was a little sad, thinking my friend could have at least played with her a little more.  She deserved that much.  But, we set the house on fire and moved to the next one.

Snuff Phone Sex Finale

bloody phonesex karmaI was running out of places to dispose of my victims. A cunt warming dilemma that was fun to figure out. How was I going to dispose of the body I had at home just sitting in the tub? Such a wickedly evil thing to think about while roaming the streets with a wet cunt. Thinking about her laying in her blood in ice. And then I walked by the soup kitchen. Perfect. I am going to share my victim with others. rushing home to butcher and package her I would deliver fresh meat to the soup kitchen. What a delightfully wicked solution. All those homeless people eagerly enjoying fresh flesh. Marveling at the taste and tenderness of it. It is the perfect way to dispose of her. I would even help cook and serve them. That evening I delivered the “gift” and offered my services. I could not stop cumming while we cooked her. And when I served her and heard all the comments about how good she was. I kept cumming. In fact some of them wanted seconds. They said it was the best meal they had in a long time. This would go down in the record books as the best way to dispose of a body and the biggest turn on ever. I went home and fucked my cunt until the early morning light thinking about it, knowing I would do this again soon. bloody phonesex2

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: How to Dispose of a Useless Carcass

knife play phone sex bloody bitchLast night some of my evil bitch friends and I were sitting around the fire pit drinking moonshine and talking about how we dispose of useless carcasses. I have a million ways to dispose of a body, but my favorite is what I call the “Joachim Kroll.” See, he is my idol of sorts. A German born serial killer who kidnapped and tortured wee ones and adults alike in the 60s and 70s. In 1976 when he was caught, the police discovered girl parts cut up: some parts were in the fridge, a hand was cooking in a pan of boiling water and the intestines were found stuck in the waste-pipe. He was fond of knives just like me. But the major difference is, I’m not silly enough to get caught and I do not kill for sexual arousal, although it does get me off. I kill for pleasure and sport. Brings me joy to hunt and kill a stupid cunt or a cheating bastard or an annoying fuck or a whiny ass brat. I’m an equal opportunity sadistic bitch.

My latest victim was this blonde whore who called me a freak at the mall. I’d rather look like I do than some blonde bimbo plastic Barbie doll. At least I am unique. Well, I followed her for days, lurking in the shadows, learning her routine, her habits, her patterns. She was a stupid cunt who hid her house key in her mailbox. How original. She deserved to die for stupidity. So one night when she was whoring around, I let myself in her place and waited for her drunk ass to come home. She was not even a challenge. She came home, tripped over some ugly ass way too expensive designer shoes on the floor, landed face down on her hardwood floor. Passed out without the pleasure of seeing me and my little friend waiting for her. Well, I was not going to waste precious time taunting this one. I just plunged my big ass knife in her back, then took it out and sliced her throat. She made some gurgling sounds then bled out on her floor. So I was left with a carcass to dispose of. I had no ties to this bimbo bitch, so no reason to suspect me. Regardless, I am still careful and have my methods. I used a big meat cleaver to start cutting limbs off. Then I cut those limbs into smaller parts, and then I dissected the torso. I had brought my plastic disposable waste bags lol. I started putting parts in bags and tying them up. I dumped them in my  trunk and disposed of body parts all over the country and city roads. Dropped some in the river, some down sewers, a few I threw in the forest… I brought the head, fingers and part of the torso home. The key is not leaving any parts with fingerprints or teeth out and about for the police to identify. Small parts decompose much faster also, or get swallowed up by the wildlife. The police may find a stray part here and there, but they never find them all, and never find any part that is identifiable.

At home I am a Hannahaball Lector of sorts. I have an industrial meat grinder in my dungeon. I throw the parts I bring home in there, grind it up fine and make a stew. A stew I often serve to guests I don’t like much. I take sadistic pleasure in watching some cunt or bastard sipping on my tomato bisque soup and wondering what my special ingredient is. My special sauce will always be revenge.

If you need assistance disposing a body, let me help. Or better yet, let me help you snuff a whore out. Life is too short to be surrounded by useless and annoying people. Don’t you agree?

Stalking My Snuff Phone Sex Victims

snuff phone sex jadeSomething I learned a long time ago in the art of stalking is, if I dress like my victim they won’t suspect a thing. So when I go out on my adventure I make sure to dress sluttish. Short skirt, high heels, heavy makeup and don’t forget the phony attitude as well. Stupid bitches don’t see me coming. They embrace me, after all they think I am like them. Only here to have a few drinks and have a good time. Little do they know I will lure them into my trap and by the end of the night they won’t be anything but a pile of blood on the floor. See when I trap them I don’t show the real side of me, not just yet. I continue to give that phony attitude and talk to them in a sluttish manner. I whisper very vanilla thoughts into their ear. How I’m going to eat their pussy and fondle their tits. They believe that’s the only thing that will happen. They start to cry and beg. Fuckin cunts. I haven’t even gotten to the good part! After and only after they start to cry and beg will I unleash the beast. Calling the bitch names and telling her after I fondle her tits I’m going to dismember those worthless titties and put them on a shelf as a souvenir. And that’s only the beginning.  Oh Trust me, I have more evil plans in mind for these ratchet whores.

Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Hogtied and Whipped

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The last thing I remember was being at the Mall with my girlfriends. We were shopping on our daddy’s credit cards, looking all cute and sexy. Then I woke up hog tied in some basement with a ball gag in my mouth. There was a man in a business suit staring at me. He didn’t look like the BDSM type, but here I was tied to some pole in a basement naked and hog tied. He never spoke to me. He walked over to a big wardrobe, opened it and revealed a huge variety of ropes, chains, collars and whips. I thought was this guy trying to be Christian Gray? He took out a riding crop and rubbed it on my tits that were tied so tight they stuck out like torpedoes. He then started whipping them hard. So hard he drew blood. All I could do was whimper and grimace as that ball gag was so tight in my mouth.

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He decided he wanted to whip my ass too but I was  tied to a wood pole. So he brought me down and put me in a hogtie position with all four of my limbs tied together behind my back.  My legs were spread as they curled up over my head in an extremely painful position. He also used rope on my ass for Kinbaku, which means he tied my ass up using simple yet intricate patterns, with several pieces of thin rope. My ass looked like a tic tac toe board. But this left my pussy exposed which he enjoyed. He shoved a baseball bat up my cunt. He left in there while he started whipping me with a cat of nine tails. I could feel my flesh opening up and blood trickling out of me. The ropes were so tight. I was crying and whimpering but he just kept whipping me more. I had never been in such a tight awkward position. I had no idea why I was here or what  I had done to deserve this.

After hours of whipping me with that torturous whip, he moved me back to the poll. He yanked the baseball bat out of my pussy first. He dragged me by my hair, shoved me down on my knees and tied me to the pole. This time he removed the ball gag and shoved his dick down my throat  and began skull fucking me before I could even scream. Because I was tied up I couldn’t struggle. But to be honest I felt relived. At least he wasn’t whipping me. He came down the back of my throat and as soon as his cock left my mouth, he shoved the ball gag back in and slapped me against the face. Then he spoke to me for the first time. He asked me if I knew what I had done to deserve this treatment. I shook my head because I honestly did not. I had never seen him before. He gave me a glassy cold stare, smacked my face again and said, “Because you were born.” He then tied the ropes tighter and hung me upside down, put the baseball bat in my ass this time and left the building. I was hogtied, bleeding, suspended upside down with a bat in my ass, crying, wondering if he would ever return…..

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Bondage Phone Sex Experiment

Bondage phone sex4b

I’ve always wondered how far someone will go to save their own skin…literally.  So, I devised an experiment for the sole reason to find out.  It’s so easy to catch prey this time of summer; in fact, I snagged this one from her own backyard.  In the middle of the day, most people are at work; and, she was sunbathing in her backyard.  It was almost as if she was waiting for me.

So, I brought her back to my dungeon and took her bathing suit off with a few snips of the scissors.  Then, I attached her to my contraption.  I put on the strongest nipple clamps that I had; then, I attached them to a bucket with heavy rocks.  She would be forced to keep her arms elevated in order to prevent that entire weight from being transferred to her nipple clamps.  The weight and the force, combined, would definitely tear off her nipples if she dropped the buckets.  

The first couple of minutes weren’t too bad; but, she was already showing signs of fatigue.  Those shoulder muscles were getting tired; and I could see her hands and even knees shaking.  It was the perfect time to explain the repercussions of dropping the heavy buckets.  I informed her that the lower the buckets became, the more likely her nipples would be ripped from her body.  She looked like she was going to be sick; but, the pain of holding the weighted buckets became her focus once again.

As a sort of stroke of genius, I added another attachment to the weighted buckets: this time, a clamp on her clit.  Her eyes were wide.  The clip was so tight that a little bit of blood was dripping from it already.  She probably thought that she survived for days; but, it was only about thirty minutes.  I sped things up by putting more weight in the buckets.  Droplets of blood on her nipples and clit fell to the floor until they were pools.  Her face was wet with sweat; and, she looked hopeless.  I reminded her that it was all up to her…she could save herself. 

Finally, I offered her a deal: drop the buckets, lose nipples and clit, and I will kill her swiftly; drop one of the buckets, lose a nipple and possibly her clit, and I will release her to live her own life.  She sobbed, but finally, she just stared at her breasts.  She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, stepped back and dropped everything.  She screamed in agony as the flesh was torn from her body; I bent over and slit her throat, watching the scene as she bled out.

Bondage phone sex4a

Snuff Phone Sex with The Devil Herself, Ivy

snuff phone sexI brought us a little blonde treat to play with. She doesn’t know how devious I am and she definitely doesn’t know there will be dick in the mix. I honestly love lesbians. They know how to lick the right spot but more than that I love the way their eyes light up in fear of cock. I will signal you to come in as she is working her tongue on my clit. As I bring her up to taste my juices, I tell her I have a surprise. As she turns around she sees you with rope in your hand and turns back to me to see the sly grin on my face. I tell her there’s no need to fight, just going to make it worse on yourself. But of course she doesn’t listen and I have to smack her down. I hold her legs while you tie her hands together, and then help you spread her legs apart before tying them down. What a beautiful sight that is. We can have as much evil and wicked fun with this bitch as we please. Let’s see if she’s a good fuck daddy? I bet her lesbian pussy is so tight, it may just squeeze your cock. Better to rip apart though right? We will be destroying all her holes for that matter. Especially that potty mouth. She has been calling me all kinds of wicked names. Crazy Bitch, Evil Cunt, The Devil herself…. I like them all. Let’s get to work daddy my precious time is wasting away every second she is alive!

Bloody phone sex: Screw It!

Bloody phone sex2b

I’ve become fascinated with power tools lately.  From electric screwdrivers to electric saw blades, I’ve fallen in love.  There’s something fascinating about having a machine with so much power.  Unlike a blade, it wrecks havoc in the process of mutilation or even death.  The blood spurts and the tissue is exposed, much like it is when I dissect bodies or prepare them as a mortician.  So, I guess that you can understand my fascination now.

I went to a home improvement store; and, of course, was eagerly looking at my options.  I was weighing my options carefully; for instance, battery-operated allowed for mobility, but would I be satisfied with the power?  During my investigation, I had several workers and customers offer me help.  They must’ve thought that I was picking out something for my husband; regardless, all of them flirted.  If only they had known how I was sizing up their bodies and imaging which tool I would like to use on them!  One particularly persistent worker wanted to help me; he was tall and thick, and I thought he’d be the perfect chance to try out my new toys!  As he helped me out to my car, I gave him my address and knew that I would see him that night.

Sure enough, he showed up all fresh and clean, his hair slicked back and a 8-pack of beer.  I invited him in; after a few beers, I couldn’t tolerate his rambling anymore.  Plus, I’d decided his fate: I was going to test out the difference between the battery-operated and electric screwdriver.  I already had the long, spiral attachment in both of them.  Forcing him into my chair and binding him was too easy; he was drunk and kept mumbling, “kinky.”  Then, came the fun: I turned on the screwdriver and watched as his eyes grew wide.  What a perfect place to begin, I thought!  Using both of the screwdrivers, I pressed with equal pressure…pushing them into his eye sockets.  The battery-operated one seemed to lack a little bit of the speed, but it seemed to cut down on some of the mess.  It would be perfect for a home invasion, I decided.  Of course, my victim continued to moan; but, I was so enthralled with my toys that it was easy to ignore him.

I’m not quite sure when he took his last breath; maybe it was around the time that I was pushing the screw through his throat, entirely through his body.  It was like decorating a corpse!  The saw was one of my favorites…the blood gushed and pooled in the floor as I took him apart…limb by limb.  Yes, he had helped me decide which tools I wanted…I wanted them all!

Bloody phone sex2a

Choke me with your cock..

rape phone sex fantasies

This first time my husband sold me for a fix, I had no clue how to suck a cock. Well I had sucked cock before but I wasn’t a pro at it. My new masters made sure to teach me the way they liked their cock sucked to perfection. And they weren’t gentle or loving in any sense. I got a throat fucking, gagging, rough, cocksucking lesson. They had me on my knees for hours some days. My knees would be so bruised up and weak after they finished with me but that was the least of my problems. I would have to suck both of their dicks at the same time and if I made a mistake I got a fist to the face. Even with a black eye and a swollen cheek I had to keep sucking their cocks. Meanwhile, my masters would degrade me. They love calling be a “stupid nigger whore” and “porch monkey”. They often tell me I should be glad I have such a sexy ass body because I would have been dead a long time ago. They keep me because I am loyal and obedient. Those compliments are short lived because they are right back to torturing me and fucking my sore throat. One of my masters has been making me gag on his cock and I can feel my throat closing from being so sore. That’s bad for me, they will only fuck me up some more until they force it open again.