Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Beautiful Medical Fetish Phone Sex


medical fetish phone sex karmaBeauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so they say. Finding the abandoned insane asylum/hospital in the middle of no where was my chance to live out my sadistic medical fetish phone sex fantasies. I was not going to let this chance pass me by. I spent hours walking the silent halls with their peeling paint, musky smell and ancient medical equipment. If I closed my eyes I could feel the pain and sadness surround me and it made every inch of my body tingle with delight while the moisture built between my legs. I had the perfect person in mind for my plan. An adorable little bubble brained twit that talks endlessly about her beauty and the plastic surgery that she wanted. There wasn’t one thing she hadn’t said she would like surgically enhanced from her boobs to her cunt. Last night when the moon was high and the night was dark I was about to make all her dreams come true, my way. Inviting her over for a few drinks under the assumption that I found an excellent plastic surgeon for her and slipping the Mickey in her drink was easy. If she only knew that I was to be the plastic surgeon of her dreams! She woke up strapped to a rusty old hospital bed in one of the old dirty hospital gowns I found while looking around.medical fetish phone sex hospital1 On one of the rusty old tables for surgical equipment I had everything I needed for our time together. I gathered several syringes and scalpels, needle and thread and some interesting chemicals that I intended to use. She had a bad case of cotton mouth from the drug, and could barely speak. However when I told her I was going to fix her right up as I raised the scalpel in the light of the candles I had all around us, she was able to let out a blood curdling scream that delighted every inch of me. She was about to get a face lift, a boob job and the vaginal lift that she so desired. I started with her tits. Taking a syringe and filling it with silicone straight from the hardware store I began injecting her left tit. Watching her skin stretch with each injection I continued until it was so full that the skin burst and the silicone came spewing out mixed with blood and breast tissue. Oh dear now she was lop sided and I would have to do the other side. All while enjoying the music of her cries. After completing  her right tit to match the left, I took a break to take off my clothes and rub hand fulls of the bloody breast tissue all over me. I started on her face lift next, I had to control her blood loss. After stitching up her chest with my needle and thread, I picked up my scalpel and began cutting a line from her temple to the bottom of her ear. Cutting the skin and not going to deep I am able to pull the skin taught and stitch it up cutting off the excess when I am done and moving to the other side. The closer I get to that vaginal lift the wetter my cunt becomes and I am almost there. She is faint now from shock and pain, but I will revive her before I begin my final procedure. I want her to feel the grand finale and enjoy it as much as I do!medical fetish phone sex scalpel

Snuff By Suffocation

suffication phone sex angiePinching my pussy lips while I sit in the tub thinking about my very first suffocation fantasy and how I lived it out the only way I knew how, with my Barbie and a little sandwich bag. I saw the scene in a horror movie and it made my little girl pussy twitch with longing. I had to play make believe with Barbie and pretend I was suffocating her and taking her life.sufication phone sex barbie Now I am all grown up and I have a real live Barbie in my basement. Securely bound to the large metal X that I have. Ankles and wrists shackled well. I can hear her screams for help. The sounds of her screaming fueling the fire that is building inside me. I have already administered a great deal of torture and pain and delighted in every bit of it. Right now she is hooked to a shock machine that is set on a timer. Every few minutes she receives a jolt to her pussy and ass, The electrodes are placed just so. I am looking at the clear plastic bag on the counter in my bathroom and I am imagining putting it over her head, securing it with duct tape and standing back. Watching her struggle to breath. I will of course increase the intensity of shock and decrease the time between them to maximize her suffocation experience and my pleasure. With my fingers covered in my own juice and my nipples as hard as they can get, I descend the stairs, bag in hand. She let’s out one last scream as I adjust the electricity and lower the bag, taping it shut. The time has cum for my climax and her end. sufication phone sex2

Mutilation phone sex morticia

Taboo phone sex Morticia


There is nothing better than candy… no I lied… Beating people is better than candy..

That is why I got the idea to beat someone with candy.. 

I know, It sounds weird but listen. 

On Halloween we had a bunch of little dicks from town come up to our place and egg us. 

Some of us went chasing after them but I stayed in the house. 

That is when I caught one little fucker breaking in down stairs. 

Don’t these people know that you don’t go to the scary house?

We will hurt them.. I was alone and all I had was my cast Iron skillet.. 

I know my house like the back of my hand. 

I hid by the door to the basement.. My basement where I do all my bad things… 

He didn’t know what him… When he woke up he was laying on my work bench.. I know he could smell the candy melting… and he saw me working on something. 

Taboo phone sex Morticia 2

I think he was scared but I couldn’t hear his screams… I super glued his lips together! 

I grabbed the boiling pot of melted candy and I poured in onto his exposed chest.. 

The thing about sugar is it burn deep in the skin and nothing really helps that pain. Especially in this basement.

After I poured all the hot sugar on him I let it get hard… 

I knew it was still burning him… 

That is when I grabbed my new flogger… 

It was breath taking to see his young skin and blood break away with every whip… 

He is still down there.. burning.. bleeding…

what should i do next?

Titty Torture!


torture phone sexmonetta

I was tortured today. Master said I have not been behaving quite the way he wanted. So he said I was going to have to be punished. Even though part of him did not really want to. I had to be punished. I needed to be put in pain to learn that my place as my master’s slave is to be one step behind him. Never walk beside him. Always do as I am told and to not be disobedient. I do not deserve the best. I deserve everything I get.


So master tied me up and whipped me hard. Each time I cried out he would smack my tits. He loves to pull my nipples and pinch them. A lot of times he will bite them until he makes them bleed. Torturing my tits is one of his favorite past times. As his final hour of torture was coming to an end, he said he had one last fun punishment. He blindfolded me and started to rub something liquid on me. He told me I was really going to enjoy this.


torture phone sex tits

I thought he was using an oil rub but it had a scent I couldn’t quite place yet. Until I heard a match. He took my blindfold off , so I could watch him. He threw the match on my tits. And felt my tits start burning. As I could do was scream. I started to pass out from the pain. The last thing I remember was my tits on fire, smell of my skin burning and how pretty the moon looked in the sky, shinning through the bedroom window.



torture phone sexmoon

Satan’s Sex Slaves

Evil phone sex torture submissivesMy girlfriend Stephanie invited me to a Halloween Party. She met this hot guy at a club and scored us an invite to an exclusive underground club. I was pretty excited actually. I needed a good time. We both did. The location of the party was a secret. We were told to be at a warehouse at 9PM and we would be driven to the party destination. Stephanie and I arrived promptly at 9PM looking very sexy. There were other women there too, but they were not hot like us. None of us seemed to know  what was going on, but I beginning to feel uneasy.

Then several men arrived. Very handsome men and Stephanie and I lost our senses. We are good submissive fuck pigs. Men tell us what to do, we do it. We know no other life. These men instructed us to get into this white bus. All of us, got on that bus, somehow knowing it might be the death of us. Like lambs to be slaughtered, we followed.

evil phone sex bondage bitchWere drove in the dark, in the woods, for several miles until we stopped at what appeared to be an abandoned church and graveyard. A creepy ass old church in the middle of nowhere. This could not be good for Stephanie and I, or the others.  They led us into the church. I saw the pentagram, the candles, the blood… It was clear we were in the church of Satan. Why, we were not sure, but Stephanie and I were scared. There was blood all over the alter.

Stephanie and I were together, but the other girls they separated from us. Stephanie and I got tied up in the back of the church. I did my best to calm her. I had a plan. If we could convince our captors that we were good fuck toys; good breeders for virginal sacrifices, perhaps we could  survive. We were clearly the pretty ones in the group. The Satanists seemed intrigued. Stephanie and I were forced to watch as they slaughtered the other girls at their bloody alter. Each girl was bound, gagged and forced to lay in the center of a burning pentagram. Their breasts were cut off, their pussies sowed shut, some sort of animal blood spilled on them, then they were lit on fire. It was the most horrifying thing either of us had every witnessed. And as subby fuck pigs, we have seen a lot. I can still smell their charred flesh and hear their screams.

evil phone sex sacrifice virginsI looked over at Stephanie and told her to trust me. We had something those women did not. We had rocking bodies and pretty faces, and we had youth on our side. We could appeal to their primordial urges. It worked. They did not kill us. Instead they took us to the basement. It appeared to be a sexual torture dungeon. All sorts of S and M devices.  For days we were Satan’s sex slaves. Fucked in all our holes. Whipped. Tortured. Deprived of food and water. Forced to pee and defecate on the floor. They even forced us to play with each other as they jacked off on us. They were insatiable. They didn’t seem to need sleep. They did, however, need to fuck.  They were determined to breed us.

evil phone sex satanic ritual killerWe survived the church of Satan. We survived being the devil’s sex slaves. But barely. They passed out after being up for close to two days. I’m double jointed and freed my hands, then freed Stephanie. We ran naked through the woods, in the dark and the cold until we reached the highway and the kindness of a stranger. I’m not sure if the devil exists, but he certainly has followers who believe and they kill and fuck in his name. What would you do to us in the name of Satan?

A Gift Served Cold

torture phonesex angieI always prepare for his arrival. I enjoy the thrill of the preparation as much as the thrill of watching him, enjoying his gift. My hot cunt is ready to go find the perfect gift for him. She must not be to thin and must be a brunette. He likes her cold and loves it when her flesh is changing color and is that special pale blue that only death brings with lips that are almost black. Timing is everything, a day and a half before his arrival is just about right. I find her and bring her home. Having my way with her and torturing her with out any mutilation to her body is a challenge. I so love the sight of blood. But pleasing him and the joy of cumming while he enjoys his gift will make up for what I can’t have right now. Suffocation is generally the method I use for his gifts as it leaves no marks and does the trick.  He knows that I will fuck her and relish in the fear that I bring her before I kill her for him and he doesn’t mind as long as she is in tact when I give her to him. I put her in my stand up freezer when I am done and leave her there. He always calls a few hours before his arrival which gives me time to take her out and lay her out for him. I comb her hair and position her so that when he sees her his dick is instantly hard. Sitting on the floor I watch, my nipples hard, my cunt so wet I can smell it as he slides under her. Her body limp and cool to the touch he slides his dick inside her. He can’t hide the intense rush this gives him and with me he doesn’t have to. I fuck myself with the same intensity as he fucks my gift to him. Both of us cumming in hot waves. He will thank me later when he takes me to my dungeon and gives me rough sex using any device he chooses for as long as he likes. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement.torture phonesex necro

Sadist Accomplish Whore Wants to Double Team Victim on Halloween

snuff phonesex kieshaHey, guys, it’s almost Halloween! I hope all of you are as excited about it as I am because I can’t wait.

Some people like watching horror movies around this time of year. But me? I like making horror movie shit happen. I know some of you do, too, so I think that means we need to get together and see what we can do….

What do you think about some kind of accomplice fantasy? I love taking what men can dish out to me, but I also love getting a chance to dish it out sometimes, too. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you, either, though, so how about we find someone to torture together?

You know how sometimes you hear those stories about people doing terrible things to black cats during Halloween? I thought we could do something like that, just on a bigger scale. And, you know, with a girl instead of a cat, or maybe even a girl dressed as a cat. Hell, why not?

We will find the perfect one somewhere, in costume, leaving a bar or a party. She’ll be all by herself. I’ll go up to her and ask if I can walk with her so we both won’t be alone, and I’ll be so sweet and trustworthy and disarming that she can’t help but say yes. And you’ll be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike.

You’ll have to do the heavy lifting part when we kidnap her, but I’ll be there to assist you in any way I can. Chloroforming her would probably be the easiest, but if you prefer to be a struggle, we could always do it the “hard” way. Then, when we get her to our lair, strip her, and tie her down, she’ll know for sure that she’s completely at our mercy.

Then what? There are just so many choices, aren’t there? I know you want to put your big cock inside all of her holes. Just let me get you nice and hard first, and you can stick it wherever you want. I want to see her choke on your dick, for one. Will you leave her pussy and her ass nice and bloody for me after you rape her? I want to see the dripping slowly defiling her milky-white skin.

I bet she doesn’t like girls, either, so I’ll sit on her face and make her lick me until I can’t take it anymore. And you know how I always have to pee when we’re done playing around? Well, there will be no need for me to get up and go to the bathroom, since I’ll have her face to use as my very own human toilet right there! You can use her that way, too, if you want.

And then, once she’s been kidnapped, raped, and tortured and is dripping bodily fluids everywhere, what are we going to do with her then? We could drug her so that she remembers nothing and turn her back out on the street. There’s no telling what might happen to her there. Or we could keep her as a little torture pet for the two of us, if you like. But if you really want to be sure to cover our tracks, we should probably get rid of her completely.

So who’s going to do the honors of snuffing her–me or you?

Do Not Fear The Desire

killer phonesex karmaThe sound of her scream sends a tingle straight to your cock. Then you see the blood and your body betrays you with an erection that you can’t deny. You wonder what is wrong with you. Why you are aroused by pain and suffering? Why do you want to feel the ripped and torn flesh? Why do these horrific sights that should cause you to turn away turn you on so much? You can’t deny the arousal that the dark side brings out in you. You can’t deny the desire to live out these fantasies that will surely damned you to hell. You dare not speak of it to anyone so you keep it all locked inside. How do I know these things you think of? Because my dark lover. The sound of her scream sends a tingle coursing through my body as well. When I see the blood, my body betrays me as my cunt drips with longing that I can’t deny. I no longer wonder what is wrong with me. Why I am aroused by pain and suffering. Why do I long to feel the ripped and torn flesh on her mangled body. Why do these horrific sights that should cause me to turn away turn me on so much. I no longer deny the arousal that the dark side brings out in me. Instead I embrace my desire to live out these fantasies that have already damned me to hell. If you dare not speak it, then write it. Don’t keep it locked inside any longer, meet me in a text session and live what you dare not speak. Close your eyes and feel the blood on your hands as we share our dark fantasies.  killer phonesex keyboard

Snuff Phone Sex ~ Bloody Cyber Text Sessions

Snuff Phone Sex Reagan

Everyone loves a good story. But I love a good horror story, don’t you? Would you like to be a part of my own personal bloody story? So much I can do with my fingers, my hands, my mouth, my teeth. When you call me and ask me for my stories of blood and gore, we have such a good time. I become your accomplice, you become my victim.. we hunt together and prey on the weak and lost. We kidnap and violate the young ones. We even violate the dead, and eat our masterpieces for dinner.

Can you imagine after all we have done, there is actually a way we can do more? Instead of just a phone call, you and I can spend time together in a world so sick and twisted it will make your stomach turn. For the same price of a phone call, we can sit very comfortably in our own quiet little world and chat to each other. Yahoo, Skype.. I am sure you have a mobile app for either. Text me from the comfort of work.. or hiding quietly from the Misses. or from the comfort of your computer desktop or laptop. I offer you a way you can be more than one person in our horror story.. you can be the young weak one, or even another gender.. how far do your sick twisted desires go? Mine go further than you can ever imagine. If you have ever had that urge and felt a phone call was not convenient.. give me a heads up and we can move to our own sick world and write our way to blood and gore. See you on the twisted side of life!

~Reagan, your Maiden of Malice~

The Taste Of Sin

snuff phonesex tasteWhat tastes better then blood? Thick and hot and full of sinful delight. She is on her knees before me. trembling with fear, tears streaking her face, naked, vulnerable, at my mercy. I feel the electricity coursing through me. Sweet nectar being released as my cunt contracts dispensing fluid that drips down my thighs freely. My nipples hard and erect, longing to be touched. I refrain from caressing them and the denial adds more arousal. A knife in one hand and a hand full of her hair in the other. Looking down on her sends a feeling of power coursing through me. I am superior, in control of everything except the sensations that this power brings, the lust that fills me. Yanking her head back so that I can look directly into her eyes, wide with fear I lower the blade to her throat. I can plainly see the pulse in her neck. Her heart is pounding with fear. Touching the blade to the pulsing artery she whimpers. I apply no pressure, not yet. I just run the blade lightly across her neck letting her feel the cold steel. We both know it’s coming but only I know when it will come. Adding a little more pressure to the blade I can see her skin breaking and small drops of blood form on the line where my blade is caressing her skin. Resisting the urge to make this swift, my cunt begins contracting faster and my cum is flowing in heavy gushes now. Finally I slit her throat and watch the blood squirt and drain down her naked and now limp body. Were it not for the grasp I have on her hair she would slump to the floor. Dipping my fingers in the blood I finally touch my nipples, pinching them hard, reveling in the sensation. Licking the blood from my finger tips I explode finally, relishing in the pleasure, releasing her hair and watching her slump to the floor. Sweet, fulfilling release!snuff phonesex angie