Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Recording A Snuff Porn Japanese Style

snuff porn karmaHis English was horrible. I barely understood him. But I did understand the wad of cash he had in his hand and the was incentive to listen closely and try to understand. When I finally got what he was saying I felt the gush of fluid in my pants that  was so strong it felt like a peed myself. He wanted me to find a young American girl that we could take back to Japan so that he could record a Snuff Porn Japanese Style. That meant she would never return. There would be no props, no fake blood, no stunt doubles….it would all be real. The screams, the torture, the pain and yes the death…..My blood was on fire! I asked if I could come and watch. I swore to him I wouldn’t tell a soul. How could I if I was going to be an accomplice in the kidnapping? I went out and found a girl and brought her back but he didn’t like her, she wasn’t what he was looking for. So I pushed her out of my car going 55 down the highway and watched as she tumbled down the road and I rubbed my clit. The next one I brought was perfect for him. We boarded his private plane and headed out. One of the stage hands caught my eye and I grabbed him. We fucked during the entire filming. All the way to the end when she sat in a tub of blood, barely breathing, after being tortured and before having her throat cut ear to ear. I came hard as I watched her head flop backwards and blood spurt rhythmically out of her carotid artery.snuff porn japanese karma

On A Deserted Road

violent phone sex AngieIt was a sunny day and I was out for a drive. Taking turns down dirt roads that I have never been on. Driving deeper into the country and away from civilization. Looking for remote areas that I can bring victims for some evil and twisted fun. So far out that no one will hear them screaming but me and bodies will deteriorate and be consumed by animals so that if ever found they are nothing but bones. And there it was in the distance. It looked like an old shack. There weren’t even electrical lines going to it. A scene straight out of a horror movie. Shining in the light and nailed to a big tree out front was a sign. “Body Parts For Sale” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this a hoax? Perhaps something left over from Halloween and a haunted house set up way out here in the middle of no where. I had to touch myself as the juices flowed and my mind raced. Did I really just get lucky and stumble upon a gold mine? As I pulled up and shut off the ignition my hands were shaking and then when I got out of my car and smelled blood and flesh heavy in the air. My knees went weak and my step quickened as I approached the old shed.

Snuff Movies for Snuff Porn Movie Download

snuff moviesI have a man in my life who loves snuff movies. Instead of watching Titanic or The Notebook together, we do the snuff porn movie download thing from the Internet to my HDTV. It’s like Netflix but with the kind of movies you can’t admit you watch, let alone download. We were watching this blonde whore, who resembled me, get fucked and choked at same time. When her body went lifeless, and the guy in the film kept fucking her, my sick fuck buddy suddenly stood up and yanked me off the couch by my bleach blonde locks.

snuff porn movie downloadHe dragged me down to the basement and kept mumbling about how hot sex with dead bodies would be. He was going to use me for his own private film. He strapped me down to his torture table and told me we were going to make our own home movie. He cut off my oxygen with a board tight against my throat. As I was struggling to breathe, I heard him sharpening his blades. I pissed myself in fear.

sex with dead bodiesHe came back with an evil glean in his eyes and informed me I needed a boob job before I could be a snuff star. I was weak from the lack of oxygen. There was no warning. He just raised his knife and started stabbing my breasts. “Silicon is for toys,” he informed me as he cut out my silicon bags. Blood was cascading down my sides. I was bleeding everywhere, but he informed me he would not let me die, yet. He just wanted to make me a natural woman before we made our own snuff porn. I passed out from the board on my trachea. Woke up covered in blood with barely B cups, a bad stitch job and puncture wounds. I was in a lot of pain. I begged for some drugs or something. He squirted a tube of Ben Gay into the holes in my chest, giggled and said “no pain no gain bitch.”

Mutilation phone sexLater that night, as I sat on the couch trying to recover, he downloaded a film of what he did to me while he mutilating my breasts. I’m sickened to think what he stitched back inside of me.

Taboo Phone Sex Terry Makes Candle Holders From Bad Boys!

You never want to disappoint a taboo phone sex babe like me. I am not one to be dominated, nor will I worship a mans feet. You have to be able to show me your worth if you want me to fall in love with you. I am everything a snuff porn loving man could ever want, if your not a little fruity fairy that is. I found a few men who thought they could rise up to the test. They have since been made into decorations to please me. 

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I have take those useless little jingle berry balls and wrapped them up tight. I tie them up so tightly that I hope that they pop. I could give a fuck less. They do not need them anyway. The way that they wine and groan makes me a happy camper. I love they way that their useless clit dicks start to swell and turn purple. Then I heat them up under flames. I love setting candles onto them. 

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Then when the candles get burned they stick onto their nads and the hot wax drips down over them. If I fold the naughty disappointments in half I can get the hot wax to drip onto their faces. I laugh as I eat my candle lit dinner listening to them wincing, begging for me to enjoy every morsel. My dinner guest makes me mad when he asks if I should let them go. Weakness is disappointing. I turn his asshole into a candle stick holder and shove an apple into his mouth. Screams become my dinner music as I finish my meal and hot wax burns his useless sacs. 

Home Made Trophies

taboo phone sex karmaIt took me several years to perfect but it was worth it! I have so many trophies of my victims and each one is perfect. They adorn the walls of my bedroom and I spend many hours laying among them rubbing my pussy with a fever while I remember the torture that led up to me being able to make each one.

Researching the process was difficult as the practice is only found in the Amazon, deep in the rain forest and only a few tribes practice the ritual of shrinking a human head.

With each step of the process, my cunt gets wetter and the yearning to cum builds until the final product is created and I can let the cum flow free down my legs like a river of warm water.

After torturing my victim and finally watching them take their last breath I pull the head back exposing the neck and use my favorite machete to cleanly sever it. Carefully I take my scalpel and make a perfect incision up the back of the neck and peel the skin back off the skull. Taking my time I insure that as much of the flesh as possible is still on the skull and not with the skin. This is a very important step and one that took a lot of practice in the beginning as I was impatient. Then I carefully place a few red seeds under the eyelids before I sew them shut with sinew. The next step is to sew the mouth shut and insure that all the fat and flesh are removed from my head. Then I insert a wooden ball to keep my head round. Those were a little tricky to find but finally I came up with using croquet balls that I sanded the paint off of. They work fabulously! Now the glory of watching the head being boiled in a pot of water with just the right herbs and tannins. The smell of this step drives me wild and is like an aphrodisiac! My euphoria is heightening as I prepare the pit of hot rocks where I will dry my head as I mold it in order to keep the best shape I can. Finally I rub it down with ash as is required in the original rituals to prevent the avenging soul of my victim from escaping.no limits phone sex head

You Want a Taste of Evil?

Get a taste of Evil when you cross my path bitch. You think you’re a bad ass mother fucker? Ha, I guarantee you are of no match for this evil genius. That’s right bitch boy your ass is going to be grass if you even think about fucking with me.

You see a hot fucking cheerleader when you look at me and hold the idea that I am for your amusement and use. HA! Think again mother fucker! I am not some bubble gum tramp in a short skirt baby. I am your worst fucking nightmare, and by the looks of it you will be experiencing me real soon.

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Oh, don’t even consider leaving your offspring in my care, I have a keen love of torture and rape fantasy porn. I want to make those flesh bots of yours my own personal fuck dolls. So, by all means invite me over to meet the family.

Snuff Sex on Tape

The camera is rolling and I am here to make your film the success you want it to be. The cameraman knows he will get to fuck my dead body when its over, and it turns me on that he agreed to that form of payment. He knows my pussy will still be warm even though my body will be lifeless. You start by fucking me as if it were a normal film and not a snuff movie. I am dressed up, makeup done perfectly, and I am not even scared. I crave the sting of the blades to come and I have been groomed for months for this day.

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The weeks in your dungeon as you used the knives and pins and needles all over my body. Draining my blood to the point where I passed out. You had to find my limits. You had to find what would look good on your tape. You transfused the blood back in and brought me back to keep the experiment going and bring my tolerance to a level that your clients will eat up. Finally a girl that you can slit her legs from knee to pussy and simply smile back at you.

You begin with the blades and my sweet fresh red blood pours out. My nipples come off like a knife cutting through butter and they fall to the floor. I see the cameraman’s cock get hard because he knows it won’t be long now. I take a knife in my own hand and begin to poke it right in my gut. Not many girls can manage this move – you have been the best teacher. I start to choke on my own blood and it pours out of the corners of my mouth. No screaming, just smiling. The taste is glorious and you are so proud. I begin to feel dizzy and cold, and thats when you place the big blade by my left ear and swiftly pull it all the way to the right. My head falls back and you cum deep inside me. The camera stops rolling, and its his turn now.

Snuff Porn; This Piggy Went To Market

I have been taking part in a rather tasty underground snuff porn market. I noticed that it was flooded with the kind of high quality flicks that I not only record but take part in as well. Lots of devious people travel to this market to get all kind of fun things they are looking for. That is when I  decided that it was missing a key element to make it so much better, an open slut market. This would be a place where all taboo phone sex lovers could find there little play things for acting out every last fantasy. Of course they would be able to find an accomplice if they needed one too. 

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I spend the next week compiling little tasty treats of every size, age, sex and color. That was when I realized that I had picked the perfect little piglet for my good friend Dr. Fell. She was about 20, and thick in all of the right places. I kept her drugged up and called him to let him know I had found the perfect surprise for him. I invited him down to admire the market that I had put together. He was very impressed with his with his little accomplice. When I showed him what I hunted down for him he was ecstatic. 

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We took her home that night. Of course, with the drugs in her system she made the process a million times easier. Dr. Fell took time to unwrap his present and take a closer look at her. He took the shower head and began to spray her clean of all contaminants before taking her to the kitchen. She was so high she even held the bowl of oil on her plump belly so i could baste her properly. Dr. Fell stayed at my side talking to his thick meat telling her all she would be to him. 

Cannibalism phone sex

As we began to tie her arms to the pole she began to whimper as it was brought to reality that we were not playing. With one of us on either side we lifted her up and put her so she hovered over the open flame. She opened her mouth to let out a giant shriek when Dr.Fell placed an apple inside of her mouth making her silent. He placed a kiss on a forehead and thanked her one last time as we watched her roast over the open flames. The perfect me for Dr. Fell and I. 

You Lied

You were the one guy I trusted. You promised you would help me get away from him. You told me that he was too cruel and that I deserved better. You made me believe that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t a worthless fuckpig whore. He had told me that for so long that it took everything in my broken soul to believe you. I was terrified to try to escape him, but you convinced me that you would save me and protect me and treat me gentle.

The night finally came and you came to my room, a trusted servant by my master, to secretly take me away from the nightmare I had been raised in. I saw the passion on your face as you lifted me up and told me it would be okay. I held on tight as you carried me towards the window. I knew your plan was for us to climb out. Suddenly you stopped. You asked me if this is what I really wanted. I said yes. Right at that moment, my bedroom door swung open and there was my Master.

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You dropped me like a ragdoll to the floor. I tried to reach for you but you kicked me away. I didn’t understand what was going on. My Master walked over and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bed where he began smacking me relentlessly. You were shouting that I was a lying deceiving ungrateful dirty whore. He began fucking me as you watched. Then I realized – you never cared for me. It was all a test. You showed him I wasn’t broken enough. I really am just a worthless fuckpig. And I knew tonight that I would finally be broken for good.

Piece by Piece

Awake again and nothing has changed except my outfit. I don’t know why you keep dressing me up and putting makeup on me when you are just going to destroy me within minutes. I hear you coming down the hall and I am terrified for what today will hold. You cut me so badly last time that I never thought I would wake up. I look around and even the couch is new. I guess you couldn’t get the blood out of the last one.

My tits are covered, and I know its because you don’t want to see the bloody holes that are left where my nipples used to be. You are taking me apart piece by piece and I wonder what I will lose today. My tongue was first. I remember screaming my last scream. My last chance of anyone hearing me. You round the corner and in your hand is a large sledgehammer. I had never seen you without a blade. You walk towards me, grinning, and I pull back as far as the ropes will let me.

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You swing the hammer towards me and it whiffs just past my nose. It would have killed me if you had made contact. But it was only to scare me. You love to terrify me, and you are excellent at it. I knew there would be pain, and I knew you wouldn’t take me out so quickly as to knock my head off. The hammer swung again, this time making contact with my right leg. I couldn’t scream of course, and the pain made me unable to even breathe. I watched my leg snap into pieces and bone and blood spray everywhere. You yanked on that ankle until the bottom of my leg came off and headed out of the room. The blood was pouring out of me, again, and I would faint soon. You had taken your next part, and would be back for more.