Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Here, Piggy, Piggy!!

rape phone sex fantasiesI should’ve known he wasn’t a real cop. I was walking out of the bar when he stopped me. “Miss, you aren’t planning on driving, are you?” he asked, looking stern.
I laughed at him. The next thing I knew, he had me thrown against the wall. “Spread ’em, bitch.” he said, frisking me and grabbing my tits. I was scared as I was already on probation. “Don’t make me taze you.” I cowered as he reached up under my skirt and fingered my pussy. I think a man in uniform is hot, so I didn’t fight when he unfastened his uniform pants. He grabbed me by the hair and bent me over.
I felt his cop cock penetrate me deeply. I put both hands on the wall to take the force of his thrusts. His balls were banging hard against me. “Please, sir, Take me to jail, but don’t do this.” I begged. He smashed my face against the wall. “Shut the fuck up, druggy cunt. I know how you fuck all the guys around here. You didn’t give me the time of day until I was a cop.”
I knew then who he was. He was the local perv who took advantage of women when they were drunk. He was famous for roofies in ladies drinks, then taking them home to fuck them, sodomize them, and make videos to blackmail them with.
His thick cock swelled in my unwilling pussy. I felt him start to shudder and I knew he was going to spew his dirty cum deep inside me. I began to fight and scream, hearing my cries echo in the empty street. He pulled out then and spun me around. “Suck me off.” he ordered, punching me in the face.
I gobbled furiously as he pumped his load into my face, yelling obscenities, and making a scene. He left me leaning against the wall in shock as he re-entered the club, waiting for his next victim. I limped down the dark alley, bloodied and broken, heading home to find some release in druggie paradise.

All Barbies Must Die!!!

murder phone sex fantasiesAs a goth teen, I hate everything. But most of all, I hate fucking Barbie dolls. You know, those idiot bimbo blondes who use stupidity to get a man. I’d love to kill them all.
Barbie is such a nasty cunt rolemodel for little girls. She uses her big ass and big tits to fuck men over. She has no skills. Men just bust their ass to cater to little Miss Barbie Doll. Meanwhile, I gotta work my ass off just to survive. If I could, I would eradicate Barbie from the face of the earth. I’d use one of my rich boyfriends to help me do the job. Lure the little cunt to his place to see his new car, yacht, or plane and then slit her fucking throat.
Of course, we’d have our way with her first. You could fuck her in every hole. Oh, fucking boo-hoo. Might smear her lipstick or get a hair out of place. I’d love to see you ram your cock down her throat while I stick a foot long pipe up her cunt, fill it with gasoline, and light her up. Then she’d have a really hot box!!! Or maybe stick some electrodes on those big fake titties and turn the voltage up until her implants burst. Love it!!! You really think she has feelings? Her orgasms are all fake, but I wonder how loud she can scream when you’ve got your condom covered with razor blades in her ass, and she’s bleeding out on the floor. Now, that makes my cunt wet.
Oh, I can think of some pretty horrendous ways to murder all of the Barbies of the world. Fuck ’em and kill ’em. Please don’t let them breed. The only good Barbie is a dead one, lying on the pavement like a broken doll, with a chalk mark outlining her worthless carcass and cum leaking out of her plastic hole.
Wanna be my Barbie-slaughtering accomplice? Let’s get together and plot to remove Barbie from the human species. It’ll be my pleasure to watch her die, slowly and painfully. I have 100 ways to do it. No one will ever know.


Taboo Phone Sex; Dumb Boy Learns Fellatio, The Twisted Way!

Taboo Phone Sex

Little fucking ass holes and bitches, fucking disgust me. Why people would ever want to breed such nasty creatures is beyond me. When I was approached by a little idiot at the corner of his fucking bus stop I about threw up in my mouth. The little brat had the nerve to tell me I was “fine as fuck” and that he wanted me to suck his “giant dick”. Now, I am a fairly fair person, I walked away that day. A couple days later though I was walking again past the same corner. The little shit had the nerve to not only call me “sweet stuff” but ask if I came back for more. That was it.This taboo phone sex bitch was done and I was going to teach this little ass hole a lesson! So I turned on my charm and brought him back to my place. He really thought he was going to score. 

I brought him inside and took him down into my torture chamber down stairs. This is how dense this guy was, he thought it was my sex room! Blood and chains everywhere and he still thinks I am going to give him head. My friend came from around the corner and my eyes turned to meet his only to get inrupted by the little chump, little ass had his clothes off already. “Well babe, you going to show me how a real women gives blowjobs,” he asked of me. “Oh I am going to teach you about it alright, but it is going to be you giving the fellatio, not me.” He looked at me, I could tell the word fellatio was rattling around that brain of his. I grabbed my hand out and gripped it around his throat pulling him near me. 

Snuff Porn

I grabbed his head and forced him on my friend. When he let out groans of satisfaction for the mouth force fuck he was being given I slapped him across the face and asked him what his problem was. He told me he was just doing what he was taught. Well, I was going to show him the propper way, folding him in half I shoved his head towards his own cock. “Now little boy, stick out your tongue and say AHHHH” I laughed as I shoved his face down onto his own cock. He wanted a lesson and he was going to get it. He grabbed it hard at the base and sucked right on. The little ingrate was actually listening to me. “That’s good now, choke on it!” I shoved his head down further, he began to gag on his own cock. Sure enough he started doing it on his own. I watched in awe as this little fag sucked up his own pre-cum. 

I flipped the idiot upside down. He did not want to stop sucking his cock. I grabbed a big spike studded dildo and shove it into his ass hole. First he whimpered and then, he came. The little ass was enjoying the fucking punishment I was giving him. Like a little pain slut sissy fag he came into his own mouth. I was in awe. This was not punishment for him, which made me very very angry. Well if he wanted to enjoy his auto-fellatio then he could forever. I took a chainsaw and cut that little bitch in half. When he was done I let all my friend come over and fuck his dead remains, while his dead body sucked his own worthless, dead cock! 

Sex with dead bodies

Sweet Revenge

taboo phone sex angieWhen she called me sobbing because he cheated all I could think about was fucking him up for her. Instead she made my cunt tingle with delight when she told me she wanted sweet revenge and she wanted my help in administering it. He had no clue that she had found out. She wanted to poison his food and watch him die slowly looking at her as she told him why he had lost his life. But I had a better, more evil plot in store. After all revenge is a dish served cold, ice cold. We talked about my idea and she loved it. The crying stopped and she began laughing. And evil, sadistic laugh that told me she was ready I invited them for dinner that night and got him very tipsy. After dinner she took him to the guest bedroom for “dessert” Once they were naked and she was ridding his cock in a grudge fuck that had her in a frenzy, I entered to room. He thought he had just got lucky and was going to get both of us. I took off my clothes and took out the huge ice pick. While she rode him, cussing him out and telling him what a low life he was I began stabbing him all over his abdomen and chest, careful not to hit any vital organs. The look in her eyes as she watched his face twist in agony, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear, was enough to make me cum. When she screamed she was going to cum on his cock and it would be the last thing he remembered, I raised the pick and drove it deep into his throat, his blood spewing all over her naked body and her cum flowing all over his dick. There is no vengeance like a woman scorned. 

The Last Ride

snuff phone sexI left the party early, so pissed at my boyfriend. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught him cheating, but it would be the last. I’d discovered him fucking a skinny redhead with no tits behind the barn at the cook-out. Listening to his moans as he fucked her from behind still rang in my ears as I took off down the road.
I ran for half a mile before I slowed down. My breath was coming in gasps and wheezes. I had left my damn inhaler in that jerk’s car along with my phone. There was no way I was accepting an apology tonight. I saw headlights coming and I prayed it was a kind soul who would take me home, and not some perv from the party sent to retrieve me.
The sexy Corvette pulled up beside me. I heard a sexy drawl say, “Hey sweetheart. You need a ride?’ I looked inside and there was this dark and handsome man. He was well dressed and seemed well off. Surely, it would be safe to ride with him. “Yes, please, sir.” I whispered, my asthma still making me breathless. I eased into the luxury car.
We had gone several miles when he spoke. “Have you learned your lesson, Chelsea?” I was shocked. How did he know my name? “What do you mean, sir?” I stuttered. “Poor girl.” he laughed. We drove some more and suddenly, POOF, I was standing on the shoulder again.
I walked for a while wishing I had my phone. It was dark and creepy and the moon was full. I saw headlights. A car pulled over and an old man offered me a ride. He looked harmless. I jumped in without a second thought. I wasn’t paying much attention to the grandfatherly driver as I pondered my evening.
Suddenly, he veered off the road unto a dark path. The canopy of trees made a perfect tunnel and even the moonlight was gone. He stopped and turned to me. “Take off your clothes, little girl.” I shook my head and his fist shot out, busting me in the mouth. He had his cock out already and it looked huge and menacing in the darkness. He came around to the passenger door and pulled me out into the damp night. I felt his claws grab my arm, twisting as he spun me around and threw me face down on the car hood. I fought back, kicking and biting, but he just pounded my head into the hood of the ancient car.
I felt him fumbling to penetrate me and I felt his giant cock sink home. I screamed as I was not wet and he tore my flesh. He pulled out and scooped some of the blood from my busted head onto his cock to lube it. Then he rammed back into me again, grunting, and ranting about pretty girls using men.
The more I struggled, the harder he fucked my little girl pussy. I could hear him growling and I knew he was ready to dump a load of nasty old man cum into my pussy. At that moment I saw movement in the woods. Dead people. There were fucking zombies in there. His zombies. His way to dispose of the evidence. They surrounded me as he cut off one of my tits and tossed it to them. They fell on it like rabid dogs. I was screaming as they surrounded me and began to tear me apart alive. “Eat my pussy” has never been so literal.
Right before my last breath, the Corvette man’s face came into view. “You didn’t learn your lesson, Chelsea. Never accept a ride from an old man with an innocent face. They are the evil ones. Don’t you watch the horror movies? Poor girl. Now, you’ll never get home.”
The world went back as his face faded from my vision.
Coming Soon…. Part II: I come back to seek revenge and haunt my cheating boyfriend. Can anyone say “dead fuck?” (evil laughs)

Room For Rent

taboo phone sex karmaI need to make some extra money so I decided to rent out my extra room. It is advertised as a lovely room with a view that is well decorated and affordable with all utilities included. All true, it is a lovely room and the view is a beautiful brick wall that has filled in the only window. The scheme of the room is blood red and white. I have had five people come to look at it so far. Of course once I collect the rent, they add to the blood red decoration for the next tenant. They will never use any of the utilities…..and they will never leave their new accommodations. Not only have I made some pretty good money, I have kept a hot, wet pussy while enjoying snuff, torture and violence thanks to them. Come on over and take a look at the room. In this case vacancy is a relative term…there are several lifeless occupants, I would love to add a few more. Will you be next?

Incubus Impregnation

evil phone sex angieOn my latest adventure I found an old mansion. It was neglected, everything covered in dust, smelling of musk, death and desertion. Looking at the stairway which was once so obviously grand in it’s deteriorated state sent shivers up my spine and an electricity straight to my cunt. It was deliciously eerie. I felt a presence in the air and I was drawn to this old place. I was tiered and decided to grab the blanket from my car and the basket of food and sat on the old stair case enjoying my meal. The ambiance in this old place had me horny as hell and I couldn’t help using the empty wine bottle to fuck my wet pussy on the stairs. Satiated and full my eyes fell heavy and sleep overtook me. That is when I felt the evil incubus of the manor. His spirit heavy pressing against my body, I could smell the stench of his breath close to my face and the cold chill of his member pressing into my cunt. His weight paralyzed me, not with fear, but with an exhilaration that comes from experiencing pure evil. I hope he impregnated me with his evil seed…


Stairway to Hell

snuff phone sex I smiled to myself as I climbed the stairs. No one had lived here for so many years. The locals all believed it was haunted. They had no idea of the real horror here. This was where I brought my victims.
The stairs were rickety but still stable. They gave off this delicious creak that terrified the girls I kept trapped upstairs. When they heard the creak, they knew that hell had cracked open and released me, and that I was coming to inflict pain and torture upon them. Even now I heard one of them moaning as she heard me ascend the stairs.
It was time for the oldest one to die and she knew it. She wailed as I uncuffed her from the wall. Her parents believed she had run off with a drug dealer many years ago. But all along she had been here, amusing me with her pitiful squeals and begging to go home. Her back was criss-crossed with scars, one eye was gone, and her pussy showed the mutilation that I loved to inflict.
“Today is your day, sweetie. Time to go.” I purred. “Home.” she whispered through parched lips. “No, honey. Today you get to die.” I laughed. I unchained her and took her by the hand. She panicked and fought. I wasn’t ready for that reaction. She kicked me hard and ran.
“You’ll never escape.” I screamed. I heard her feet hit the stairs as she ran like a panicked doe. Then I heard the sound of her falling. Yes, the stairs got them every time. They were alive and needed fed, too. As she hit the bottom and her head cracked open, I heard the stairs sigh as they sucked in the lifeblood pouring upon the floor. They became shiny and new again, their polished hardwood shining, the rotted runners brightly carpeted. I stroked the banister and heard the stairs answer in a creaking melody.
It was time for a new victim. I had one picked out already. The daughter of the town whore whom no body would miss. She was a beauty and I hated her already. Oh, the things I had planned for her. Maybe my Master would join us this time. He loved to fuck the new ones. And the dying ones and the already dead. He didn’t discriminate.
And when I brought them through that front door, the stairs would transform once again, to become the nightmare from which no victim would escape. And they would be waiting, for a taste of the blood.
Please let me be your accomplice as we finish this sinister story. There is so much pain that needs to be shared and so many victims who deserve to die. Let us ascend the Stairs of Doom and finish the work that I’ve started.

It’s Almost Time

violent phone sex angieDear Beautiful Victim:

You don’t know me yet, but you soon will. I have been watching you for months. Silently, in the shadows. I know you better then you know yourself. You visit him often to get your fix. I watched last week when he took you inside and you sucked his cock while fingering your cunt for the goodies that you need. Your blonde hair was flowing down your back and your plump tits were bouncing up and down. I took a picture for prosperity and I am enclosing it in this letter. Time is running out for you, all though you don’t know it. Soon you will be mine and reading this letter is going to prepare you for your fate. You see my dear you are my new BTK (bind, torture and kill) project. You live your life for that next fix and I am going to use your addiction for my pleasure. There is a new drug in town, it’s called the Zombie Drug on the streets. The high is much like the one you get from your precious heroine. The catch is that after prolonged use it eats your flesh causing it to fall off the bone and causing agonizing pain. I have almost perfected the formula and soon I will bind you in my basement. I will inject you with ridiculously large amounts of the drug and make note of how long it takes for your flesh to rot off your beautiful body. I will relish in the torture that I will administer and wait for the final dose that kills you all while my fingers are knuckle deep in my cunt. Soon you will bring me more pleasure then you have already. I can’t wait for our first meeting and to see the look on your face as you read this before I begin my sadistic plan.

Sincerely Yours,

Sick and Twisted Angietorture phone sex chelsea

Snuff Porn Japanese Style via Sadistic Bitch Brayden

Snuff Porn JapaneseKonnichiwa Bitches.  Variety is the spice of life or some shit right?  Never let it be said that I’m not an equal opportunity Snuff Bitch.  I found this cute little Japanese bitch that truly inspired me for a new hunt.  She was a waitress at a Sushi Bar I went to.  Typical Japanese woman.  Super demure, appropriate garments, pale skin, olive eyes.  She bowed to me after she brought my order and I knew right then, I had to have her.  As I stalked her with my eyes, I noticed a Samurai sword hanging up above the bar.  I smiled as I waved her over and asked her oh so innocently, if it was real or not?  She suppressed a blush and nodded vigorously that her father had brought it over from the old country.  I do love toying with my food and asking my prey about the weapon of her soon to be demise amused the fuck out of me.  I payed my bill and easily made my way back to the ladies room to hide out until close.  Slapping an out of order sign on the stall and locking it did the trick while I waited for the fun to come. 

As I suspected, a submissive little bitch like that was indeed the one closing.  Unfortunately for her, she was doing it alone…. well not quite alone but I knew I would not be providing her with any comfort.  When I heard her move to the kitchen I slipped out and grabbed the sword from behind the counter and made my way back to her.  She was busy drying dishes and never heard me slip up behind her.  I raised the sword to her throat and she froze.  I told the slant eyed bitch to turn around and look at me.  She looked so scared it made my cunt gush in excitement.  I had to see the rest of her.  I used the sword to cut away her clothes.  She had tiny little tits and a small body.  I was surprised someone so young was allowed to work but shrugs… all the better for me!  I made her get on her knees and sit back for me while I set up my phone to record my handiwork.  I knew making a  Snuff Porn Japanese flick starring this unfortunate bitch would be very popular!  

She cried and begged in Japanese.  I smiled back at her as I tied her hands above her head onto the pot rack.  I walked behind her, now naked with noting but the torn fragments of her kimono on.  I brought the sword up to her neck, looked directly into the camera and nodded my head in a mock bow as I sliced the bitches throat wide open.  Her warm blood gushed out and down her body in a crimson waterfall of sadistic beauty.

I guess I really didn’t need to leave her a tip huh?  Sayonara Bitch.

Bloody phone sex