She is an exhibitionist. I know she knows that I am watching her and she puts on one hell of a show every night. She has been since she moved in a couple of months ago. At exactly eight o’clock every night I can see the silhouette of her naked body through the thick glass block wall that makes up her shower stall. I watch her shadow disappear from view for just a few minutes and then she is in front of her bedroom window. She coyly glances my way as a gesture to let me know that this is for me. She doesn’t know that the glow from the TV is my favorite snuff porn. The most violent one that I have and that as she is teasing me with her little game, I am listening to the sound of screaming, that ripping flesh and torture are the music playing in my room as I watch and plot what I will do to her. To her this is a sensual game, for me it is an evil prelude to what is yet to cum.
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Watching, Waiting, Wanting
Violent Phone Sex Pleasure
I watched them stumble out of the bar.To drunk to be coherent. I watched them laugh as they found their way to the car, groping each other, obviously preparing for a drunken sexual encounter. They were the perfect couple for my desires. Walking over to them it was easy to worm my way into the fun. I slid behind the wheel of the car smiling while they made out in the back seat, laughing at the fact that they now had a third party. Oblivious to what is about to happen they follow me without question. They both think it is great fun as I tie her wrists and hoist them high above her head naked and vulnerable. His cock is throbbing and he has already taken his pants and shirt off and is swaying with a huge grin on his face. I throw him on the ground in front of her and mount him riding him hard and fast bringing him to the edge. Just as he is about to cum I reach behind his head and twist his neck hard, not enough to break it completely but enough to paralyze him. His mind hasn’t registered the pain as it is still focused on his pleasure. I reach down with a nice sharp scalpel and rip his eye from it’s socket as they scream together and blood spatters across my body. As he realizes that he can’t move I continue my assault, ripping flesh from his body blood is everywhere. Getting off of him I slice his ball sack open and remove his balls. Rubbing his blood all over her. Her eyes are glazed over with fear. He is on the edge now and won’t last much longer. The act of violent phone sex and her fear feeds my pleasure.
Strangulation Phone Sex Fun
When I saw her I knew that she would be the subject of a very hot strangulation phone sex call with someone who shares my love for snuff sex. Her neck was long and slender like her legs and the way she moved invited sexual advance. When I had her I fully intended on making this last for hours, Torturing her in the most evil and sadistic ways, making her beg for mercy, stripping her naked and watching her tremble beneath me. I wanted to make this violent and drawn out so that my pleasure was increased by making myself wait for that final moment when I would slowly squeeze the life out of her. I know the thrill it brings me to slowly increase the pressure around her neck, to hear the gasping as my victim fights with reality that her life is slipping away. The joy of watching eye balls bulging and staring straight ahead with a glassy look that could be mistaken for the look of a day dreamer or a star crossed lover. The only thing that gives away the reality of the situation is the redness of the face and the spasmodic jerking of the body as life leaves and death enters. But alas she was to loud and fought more then I thought she would for a little thing. She brought my fury to a boil before I had more then her blouse off and I found myself wrapping a cord around her neck sooner then I wanted to, taking her life with orgasmic pleasure and soaking my panties with hot, musky cum. My only comfort at the dismay of killing her sooner then I wanted to was when I finished undressing her limp body so that I could have my way with her as I soared again to that place of ecstasy that only snuff sex takes me.
Accomplice Phone Sex
You’ve always known me as your go to girl for all your most extreme, and scandalous fantasies, but have you ever thought about how young I am? Well, I am pretty young, young enough to be a teen in fact. That’s why it’s perfect for me to be your teen accomplice for our accomplice phone sex. Our victims will never ever suspect me; teen accomplice phone sex with me will always be in our favor…who wouldn’t trust this face? As your little accomplice we can work together to pick the perfect girl for this time, I am looking for a precious virgin…so hard to find these days. I will start at the library, she will be studying instead of going out; she has no friends…that’s why being my friend appeals to her even more greatly. I mean, come on, look at me! It won’t take long before she admits she hasn’t ever had sex, and she is waiting till marriage. Typical. I will invite her to hang out, and how could she refuse? As soon as I get her to my place I will slip a little something into her drink, and out she will go…When she awakes I will have this precious virgin all tied up and naked, ready for us. Are you ready to completely destroy this little bitches cunt? Let’s make this nice and bloody. I love to watch and record as she cries and begs for you to stop, and how it hurts. As if we care! I’m getting so horny watching your bloody dick push into her sweet pussy…maybe we should tell her it will all be over soon… after all she does now me as the sweet girl she met at the library. Oh but dear, I am not finished with you yet!
In The Name Of The Father
When I found this sweet little trinket in the bottom of a box, way in the back corner of the second hand store I knew that I had to use it. As I picked it up and examined it I felt my cunt twitch and quiver when I realized just what it was. I love sacrilege on any level. I went home and started on the wooden cross right away. I found the nails I needed and made sure that everything was just right. I found the perfect tea totaling dress for church and cringed as I put it on. but this was going to be worth it. I headed out for the local Catholic church with a handkerchief and some chloroform in my hand bag in search of the most chaste female I could find. Getting her alone after mass was easy and I could hardly wait to nail her naked and vulnerable to the wooden cross that I constructed before beginning to use the cross syringe to inject her with mind altering drugs and begin my abuse! I can’t wait to hear her denounce her god and curse him to hell while I defile her body, mind and soul.
You caught me in the parking lot trying to get into my car. You slapped duct tape over my mouth before I could say a word and then knocked me to the dirty ground. I hadn’t seen your face, but now I could feel your hands on me, taping my wrists together and shoving some sort of cloth in my mouth. I was face down with y knees tucked and taped under me. It was the middle of the day! Where were all the people and why wasn’t anyone helping me?
I could look to the side and see my ripped cloths and saw you reach down and pick up my purse. All this just to rob me? My naked ass was fully exposed and I could feel the cold air blowing down over my tight asshole and pussy. You began rummaging through my purse. What the fuck were you doing – just take the damn thing. Then I watched you pull out my red lipstick. Then you disappeared from my view. For a moment I literally thought you just stole my lipstick but then I felt you writing something on my ass with it.
I had no idea what you write, but I heard you run off. I tried as hard as I could to free myself from the tape but I couldn’t. Then I heard some footsteps approaching. Finally someone had come to save me. To my surprise I heard laughter from several men standing over me. Then I heard one of them say, “Why not?” and then I heard them unzipping their pants. Fire shot through me as one of them rammed his cock right up my tight asshole and I felt the other one groping my breasts. I knew it wasn’t the same man who left me here, but here I was exposed for everyone’s rape phone sex fantasies. I was there for hours as groups of men came by and fucked me raw. Finally one of the men took off most of the tape and flipped me over. Just when I was about to thank him for saving me, he pulled a knife and slit my throat.
Bloody Mutilation Phone Sex Fun
Mutilation phone sex fun keeps my cunt dripping wet. The feeling of my knife slicing through skin and into a body sends jolts of electricity through my body and straight to my aching cunt. dismembering a body slowly and meticulously as I cauterize each area to stop the bleeding and add to the pain makes me cum hard over and over again. So when I saw the old gelatin at the auction I knew I had to have it. I brought it home and set out building the bed so that I could lay my victim down instead of having her kneel to be beheaded. I found a victim quickly all dressed in her cocktail waitress uniform, walking home in the dark, damp evening. After torturing her for a while I placed her on the gelatin facing up so that she could see the blade. Watching the tears streak down her face and seeing the fear in her eyes had me right on the edge of an earth shattering orgasm. As I released the blade and watched it cover in blood, severing her head, her body twitching, I fell to my knees as the force of my orgasm took over my body. I am going to have many nights of fun with my new toy
Gangbanged Druggie Trash
I woke up naked in a room full of gang members. I tried to remember how I ended up here during my frantic search for drugs. I felt bruised and battered. I looked down to see my body covered with giant bruises and scratches. My lip was swollen and I knew my eye was black. All I had wanted was a fix. Oh, they gave me one all right, mixed with something. My pussy felt like raw meat and I felt a slow trickle from my asshole. I touched myself and found blood. They had gang violated me and used me like a party favor. I didn’t fight back for I loved the flow of drugs into my veins.
I crawled towards the bathroom, hoping to find my clothes when I was pinned down. A foul smelling man was holding me down, trying to push a hard penis into my battered pussy. I bucked and arched but that just gave him quicker access. I felt my pussy queef and squish as he pushed into my cummy hole. He pulled my head back by my hair as he grunted his load deep inside of me. Leaking his jizz all over the floor, I began to crawl again, only to be dragged back by my feet. “Where ya going, Chica?” The night is young and we’re still horny.” He grabbed my arm and I felt the sweetness flow into my vein. They could do whatever they wanted to me as long as I felt this good. It’s the life of a druggy slut like me.
Keeping Your Dreams
Dream catchers have always fascinated me. Perhaps because of the connection to the spirit world that they are supposed to hold. That and what and how they are made if they are authentic. A dream catcher is supposed to be placed over where you sleep, good dreams flow through the center and bad ones are trapped in the web surrounding the center and destroyed by the morning light. The hoop is made of willow and the web is made of sinew, which is actually taken from animals and made of the fibrous tissue that connect muscle to bone. Eventually the willow dries and the tension of the sinew will break the hoop. I want to make reverse dream catchers. I want the nightmares to flow through the center and the good dreams to be trapped in the web. So I have the brilliant idea to change the materials I use to make the dream catcher. I am constructing them out of the body parts of my victims and giving them to all the brats at the playground instructing them to hang them over their beds. Next week I will return to the playground and see if my evil plan worked. Just the idea that the little fuckers have pieces of dead bodies hanging over their beds is a rush in itself.
Time is Up
He was being too sweet and I knew it. He allowed me to bathe for an hour and light scented candles and relax my body. He sent in a masseuse to rub me down and let me have hours alone in the dressing room to do my hair and makeup. He told me to look my most beautiful. I know sometimes he likes to use the video camera, but he still never cared what I looked like or how I felt. I had long wondered why he had kept me so long and this seemed like such a ritual I wondered if this would be my last night here.
I know he watches snuff porn late at night. I can hear the screams from the television upstairs from my cage in the basement. Maybe he just wanted me to look different for Halloween? My mind was racing, but once the massage was done I began to relax. I couldn’t let the terrifying thoughts I was having keep entering my mind or I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the pain he was surely going to inflict on me tonight. I found a silk gown waiting for me on the bed, and I put it on. It was see-through and the softest thing I had felt against my skin in months.
He came in the room and stared. No video camera and no audience tonight. It was just him and I. He offered me champagne and I drank it politely. My head started spinning almost immediately and I knew there was something in it. He took me gently and laid me back on the bed. He pulled off the silk gown and began running his rough hands over my soft skin. He fucked me so gently it was almost as if he were making love to me. But I knew it had to be the drugs – he was a monster and incapable of that. I had seen the darkness in his eyes the first time we met.
He fucked my mouth, my tits, my pussy and my ass. He kept telling me how beautiful I was and then he said something that sent chills all through me – “I am going to miss you, Stephanie, you are my favorite little pain whore.”. My body felt so good I didn’t even want to fight it. He guided me back into the bathroom and ran some more warm bath water. He helped me climb in, I was like a baby lamb barely able to stand. I sank down into the warm water and my head fell back. I saw the blade in his hand and I knew tonight was the night. I was to be sacrificed so that another could take my place in his home. I felt the blade go deep in my throat and I began choking. It seemed like a dream but it wasn’t. The bath water turned red and then I watched as he stood up and then pissed all over my dying body. It felt warm against my cold skin and somehow I was grateful to have been his favorite.