Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Sadistic phone sex with Morticia

I found my mother strung out once again. High as fuck after days of her beating me and letting her friends fuck me as I was tied up. This day was the day I stood up to that fucking bitch. She was so fucking high, begging me to help her. She was laying in a pile of fucking vomit. I was tired of listening to her scream my name over and over again. I kicked her in the face with my thick boot. I laughed when the bitches teeth fell out. Her mouth was bleeding as she was crying. I took the heel of my boot , placed it on her knuckles and then stepped down. Listening to her bones break as I stepped on her. Her screams made my pussy wet. I pulled my panties down and sat on her face. I told her if she wanted to live she was going to make me cum. I rode her fucking face and when she stopped eating my cunt I stabbed her in her useless pussy.


Sadistic phone sex  

Oh Bloody Day

taboo phone sex karmaThe weather matches my mood today. Cold and rainy and foul. And to top it all off I started my fucking period today. I need to release some of this fucked up energy I am feeling and I know just how to do it. He has been calling for months wanting to go out and do something. He is a pitiful little thing, pale and scrawny, the perfect one for me to take all my aggression out on. I call him up and invite him over. I can hear the delight in his voice. The joy is sickening and only serves to darken my mood even more. He arrives with flowers…bloody fucking hell. Grabbing him by the hair and throwing him to the ground i begin to let it all out. In seconds his clothes are ripped to shreds on the floor in a heap. His dick is rock hard and the sight of it adds more fuel to the fire burning inside of me. I rip the bloody tampon from my pussy and shove it in his mouth. To my surprise he happily sucks it, moaning with delight. Swatting over his face I push huge clots of blood into his mouth. He chews on them and swallows like a fucking brat eating candy. I grunge fuck that cock with my bloody cunt and he is eating it up. The more he likes it, the angrier I get and the more savage I become. Blood is everywhere, both of us covered in it. He is licking it up and sucking it off of me. Despite myself I cum all over his blood covered cock and he shoots a load inside me before sucking it all out of me.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies W/ Daddy

Rape phone sex fantasies (6)

I remember when I was younger, just starting to develop – just about to start my period any day. I was fast asleep the night Daddy came into my room for his rape phone sex fantasies. He came up and slid his hand over my thighs, all the way to my panties with my bald cunt slightly exposed. Daddy reached under my dress and started to touch and feel all over my tits…I only knew this because that’s when I woke up. I started to struggle but Daddy put his whole weight on my body and covered my mouth. “Do you have a friend at school that is a slut?” I nodded and he pushed harder on me as I whimpered. “Well you’re about to be a shameful little slut, Daddy’s little whore.” I started to cry and struggle some more but he was rough with me, telling me it was my fault his cock was so hard. Ordering me to touch, kiss and lick it. I couldn’t do anything but just that and I knew Daddy wanted to make me his slut soon. I was scared and I resisted him as he forced his cock into my pussy. I was so tight on his dick, so smooth as he tried to get it all in there and I knew he loved when I fought against him just a little. I couldn’t tell anyone either – they would know I was a slut.

Torture phone sex with Makayla

Torture phone sex

Torture phone sex is hot. Listening to a stupid whore like me scream as you tell me what to do to myself. You know I am a dirty stupid whore and I need to be punished. My sweet pink cunt has been fucked, fisted, stabbed and stuffed with so many things. I will fuck a knotted cock and take all that nasty cum for you. I will degrade myself as I cut my body for you. The pain of a slice into my pale skin makes my pussy wet. Seeing the deep red blood gush out of my fresh new fuck hole makes me want to ride your cock. I want to be hurt and be punished for being a nasty fuck hole for you. Make me your worthless bitch. Try all the evil things you have ever wanted to do. I am your willing victim and I need it. I crave pain. I crave the pain you want to inflict on me.

Stranded For The Last Time

taboo phone sex karmaOne person’s misfortune is my gain. Going home I saw a stranded car in the snow with the word “HELP” written in the snow on the windshield. Being the person I am, how could I not stop? Inside the car was a woman and her young one. JACK POT! so helpless and cold, they were so thankful that someone had come along. After all they could have frozen to death out here. I don’t know about freezing, but the death part was certainly what was about to happen I offered them a ride back to town for help and they gladly accepted. Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to take rides with strangers? They should have. Once at my place I took full advantage of my situation. And here I thought today would be a cold and lonely day for me. Torturing the little one first while mommy cried and watched was just what I needed to get the party started. She was about to be next and his lifeless body would be right there with us watching with that glazed over stare that death brings. He would witness his mommy’s demise from the other side. Not to worry they would soon be together again! Forever…..

Blood Bath

taboo phone sex angieAs I sit here smoking a cigar, stroking my soaking wet pussy and watching them I am delighted. they were such a cute little family, mommy daddy and their adorable little girl. the look of horror and the anguished cries as I made them watch me mutilate her body for my pleasure brought me to an orgasmic peek. Now covered in her blood they whimper as they fuck each other. They dare not disobey me, they have seen first hand what I am capable of. The funniest part of it all is that they think they are fucking for their lives. They REALLY believe that I will spare them. They have no clue that my heart is as black as the black ice covering the roads in this blizzard and that my blood runs as cold as the nor-east winds that are howling out side with the winter storm. They should be thankful that they are in here and staying warm by the crackling fire that is illuminating the hot , wet blood covering their bodies. I can feel the cum starting to flow on my fingers in hot jets. How ironic that the fire and ice inside directly reflects the conditions out side. Life, and death are a fascinating thing to behold indeed!violent phone sex fucking

Blood Trails in the Winter Forest

goth teen phone sexI followed the trail of blood out into the snow. The bitch thought she could get away by chewing through her ropes. She didn’t realize that there was shattered glass on the floor and her cries had echoed through the basement. I laughed to myself as I let her run. Nothing but miles of woods out there. If frostbite and coyotes didn’t get her, I would.
She was one of those bitches that you just fucking hate. Perfect, rich, spoiled, driving a new Beamer that Daddy bought for her at graduation. Daddy couldn’t save her now. See, this pretty little slut fucked with the wrong girl. I was at a party with my BF, Brian. He was a classic bad boy with a eye for pretty blondes. He thought a bathroom blowjob wouldn’t hurt me. It didn’t. He died in a wreck that night. Bad brakes..hehe. But she knew that she did. I’d been in love with him. The way she looked at me and licked her lips when she came out of that bathroom haunted me. I decided to bide my time and make her life hell. I got her fired for drugs in her car. I killed her cat and left it on her porch. I hacked her email and sent ugly letters to her friends and family. I’m a cunning whore and revenge is a game. Finally, I stalked her to a club one night, drugged her drink, and then “rescued” her, telling the bartender that I would get her home safely.

bloody phone sex
She woke up beaten in my basement, stomp marks all over her pretty face. I had cracked a rib and slashed her tits. The pain was intense despite her hangover and she moaned loudly….until she saw me. A shriek stopped in her throat and she knew she was dead. I laughed as she whimpered, leaving her to wonder how and when. Poor pretty fool figured she could escape. She was so very wrong.
She’d been wandering in the woods for over 3 hours when I found her. She had bled profusely. Her bare feet were frozen solid as were the tears on her face. There was a gaping wound on her thigh where a timber wolf had attacked her. You could see meat and bones and I knew the pack would soon be back. “Please, help me.” she mouthed. I laughed an evil laugh that echoed through the frozen forest. I turned my back on her and walked away. As I exited the darkening woods, I heard her desperate scream. It was the cold and lonely wail of a walking dead woman. The winter-starved wolves will feast tonight.

sadistic phone sex

Mommy Ass Rape Porn Cures Cabin Fever

ass rape porn blairAss rape porn during a winter storm was on my agenda today. Or I should say it was on my son’s agenda. He had a few friends over because of the snow day not realizing it was going to snow as much as it did. I was fine being snowed in because I had my own private stash of white snow to pass the time. My son and his friends got cabin fever as soon as the power went out and they could not play their video games anymore. They burst into my room half naked, hard cocks in their hands and I knew what was in store for me. I was going to get gangbanged, double penetrated and force fucked. At least until the power came back on. My son saw my bowl of nose candy; pretty much pilfered it, then pilfered my ass. I don’t mind a good ass fucking, but when my son and his friends get high, they get merciless. Just anally assaulting me with their dicks was not enough. I got fists up my fuck holes, beer bottles and the biggest glass dildo known to man. Where the fuck it came from, I had no idea; but it hurt like a bitch. I needed more candy, but they snorted it all. My son wanted me to feel every inch of that cold glass in my ass. I prayed for the snow to stop and the power to return so I could just go back to partying with myself, but this was the big black cock of snowstorms: 16 inches in one setting. The power was out for hours. My ass took a beating from three horny boys When the power came back on however, they didn’t lose interest in my ass. They just gained interest in my pussy.

Gotta find some fun in all this cold!

rape phone sex fantasiesIt is fucking freezing outside, all this snow and cold is cramping my style yanno? Here I am stuck at home with my little brat of a niece and the only person around is my horny teen loving neighbor. Now, it has always easy to convince a guy like him to get all his rape fantasies out on some lil teen, but this guy was really surprised, shocked even when I offered him something that was even younger than he was expecting. I knew it wouldn’t be hard to convince him that this little one would be the one who needed fucking, who needed to be forced to do the nastiest things at such a young age. He was convinced when I started describing what her little cunt would be like – he couldn’t stop thinking about how tight and small it would be. Perfect stretching apart on his dick. The bald shiny lips just begging to be fucked wide open, raw and bleeding even as you pop her cherry. I want a little virgin, don’t you? Can you imagine how hot it would be to hold her down as she cries and screams and you make your cock go into that tiny itty bitty cunny. I know he wanted that thing all along and I am going to help fuck her, force her and get that rape fantasy going just like he wanted… even if he didn’t know that he wanted it!

Classic Torture

taboo phone sex angieRecording her torture in black and white is fucking classic. They know exactly how to mutilate her causing the maximum amount of pain and keeping her alive and feeling every second of it for the longest amount of time. Of course I have smelling salts and other ways to wake the bitch up if she passes out so that she can enjoy the slow and painful torture that we are dishing out. After all, I bought this one. She wasn’t abducted of the street. I am damned sure going to get my money’s worth and I am going to enjoy this over and over again for a long time to come when I watch the film I am making. I am thinking of saving a few prize pieces of her body as well to add to my collection. And if all goes well I am going to be able to finally make that drinking mug out of her skull. I have tried a couple of times and haven’t been successful at sealing the skull so it holds liquid but I think I have it down now and that hers will be the final one.