I followed the trail of blood out into the snow. The bitch thought she could get away by chewing through her ropes. She didn’t realize that there was shattered glass on the floor and her cries had echoed through the basement. I laughed to myself as I let her run. Nothing but miles of woods out there. If frostbite and coyotes didn’t get her, I would.
She was one of those bitches that you just fucking hate. Perfect, rich, spoiled, driving a new Beamer that Daddy bought for her at graduation. Daddy couldn’t save her now. See, this pretty little slut fucked with the wrong girl. I was at a party with my BF, Brian. He was a classic bad boy with a eye for pretty blondes. He thought a bathroom blowjob wouldn’t hurt me. It didn’t. He died in a wreck that night. Bad brakes..hehe. But she knew that she did. I’d been in love with him. The way she looked at me and licked her lips when she came out of that bathroom haunted me. I decided to bide my time and make her life hell. I got her fired for drugs in her car. I killed her cat and left it on her porch. I hacked her email and sent ugly letters to her friends and family. I’m a cunning whore and revenge is a game. Finally, I stalked her to a club one night, drugged her drink, and then “rescued” her, telling the bartender that I would get her home safely.

She woke up beaten in my basement, stomp marks all over her pretty face. I had cracked a rib and slashed her tits. The pain was intense despite her hangover and she moaned loudly….until she saw me. A shriek stopped in her throat and she knew she was dead. I laughed as she whimpered, leaving her to wonder how and when. Poor pretty fool figured she could escape. She was so very wrong.
She’d been wandering in the woods for over 3 hours when I found her. She had bled profusely. Her bare feet were frozen solid as were the tears on her face. There was a gaping wound on her thigh where a timber wolf had attacked her. You could see meat and bones and I knew the pack would soon be back. “Please, help me.” she mouthed. I laughed an evil laugh that echoed through the frozen forest. I turned my back on her and walked away. As I exited the darkening woods, I heard her desperate scream. It was the cold and lonely wail of a walking dead woman. The winter-starved wolves will feast tonight.