From sunup to sundown, I walk the streets selling my body. My boyfriend counts on me to keep a roof over our head and crack in his pipe. Every time I get in a strange man’s car it a gamble. There are some sick sadistic men that enjoy causing pain. I’ve gotten beaten up so many times that I’m lucky to still be alive. If I don’t bring home enough money to keep my old man high all night then he’ll be the one beating my ass. My old man loves to torture me with knives, hot irons, and leather belts. My body is covered in evidence of his physical abuse. He’s all I’ve known since I was a very young girl so I can’t leave him. Maybe I’m as sick as those sadistic johns because I can’t leave my abuser. Do I like the pain and punishment?
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
I Need Domination Phone Sex
Domination hone sex is what I need. I am a submissive whore, but I am not well trained. Not every man thinks of me a piece of shit. Many men worship and idolize me because I am hot. I get mixed signals. My daddy said I was a whore. He treated me like the piece of shit I am. But, with other men, I get mixed treatment. I was with John over the weekend. We met at a club. It wasn’t a BDSM club, so I was hopeful he saw me as an equal, girlfriend material. We had been on a few dates. I felt like a princess the way he spoiled me. Saturday night we were at his place. Romantic dinner, lovemaking then I spilled some wine on his carpet and he slapped me. I saw a different side of him. He grabbed my hair and pushed my face in the carpet like I was a dog who pissed the floor. Next thing I knew, I had a collar around my neck. He had a chain leash affixed to the collar. He told me from now on I am his bitch because I can’t be trusted not to ruin things. I apologized or being clumsy, but he didn’t want to hear it. He punched me in the gut, bringing me to my knees. That’s when he pissed in my face. He laughed as my eyes burned from his urine. He snapped. Went from a great guy to a mean bastard over a glass of spilled wine. I spent the weekend in a dog cage. I was no longer his girlfriend. I was his slave, his prisoner. He pissed and came on me all weekend, never again showing me an ounce of affection. I think I like being his bitch better than being his girlfriend.
Pissed Him Off
Never underestimate the power of someone who is pissed off. I did that once and yes I paid for it. He was the guy in the car next to me. He was obviously texting while driving and was swerving across lanes. Two land road, but he got the stop sign. And when he stopped for it he was half in my lane, half in his own. So I put my window down and told him it’s stupid to text and drive. Of course, he threw a total fit. “Bitch, fuck you I am sitting at a stop light.” “Look where you are stopped, sir.” He looks down and puts his window up. I took off after the light turned green and he now seemed to be following me. What did I just do? I wasn’t going to go to my house at first, but then I said fuck it I wanted to go home. He followed me into my driveway. He parked right up behind me and jumped out of his car and ran at me. He grabbed the back of my neck and slammed my head onto the hood of the car, dazing me and kept me feeling a little confused. Then I could feel it, his cock in my pussy, fucking me hard. I felt my pussy getting wet and I didn’t understand. He had me by the hair and was pulling on it with each thrust into my pussy. And then he pulled out and jammed his cock in my ass. I screamed and he whispered in my ear “You want to play cop bitch, this is what you get. Be quiet or I’ll cut you from ear to ear.” My eyes went wide, my throat was totally exposed. I stayed quiet until he shot his load into my ass. The last thing I see is the ground and my blood seeping into the dirt. Whose blood is tha…
Taboo phone sex with willing victim
Its so hard to understand why I keep being targeted for assaults. I have been fantasy raped over and over again. My asshole and my cunt are a magnet for violent attacks that sexually stimulate me even though I do not ask to be the victim. The very first time I was attacked I was just a girl and it hurt to have him shove his cock into my virgin pussy. I felt my skin ripping as his giant cock was pushed into my innocent pussy. He thrust and pound me so hard, I just remember there being blood everywhere and feeling like someone had hit me over and over in the pussy with a bowling ball. He fantasy reaped my asshole that night too. I have never screamed so loud in my life like I did as I felt him push himself into my asshole. I cried and begged for him to stop and it made him harder and fuck me faster and deeper. From there it seemed I just became a walking punching bag, pussy jizz drop.
Taboo Phone Sex Fascinations
A taboo phone sex fascination is what it takes to get you off, and I’m the Evil Mistress that your loins throb for. I will suck you blind and drain more than those balls, your will is only a part of what you’ll be giving in to. I will destroy you mother fucker and that god damned cock of yours, well if it’s lacking the ability to please me, then you best expect it to be cut the fuck off. I don’t play nice nor do I fucking let asswipes fuck around with me, your all in or fucking be prepared to perish you god damned piece of shit.
I’m the last attempt at pleasure you may have if you approach me in the wrong way. You haven’t a fucking clue how I will tear your shithole up with my mother fucking stainless steel fuck rod. If you can please me and are a demented mother fucker then we can talk. I love taking in a good ol’ old fashioned home invasion and slaughter the whole god damned household. I think a nice female frat house is on my menu for the weekend. I would love an accomplice to help me fantasy rape all these dumb bitches. You must understand I am all blood and fucking gore baby.
Gothic Phone Sex – Sadistic Shower
I wasn’t sure how long they were going to give me to shower, so I stripped down quickly, giving myself only a quick look in the mirror before stepping into the stall. I let myself have a few minutes to feel the water pouring over me, since it had been days since I’d had an actual bath or shower. Then, I took the soap and shampoo they’d given me, and I scrubbed up as quickly as I could manage. Still, I wasn’t quick enough. He came in just as I was rinsing my hair off, suds still washing off my body. He yanked me around by my hair, smacking my head into the wall as he forced his way in behind me. He muttered and grumbled at me as his hands scrubbed hard at my scalp. He grabbed the rag I’d used and washed my entire body, paying close attention to my nipples, pussy, and ass. His hands slid that cloth so quickly and roughly that it left a trail of irritated skin wherever it went. The soapy rag was forced up into my cunt and ass hole, leaving me feeling like my private areas were being eaten by fire ants, but they were definitely clean. By the time he was done with me, I was red from head to to, and he dragged me out by my hair. He dried me off himself, telling me that I would take too much valuable time if he let me finish alone. I had no idea what he had in store for me, but I was scared to death…
Chainsaw Charlie
I don’t like the smaller versions of people. They are irritating and we don’t need as many as we have to continue the human population, but people keep having them. I’ve always felt this way, but never had a way to take my frustrations out… until now.
I met this guy at the grocery store, his pregnant wife waddling about looking for fruits. As she walked away I could see the disdain on the husbands face. I got bold and asked if he is looking forward to the birth. He shook his head no and that she trapped him and he never wanted rug rats. I smiled and said, “Well are you willing to do something about it and not get caught?” He looked at me with curiosity. I told him I have a chainsaw Charlie that would love to torture her and make sure she doesn’t leave at all. He simply smiled and nodded. I gave him the address to bring her to and to be discreet so no one sees him leaving with her. They arrived at the address and I could hear him arguing with her to get out of the car. She really didn’t want to, maybe women’s intuition is right, but she relented finally and they came into the building.
The building was an old ironworks factory long since abandoned. Perfect place to; let her scream and be tortured, no one around really. It’s in the middle of BFE. Once he got her out of the car and into the building he stood with his hand on her arm and when I told him we were ready he threw her at me so I could take her to the place of her torture. I whispered, “Don’t worry we are just going to take some pics your hubby wants.” She relaxed a bit and walked with me confidently. Right outside the area, we surrounded in black cloth I told her to take her clothes off. She gave me a face and I said your hubby loves your preggo body so much he wants pics. She smiled and was out of her clothes in seconds. I stood behind her with my hand on her wrist and opened the curtain. Immediately she saw a metal table with restraints, hooks, and chains hanging from the ceiling. “What the fuck kind of photoshoot is this?” She asked. Her hubby chimed in with “Because you don’t know how to keep your legs shut bitch.” She looked at him and asked what he meant. He told her he had a vasectomy 10 years ago because he never wanted rug rats. Her face dropped. I grabbed her and yanked her into the curtain area and threw her onto the table. My chainsaw Charlie strapped her down and got to work. “Let’s have some chainsaw fun, shall we?” my chainsaw Charlie said patting his trusty chainsaw. I looked at her hubby and said this was about to get very bloody and he might want to leave. He nodded and left with a “Later lying bitch.” And he was gone. First, he told me to hold up one of her arms, I pulled it up straight as he pulled the cord for the saw and it came to life. Without hesitation, he cut off the arm I was holding up and then repeated with the other. The preggo chick was screaming her head off but my chainsaw Charlie just gets off on that. I could see his raging hard-on during the torture and I had a feeling either she or I were going to get fucked. Turns out it was her. He had cut off her arms so she couldn’t struggle when he sat on her chest and started shoving his cock in her mouth. When she was half dead from choking on it, he withdrew and told her “We need to cut those parasites out.” She screamed more… no help.
He pulled the chains down and jammed the hooks through each of her Achilles’ tendons, and Japanese clover clamps on her nipples and then hoisted her up. As she went upward, her legs spread wider and wider. And the chainsaw came to life again. He made one large cut across her pregnant belly and then punched her. All the contents of her belly started to fall out. Guts, placenta… everything and her screams stop because she passed out. He put smelling salts under her nose and she came to. All she could do was cry and try to scream but he rammed his cock in her mouth again until she died.
Sis And Me Looking Together
My sister and I decided to go out looking for some pervert peeps to get a hold of us. Fingers crossed we will get beaten and possibly killed we hoped. We have the same fetish. We both want to be used, beaten tortured and then killed. Hopefully we get gutted with a knife. We made ourselves slutty as hell wearing no underwear or bra. Short ass skirt and low cut blouse. We got “picked up” by this creepy looking dude. We thought maybe he would be the one to snuff us out. Well we did not get snuffed out but we did we get used, abused, and sent home. Two out of four is not bad I guess. Do not get me wrong we still enjoyed the night. And I am not complaining. I guess I will have to wait a bit longer for my happily ever after.
,My man traded me for a few hundred to a man from his job. I had a bad feeling and refused to leave the car so my crackhead boyfriend dragged me to the front door by my hair. I relaxed a little when a harmless looking man opened the door. But I should have known not to judge a book by its cover. As soon as my man’s car left his driveway the man attacked by biting me. That’s what turned him on, biting. He bit me all over my body. I had bite marks on my tits, face, neck, thighs, and legs. I lost count after 20 bites. He acted like a wild animal and my cries of pain turned him on. By the end of the night, I was a bloody mess. This man who looked like an innocent school teacher was a sick psychopath. My man came and picked me up the next morning. When we got into the car to leave he slammed my head against the window and yelled at me for provoking the man. I cried all the way home.
Die you nasty preggo whore!
I recently had an opportunity to live out a long time fantasy, watch a really pregnant chick get fucked and fucked hard.
My guy friend wants a small human to use as it grows, so we are going to fuck the bitch until she pops it out and he can take it and she can rot or something. He took her to his dungeon, it’s not much of a “dungeon” more like a damp dark basement with some rusty knives and items for torture, a table, and a bed. Definitely not all that impressive unless you are a pregnant chick being hauled down there against your will.
We got her down there and I took a seat so I could watch the whole show and masturbate while my fantasy unfolded. First, he tied her down to a chair and started slapping her tits very hard. She kept pulling away so he tied her tighter and put a pillow behind her back so her tits had no choice but to be sticking out. He slapped them harder and harder and soon milk was spraying out and down her big pregnant belly. “Finally,” he said smirking. He grabbed a cane and put 3 very hard and loud cracks on her stomach, and she started to scream. “Ah yes, that is music to my ears, bitch.” He said to her as she choked back tears. Each impact started to show across her huge swollen belly. He walked over to his wall of weird crap and grabbed what looked like a roll of bagels, just to give you an idea of how big this thing was. It wasn’t a roll of bagels obviously, it was the widest fucking dildo I have ever seen. He untied the pregger and grabbed her arm throwing her onto the bed. He cuffed her arms behind her back and tied her legs to the bedposts so she was wide open. With no mercy, he started to ram that huge dildo up her pussy. She screamed and cried out “I’m going to go into labor.” That urged him on all that much more. Ramming and ramming the huge dildo into her pussy. He perched himself on the edge of the bed, put his knee on the end of the dildo and slammed his knee against it ramming it into her pussy way too far. You could see the pain come over her face. “Die you nasty preggo whore!” I sat in the corner, my pussy so wet from watching him beat the fuck out of her. Suddenly her stomach ruptured like an alien from the middle of her. Blood, guts and all the contents of her stomach splashed out onto the floor.