There are many different types of traps. Bear traps, Leghold, snare, and the list goes on. My very favorite type of trap? Honey. That’s right. A Honey trap can be the most lethal there ever was. If this type of trap is “sprung” then it destroys lives, and the effects are far reaching. It is almost like the Butterfly Effect. Pretty amazing when you think about it.
Someone I know needed some help to find out if his wife was cheating on him. He knew it was another woman. I do know a lot of sick fucks, but this person wasn’t one of them. I went to school with him, the thought of being unfaithful in a marriage sickened him. Cheating is what broke up his family when he was younger. Now he hates everything about it, and has no respect for those who indulge.
I don’t care either way, none of my business. However, since I have known him for a long time I told him I would try and pick her up and then go from there. He thanked me and asked me if there was any way I could get pictures if she fell for it. I told him sure. He wanted to know when and where it would happen. I told him it was better if he didn’t know, that way he couldn’t just show up and perhaps ruin the whole thing.
It took about two months of just following her around to see that she was indeed cheating. For a moment I thought that maybe I would just take some pictures of her with these other women instead, but I wanted to have some fun with her. I walked into the bar that she frequented and waited. I have to say, there are some really horny women out there! I saw many hands without wedding rings but indentations indicating that one was recently taken off. Women are just like men, we can be down and dirty too.
She walked in. I moved close to her, started a conversation, laughed at her dumb jokes. We finally left, she asked if we should take a uber since we both were drinking. I told her no, not necessary, I just had the one. She got into my car, I said her name, she turned toward me and punched her hard in the face. Her nose immediately started to bleed, I hit her two more times, hard. She was knocked out. I drove back to my house and turned my cell phone on. I called her husband and told him that I had to scrap tonight, that I would do it next week. He said okay, but was thinking of backing out. I told him not to worry about it. I then went up the mail slot and pushed my cell phone through the slot. I wouldn’t need it for the rest of the night.
Eventually, I pulled off the road, going further into the woods so no passing car would be able to see my vehicle. I got out of my car, then pulled her out. By the time she woke up, she was naked, and secured to a tree. I had my fun with her, then left her there, bleeding and still tied to the tree. Her panties shoved down her throat. I made sure that there was nothing there that would point to me in any way, then gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, wiped it off with some dirt then left. I wonder when she will be found.