Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Accomplice Phone Sex: It is Better to Be the Helper Than the Dead

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex makes me wet. It is better to be the helper than the victim. I am accustomed to the latter. Being the accomplice is more fun. I guess I am at that age where the seedy crowd I hang with finds me over the hill. I am in my early 40s. Although I do not think that is dead yet, many men do. So, I improvise now when trying to score drugs. I offer up my pussy and if that is not good enough, I promise to bring back something young and tight.

My primary drug dealer stated he still wants to fuck my old holes, but sometimes he craves teen rape porn. And yesterday was one of those days. I gave him what he wanted too. A woman can lure young girls away easier than any man. We do not present a stranger danger to them. Not in the same way you would. I drove around in my soccer mom car until I saw this little teen twat bullying another girl. In that moment, I decided my dealer would love her fuck holes. And he did.

Better a Young Bitch Than Me

The girl got in the car with me because she knew one of my teen sons. I felt badly lying to the girl, but she seemed like a twat. Women need to hold young girls accountable for stealing their men. Anyway, I knew this girl would not survive the night. So, I was not worried that she would turn me into the police. She could not rat me out, buried ten feet under the ground.

My dealer loved her. He thought she was the perfect mix of sugar and spice. She made his dick hard and that was all I cared about. An erection for my dealer means coke for me. My dealer explored his rape phone sex fantasies for hot teen twat last night and I helped him. What did I care? I got my coke. I did need to dispose of the body afterwards. But that was no big deal if I was getting a big bag of coke for my efforts. Keep me coked up and I will bring you anything you want.

Gothic Phone Sex : Dark Fetishes of Sadistic Phone Sex Needs

Having dark desires is a good reason for enjoying Gothic phone sex. As to the truth of my desires I enjoy being the sadistic phone sex Goddess. My darkest desires are making men squirm.Gothic Phone Sex

Despite all of this I am a fun loving and easy going girl. As a matter of fact my love is always dark and blood play will turn me on. For example cutting my lover while having some lustful sex magic truly turns me on.

In the event that you are unaware of what a Sadistic is or Snuff for that matter then I suggest you use your good friend google. As a dark Mistress my love of fantasy raping is real. In contrast demon sex is very exciting for me too.

In the final analysis of dark fetishes for sadistic and snuff roleplays, we can explore your dark mind. Some of you guys love to have an accomplice. It’s a fact that I will be that accomplice to assist in finding that fuck meat.

On the contrary my love of turning into the succubus to drain men of their seed is great. Would it not be wonderful to awaken to a sex demoness like me riding your cock?

Gothic phone sex with Morticia is more than fantasy, it’s ecstasy.

In every effect of fantasy, this is truly a wicked diversion to drive your cock to spurt. As a night prowling murderess, my needs are more than of the flesh. I will take your soul and feast on your life force. Succumb to your goddess that wants to cut your balls off and feed them to you.

So, in the meantime, allow me into your kinky world for a little darker delicious and murderous fun. It’s with the will of Satan and of myself that your soul will only be freed when you stroke the devils shaft.

Sadistic Phone Sex

Kidnapping Phone Sex Scenarios Make My Pussy Drip

kidnapping phone sexI love a good kidnapping phone sex scenario. This guy that I am seeing likes to plot the kidnapping of young girls while we fuck. It gets my cunt dripping wet to think about some fresh meat tied up near us while we fuck our brains out. He surprised me last night. He brought me a sweet young piece of ass. One of our wicked fantasies came to life in front of me and it was fucking hot as hell. She looked so scared. She peed herself. I could smell it as my man fucked my ass hard. I told her she was next. She was shaking in fear. She was a little ginger girl. Pretty red curls. Freckles and very pale skin. Almost a perfect ivory color. Once my man came in my pussy, we turned our focus to the scared little slut in the corner. My man put his cock in her tiny mouth and warned her not to bite. She was about to be an ass rape porn star. I undressed her. It was more like cutting her clothes off. I tossed her piss soaked panties in the trash. I told her she did not need clothes anymore because she is spending the rest of her time on earth naked and chained. And afraid too. Perhaps I could make my own TV show and call it Naked and Afraid in My Basement. She was forced to spit shine my lover’s cock. I made her eat his cum form my cunt, and all the cum that spilled down my taint too. When he fucked her tiny virgin ass, she let out a blood curdling scream. Yep, she was a virgin. I sucked the cum from her tiny, battered asshole and snowballed it with her. Little bitch tried to spit it out, so I slapped her and pinched her nose, forcing her to swallow his cum. Redheads are feisty at any age apparently. We did not kill her. Not yet. She has teen rape porn star vibes.

Snuff Phone Sex: You Are My Victim or Accomplice

snuff phone sexI do snuff phone sex. You are my victim or my accomplice. I do not do the GFE experience. I am not your mommy. I am not your bitch. I am not your wife or girlfriend. If you need to ask what snuff is, then you are on the wrong page. I am not the kind of girl who likes baby talk, romantic gestures or anything associated with coupling, LOL. I met this cool Goth boy recently. He has a sick mind like me. I thought, why not. I thought he was a dark Marilyn Manson sort of guy. The kind of guy to keep some cock teasing twat caged in the basement. I agreed to go out with him. I thought a Goth boy would get me, you know? I told him my rules, and he shared is. We were on the same page. We watched some snuff porn and plotted the murder of some vacuous coed. Midway through, he grabbed my hand and called me baby. I flew into a rage and killed him. I normally do not kill in a rage like that. Here is what happened. He started with the romantic talk, and I put on a strapon to fuck his ass. I am all Alpha Bitch, men. Take heed.  I forced him on all fours with my knife to his jugular. I was not putting up with his bullshit. I thought I could fuck him into submission. He loved it. He was cumming almost as soon as I shoved the dildo in his loser ass. I started to realize he played me. I hate being played. I cut off his balls as I fucked his ass. That shut his mouth. He was bleeding all over my couch and floor. Time to burn the couch. He was still enjoying the torture sex, however. I had to kill him. No way he could enjoy anything I was doing if he was dead. I already had blood everywhere, so why not kill him.  I had to burn my couch with him bleeding out on it. I think I just need to give up on men.

Babysitter Phone Sex Pays for My Cocaine Habit

babysitter phone sexI love bad babysitter phone sex. I have been supplementing my income lately. My husband told me that if I wanted coke, I had to pay for it myself. I have whored myself out so much my fuck holes are all loose. Most men will not trade me sex for coke anymore. So, I started babysitting. No, babysitting is not how I make my coke money. I find a cute girl or boy, and I auction off their fuck holes. It is like Ebay on the dark web. I take pictures of them, and who bids the highest gets to come over the next time I babysit that brat. I am selling rape phone sex fantasies. Men pay for those tight virginal holes. Way more than they ever did for my fuck holes. I had this guy bid a few grand to fuck this cute little boy’s ass. Last night was my second night sitting for him. People trust me. I am a mom. I may be a mom, but I am a druggy whore first. This boy was not my son. What did I care what happened to him if I got enough money to stay coked up 365 days of the year? I drugged the boy. I gave him a laxative to clean him out and it was mixed with Valium to knock him out. His butthole would be sore, but it would just look like he had a bad case of diarrhea, which is what I would tell the parents. This boy was cute. He was not awake for the ass rape porn part of the night, but that was how I planned it. My high bidder got to pop the ass cherry of a young boy. I got paid so I could get coke. And that boy will have a sore asshole for a few days. No real damage done, and he will not remember a thing. What would you pay me to fuck a young boy or girl?

Snuff Movies are Hot to Watch, But Better to Make with Me

snuff moviesI like to watch snuff movies and fuck. I get off watching some guy destroy some young girl. Snuff is way hotter for me when I am not the one getting snuffed out, LOL. I had a guy over to fuck last night. We were watching some homemade snuff flicks, and he decided he wanted to make one. We did not have much time to plan, but he knew the perfect girl. He has this ex-girlfriend with a hot teen slut daughter. His ex is a night nurse, and she leaves the girl alone at night. I guess she is old enough to be trusted while she sleeps. But she is not old enough to know what to do during home invasion phone sex yet. He knew where the hidden key was. We broke in without making much noise. She slept with us standing over her. She looked like an angel sleeping. I put my hand over her mouth as she screamed. My hand was quickly replaced with his cock. We both had ski masks on to be unrecognizable. If he needed an alibi, I would be his. I had on a black short wig to hide my long blonde hair. I was doing my best to look like another guy to her. He fucked her first. No blood. Little whore was not a virgin. He held her down and I fucked her with a strapon. She had no clue that it was not two men who fucked her. I would be the perfect alibi because she would report that two masked men broke into her bedroom. I just grunted and pumped in her. I have been fucked enough to know how to imitate a man’s rape phone sex fantasies. We both fucked her. But we both wore condoms, so no DNA could be found in her swollen cunt. We tied her to the bed, so mommy would find her. We went back to my place, burned our clothes in the fire pit, showered and fucked our brains out. Sometimes, the real thing is hotter than any snuff flick.

Rape phone sex fantasies always get interesting when someone figures out your secret.

 Rape phone sex fantasies I could hear the tires crunching in the gravel behind me, I knew it was going to be an interesting night for  Rape phone sex fantasies. I totally had an idea of who was about to creep up on me, but there really wasn’t anything I could do about it. I kinda didn’t really think the notes I had been getting were real. They warned me that he was going to take me when I least expected it. 

The high anxiety and adrenaline feeling of being crept up on made my pussy wetter than it had ever been before. Getting grabbed from being, actually made me whimper and moan instead of scream. His hand clasped across my mouth was incredibly erotic. As he informed me that he was doing torture me and fulfilling my rape fantasies. Then he’d think about snuffing me or leaving me alive. My heart skipped a beat and I practically came at his words. 

Indigo Handles Blonde Bitch Geneva!

Home invasion phone sex

Last night I went to a party, there was the Bitchiest Blonde I have ever met, her name was Geneva and she thought she was all that and a bag of chips. she really got under my skin, I hate when women like her try to make me feel small, so I decided it was time for some Home invasion phone sex.

It was after 3 AM when we broke into her house. She was lying there on her pretty pink bed, sleeping just like a Disney princess, Or at least she was up until the point that I pounced on her and yelled for you to hand me the duct tape. Her screams were hot as fuck, almost as good as a Beethoven masterpiece, and they got better and better as we raped her tight cunt with a beer bottle and forced her to take your hot load down the back of her throat.

We ravaged our sweet whore until the sun came up and then slipped out as easily as we slipped in. Maybe she will think twice before she fucks with another Goth girl.

Do you want to hear My sweet slut scream and beg for mercy? Set up a 2-girl call with Me and Geneva. I love to listen to her beg and so will you.

Accomplice phone sex

snuff sex drives me insane baby!

snuff sex
Snuff sex drives your daddy dick spinner insane! Sometimes I struggle to explain what snuff does for me. But the right man can get me high enough to investigate my mind. I am horrified that some of you have wiggled into my brain dn found out things I wouldn’t even admit to myself. Like the fat the little girls I rape fansty kill are me! My past self that was molested and hurt in brutal ways is the same girl I kill over and over. She might change ethnicities or ages. But she is always me. I was a pass-around fuck doll and you men have gotten me fucked up enough times to know the real baby girl Harper.  I get wet thinking about the horrible things that were done to me. There have been those who didn’t believe me. But they are not the ones asking me to take hits of the hard-core shit. They aren’t the ones who call me week after week and interrogate me like a detective. Picking apart my story. Letting me change names and shy away the horrid shit, only to circle back when Harper is high as snoop dog on the daily. If you have ever wondered why certain women are drawn to snuff phone sex, feel free to ask me anything. Depending on the time of night, you might get an uncensored snuff accomplice who will make you understand why I’m insane and love killing and force fucking tots!

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Just Need the Right Accomplice

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are what I am talking about. I like to be the sexy GFE with a twist. I am the kind of girlfriend who helps you pick out a piece of candy to sample. I have this man in my life who loves Lolita pussy. He got a taste for it when he was dating this other girl. She had a small army of brats with different baby daddies. She would get wasted, as in passed out wasted, and he would fuck the girls. He told me once he even fucked one of her son’s assholes, because from behind he looked like a girl with that bubble butt. He did not care because a tight hole is a tight hole. We were talking about his past experiences, and I was getting wet. I suggested we go find his next teen rape porn star. We hopped in the car and went cruising. I found just the one for him. It was a boy. A young teen boy with girlish features and long hair. He had a cute bubble butt. My friend was super hard looking at the boy. He just likes tight holes. I think most men do. My friend does not have a super big cock, so my holes are not tight for his average cock. But a boy butt would be just right. I lured the boy away. Asked him if he wanted to party with me. He was down for it. How could he not be? We went back to my friend’s place. I did a sexy striptease for the boy. He was straight despite his appearance. He looked right at me and started stroking his cock. The joint I gave him was laced with something that would put him in la la land quickly. Once it kicked in, my friend was turning that boy into his private ass rape porn star. The boy woke up and I let him suck on my tits as a consolation prize. He screamed into my boobs. It was a fun night. Maybe not so much for the boy, but he won’t remember much once the drugs wear off.