Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Monetta’s Home Invasion.

I was home alone yesterday, for the first time in a long time. I decided it’d be a good time to clean up around the place before anyone got home. I got done a little bit faster then I thought. I had a couple hours left before anyone would was due back and decided to work out a little bit since its so hard to do so with people here.


rape phone sex fantasies

During the middle of my work out I heard a noise. At first I wasn’t sure what it was until my door rang. Soon as I opened the door I seen a guy holding flowers and a card. Aww how sweet! That was until he busted in the door and him and his 3 other friends surrounded me. Grabbed me by the throat and threw my against the wall. They were feeling all on me. Groping me and tear my sports bra off.

rape phone sex fantasies monetta

I was so scared all I could do was yell for them to let me go. That I wouldn’t tell anyone. I begged and pleaded. All the would do was laugh at me. Telling me to shut up and that I was going to get what I deserved. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was having my home invaded and they were going to take advantage of me and make me do all kinds of dirty things. They drug me to the living room where I was working out at.

rape phone sex fantasies monetta1

They all stood in a circle around me, holding me and trying to rip my shorts off. I kicked and screamed and fought as much as I could. But they still got them off of me.

rape phone sex fantasies monetta2

Once they were able to get my clothes off they started touching me all over. Fingering me. Licking me. Sucking me. Pinching my breast. Sticking their fingers in my pussy and ass. I was carried to the couch where I was made their little rag doll. I was fucked in my ass by one. Another in my tight pussy. One in my mouth and one was watching while stroking himself.

rape phonesex fantasies monetta

It hurt so bad. I was being double penetrated. I was being ripped and stretched. All of my holes were being force filled. Pounded hard. I was in pain and I thought it’d never go away. They seen that I was putting up a hell of a fight. They flipped me over and filled me up with their huge black cocks. They held a vibrator to my clit while they were force fucking me. It was starting to feel good. I was starting to actually like what was being done to me.

rape phone sex fantasies monettaa

I still put up a little fight. That’s when they started choking me and made me hold it. I held it right where I needed it to make all this pain turn into pleasure. I started cumming and they started pounding me more. They all took turns getting their cocks wet and deep in me. Once they all had enough of fucking me they threw me on the floor and surrounded me. All with their big black cocks in my face. Making me stroke and suck them until they all came all over my face and tits. I can’t believe how much I came from having a home invasion of 4 men who force fucked me. They just left and didn’t  say anything. I can’t believe how much I really did enjoy it. I cleaned up their messes and myself before anyone was back. I didn’t want them to know what happened or that I liked it. I might just start working out with the blinds open more often. I think I might want this to happen again…..rape phone sex fantasies with monetta

Bad Girl Home Invasion

home invasion keisha

I woke up in the middle of the night with tight lungs feeling desperate for air. When I completely came to I realized it was a man. He was choking me telling me to shut the fuck up and that I better not scream. I knew I had to listen to his every command or else I was done for. He threw me off the bed onto the floor and demanded I take my clothes off. I was trying to strip for him but it wasn’t enough for him. I was so afraid and all I wanted was for my master to see me naked. I didn’t know who he was or how he got in here. I refused to take my nighties off for this sicko but that made him even more aroused and impatient. I could see his cock getting harder as I sobbed and begged but he beat me until I agreed to do as he told. I took of my night gown and opened my legs. He loved the sight and smell of my warm nigger cunt. He flipped me over and told me I was going to pay for making him wait and being a “bad girl”. I tried to get away. I didn’t want another cock inside of me besides Master’s! He yanked me by my waist really hard and forced and arc in my back. Then, he rammed his huge dick inside of me. I screamed from the pain of how big it was. His cock was so much larger than master’s that I couldn’t even take it all. He fucked me from the back so hard and rough that it was affecting the sound of my sobs. I wish he would’ve just killed me last night. When I heard him grunt, “I’m bouta cum” I was relieved until I felt the burning pain of my asshole being ripped open. I thought his cock in my pussy was shitty but his elephant dick in my ass was WAY worse. I screamed so loud that it made his shoot off instantly. I felt him pump what seemed like gallons of cum into my shithole. I have problems sleeping at night now. I don’t want that man to come into my home and hurt me like that again but I can’t even tell master so he can protect me. If he knew another man was inside of me he would hurt me even more than that man did.

A Voyeur in My Cage

My heart flutters as you place her on the table. I am watching from my cage in your underground dungeon. The chain around my neck is tight, but I pull even closer  to the cage to be able to watch. You taught me the fun in voyeurism. I watch as you lay her out and tie her down. Her skin is so beautiful. I know you are about the change that.

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I watch as you sharpen your blades. You refuse to even acknowledge I am there, and I am silent in my cage. I ache with jealousy that she will get your attention tonight. She will get to feel your anger and your blades. I envy her tears, and I envy her horror. My pussy drip in my cage as I watch, waiting for first cut. Her eyes are wide, and she cannot scream since you cut her tongue out last night. Her face is a bloody mess compared to her perfectly naked body.

I writhe inside my cage, trapped by my chains. All I can do is watch as you begin to beat her with the knife in your hand. Such fury and hatred inside of you.  You’re a true monster and you slice her with such verocity, that I begin to shed tears of admiration.  She is fighting as hard as she can, but the ropes hold her under your control. Blood everywhere, no mercy, just slice after slice as you scream at her and tell her she is a worthless whore.

She finally stops fighting, and her body begins to convulse as she nears death. I am so jealous, I want that feeling so bad. But you continue to just make me watch. To make me want it. I know the more I beg the more you make me wait. When will it be my turn? Until then, I am trapped. A pathetic animal in a cage watching as the other whores are slaughtered. A pathetic voyeur, envious of everything I see.

Wake up Call

accomplice phone sex with StormI was checking out at the store yesterday. Behind some Bitch with her brat. The little one looked so sad. His Bitch whore mother was yelling at him for getting dirt on his shoes. Again I saw them getting into their WAY to expensive convertible Porch. A two seater. Obviously obscenely wealthy. And yet cant find the funds for a family car. But then again she wasn’t Mother of the Year. As I was pulling out of the parking lot the Bitch cut me off. Music BLARING and driving like a crazy woman. That poor little bastard in the front seat doesn’t have a chance! Just call me a fucking fairy godmother. I followed them home. Have you ever just looked at a house and knew? You just knew that the people that lived there were complete fakers. Where their perfect yard. And perfect house. The well manicured lawn and the pristine perfect matching mail box. You just know that these loser are wasting their lives. They need a fucking wake up call. The next morning I waited for Jr. to go off the school. Dressed in black with a matching mask. I just walked in the front door. The fucked up parents didn’t even notice I was there. I was able to knock the bitch out and tie her up. Daddy dearest had no idea. He was upstairs talking to his mistress on the phone. They were making plans to meet up. I tasered him the second he hung up. When the couple woke up I was ready for them. I told them what bad parents they were. I told them how I was going to kill them. I told them that I was going to wait for their little bastard to get home. And I was going to kill him. Daddy got very upset. I could tell. He cared about his young. But mommy didn’t. Time for the wake up call. I pulled out a crow bar. And walked up to mommy. I pulled the bar back and she started to scream. I told her it was her choice. I was going to bash her face in. Or…. I was going to bash her sons face in. She was so quick to throw her little bastard to the wolves. Daddy begged. He would take the beating… I really wanted to fuck them up. And honestly. I am sure I will. But the BEST way to hurt this Bitch. Is to leak the video tape I was making. The whole world will see what a horrid mother she is! I told them I was going to get a knife. But I let myself out. The video went viral before the couple was even freed. She is RUINED. Daddy filed for divorce that day. A wake up call about a perfect life. Oooh I was planning on paying the mommy dearest a visit in a few weeks.. when the press dies down. I was gonna make that bitch pay! But.. The whore committed Suicide today… hmmm. Its the best thing for everyone involved.

Reagan Your Maiden of Malice

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

I have this fucking creepy ass song stuck in my head, I tried to make sense of it. But try as I might, it is still there, eating a hole in my head…

Taboo Phone Sex ReaganThere’s a girl across the street from me
I buried her son beneath a tree
I don’t know why she’s mad at me
He was stinking up my garage, you see

I met a cute boy, he liked my smileTaboo Phone Sex Reagan
We fell in love for a little while
He kissed me on the lips and it tasted sweet
So I chopped him into pieces and cooked his meat

Serial killers are people too
If you take away the voices I’m just like you
I’ll hack you up and bury you in my yard
Taboo Phone Sex ReaganBut why does making friends have to be so very hard?

I made a dress from a choir girl’s skin
I wore it to church, the preacher said I’d sinnedTaboo Phone Sex Reagan
Forgive me Father for my fashion crime
Your skin is so nice I’ll use yours next time

Serial killers are people too
If you take away the voices I’m just like you
I’ll hack you up and bury you in my yard
But why does making friends have to be so very hard?

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

I would like to give credit for the song “Be My Friend”, Artist:  One Eyed Doll. The song was released on December 25th, 2013 by Nebulost Records on the Album “Monster”. I retrieved the song lyrics on August 11, 2014 from the website: https://genius.com/

Watching Is Fun

torture phonesex angieI watched as he grabbed her hair and shoved her face in the toilet, flushing it. She was fighting to breath and he was not having any of it. But when she started to pass out he pulled her up and punched her full force in the face. As the blood flew from her face, the cum gushed out of my cunt. He was just getting started. Carving his name into her flesh, shoving anything he could get his hands on into what ever part of her was close at the time. Violating her tender little body in ways she couldn’t even imagine in her darkest nightmares. Soon she wasn’t even able to scream and her eyes were glassy and distant. She had shut down. I poured a nice big pitcher of ice cold water on her to bring her back long enough for her to feel the final moments of her pitiful life. I love watching him frenzied and out of control, causing as much pain as he can.

Smoke in Mirrors

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Hate fuck, those were the two words uttered to me when I answered my phone barely awake. Then it becomes clear to me that it was my guy pal Paul talking to me about his ex. He wanted me to be his accomplice in breaking into her house and hate fuck her with him. He knew how much I love fucking bitches up and how I loved a good hate fuck be it a dickhead or some bitch.

I agreed to do this with him the following night. She lives in this quiet suburban neighborhood so we planned on parking over a block and take the alley to the back of her house. We silently got in the fence and he still had a key so we silently opened her kitchen door. I was dressed in a full body latex body suit with long latex gloves. I had on my combat boots and my hair pulled back and up in a scarf. 

Paul was wearing black combat fatigues and black leather gloves. I had my bag with the arsenal in it, and when we got in the kitchen I pulled out some duct tape, rope, and a knife. We stealthily made it through the house to her bedroom. “Shit” we both whispered as she wasn’t in her bed. Looking out the window her car wasn’t in the driveway. We had to wait for her damn it,  as we were harshly whispering back and forth we heard a car pull up. I hid in the closet while he hid behind her door. As she came it he grabbed her his hand over her mouth arms pinned behind her back as he wrestled her to her bed face down. He shoved her face in the bed with his knee in her back holding her arms. I came out and quickly bound her arms at the wrists. Pulling her head up by her hair while Paul had his hand over her mouth again I ripped some duct tape off the roll and got in on her mouth.

Paul shoved her down on the bed again and I took my knife and started cutting her dress off. I yanked her legs apart and ran the blade over her thighs as I glided the knife over the crotch of her panties. Slicing them off Paul had his cock out and was hard and ready he started fucking her filthy slut cunt and pulling her hair. I got my large strap-on on and got in behind Paul. He pulled out and shoved his dick in her ass. I started fucking that cunt hard and deep while he fucked her ass.

We just fucked her like that for almost an hour taking turns on her holes and fucking her slut mouth making her taste her ass on my strap-on. We made her mouth out toilet after he came down her throat, I straddled her face and unsnapped the crotch of my bodysuit . Pissing in her mouth while her head was being held allowing all my golden nectar to go down her throat. Laughing and slapping her face Paul did the same took a long warm piss on her face.

After nearly allowing her to choke to death we finished up with her and gathered our things and slipped out the way we came as she laid there in fetal position. We got to the car and before we could leave I was so fucking horny I fucked Paul in the driver seat until we both came. Dawn was breaking as Paul dropped me off. 

Dysfunctional Slut

Taboo Phone Sex Geneva dysfunct

Sitting at the bar getting blitzed from guys buying me drinks all night. I began to feel a little weird and it wasn’t from the alcohol. I started asking the bartender to call me a cab as I couldn’t conceivably do so myself. Everything was becoming distorted and I had a sudden warmth fill my veins. I sat there and started feeling light headed with the inability to feel my legs. That was the last part of awareness I had.

I recall vaguely a couple of guys walking me out and got me in a car. I was out. Two of the guys that were feeding me drinks all night had slipped a rufi in my drink. The bartender  undoubtedly was part of this whole scheme. The three guys had me back at some warehouse loft that resembled a fetish dungeon. They had stripped me down leaving my stockings on me and had bound me to a sort of dental chair.

Taboo phone sex Geneva dyslut

My captors had my ankles cuffed in and my wrists cuffed on the armrests. They had opened my mouth and put a dental instrument  in my mouth to hold it open. My legs were parted and they had reclined the chair where my head was lower than my legs. As I was out they took turns pissing in my mouth and all over my breasts. They also took turns defiling my body as I had no ability to fend them off, resist or protest. As they took turns fucking me in my pussy and filling me up with cum they were video taping it all. 

I awoke in the same position my mouth held open and filled with urine. My pussy felt as if I was fucked by a football team and they all came inside of me. I tried moving but was still cuffed to the dental chair. There was a bright overhead dental type light glaring down at me. I felt overcome with panic and passed out from shock. In this period I was left for near dead as I was choking and drowning in their bodily fluids they defiled me with.

 Taboo Phone Sex Geneva Slut

The Devil Inside

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Welcome to my hell.  You are the devil himself and I am here to service you with my blood, my life, my soul. I would never question you my darling keeper. I am lucky to have been chosen, and I will continue to be your blood hungry slave for eternity. The scratches down my back and across my breasts let all the other slaves know that I have been marked by you. I am the prey you have been seeking and will devour tonight.

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You turn to me and I see the blackness where your eyes should be. I shiver all the way to my bones, and I crave the evil inside your cock juices that only you possess. There is no affection on your face, only pure hatred and darkness. Your desires to eat me bit by bit race through your head as I stare longingly at you, just waiting for you to strike. You bring your claw up to my face, slide your razor sharp claw into my mouth. I go weak with anticipation. Without mercy, you rip my face from mouth to ear. My cheek flaps down, exposing my teeth from the outside.

You slit the other side the same way. My lower jaw is exposed. My white teeth barely visible in all the blood. You grab my head, my exposed jaw hanging helpless, and shove your monster cock into my destroyed mouth. The cock of Satan in my mouth, fucking my throat, as you laugh and send chills through every slave watching. I am so very glad I was a very bad girl and found my way to you, Lucifer. You take my life, and are able to restore it, only to take it again. Fuck my soul, I am yours… That already belonged to you. I want to be your demon slut for eternity.

Crimson Part 2

I always hate actually having to go and get my victims myself… the work it takes to grab them… the planning it takes… the time it takes. With all of the contacts I have one would thing that I would have no problem finding someone… anyone, to grab me a nice little tramp from a club or from a playground, but NO! I had to keep my fantasies and urges under control for 10 months until all the proper planning and stalking had been completed. None the less, here I am with the little brunette whore I picked up walking home from a nightclub with her friend… in the trunk of a modified cab car… with a chloroform soaked towel in her mouth. It’s been too long for me, I can already feel the excitement building between my legs as I park in front of an old, abandoned apartment building. I made sure to park deep in the parking garage under the apartments, it wouldn’t be good to have anyone see me dragging a limp body into an abandoned building after all. She was surprisingly light, and honestly I appreciated anything that made my life a bit easier. As we made our way into my dungeon I removed the towel from the cunt’s mouth and secured her to the hospital gurney in the middle of the cold stone room… tonight was going to be fun…TabooPhoneSexMagenta3