Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: Random Acts of Violence

knife play phone sex blood gothIt’s Halloween time. My favorite. Normally, I am not a knife wielding psychopath unless provoked. If I am gonna cut a bitch or stab a tool, they have usually deserved it. But something about Halloween brings out my inner Michael Myers.  You know, stone cold killer, no rhyme or reason to his victims. Last weekend, I was walking around my neighborhood and I just felt homicidal. Felt compelled to kill. To just kill for fun. So I started creeping around in backyards looking for blood to spill, flesh to tear.

Then I saw them, a family of four on their back porch carving pumpkins. They looked idyllic, almost like out of some Good Parenting magazine or something. That made me hate them. Made me want them snuffed out, even the little ones. I walked right up on their porch too. Showed them my knife collection and asked if I could help carve pumpkins. They looked a little taken a back, but still they invited me in. A strange woman, with knifes, trespassing in their back yard. Yeah they deserved to not live.knife play phone sex  evil snuff

I played the game with them for awhile to give them a false sense of security, then the carnage and mayhem began. I tied them all up to chairs and put them face to face. Mommy son, daddy daughter. I like to watch the fear in their eyes. I like to see the “why us” look in their faces. Sometimes there is no why. Just opportunity. Like today. And maybe if they had been a bit smarter they could have lived.

I like to play games with my prey. I told Daddy if he wanted his sweet innocent offspring to survive he was gonna have to prove his love.  I told him to kiss her, a big romantic one too. And he did. He hesitated and got a knife in his thigh, but then he did. I told him I could spare her life if he fucked his baby girl. I told Mommy the same thing about her son. You would think they would do anything to spare their wee one’s lives. Guess love does have some bounds. Sad really. If my life depended on it, If the life of a loved one depended on it, I would saw off my arm.  And Mommy and Daddy won’t have sex with their offspring. Would you do anything I said if your loved one’s lives depended on it?

knife play phone sex evil killI snuffed them all out right there on their porch. Total blood bath. I went into a frenzy with my knives. Slaughtered the innocent lambs first so I could enjoy watching their parents cry and plead. I enjoyed telling them too that their blood was on their hands. They could have prevented the slaughter. My knives covered in blood, I let mommy and daddy have a taste. Sick, I know, but fun too. They didn’t really love their brats or they would have done whatever I asked without hesitation.  The pumpkins they were carving now covered in their blood too.

knife play phone sex bloody sadisticThe real fun was slaughtering mommy and daddy. Random senseless acts of violence make me feel good. A knife in an artery with a slow bleed out while looking into your partner’s eyes as you die, pretty darn entertaining. Oh the shit they say to each other. The confessions they make. Guess they wanna die with a clean conscious or some silly shit. But I sat there, watching them make  their dying confessions, profess their love yada yada yada. Blood spurting everywhere. Turned me on actually. Blood spraying me like that is an aphrodisiac. I need an accomplice. Someone I can trust. Be so much more fun to share both my random and not so random acts of violence with a partner who gets off on the blood, the violence, the torture too. Is that you?

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Evil Bedtime Stories for Worthless Whores

Sadistic phone sex bondage milfWhen I was a little girl, my Daddy would read me bedtime stories while I was tied to the bed. And not your typical bed time stories one tells a wee lass. These were more like horror stories designed to scare the crap out of me and keep me pure. I remember all his wicked bed time stories, but one in particular stands out. It was about these evil little dolls that lived under my bed. They could only be seen at night. They only came out to torture bad little girls who touched themselves or had sex or were disobedient to their parents.  They had sharp teeth and sharp spikes and would tear the flesh off of bad little girls. They would even penetrate naughty girls’ pussies and asses ruining them for future enjoyment because if a girl did not know how to use her privates properly she should not have them at all. A girl’s special spots were for her daddy’s enjoyment, not her own and certainly no other man.

One night, I woke up screaming in pain. I had masturbated in the shower that day. The evil little torture dolls must have know what I had done.  I felt a blindfold go over my eyes and a sharp instrument inserted in my pussy and asshole. Hurt so bad. I screamed for my Daddy but he never came to save me. When the sun rose, I could see I was covered in blood. My daddy came in and said he knew the creatures visited me last night because I was a filthy dirty whore. He could not save me because I was not worth saving. A knife or some other sort of razor sharp object had fucked my cunt and ass, shredding both. Leaving them a bloody, tortured mess. I was in so much pain, I could not go to school the next morning. I could barely walk. There would be many more nights those evil creatures woke me up in the middle of the night to teach me a hard lesson about being impure. First time I tried to masturbate, first time I got my period, first time I kissed a boy, first time I told my Daddy I did not want to suck his dick… all marked by a visit from the torture creatures who would mutilate my female parts.

As I got older, I realized it was daddy sneaking in my room at night to torture his slutty baby girl. He always knew when I was bad. He took sadistic pleasure in hurting me; ruining me for other men. My body belonged to him and no one else. Daddy believed I was a worthless whore who did not deserve a pretty ass or pussy or tits. What do you think?

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Salad Fingers

rape phone sex fantasies creepy



I don’t know if you have ever watched salad fingers, but he is so creepy and weird, I love him so much! I mean if I could create a real life like Salad Fingers I would use him for purely evil. I would him to torture all the bastards and whores out there that have wrong me or even just looked in my direction and I didn’t like it. I would so make them pay. I could touch my wet cunt all day just thinking about all the evil things I’d be able to do with that monster.


I would tie up any victim I choose, man or woman, and make sure I let Mr. Salad Fingers have his way with him. I would make him shove his cock down every one of the males throats. Make them suck him dry until he has no more cum left. And for the ladies, oh they would get the most fun. Of course I would be in the distance playing with my self, getting my slit all nice and wet while he is using his famous fingers to violate all their little cunts. Making them scream in pain and deep down pleasure.  He could even use his eager cock to tear into all their pussies filling them up with his load Maybe even make a little Salad Fingers.



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Tampon Tea

My jar is almost full, and I see you coming to collect it tonight. I know your taste for blood, and I’ve seen you taste mine on many occasions during your brutal torture sessions. But what were you doing with my used tampons? You make all us girls collect them in our jars for you every month. Then you collect them and take them back upstairs out of the dungeon with you. But tonight, you pulled me out of my cage, along with my jar of bloody tampons, and shoved me upstairs with you.

You sat me in the kitchen chair, stark naked, and grabbed a couple mugs from the cupboard. There wwas something boiling on the stove, and you came over and plopped down a mug in front of me. You went to the stove and came back with boiling water, pouring my mug full. Then you poured another mug of hot water for you. To my horror, you plucked a couple bloody tampons out of the jar, and placed one in each of our mugs. You sat across from me without a glance. You told me to steep my “tea”.

I began to gag at the thought, but I knew I better cntrol myself, and I began to dunk the bloddy tampon in and out of my mug as I was told. You said I was going to enjoy my bloody tea with you because I was such a worthless piece of shit whore. I said “yes, Master”, and continued to steep my tea. You had prepared yours and took a sip. I watched, horrified, as the blood red tea colored your lips. You licked them and I knew you thought it tasted delicious. You said, “drink, bitch”. I brought the mug to my mouth and did as i was told…. the way I always do.

Bound and Gagged Home Invasion

violent phonesex laylaI live in a semi bad part of the neighborhood, I live alone on the first floor of a duplex and I have my male friends that come around from time to time when I have the time for them. I have some guy stalking me, some dick knocked at my door late at night and asked if I would let him use my bathroom, I said motherfucker you have a dick and go in the woods and go just like all dogs do, learn your place if not I will call the police. He thought that I was stupid enough to let him in and I don’t know his ass or he probably would like to fuck my sexy fucking ass with my big 38DD tits and my round bubble ghetto booty up in his face.

The dick tried to open all of my windows by tearing up the screen with a sharp knife and tried to open my windows up that way but they were either all locked or painted shut, but damn he was a desperate mother fucker and a scared dumb one too, he had his chance when the window was open he had a chance to get my tv and other valuables. Cum Get ME!
I went to a hardware store so I can stock up on some thick long lumber to reinforce the windows shut or for other reasons that I will not say and it’s not for protection, I have a good sized stun gun that daddy gave me to use for my pleasure or yours.

Later that week, I am a late owl, I decided to go to bed early and I just laid in bed around 2:45 am I am still wide away and the neighbors dog started barking. I know that your pathetic ass is at my bedroom window. I turn on my light and I see you there dressed in all black with a black ski mask on and black gloves in the middle of a hot humid night in May I have the window cracked just enough for me to try to get your gloves off and embarrass the hell out of your sick ass, you are sick and scrawny so I lift the window and kicked you in the face, only wearing a Victoria’s Secret black and pink nightshirt on and no panties and my pussy freshly shaved bald I pull you inside and I’m very horny.

You tackle me down to the bed and you see how instantly wet that I am and my big juicy breasts you can see how hard my nipples are that you bite my nipples and draw blood. You tear off my night shirt and hog tie me up on the bed and you put your nasty pre cum stained boxers in my mouth to use as a gag and rope my hands and arms up behind my head. The silent alarm in the house was tripped from all of the commotion and my struggling and it automatically calls the dispatchers at the command center to call for armed response, but the police have been dispatched and it will take them over an hour to come by and help because they are at another location and it gives theses lowlifes more time to have their way with me but this is turning me on.

I see that your accomplice came threw the window and wants to participate in on the lewd acts that you have planned for me.


Your perversions go so far beyond anything I ever dreamed. You had me spread eagle on the table this morning, letting the kitty cats lick me with their sandpaper tongues. One of the cats just wouldn’t join in, and of course you blamed me. You shoo’d them all away and began inspecting my cunt. You touched it, stuck your fingers in, and smelled them. You mumbled something about it not being “fishy enough”. I tried to ask what was wrong, but you gave me the usual “shut up whore” response.

You left me lying there, the cats looking at me with their cruel indifference. I am barely a piece of meat for their breakfast. You just love to watch them eat me and rub my clit raw until it bleeds from their harsh tongues. I hear you coming back, and youre carrying a large bowl, looking like you’re trying not to spill it.

You tell me to get on my knees, and as I do, I catch a smell of something really fishy — and so do the cats. They start meowing like crazy and gather around your feet as you approach me with the bowl. I don’t dare look back, as your punches are fierce when I disobey. I hear you slopping around in the bowl, and the smell gets worse – like rotting seafood. Then WHAP – you hit my ass with something hot and wet and slimy. I about jump off the table, but you grab my leg and hold me still and in position.

You tell me the kitties need some real flavor. I sneak a peek over my shoulder and you’re holding a large octopus! What the fuck? I again try to move and you grab me and hold me still. You take its giant head and shove it right inside my cunt. It was wet and it burned but the slime felt so good going in. It was squirming like crazy, and all the motion inside me made me cum immediately.

You let go of the octopus, and immediately its tentacles grab my tight ass all over, the little suckers attaching so tight I can hear them sucking on my ass cheeks. The cats are going absolutely crazy at the smell, and you put them back up on the table with me. As the octopus squirms its head inside me, and grabs my ass with its tentacles, the kitties begin to lick furiously at the test of the new fresh seafood – my octopussy….  

Tied up

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I was on my stomach, face down on the floor with my wrists tied behind my back. The rope was too tight, it stung a little and hurt even more if I resisted. He was behind me, pushing his naked against mine. I could feel his cock growing and swelling, causing him to get more agressive. He wrapped his hand around my throat and pulled me toward him. In a matter of seconds he stabbed my scared little pussy with his rigid throbbing cock.
My cunt was getting wet involunteeraily, making it easier for him to go as hard and deep as he wanted. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making me cum, but I couldn’t stop it from happening it was out of my control. He put his hands around my throat, squeezing tightly until the room got dark. I must have passed out because the next thing I remember was his dick deep inside my throat, filling it with his cum.

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After he was through, he just left me there still tied up. He gave me a quick slap across the face without giving a reason and I was mortified when I saw the entire we’d had an audience watching. There were probably five other men in the room and I had no idea how much they had seen, but that didn’t matter. He informed me that each of those men and more would get to use me for his amusement anyway they desired whenever they pleased.
I didn’t get much sleep that night worrying about what is store for me in the very near future. He also left me tied me up on the floor all night and most of the following day. I can’t be sure if he forgot about me or if he wants to remind me that he has full control.

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Blood On The Water

killer phonesex knifeThe flyer said it was a midight cruise. A murder mystery would need to be solved. The night promised to be full of intrigue, gore and death would lurk around every corner. I stood there reading the flyer and thinking about how much fun it would be to sabatoge the “fake” killing with some real death. To replace the staged sceenes with real sceenes of murder. My cunt dripping as I imagined the fun of it all and knowing that the prize fund for solving the mystery would not be taken by anyone but myself beause I would create a  new story, a real murder. How long would it take for the creators of the cruise to figure out  that someone else hadd taken control? How much fear and mayheme could I create in a few short hours out on the open sea? I knew I had to get a ticckeet and take this cruise I had to create mass chaose. There would be a method to my madness and no seblane of order of any kind. As the night approached my anticipation began to grow. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as I walked up the ramp to load the eerie vesel. The fear it was intended to envolk was nothing compared to what was about to come. Looking around at all the passangers laughing and drinking as the excitement built and the boat slipped out of the dock I silently creamed my panties. Slipping away to the galley so that I could procure a beautiful butcher knife, my heart was pounding. I took my place at the table in the dining hall an listened to the grisly tale that was being weaved for the festivities to begin. As soon as the place of the murder was  mentioned I went and found my victim, sliding my knife deep into her soft flesh then pulling it out and watching the blood flow my cunt juices began to flow in unison. Her eyes grew wide as her mouth opened and the  blood curtling scream pierced the air. Mingling in with the other passangers while they examined the sceen of what they thought was a staged murder, listening to them watching them ad deciding who I was going to take out next  was almost moore then I could stand. One by one I slaughtered them all. Floating on the open sea, laying on the deck covered in blood, I rested before throwing them over board one at a time. What a beautiful thing to watch the bodies hit the water in the moonlight, slowly sinking into the dark abyss.killer phonesex knife


Fuck Slave Queen

violent phonesex maceyI love to be fucked, everyone already knows this. I like to be fucked by anyone, at any time. This is what all my sweet little fuck holes are here for, so yes I use them, and I used all of them. I am a fuck slave, and I am ready for anything that you can throw at me at any giving time. Men women it does not matter. Point is I LOVE TO FUCK! I want to be fucked in the ass, cunt, and by all means, please feel free to skull fuck the hell out of me. Yes, I am a whore and I love every minute of it. Cum let me be your fuck slave, your on little cum slut for the night. I really want you to cum all over me, and have your way with me all night long, so cum play with me for the night.

Bloody Tools Phone Sex

I disobeyed you again. I was only trying to keep the other girl from screaming. You thought I was trying to have sex with her. You caught me trying to hug her and knowing what a dirty little snuff whore I am, you assumed the worst. I would never betray you, Master, but you don’t listen. I am gagged and  tied and dragged to the dirty old mattress. Your anger is unmatched by anything else here on earth, and I hope that you will finally snuff me out.   You throw me on the bed where your tools hang above on the wall.

The tools are still covered in blood from the last girl who made a mistake. Hammers, pliers, knives, and every other item that was never meant to work on humans. Your sick as fuck toolbox that you’re now going to use on me. I look at the hacksaw and beg for you to just cut off my head. But I know it won’t be that fast or easy. You slap me so hard my head flies back and hits the wall. You come at me with a screwdriver first, my eyes get wide as you jam it right through my stomach.

I can only watch in horror as you splatter my blood everywhere. Tool after tool, you cut and pierce my tiny body, and I am helpless to stop you. I see you finally pick the hacksaw. I feel sick relief and hope that this is the end. I want to feel those last moments of hell,  and I have watched so many other sluts go out this way. I want my turn tonight. I raise my chin, hope in my eyes, and expose my throat to you. You look angry, and instead take my legs and spread them apart, exposing my battered pussy.

You take the rusty, bloody saw, and place it between my legs and begin to saw back and forth on my cunt. Blood spills everywhere, and you laugh like a maniac. You throw the saw aside and climb on top of me and begin fucking my bloody hole. As you cum inside my gaping pussy, I know you will not give me the only thing I wanted tonight – my snuff. My exit. My only way out.