My eyes opened to find myself lying on the pavement. Two young studs were watching me as the third was ramming himself furiously into my pussy. I had been walking home tonight when I passed three black dudes on the corner. They were hooting and yelling things about my titties. I was badly in need of a fix and asked them if they had any shit. The big one flashed a gold tooth and said “Follow us.”
He led me to the alley and pulled out a bag. I went limp as the fire flashed into my veins. Mmmm, sweet bliss. “Now, where’s my money, slut? This shit aint free.” I looked up at him like a lost deer, then boom, my face hit the wall. I felt my cheekbone crack and blood spurted from my nose. A strong arm went around my throat, throttling me, and cutting off my air. I fought to live.
Now, they were pounding me harder. Huge black horse cocks filling me with nigga sperm. Each felt bigger than the last. I could take no more as my pussy vibrated. “Fuck me harder. Use me. I’m a dumb cunt. A worthless whore.” I gasped. Another pushed his huge cock into my mouth and I sucked the monster tree trunk, gagging. My mind went back to my first black cock as a young teen. I could hear them laughing as I raised my broken face to look at them. “It was only a dream. A bad dream, druggy whore.” one whispered, slipping that needle into my vein again. I drifted far away from my broken body, lying on the pavement with my skirt pushed up.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
BBC Druggie Slut
Ass Rape Porn for Thanksgiving
It’s the perfect time of the year to throw a thanksgiving party. I am going to cook and invite everyone over. Part of making everything is staying up and pre making things for the big day! I go ahead and purchase all my ingredients and start two days before thanksgiving preparing the food. When thanksgiving eve rolls around I invite some friends over to help and drink. They ask if they can invite some of their friends whom I have not met, I of course agree. The more the merrier! The door bell rings and I go to answer it. I invite the stranger right in. I offer him some wine. I mention he is early. He asks what time he was suppose to be here. I just I should have known then. Next thing I know my face is pressed in the table. My dress is pulled up as he is trying to whip his cock out. I try to get away. He knocks me to the floor and grabs me by my ankles. He starts punching me in my face. He picks me back up and forces me against the table. My panties are ripped and my dress is stained with blood. He finally get his rock hard cock out and starts to do my cunt. My body feels bruised and there is a pool of my blood around me. My face is pressed up against the table as he keeps ramming his cock deep inside of me. He is very rough and is causing so much pain on me. I can’t do anything about it, I can’t move and no one can hear my cries. He whispers in my ear that he has known me for a long time and he isn’t a friend of my friends. I start loosing so much blood as he fucks every single one of my wholes. I start to feel sleepy and fall limp. I wake up to my friends around me looking at all my blood and me on the floor. I am going to give thanks for bringing us all together today. Thanksgiving is a day where you must be thankful for everything. I wish he knew how thankful I was.
Mommy Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Rape phone sex fantasies are common, even with a mommy like me. Mommies can be cock teases too. I guess my youngest son and his friends thought I was cock teasing their teen cocks last night. I hosted about 10 boys for a sleep over. No sleeping was done. I attempted to sleep while they were in the basement. I admit it was hard. I was thinking about those young hairless dicks. I’m a dirty mommy, I admit it, but I try to be good when my boy has friends over. I don’t look good in orange with my red hair. I took a Xanax to fall asleep. As I was almost in REM stage, I was startled awake by the clamoring of a loud noise. As my eyes sprung open, my son put a pillow over my face. Someone tied me up with rope I had out for Christmas tree shopping.
I was yanked from the bed and brutalized. Boy dicks were violating all my fuck holes, often 3-4 at a time. They pulled my red mane, slapped my ass and fucked me. They loved force fucking my ass with their cocks and fists. My son was the ring leader. Pretty much felt like the star of a boy gangbang rape porn. I could feel all the boy batter running out my ass and pussy. Could see the glee in their eyes having dominated mommy. When they were done, all I got was, “Make us lunch whore.” Then they went back to playing video games.
Strung Up by my Toes
You have me strung up by my toes – literally. The ropes are cutting into my arms and legs and I can’t scream because you have me gagged. No one would here me anyway – hidden away in your dungeon underground with all your other whores. I have been tied this way for so many hours that my legs have fallen asleep but I can still feel every sweet painful thing you do to my pussy. I try to keep my head up to watch, but my neck keeps failing me and my head falls back limp.
You pinch and twist my pussy lips so hard I squeal like the fuckpig I am. You fuck me with every toy in your arsenal and your eyes never leave my body as you torture me and live out all of your rape phone sex fantasies. I should have known better than to tease a man like you. I should have known you would find me. Once you did, it was all over, I became yours. I’ve been here ever since in the dark being tortured any time you decide to pay me attention.
I am getting dizzy from the position I am tied in but I know you don’t give a shit. All those times I teased you and made you pay for my services. Now it was time for your payback – you were going to get every dollars worth out of my slutty ass. You are brutal and fuck my pussy and my ass with no mercy. I can feel hot liquid dripping down my ass cheeks. I don’t know if its cum or blood and I honestly don’t care – I love them both the same.
Bondage Phone Sex Gone Wrong
Being a bondage phone sex freak gets me in trouble. When you agree to be tied up, bound and gagged, it renders you powerless. Makes you a victim, easy prey. Last week I hooked up with this guy into hog tying bitches. I like feeling helpless and vulnerable. Now, most guys just like seeing a whore restrained. Limit her breathing, her movement, cause some discomfort and fear. As a submissive whore, I love that shit. I like giving control to another person. Mark was different from the beginning. I should have sensed he was off. He mummified me, which takes patience and dedication on a woman my size. He had be wrapped tighter than King Tut. I couldn’t breathe. Most guys cut a little airway so you can breathe, but not him.
I must have passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up freed of my cellophane coffin ,to being sodomized on a cold slab of marble. I was still bound and gagged, very vulnerable. He paid no attention to the safe word we agreed on. He force fucked my ass until it prolapsed and bled. I had a ball gag in my mouth. My hands and feet were bound. I was cold and in pain. He tossed me in the alley that way like a piece of trash. I laid in a heap of garbage over night with rats gnawing at my flesh until a city worker found me. He was a nice man, got me medical help. Little did he know that I was such a subby bitch, I would put myself right back in a dangerous situation again and again and again.
Violent Phone Sex Pleasure
I watched them stumble out of the bar.To drunk to be coherent. I watched them laugh as they found their way to the car, groping each other, obviously preparing for a drunken sexual encounter. They were the perfect couple for my desires. Walking over to them it was easy to worm my way into the fun. I slid behind the wheel of the car smiling while they made out in the back seat, laughing at the fact that they now had a third party. Oblivious to what is about to happen they follow me without question. They both think it is great fun as I tie her wrists and hoist them high above her head naked and vulnerable. His cock is throbbing and he has already taken his pants and shirt off and is swaying with a huge grin on his face. I throw him on the ground in front of her and mount him riding him hard and fast bringing him to the edge. Just as he is about to cum I reach behind his head and twist his neck hard, not enough to break it completely but enough to paralyze him. His mind hasn’t registered the pain as it is still focused on his pleasure. I reach down with a nice sharp scalpel and rip his eye from it’s socket as they scream together and blood spatters across my body. As he realizes that he can’t move I continue my assault, ripping flesh from his body blood is everywhere. Getting off of him I slice his ball sack open and remove his balls. Rubbing his blood all over her. Her eyes are glazed over with fear. He is on the edge now and won’t last much longer. The act of violent phone sex and her fear feeds my pleasure.
Family History
Growing up I always learned about my family history. All of us evil in our own way. I had a great grandfather who was an Apache Indian Brave. He would raid Cherokee villages. He would sneak in after dark brutally kill the men, chopping their dicks off and feeding it to the wolves. He would spend days with the women of the tribe, fucking them and beating each one of them till their last breath. He even fucked and scalped the young ones of the tribe leaving no one alive.
One day as he was searching for more women to kill he found her. The pale white devil woman. Tied to a stake and almost dead. He made the mistake of letting her go. Somehow she recovered from her wounds only to show him how evil she was and how evil they could be together. Like him she loved the sight of blood. They would slit the throats of the villages they raided together, only to fuck in the warm blood of the lifeless villagers.
In The Name Of The Father
When I found this sweet little trinket in the bottom of a box, way in the back corner of the second hand store I knew that I had to use it. As I picked it up and examined it I felt my cunt twitch and quiver when I realized just what it was. I love sacrilege on any level. I went home and started on the wooden cross right away. I found the nails I needed and made sure that everything was just right. I found the perfect tea totaling dress for church and cringed as I put it on. but this was going to be worth it. I headed out for the local Catholic church with a handkerchief and some chloroform in my hand bag in search of the most chaste female I could find. Getting her alone after mass was easy and I could hardly wait to nail her naked and vulnerable to the wooden cross that I constructed before beginning to use the cross syringe to inject her with mind altering drugs and begin my abuse! I can’t wait to hear her denounce her god and curse him to hell while I defile her body, mind and soul.
Gangbang Rape Porn: Sodomized by Chicks
Master sold me to make a gangbang rape porn. I have done many rape fantasy porn movies before, but this one had a twist. It was me and a bevy of beautiful dominant women. Chicks were going to force fuck me. My experience has been that a woman is far more brutal to another woman than a male master. I think it is because women often get jealous. Their goal is to take out the competition. They don’t want to really fuck another chick. They want to destroy her, so I was fucking freaked about doing any sort of ass rape porn with women. They would destroy my fuck holes for fun and profit.
I am a good slave, so I arrived to the Queen Bitch’s house per my orders. There were 4 women and me. They were ugly big ass women too. They were rough with me the moment I walked into the place. I was groped, stripped and push down into a damp dark basement. I fell down a large flight of stairs which left me bruised and bloody. I was attempting to get up when I felt a stiletto boot in my ass pushing me back down. Another boot was on the back of my neck. I felt like a squashed bug. My ass got assaulted with a 5 inch heel. I could feel my sphincter wall tearing. The women were laughing and calling me names, clearly enjoying my pain.
The boot heel was soon replaced with a fucking machine. Attached was a huge dildo about the girth of the bottom of a wine bottle. I screamed in pain as it started going warp speed shredding my asshole. The pain was awful. What followed next was a series of gang banging with strap ons. Each bitch would pull my red locks as they sodomized me. I was forced to lick my own shit off of each strap on. I thought they were done when the strap ons hit the floor, but fisting was the final phase of my anal torture. Each girl fisted my anal cavity with no lube and big ass jagged rings on their fingers.
My ass was destroyed; gaping open; swollen and bloody, but it was over. Then I heard one of the bitches say, “Oops, forgot to hit record. We need to use this bitch again.” I felt sick to my stomach.
My latest victim
My deviant thoughts have gotten me this far, gotten me all the whores I could possibly ever want. I made them all bleed so much, and this one will be no different. A Victim, helpless to my friend and I who will control her till we have no need for her anymore. This little subby has lots of rape fantasies and she craves the cock that will torment her cunt, and the cocks that will violate her in every way. Oh why don’t we make her beg for it? Get that Cassandra slut on her knees where she belongs. It makes my pussy dripping wet to see her there with her massive tits hanging helplessly, she really needs those things tortured! I look at those lips and can’t wait to see them torn apart by more cocks than she can count. She has no clue what is coming to her, but I am going to make her beg for it. Beg to be fucked, violated and used. She’s going to love it – beg for it over and over through her tears of pain. She can cry as much as she wants, her dripping cunt tells no lie. She can’t deny it in the least, she is loving it all. She’ll love it to the last second that I snuff that whore out. Cocks in all her holes, of course.