Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexHe had a killer phone sex fantasy. As a submissive whore, I love catering to your darkest desires and fantasies. He has long gotten hard at the idea of having a captive sex slave in his basement. He has a wife and brats. He lives the idyllic suburban life. Nice house, nice job, nice family. All that bores him; but his family, his community, would never understand his need to punish and subjugate women. He kidnapped me hitchhiking. In his mind, I was nothing more than a dirty blonde bimbo no one would miss. He tossed me into this dark and damp room. I was chained to a stake in the ground. There was no light, except for his flash light. He told me scream all I want, no one would hear me. This was some cellar beneath the basement no one in the family knew existed but him. I screamed, but he didn’t flinch. This was not the first time a woman had been held here. I was alone in the dark; I was cold, scared and hungry. I had no idea how long I had been on that concrete slab, chained up like a wild animal. He came downstairs with some food in a dog bowl. It was dog food. I could eat it or starve he said. I didn’t eat it. I was hopeful I could get away. He pulled his cock out and sodomized me for what felt like an eternity, then he left. I cried and screamed alone in the dark, but he was right. His family above had no idea that their perfect husband and father had a woman imprisoned below them. He came back a few more times and force fucked me some more. I had a pot to piss and shit in. Dog food to eat. He told me to be grateful I was still alive. No, this is not living. I hope I die.


Taboo phone sex

I could hear you in there with them.  Those little voices just begging to be set free.  We would eventually set them free but not in the way they were thinking.  I heard a loud slap, then whimpering as you disciplined them.  You see, they didn’t know that I can hear everything they say when they think we are not around.  The things that were said, tisk tisk.  Such language coming from those little mouths.  Terrible.  I would let them know that there is a hole in the wall under one of the strips of wall paper, but why spoil the fun?

When you came by I told you all about what I had heard.  They couldn’t hear us of course because I could always just replace the opening with the piece of wall that is missing.  Just pop it back in and Bob’s Your Uncle.  You were getting mad, I was glad you were.  I wanted you as pissed off as you could get.  This was your time to show me what you had learned from me.  You wanted me to take  you to my side of the darkness, and I had, but now it was time for you to fly on your own little birdie.

You took your shirt off, stripped down to your boxers and went into their room.  There were three of them in there, when you opened the door I could smell them.  That is the only bad thing about keeping things … the smell.  We had to really work on that room before we began your training to make sure those smells stayed inside with them along with their screams.  Sound proofing is a must in situations like this.

I could hear the three of them scurrying around like little mice trying to get away from you.  I was watching by the hole in the wall, I knew this would be the last time we used this room for awhile so I punched through the poster.  One of them looked at me as you were twisting her neck around by her matted hair, I said, “peek a boo” and smiled.  The fear in her eyes, the pain that shown in her face was exquisite. I handed you your belt through the opening and you took to lashing all of them.

After a little while I came into join you.  The pure violence that you unleashed upon them was one of the proudest moments of my life.  The very last one was rocking in the corner, we needed to put her out of her misery.  Her mind was broken, never to be fixed.  We were saving her really.  Deep down I knew she didn’t want to go through life medicated and scared.  I held her against me as you plunged your dick into her, I wrenched her neck to the side, you were grunting away, tearing up her insides with each thrust. When you were almost there I sliced into that soft buttery flesh of her neck. You orgasmed as the spray covered your body.  You had been baptized. I smiled up at you, and you down at me.

You have learned well Jedi, now go forth and do your worst.

Taboo Phone Sex Whore and Bad Bitch

taboo phone sexAs a taboo phone sex whore, I need to be ready for anything. The men in my life are unpredictable. They love to hurt me, abuse me, and force fuck me. I have been double dipping in masters. I have an evening master and a day master. I thought I was sly and could get away with it. It all blew up in my face this weekend. I got busted. One master was at my house when the other made a surprise visit. They weren’t mad at each other, they were mad at the lying skank, which was me. I tried to smooth talk my way out of it saying I am a worthless whore who always needs two men to keep me in line. They ganged up on me. I was tossed into my basement where most of the hardcore BDSM equipment is kept. I was kicked, whipped, spit on and fucked. Did I mention it was for hours? They went Clockwork Orange on me and kicked me like a soccer ball. I was bloodied and bruised when the fucking starting. My eyes were swollen shut. “Not so pretty now are you whore,” one of them yelled at me as he slapped my face hard. They watch way too much ass rape porn because they were sodomizing me with both their cocks at the same time. My asshole tore, and I could feel hot sticky blood dripping down my ass. They left me tied up all weekend. When they returned yesterday to release me, they double penetrated my ass again. I’m still prolapsed and sore, but ready to serve you master.

Hitchhiker Snuff

Snuff Porn

I went to a house party with the older girls from my class. My so-called friends all took off with the football boys and left me with no ride. I had gotten too drunk and decided to walk home. I stumbled onto deserted streets I’ve never even knew of, I decided to hitchhike a ride home.

Next thing I knew, a car pulled up beside me and an older man asked if I wanted to hop in. He promised to drive me home, but my vision got blurry. I ended up waking up in a strange bathroom. I was completely naked. I tried to escape the bathroom but the older man who picked me up grabbed me by the hair and dragged me back in.

He held a huge knife to my throat, turned me around and performed his sick rape fantasy fetish on me. He jammed his cock inside my trembling cunnie and stretched me open. I cried and begged for him to stop. He then pushed me over the edge of the bathtub filled with water and began pounding his cock inside my asshole making it split open. I cried in pain but he shoved my head into the tub water. I couldn’t breathe as the water filled my nose and lungs.

My rosebud was in so much pain as he fucked my prolapse. Then he thrusted his knife into my chest over and over again. The pain seared through my body and blood poured out of me into the tub. He kept pounding my weak body and shoving my face into the blood-stained water until my lungs filled up with water. He came inside of me once I was drained of blood and fucked my lifeless corpse for days after.


Taboo phone sex

Isn’t it cute how they think they can get away?  The hope is strong, and they can almost see the end of their torture.  Almost.  They must think us stupid.  To think that once they broke their binds they can just run? That’s what is wrong with prey, they do not think, they react, that is what makes the Predator have the edge.

There she was, running though the woods, us walking behind her.  I had my pet with me, he was pulling so hard at his chain, I lean down to whisper in his ear, “спокойный”, which is Russian for “calm”.  He immediately stops barking.  However, now and then I will give him the command to bark just to keep the prey on their toes.

We can now hear them, crashing though the leaves.  I smile to myself.  Both you and I know a secret.  The last time you went in to fill her bowl you purposefully left the bolt undone.  It did take her longer than we thought for her to figure that out.  Once she was out of the underground hut, she was off like a shot.  She didn’t even notice us standing a few feet away.

We both looked at each other and chuckled and shook our heads.  She tried so hard, her legs were pumping like mad, but she wasn’t going to get away.  You see both you and I made sure nobody could get off the property.  We heard her hit the barbwire … hard.  Then the crying for help.  Nobody could hear her except for us so we just continued to walk.

Once we could see her, I left my pet go, he ran toward her full tilt, she was screaming, writhing in the wire which just made her get more entangled.  When we reach her my pet is a few inches from her face, growling.  The look of pure fear on her face makes me wet.  You and I fuck quickly before untangling her and returning her to her home. Silly bitch thought she would escape. Pathetic.

Vacation with Sadistic Brother

I was so relieved when brother told me I wasn’t his sacrifice tonight, but then I was terrified when he told me I was the entertainment. Him and his entire cult were going to use and abuse me while they sacrificed someone. This Thanksgiving vacation I just wanted to relax, and watch movies. Daddy wasn’t going to be home at all so I thought it would be safe to not be so tense all the time. I was hanging out in the living room watching movies when my older brother told me to get off my lazy ass, and be useful. He told me his whole cult was waiting for me in the basement. I freaked out, and told him I didn’t want to be sacrificed, and he just laughed at me. He told me I could never be a sacrifice because I wasn’t a virgin, but I was going to be the nights second best entertainment. He dragged me down to the basement by my hair. There was too many men to even try to fight them off. They had my clothes cut off of me in a matter of minutes. They held me by my hair, and made me watch as they slaughtered a girl only a little younger than me. The blood must have made them all horny because it wasn’t long until they started using and abusing all of my teen holes. If there wasn’t enough holes, then they made new ones. They forced their cocks in everywhere that they could with the lifeless girl laying just a few inches away from me. 

snuff porn

Accomplice Phone Sex On Black Friday

Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex allows Ivy to tell you her stories…..Black Friday shopping was crazy and crowded. We could hardly move through the store. I needed to use the bathroom so bad and could not believe the line to the women’s bathroom. The wasn’t a line to the men’s at all. I peeked my head in and realized no one was even in there. So I decided I would pee quickly in the men’s room and be gone. But when I came out there was a man who had obviously been drinking. You grabbed me by my hair as I tried to leave.

You told me that I wanted to suck your cock and that is why I was in the men’s restroom. You shoved my head down to your hard throbbing cock and told me to suck it. I started licking on your balls to get you to relax. You laughed and said oh babe that is what I am talking about. I put your ball sack in my mouth and rolled it around a little. Then I bit down and ripped your balls off with my sharp teeth. Your bloody balls were rolling around on the floor like a couple of marbles.

Just then my boyfriend walked in and saw what was going on. He grabbed you by the back of the head and force you down on your knees. I took my 7 inch stiletto heel and shoved it up your tight puckered ass. As I was fucking your ass, my boyfriend pulled out his cock and told you to suck it. You were holding your bloody crotch and crying like the little bitch that you were.

You opened your mouth and he grabbed the back of your head. He forcefully face fucked you. Shoving your head all the way down the shaft of his cock. He blew his load of hot jizz in your mouth and washed it down with his warm fizzy pee. I fucked your ass raw and left it bleeding. Then we shoved your head in the dirty toilet and left you were a worthless piece of shit belongs. Who would have thought that Black Friday would have brought about torture sex.

Torture sex

Torture Sex Thanksgiving

torture sexTorture sex Thanksgiving? I thought I was in a bad dream, but when I arrived to help cook the bird, I got stuffed. Stuffed by huge cocks and fists, not to mention a variety of objects not meant for the pussy or ass. There was no one else at the house. My step son tricked me into arriving hours early, so he could abuse me. He wanted to stuff my ass until it hurt. He bound me like a turkey. My arms were pinned behind my back and I was sitting on my legs in an extremely uncomfortable position. My ass was exposed for abuse. I was making a Thanksgiving ass rape porn. He is such a sadistic fuck. He fucked my ass with a huge turkey bone. He even tried to to make a wish with my legs by spreading them as far as he could to fist my pussy. He had a ball gag in my mouth, so the neighbors wouldn’t hear my screams. I thought he might cook me and serve me to my family for Thanksgiving, but after I was bloody and gaping, he released me and ordered my ass in the kitchen to start the meal. When the rest of the family arrived, I knew better than to say shit or the next time the abuse would be worse. My step son loves to take his anger out on me. I am here for you too. Hate your family? Abuse a dirty milf and you will feel better. That is what my step-son says.

Extreme Fetish Bondage Phone Sex

bondage phone sexIt was raining last night. I was on an old dark road. I got lost coming home from a party at a friend’s house.  My car skidded off the road. I hit my head. I got confused and foggy. A stranger helped me, but I passed out. I woke up in a strange house. I had on different clothes. I went to ask where I was and what happened, but my lips would not open. They were sealed shut. I thought they were glued, but he showed me in a mirror. I screamed but no sound came out. He stitched my lips shut. He said he was turning me into a doll, a life-sized sex doll. As my memory came back, I realized I didn’t have an accident. He ran me off the road. He tied my arms above my head. This was extreme bondage phone sex. I was restrained and mute. I knew he couldn’t skull fuck me, but he made use of my other holes. One hole was his favorite. It wasn’t my ass or my pussy. It was my pee hole. It hurt like a bitch. Never have I had anything so large crammed down my pee hole. My urethra was not made for a ten-inch cock. No one’s urethra is made for that. I was crying, ugly crying from the pain. I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I couldn’t plead with words, so I tried to plead with my eyes and my body. He was in no hurry to let me go. He poured his Jack Daniels down my pee hole because he didn’t want any germs from a disease ridden skank whore. That is what he said as he force fucked my pee hole, the tiniest hole on my body. I was hoping he would kill me, but he knocked me out and dropped me off at the local hospital. I woke up in a hospital this morning pretty banged up. I was drugged, but I know what happened to me wasn’t a dream. I was peeing blood as proof.

I crushed him to death

taboo phone sexI was hired to kill some asshole, his wife wanted a divorce but she wanted all the money and not just half, if you know what I mean. She wanted me to make it look like an accident so I came up with a really fantastic way to kill him. He was an avid hiker and loved to go up in the mountains all by himself so it was so easy to catch him! I tied him to poles in the ground and literally stoned him to death. I wanted it to look like he fell down a cliff and got banged up on the way down so I used different size rocks and even flipped him around and tied him in different ways. He screamed and cried of course but there was no one around to hear his pleas for mercy. It took a long time for him to die that way but I enjoyed every minute of it. I left him there exposed at the bottom of a cliff for the wild creatures to eat…