Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Shower Time Snuff

Taboo phone sex

I got home from soccer practice and felt super sweaty, a nice, steamy, hot shower was definitely in order! I got naked, stepped in the hot water and began to soak and lather my sore, teen body with soapy suds. One minute I was rinsing off and the next I was thrown to the bathroom floor. A large whack hit the back of my head making me dizzy, before I could figure out what was happening, I was pinned to the floor by a strange man. I screamed and cried out for help. He punched my head and slammed my face onto the floor and told me to shut the fuck up!

I tried crawling away, but my naked body just slipped on the tile. My attacker flipped me around to look at him and I got so scared. I’ve seen his face now and I realize no one is going to help me. He pulled my legs open as I tried to fight back, but when I did he punched my face over and over again. Then he shoved his hard cock inside me. It hurt so bad but my pussy throbbed in pleasure, I don’t know why. I began to cry but that only made his cock harder. When I was able to, I stood up and tried to run for it, but he grabbed me by the hair and slammed me into my mirror. Glass exploded around the bathroom and small shards imbedded themselves in my skin.

Once again, he pinned me down and shoved his cock inside me. He told me that I was going to pay for being a fucking bitch and he grabbed a large shard of glass and began scraping and shoving it into my skin and arms. The harder I tried to escape, the deeper he stabbed. He thrusted his hard cock deeper and deeper inside my wet, cherry popped cunt and plunged the shard of glass into my neck over and over again, cutting and razoring through my flesh and artery. I bled all over the bathroom floor as he came deep inside my teen cunt.

Ass Rape Porn Sale

ass rape pornI got a gift card to an adult bookstore for Christmas. It was from my mother of all people. She knows what a kinky freak I can be. Today, when the store opened back up, I went in to buy some sex toys. The store was not crowded. I guess most folks were out at other stores shopping for after holiday sales. I enjoyed looking around. I enjoyed the attention too. I was getting a lot of that from the few people shopping with me. There was a couple in the store too. Sexy looking duo. The wife approached me thinking I might be a pro. She wanted to hire me to fuck her husband. I politely declined. I only fuck strangers for coke. They didn’t look like the druggy type. My rebuff, as nice as it was, didn’t go over well. They took what they wanted anyway and what they wanted was me. The woman grabbed my hair and slammed my head on the counter. While I was dazed, they were getting me ready for a homemade ass rape porn. This was a kinky couple. They fisted my ass and pussy. They encouraged other patrons to fuck me too. There was no holiday cheer with these two. They ravaged me while others egged them on. They took toys from the store and shoved them in all my holes. I was gaped and sore. My ass was bleeding, but they didn’t care. The were huffing from spray cans. The higher they got, the rougher I got treated. I was tied down for several hours. Every new customer got to fuck the old whore for free. I was part of the holiday sale: hardcore anal sex sale. The store owner did nothing to help me. The kinky couple abusing me paid him money to look the other way. He looked away until I was covered in cum and bleeding out the ass.

Helping A Family Member

Torture phone sex

What a twat!  One of my family member’s exes is such a dick!   Nobody could stand him and still can’t. Which is saying something because nobody in my family really likes me but they would take me any day over this guy.  At first I thought he would be fun to hang around with, but the more I did I realized what an absolutely douche nozzle he is.  Imagine the most narcissistic person you can think of, now add bad jokes, talking in the third person, what seems to be some serious brain damage, knowing every thing when they really know nothing, and more narcissism on top just for good measure and you will have him.

I do not celebrate Christmas, but as a token I will show up at my Mother’s house and pretend that I am having a good time.  This one family member told me that Saint Douchington would not leave them alone.  They showed me all the texts, all the phone calls, all the snaps, all the voicemails, and all the inbox messages.  If you are going to be psychotic, then hide it and be a Psycho on the down low, not out where every one can see.

Some of the messages were rather benign, but there were some where he was going a little violent, or what he thought was violent.  To me it was on the tamer side, but to my family member it was upsetting.  I would of laughed it off and completely ghosted him, but they didn’t want to do that because they didn’t want to switch phones.  They had trid blocking him, and even went as far as getting a  Protection Order.  You and I both know those are worthless.  I am not sure if it was the wine, or beer, or tequila, but I offered to help.  They said he was too dangerous, I laughed. I grabbed their phone and sent him a text.

He texted me back on my phone.  I played along like he was right and asked him if he wanted to meet up after I was done at the house to discuss the matter because I was really on his side.  Yeah, right.  He was happy too. We met in a parking lot and as soon as I got into his car I smacked him across the face.  It went wrong for him after that.  Incredibly wrong.  When I was done he was whimpering like the pussy bitch he really is and I doubt he will ever be able to shit right again.

I called my family member and told them that I didn’t think he would be bothering them anymore and if he does, they are to tell me right away.  From what they have said though, so far, so good. 

Sex with Dead Bodies: A Deadly Love Affair

Sex with Dead bodies

Your cock doesn’t get hard for the living, warm bodies of women full of vitality. No, you want the dead girl whose eyes are glazed over and white, whose lips are cold and blue, her body is cold and that cunt a frigid dead hole. The anal cavity is tight and still has it’s pucker even after it dispelled of all the waste while the body died. Her dead eyes are something of intrigue and you pull them out and sever the nerves and two new holes to fuck are there. Your cock throbs as you shove your fingers in and wants to penetrate that dead stare. It’s no wonder you work graveyard shift at the Hospital with access to it’s morgue. You have all the sex you need and desire and they can’t annoy you or turn you down.

Blasphemy Whore Jezabel

blasphemy phone sex

This evil whore hates the Holidays. I took My Satan worshiping fuck toy daddy and his daughters to church after hours. We forced them to take crosses up those asses and tied them to the pews and cut and mutilated flat chests and sweet cunny all in the name of desecrating the holy home. they screamed so loud I swear I came in my tight leather panties! I rode sweet faces before I cut tongues out! As Daddy burned the church down around us I cut tiny hearts out and put them in a plastic bag. We stood outside as the sirens came. Watching the crowd gather as our deeds were burnt to the ground. I kissed him deeply and gave him those warm hearts so he could eat them as he gained power from His Evil God. I would ride his dick for hours after that. I can never get enough of defiling and being an evil slut!

Lunacy is fun


Taboo phone sex

I’m going to fuck your fucking ass in the fucking throat with my big hard strap-on bitch. You said you wanted to be the hot piece of pussy well guess what Tramp you’re the hot piece of pussy for sure now, but you got to pay for it. Oh, you thought I was going to be helpful to you when you got to my house you thought wrong sweetie pie. I am going to rip your fucking heart out and bake it. When I get done with you the things that you’re going to see I’m going to teach you not to ever fuck with me again in the wrong way. You thought I forgave you for what you had done well you thought wrong sorry fucking bitch. I’m going to teach you right I’m going to rip that fucking pussy apart and put it in a grater I’ll snatch you limb from limb, and that’s just the beginning of what I’m going to do to you. You are a fucking tasty piece of cunt meat whore. You’ve always thought you were a pretty girl and I’ve always known, but you’re a fucking cunt bitch. I’m done being fake nice to you-you’re at my house now that means you’re in my territory and I’m the ruler here. I am going to shit on your face and make you eat it, stupid bitch. I’ve always hated you I could not ever stand you, and now I get to do what I genuinely feel like doing to you which is torture you in every way known to humanity. It’s going to be a happy Christmas for me after all.

Snuff Phone Sex in My Home

snuff phone sexHe was the kind of guy who called me for snuff phone sex. In fact, he may have been one of my callers. He was some one who knew me at least because he told me things no stranger would know. He broke into my house. Some how got in without tripping the alarm. I had taken an Ambien, so I was out cold. That was until a cold blade and heavy breathing startled me awake. He told me if I made a sound, he would kill me immediately. I thought I would likely die anyway, but if I listened to him for now, maybe I could escape. I let this fat sweaty man who seemed to know a lot about me fuck me. I tried to think of anything else but this fat slovenly fuck on top of me with a knife to my throat. He thrust in and out of me until he came. He smelled awful. He felt worse inside me. I thought, this was over. He got what he came for, now he would leave. That was his form of foreplay. His knife moved off my neck and down between my legs. I gasped as he slid the knife inside my pussy. I cried as he sliced up my insides. I could feel the warm blood of my gutted womb spilling out on to my bed. He left me to bleed out in my own home on my own bed. He whispered in my ear, “Now there will be one less worthless whore in the world,” and he left me for dead.

Duct Tape

The silver duct tape on my mouth only burned more when I felt your hot piss run across it and seep through, mixing with the adhesive that has surely eaten through some of my skin.  I hadn’t eaten in days since this tape had been put on my mouth. I’ve got my hands tied behind my back and I’ve tried to break loose in every way I know how. You’re going to let me starve to death while you use my weak body as a fuck doll. Tears used to run down my face but now there’s nothing left. I’m so dehydrated I think I’m starting to hallucinate. Every once and a while I would regain consciousness just long enough to feel you or your buddies piss on my face or start fucking my holes violently. I just want to die.

Double Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornMy sons had some friends over for a slumber party last night. They are out of school for a few weeks for the holiday break, so I agreed to let them invite some school friends over. I didn’t know the boys. I just assumed any friends of my sons must be okay boys. I was wrong. After my sons were asleep, two lads who are brothers, pulled me out of bed. They shoved my panties in my mouth and tied my hands behind my back with a pair of my pantyhose. Teen boys made me their double ass rape porn whore. They fucked my ass in tandem while my sons slept in the next room. Young boys sodomizing my ass? I was not sure if I was scared or turned on by them. They didn’t care that my ass was bleeding. They said I was a cock tease. They claimed that I had this coming to them for months of making their little dicks hard and never offering release. Seriously, their dicks didn’t feel so little ravaging my asshole. One of them held a knife to my throat. He told me he would slit my throat if I made a sound. Violent little boys were force fucking me in my house and I invited them inside. When they left, I laid in bed, trembling and bleeding. I wasn’t sure if I was scared shitless or aroused by these young fucks.

He Didn’t Need It Anyway

I’m a sadistic bitch that worships the acts of Dahmer’s and I absolutely love the brutality of being a sadistic phone sex Goddess. My love of rape fantasies and dismembering the cocks of my victims is such a fucking high. I really love to sever their penises off and fry them up in truffle oil with some mushroom caps and feed it to them before they bleed out completely from the violent ass fucking I gave them with my cheese grater strap-on. There is no better high than feeling the last breath of a victim whose face I sit my round ass upon as I make a nice slow severing of both their heads. I love to finish off my fuck toy with a nice big piss down their severed throats.

Sadistic Phone Sex