We all have killer phone sex impulses lingering inside of us. Some people suppress those impulses, sadly. That is until they meet me. I am that devil on their shoulder telling them to fuck the cunt. We only live once. Why not enjoy it to the fullest? When I met Sam, he was a shy, even meek loser who let women drain his wallet but not his balls. Normally, I would not give a loser like that the time of day, but he appealed to me. Rich and handsome and desperate for a woman’s attention equals easy to get to do my dirty work. He was like a ball of clay I could mold into a killing machine. I had a girl in mind. She and I have had many public beefs, so if she goes missing or turns up dead, the cops would look at me. I needed a patsy and in walked Sam. I was able to get him drunk easily and fill him with information like how this cunt represents all the cunts who have done him wrong. How he needs to take what is his and stop letting little bitches get away with his money and dignity. I went with him, so I could watch. I watched him let out years of frustration on my enemy. He acted on his rape phone sex fantasies. He acted on his murderous impulses too. It was a bloody mess. She screamed and pleaded and begged. And my cunt just got wetter. It was cathartic for him and satisfying for me. He had a lot of pent up frustrations to unleash. It was his DNA all over her. Not mine. If they even find him or match her violent death to this pipsqueak, he will not remember a thing. I hypnotized him into being my killing machine. I can do the same to you.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
They all had to go
I like my privacy, I enjoy the solitude and silence of having no neighbors but unfortunately someone bought the parcel of land that borders mine. These assholes decided to build their house very close to the edge of our property line and they were far too close for my liking. I tried to be nice, I tried to suggest that we would both be happier living further apart but they were insistent that the only place they wanted their house was that spot. Well, I can’t exactly have all the fun I have with these motherfuckers all close to me so I had to get a little drastic. The whole family came out to see the foundation poured so I snuck over there quietly before the concrete men came. I managed to get them alone one by one, the little girl was first. All I had to do was let a little bunny loose nearby, it ran in front of her and she chased it over by me. I hit her over the head and knocked her out and then tied her up and gagged her. I repeated the process until I had the whole family knocked out and tied up then I dragged them over to where the foundation would be poured. I covered them with a layer of dirt and just waited. The concrete men buried them alive without ever knowing they were there and since they were gone, the house was never built and the property was foreclosed on. Guess who just bought it… I’ll be keeping my privacy forever now.
Ass Rape Porn Star Anally Abused
I am an ass rape porn star. Ever since I was a little girl, men have enjoyed violating my ass. It all began with Daddy. He was the first person to force fuck my ass. Sometimes he shared my ass around with his friends and drinking buddies. I have become accustomed to anal abuse. The men who fuck my ass now are a different breed than daddy and his friends. My father and his cronies were just horny P men who liked the notion of fucking jailbait holes. My anal sex guys now, want to abuse my asshole until I cry in pain and cannot shit right for a week. Even though this one guy has force fucked my ass 100s of times now, it still hurts. He refuses to use lube and gentle is not in his vocabulary. Henry is obsessed with my ass. He wants to gape it and prolapse it too. Every time we are together, he tries to outdo himself from the last time he fucked my ass. Last night, he out did all the previous times combined. He used a baseball bat on my pretty puckered rosebud. I yelped like a wounded animal. For my ass to hurt, you know it is bad. I have a high threshold for pain thanks to all the abuse at the hands of my father when I was a young girl and the many anal torture sex videos I have made. A baseball bat is a lot of wood for any ass. I was a bloody mess by the time he decided he was done. I could barely walk. I shit myself. Pissed myself too. I begged for him to help me. Give me a shot of whiskey or get me a bag of frozen veggies or something. He just laughed at me more.
The Best Snuff Porn is Real
Snuff porn inspires me. Does it you? I can watch it for hours and think about how to improve it. The shit on the Internet is fake and uses legal aged consenting adults. That is no fun. You agree, right? That is why I make my own home movies. They are real. And the stars are never consenting. Fake snuff is not hot to me. I like the real thing. That is why I need an accomplice. Now, do not get me wrong. I will kill a bitch by myself and not bat an eyelash. But it is hard to film and kill at the same time. The best snuff movies have some one filming and some one doing the killing and force fucking. I picked up Sam on the dark net. He was happy to meet me. He has always wanted to fuck a young cunt. The problem with young cunt is they are rarely willing to be fucked. They talk too. A teen slut can be bought off. A younger cunt you must kill to keep you out of jail. With an accomplice, you can have your cake and eat it too. I filmed him tearing her pussy to shreds. He bloodied up her fuck holes. Her vagina was prolapsed. So was her asshole. If you could fuck some one to death, he came as close as it gets to doing it. I got it all on film too. I just had to get rid of the body. I had to finish her off too. That was the deal. He did the fucking and if that did not off her, I would finish the job. I smothered the little cunt. I let him fuck her dead body again. No worries about DNA left in the body because I fed her to the alligators in the swamp. I have it all captured on film. This will be worth a lot of money to the right buyer.
I don’t look like a killer
I don’t look like a killer… but I am one and that is a fact that some people learn just a little too late. I was bored so I logged on to a dating app and posted a few sexy pictures, it didn’t take long for the eager horny men to respond. I picked a cute one and invited him back to my place, it was almost too easy to get him to agree to being tied up and once he did he sealed his fate. He thought that he would be getting a sexy night but instead he would be tortured to death. I cut him to pieces slowly and carefully. I wanted him to experience as much pain as possible, it was such a turn on to me to see him suffer. I was so wet that I just had to sit on his face and smother him in my juices while I cut off his manhood. I came so hard watching all that blood pour out, it was so satisfying.
I Will Be Your Accomplice Phone Sex Partner
He wanted me to be his accomplice phone sex partner. Normally, I am the victim, but when he wanted me to help him break in a new bitch, I jumped at the chance. Why would I refuse? He dragged this little cunt into the room. He kidnapped her at a protest. He told me her privileged white ass had no clue what she was protesting and needed to know what true suffering is about. I stripped her Catholic schoolgirl outfit off her tiny body. I forced her head down on master’s cock. While she was learning to breathe through her nose, I was fucked her cunt with my fist. Now, she knew oppression. She knew pain. She knew subjugation. I turned her into a young ass rape porn star with my fist. Master turned her into a whore with his cock. He fucked her so hard, her eyes teared up. She was the victim of opportunity. A white do gooder schoolgirl who needed to learn what real oppression feels like. Master smothered her with his big balls. I ruined her asshole and master bred her little womb so he can be a daddy soon. I will of course have to raise the brat for master, but I am happy to break in any young slut for him or you. At least it gives my holes a much needed break.
Your Fantasy Phone Sex Slave
I love fantasy phone sex calls. I have two sides of me. I am a gfe bad ass bitch and a submissive whore. I have daddy issues. The reason I like it so rough is because my early years were spent as daddy’s sex slave. I was not a happy girl. I ran away as a young teen and straight into the arms of men as bad if not worse than daddy. My shrink says I pick bad men because I am hoping I can change them, make them love me and see me as a daughter not a sex slave. Maybe that is true or maybe I just am a glutton for punishment. I think in my subconscious I conflated pain with love, and I need to be hurt to feel loved. Fucked up, right? My messed up daddy issues, however, have made me a pain slut. I need pain to get off. I get on these dating apps and I slide right over the men who want to treat a woman like a princess. I might deserve a good man, but I do not want one. I want a man like daddy. One who sees me as a snuff sex slave. One who will not hesitate to take what he wants even if I am not in the mood to give it. One who will shame and humiliate me rather than whisper sweet nothings in my ear. One who will hurt me instead of hold me. One who will chain me up instead of letting me have my space. I do not want to be a girlfriend. I try to be a bad ass gfe but it feels fake. It feels unfulfilling. That is because I was born to be a submissive whore. Think you might be the man of my nightmares?
He wanted me more
I met a man as sadistic and cruel as I am. He is tall and handsome and has a cock so big it almost hurts when I fuck him, the only problem is that he is fucking married to some bitch. Well, I won’t stand for that type of thing, if I am going to be with someone he will be faithful to only me or he ends up dead with his whore.I told my new lover that he had to choose and he of course chose me. We decided to kill his wife so that he wouldn’t lose any money in a divorce. It was so fucking sexy, he let me into their house late at night when she was asleep. We tied her to the bed and gagged her and spent hours torturing her fat flabby body. She was crying the whole time, if she wasn’t gagged she probably would have begged for her life but we didn’t give her that chance. We murdered her in her own bed and then fucked right next to her dead body. We were covered in blood it was hot as fuck. We took the corpse out to the woods and buried it, good riddance too now he’s all mine.
She died slowly
I wanted to kill a whore slowly, I’m always getting carried away with the blood lust and killing them far too quickly. I wanted to really take my time so I figured if I took a step back and watched the bitch die in another room I could keep myself from killing her too fast. I got a vacuum bed and put an unlucky little whore in it. She was naked and terrified, she begged for her life but I showed her no mercy. I sealed her into that bed and took slowly all the way to the end. I was able to watch her struggles from across the room, she was fighting for every breath and I just kept on slowly taking more and more air until there was none. It took several minutes for her to die and as I watched her I was overcome by the need to rub my dripping wet pussy. I was more turned on than I had ever been before. Once she was dead I sat on her latex covered face and rubbed my pussy all over it until I came. I loved it, I want to try it again with someone even younger next time…
Your Kidnapping Phone Sex Deviant
I never get tired of the kidnapping phone sex stories I tell me to make them cum. I recently had a caller obsessed with kidnapping, rape, and murder of a young one from seven years ago. It was a pretty big case and As we are looking at the news reports and her sweet young face, I find an article where it said that her privates and ass were so much force fucked that they were mutilated. Can you believe mutilated by just a cock? Her little throat was strangled so much that her eyeball popped out and bled down her face. She had a bad mommy that had let her get molested before and she was poor and neglected already. Most bitches would be like that poor little girl. I am a twisted soul. I fucking came hard finger fucking myself and now I can’t get the visions of her sweet brown eyes and long dark hair out of my mind. Talk about rape phone sex fantasies to the extreme. Let talk about it and you can cum with me! Your cock deserves the sadistic evil shit!