I love finding used up things that still have a little bit of purpose left in them. Take for example Shelly. I first noticed her outside my building. She was bedded down between two dumpsters in the back. At first I thought it was just an old pile of clothing crumpled up, but as I lifted up the lid to the dumpster to put my trash in it, the pile moved. I looked closer and it was a fucking person. She stank, BAD! She looked like she had been drug behind a car, bruised up, cut here and there, but she still had that clearness to her eyes, so I knew she was still in there beneath all that street filth.
I kicked her leg, she shrunk away from me, I kicked her again and said, “Hey, skunkgirl, you wanna sandwich or something?” She turned her face fully toward me and said very quietly, “Yes please.” Yes Please? Wow, Skunky had manners. I told her to just follow me, as soon as I got inside the smell was horrible. I said, “First things first, because you smell like a rotting whore’s cunt. You need to shower.” I pushed her into the bathroom and had her toss out her clothing. I immediately put them on my fire-escape, and waited for her to finish her shower. She was taking forever, I actually at one point thought the dumb bitch drowned. She came out with a towel wrapped around her, and even though she did wash, she was still nasty looking, no amount of soap was going to fully wash away that ground in putrid stink that came from her.
I told her to sit down at the table and I gave her a sandwich. She ate it in like 12 seconds flat. I asked her what she was doing on the street, she almost curled into a ball. I said, “What, does Mommy treat you mean? She take away your X-Box or something?” Then I laughed. I made her another sandwich and as she was eating it, she mumbled out that her Daddy had fucked her, and she liked it, so her Mommy kicked her ass out.
I said, “So basically, you fucked your Mother’s husband like some sort of cheating ghetto bitch that has no self respect?” She looked up at me, then she looked pissed, I guess I must of hit a nerve, and she stuck out her leg and that’s when I saw the scaring, it was fresh. She said, “My Mom did this to me.” I said, “What? Am I supposed to be outraged by it? You fucked her Husband. What did you expect?”
I said, “I threw away your clothing. You won’t need them anymore.” She then started to thank me, saying shit like, “I am so glad you are giving me clothes, I have been wearing these same ones for two weeks.” I gave her a glass of lemon aid, she drank it down. I sat down slowly, lit a cigarette and watched. At first she was all smiles, then she lurched forward, doubled over, and made this sound like a grunt. She looked at me and her body started to shake, you could tell she wanted to say something, but by this time the froth started to spew out of her mouth. I sat there smoking, not moving at all. Her eyes did this weird thing, I thought they were going to explode, the smell that was coming from her mouth was acidic, it was the color of bile, I started to smile.
Then it dawned upon her, I had put something in her drink. She pushed herself back and fell to the floor, she tried to crawl, but I put my foot onto the back of her neck. I squatted down so she could hear me really well above the noise she was making, I said, “What you did to your Mother was low, and what’s more lowly then a cockroach? So I am treating you like one, and now all that is left is for me to stomp you out once and for all.” I stood up, picked up my foot and did just that.