Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Do Anything

You were so easy.  All I had to do is flash a smile, show my tits, touch that disgusting piece of meat between your legs and you promised to do what ever I wanted to make me happy.  I have to tell you, it would take a shit load more than what you have to make me happy, but that is besides the point.  Now you are worried.  You phoned me out of breath, your voice shaking.  I laughed and hung up on you.  You are fucked.

I wasn’t the one who went out and did what you did.  I just talked about the fantasy of it, you are the one who actually did the deed.  Although it was what I wanted, I would never admit I put the idea into your head.  You yourself said you would do anything, perhaps you should be more careful with your words.  Most people who took the action that you have have these things, they are called balls, maybe you have heard of them?  Did you piss yourself while you were carving her up, or did your cock explode in her tight, bloody, widened out asshole?  I am thinking it was the second thing mentioned. 

There you are, running away from the mess you made, and you call me to clean it up for you? Not in a million years.  As far as I am concerned it was all fantasy, you were the one who took it into the world and did those brutal things to that weak, unsuspecting girl.  I will not help you. As a matter of fact, now that you have accomplished what I whispered into your ear, I no longer even know you.  Clean up your own mess boy, deal with it, and move on.  Send me a post card from Death Row, and I’ll frame it and put it on my desk.


Taboo Phone Sex

Does it burn?  Do you feel like your eyes are going to pop from their sockets from the pressure of trying to hold your breath?   How many times will it take until you give in?  You thrash, clutch at My hand, trying to loosen the tight grip I have upon you.  You will never break it, try as you might.  With each submersion you become weaker.  There is little time for you to fill your lungs with air, before being forced back under the water.

You look ethereal, your hair loose, floating around your face.  The light reflecting off the water, the pattern moving around you on the porcelain tub walls.  Each time I bring you to the surface it saddens Me.  It saddens Me to know that you will never get to grow up to do this yourself.  You held such promise.  You were excited, you said all the right things, acted the right way.  It was a game.  However, when the fun that I trained you up for began, you cried.  You are weak, pathetic, worthless, and dare I say, useless to Me now.

I thought I had my protege, I was incorrect in My summation.  However, now I know, that I will never try to bring someone under My wing again, it just ends in disappointment.  This is why I have to do this now.  You know too much, too many of My secret ways, too many of the tactics that I employ.  Now I watch as you gasp, choke and sputter, trying to gain that one breath that will keep you alive.  It will never come.  It is well out of your reach.  This is the very last time I will push you under.  My hands will clamp down upon your throat, you will remain pressed against the stark white porcelain until I see your eyes go blank.  Until I see your beautiful mouth open, until the water is at rest and you move no more.

Snuff Phone Sex

Quench My Blood Thurst

torture phonesex karmaMy thirst for blood drives every fiber of my being, from my head to my toes and everything in between. I need to drink blood like most people need to breath air. For me it is life sustaining and orgasmic.
Today i went hunting for wild game just so I could drain the blood and drink it. I was lucky and got two huge wild bore that yielded a lot of blood for the drinking.
I have to drink it quickly so that it doesn’t spoil and I am now down to about a gallon. All that blood has made my pussy soaking wet, and made me long for human blood which is what I really love.
I guess tomorrow I will go to the hobo camp and find some poor homeless fucker. Not to skiny and not on drugs, to bring back home and enjoy.
I will hang him or her upside down from a tree, slit their throat and let the blood drain into the pot so that I can drink it while it is warm.
Human blood taste so different then animal blood and while animal blood will hold me over, nothing quenches my thirst like human blood does!

It’s Hunting Season

torture phonesex angie01I woke up long before the sun came up. Excitement running through my body like small jolts of electricity. In the dimly lit room I cleaned my gun and sharpened my arrows for the hunt. I find conventional hunting very boring. You know the macho men that like to hunt deer and hog and all other sorts of wild life. Please these are unintelligent animals that can not out think you, there is no challenge there. That is why once a year I have my own hunt. He has been in my basement for two weeks now. I have kept him well fed so that he is not at any disadvantage what so ever. he will be at the top of his game and provide a challenge for me. My cunt is dripping with anticipation, he is a scraping man, strong and he knows his way in the wilderness. But he is no match for me. I released my prey 25 minutes ago, naked with nothing but his wits to guide him. I will give him five more minutes then I will track him and the game will begin. As the time grows closer, my cunt is becomes wetter, quivering with the thrill of it all. He will try to out smart me, his survival depends on it. He will try, but he will not be successful. I have never lost his game. Of course IF he can make it to the edge of my land without being taken down, he will survive the hunt. I can feel the pleasure of the kill already. i will take him down with my bow, an arrow to the leg to wound him first, allowing him to run a little more, his heart pounding with fear and pain. I will track him while he is wounded, dipping my finger in his trail of blood and licking it off, making the game a bit more fun as I toy with him. Eventually i will run another arrow through one of his arms, causing more fear and pain as he realizes his chances are diminishing. I will only shoot him if he is close to winning, if not he will die a slow death as my arrows pierce his flesh until he falls, unable to go on. Then I will put the last arrow in a lung and sit at a distance, fucking my over excited cunt, rubbing my swollen clit, waiting to cum as he takes his last breath. It will be the perfect kill and another trophy for my wall.

Bad Influence

I promise you one thing, I don’t scare easily and it takes a lot to shock me. All those secret, hidden fetishes and warped desires you keep locked away, I will bring out of you.

BeFunky_Aria front pix redhead1

Purge yourself of all those evil, sadistic fantasies your cock throbs over. Admit to me, when you see those pretty young ones, so fresh and new all you can think about is possessing them and using their little bodies for all they’re worth.

I bet if we put our twisted, deviant minds together we can come up with all sorts of hardcore, morbid murder fantasies. Are you strong enough to explore all those extremely brutal and bloody urges that constantly call out to you.

I’m the perfect accomplice to assist you and follow down the unknown darkness together. We feed off each other’s sick, sexual perversions, and lust for the violence we crave to inflict upon the innocent.

My cunt drips envisioning all those unspeakably vile acts we unleash on those pretty little worthless fucks. We’re such a perfect team because neither of us have any remorse or pity for any of our doomed victims, it’s just brutal reality….a simple twist of fate which just so happens to be their worst nightmare.

Mmm, and that is what takes us over the edge of erotic pleasure, hearing their useless pathetic pleas for mercy, there’s nothing sweeter is there?

Out Of The Shadows

Step out of the shadows with me and explore the dark and depraved side of the sadistic, hardcore and oh so bloody world of an expert accomplice.

I know that the very thought of those young, sweet and innocent bodies gets your cock rock hard and ready to fuck, that’s the easy part of it.

Do you think you really have what it takes to succeed at stalking, luring, abducting these delicious pieces of flesh? Well, that’s just one aspect of it, you have to possess the desire to torture and fuck with their little, worthless minds and bodies.

It has to be a hunger inside of you that you must feed, when you hear their pathetic and desperate cries out in terror and pain, does it make you take it even harder and further? Nothing will deter you from your ultimate goal and that is after taking your most twisted and evil fantasy into a satisfying reality are you able  to seal the deal?

It’s up to you just how much and what you want to get out of these trapped and caged young prey. When you grow tired of their constant begging and pleading for mercy, the final and in my opinion most satisfying part of this experience is snuffing out the pathetic, useless little worthless fucks.

Share with me just how bloody and rough you want to get, what part gets your cock throbbing twisted mind racing. I can‘t wait to discover what new and interesting ways to get the job done and seal their doomed fate.


Sadistic Phone Sex

Lyrics from Nine Inch Nails

You let me violate you

You let me desecrate you

You let me penetrate you

You let me complicate you

Help me, I broke apart my insides

Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell

Help me, the only thing that works for me

Help me get away from myself

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole is existence is flawed

You get me closer to God

You can have my isolation

You can have the hate that it brings

You can have my absence of faith

You can have my everything

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed

You get me closer to God

Help me tear down my reason

Help me it’s your sex I can smell

Help me you’re making me perfect

Help me become somebody else

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I  wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed 

You get me closer to God


Snuff phone sex

I love finding used up things that still have a little bit of purpose left in them.  Take for example Shelly.  I first noticed her outside my building.  She was bedded down between two dumpsters in the back.  At first I thought it was just an old pile of clothing crumpled up, but as I lifted up the lid to the dumpster to put my trash in it, the pile moved.  I looked closer and it was a fucking person.  She stank, BAD!  She looked like she had been drug behind a car, bruised up, cut here and there, but she still had that clearness to her eyes, so I knew she was still in there beneath all that street filth.

I kicked her leg, she shrunk away from me, I kicked her again and said, “Hey, skunkgirl, you wanna sandwich or something?”  She turned her face fully toward me and said very quietly, “Yes please.”  Yes Please? Wow, Skunky had manners.  I told her to just follow me, as soon as I got inside the smell was horrible.  I said, “First things first, because you smell like a rotting whore’s cunt. You need to shower.”  I pushed her into the bathroom and had her toss out her clothing.  I immediately put them on my fire-escape, and waited for her to finish her shower.  She was taking forever, I actually at one point thought the dumb bitch drowned.  She came out with a towel wrapped around her, and even though she did wash, she was still nasty looking, no amount of soap was going to fully wash away that ground in putrid stink that came from her.

I told her to sit down at the table and I gave her a sandwich.  She ate it in like 12 seconds flat. I asked her what she was doing on the street, she almost curled into a ball.  I said, “What, does Mommy treat you mean? She take away your X-Box or something?”  Then I laughed.  I made her another sandwich and as she was eating it, she mumbled out that her Daddy had fucked her, and she liked it, so her Mommy kicked her ass out. 

I said, “So basically, you fucked your Mother’s husband like some sort of cheating ghetto bitch that has no self respect?”  She looked up at me, then she looked pissed, I guess I must of hit a nerve, and she stuck out her leg and that’s when I saw the scaring, it was fresh.  She said, “My Mom did this to me.”  I said, “What? Am I supposed to be outraged by it? You fucked her Husband.  What did you expect?” 

I said, “I threw away your clothing. You won’t need them anymore.”  She then started to thank me, saying shit like, “I am so glad you are giving me clothes, I have been wearing these same ones for two weeks.”  I gave her a glass of lemon aid, she drank it down.  I sat down slowly, lit a cigarette and watched.  At first she was all smiles, then she lurched forward, doubled over, and made this sound like a grunt.  She looked at me and her body started to shake, you could tell she wanted to say something, but by this time the froth started to spew out of her mouth.  I sat there smoking, not moving at all.  Her eyes did this weird thing, I thought they were going to explode, the smell that was coming from her mouth was acidic, it was the color of bile, I started to smile. 

Then it dawned upon her, I had put something in her drink.  She pushed herself back and fell to the floor, she tried to crawl, but I put my foot onto the back of her neck.  I squatted down so she could hear me really well above the noise she was making, I said, “What you did to your Mother was low, and what’s more lowly then a cockroach?  So I am treating you like one, and now all that is left is for me to stomp you out once and for all.”  I stood up, picked up my foot and did just that.

Dressed To Kill

You know, when I told you that I was not one to be fucked with I wasn’t kidding. It’s so pathetic to think that just because you look at me at a beautiful, erotic, sadistic little numpho that is all there is to me.

Sadistic Phone Sex

I  told you when we met, my dark side is VERY twisted and VERY deviant, my tastes are not for everyone. Were you just trying to get your throbbing, rock hard cock wet in my tight, smooth pussy?

I had hoped I was wrong but it seems you have once again underestimated me and that really insults my intelligence and tests my patience. It seems to me that there really is no getting through to you so what I have in mind is to show you up close and personal just how lethal and serious my intentions are.

It’s not difficult to get my plan into action, you are nothing but predictable baby. When I invite you over to squash our argument you seem genuinely relieved that I have forgiven you an want to begin again in our relationship.

Luring you here was so easy, you never would think I had any ulterior motives; simply having a raw, intense fuck session is all you can think about and I plan on giving you all you fantasized about and so much more. I want you  to use every inch of my body and I will show you pleasure like you have never known before.

We will fuck each other raw before then end of  the night, as i drag my red nails into your flesh blood trickles out and slowly drips down your back. I ask you if that was a problem, does the blood freak you out. but you assure me that it was fine you actually think it’s fucking hot!

Oh, baby that is so good to hear, I begin riding your thick fuck pole harder and faster and I know it won’t be long until my delicious cunt is filled with your creamy, hot jizz. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your cum so fucking hard, shooting load after load deep inside me.

Sadistic Phone Sex

Mmm, feels so good baby, and I’m so happy you don’t mind it when it gets messy and we take it to the next level. I especially love that your not freaked out by a little blood getting spilled, and before you process what I just said you feel the cold steel blade slice deeply across your neck from ear to ear.

As you slowly lose consciousness, I lean over you with your still hard dick inside my dripping snatch, “Now do you see you should have never, ever underestimated and insulted someone you have no business going up against. It’s a shame, some people just have to learn their lessons the hard way.”  

Collection of Scissors

tool picThere are so many medical instruments I could use to dissect my victims whether they are dead or alive but one of my favorite choices is scissors. I believe scissors are much more personal than a knife or even a sharp scalpel. When using scissors, you get to feel every bit of flesh material slicing with each and every snip. The terror in the victim’s eye just sends chills throughout my entire body from the feeling of the continuous cutting. I can cut into the flesh precisely so that it looks more like a work of art than some deviant act. Like cutting up paper dolls, it looks like the shape I desire them to be. Perhaps it looks extreme when I completely snip off eyelids, nipples, and even the stupid bitch’s clitoris. Who gives a fuck when you are having fun with a sharp pair of scissors in your hands. However, that is all so trivial when in comparison to cutting them open so you can slice their heart out. Hmm, I wonder who will be the next one for me to cut up?