Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Female Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sex

Wow, I never knew that female castration phone sex could be so hot and so much fun.  This pretty girl cam in today.  Apparently her boyfriend had caught her cheating and strangled her to death.  I had just seen a thing on TV about some countries castrating their young females so that they couldn’t experience any pleasure through sex.  How absurd is what I was thinking but then again, it would make an interesting collection to add to my many other collections I have.  You know, nobody checks to see if their loved one is missing a nipple or a clit.  Especially if they are going in the incinerator anyways.  I’ve removed all kinds of body parts and have them safely stored so I can admire them.  So, today started my new collection of clits.  All clits are not created the same.  I had so much fun cutting all the clits off of the women I didn’t think anyone would notice, but it just wasn’t enough.  I wanted to try it out on a live subject.  Luckily for me, the bar around the corner always has junkie whores outside who make easy victims.  She didn’t scream as much as I had hoped she would though.  I guess she was just too fucked up.  It was titillating though.  I think I’ll look for someone who’s not so fucked up that I can torture and have fun with.  I wanna hear the screams, the pleading, the begging for their measly little life.  Would you like to help me on my new endeavor?


mutilation phone sex

Shove Your Cock Down Her Tiny Throat

strangulation phone sexThat’s it!  Shove all of your cock down her tiny little throat.  This strangulation phone sex has a twist.  Your cock was immediately hard when you spied the tiny little morsel I got for us.  Of course you know I want to have my little fun with her also.  We can take turns torturing and shoving all sorts of things in all of her tiny little holes.  You know how much I love hurting the little ones.  Of course you do.  You share in my deep dark sick and twisted fantasies.  Now it’s your turn.  You finally get to do what you’ve been waiting to do.  Throat fuck that little bitch!! Shove it all the way down her tiny throat.  Strangle her with it.  I love it when they twitch that final time.  The moment life  leaves their tiny little eyes.

Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sexI’m having a bloody good time tonight. All these bodies. Bloody Phone Sex is what I’m into tonight. I have a load of bodies going to the crematorium so tonight, there are mine to play with.  The first thing I do when I come into work, is strip down.  Examine what’s come in for the day.  Then I have all these fantasies about what could have happened if they had run into me or my friend Shadow.  She’s into twisted shit too. Occasionally I have to dispose of some fucked up looking bodies she brings me.  A lot of the time, I like to pose their bodies in a fashionably sick and twisted way.  I can break their bones and make extremely distorted figures out of them.  Other times, I just go wild with knife play phone sex.  Cutting pieces off.  Cutting women’s breast implants off or just their entire breast.  With my job, the possibilities for some sadistic shit is endless.  Wanna play with me?knife play phone sex

Blasphemy Phone Sex

blasphemy phone sexThis is the day that the lord hath made?  Fuck that shit, all hail Satan.  Yeah, Blasphemy Phone Sex is what I’m all about tonight.  I want to find some poor pathetic little church girl and snatch her right from the church parking lot.  I’ll teach her about my God whom I worship.  Take her dumb ass to my little torture chamber in my basement.  Strip her down and tie her up with her arms and legs spread.  Fuck her virgin tight cunt with a crucifix.  Fucker her cunt til it’s dripping blood all down her thighs.  I love the taste of virgin blood.  I’ll rub it all over my body in the name of the almighty Lucifer.  Then, when she thinks the horror is over.  I’ll summon a demon up straight from the depths of hell.  She’ll be so frightened, I can almost smell her fear.  I’ll sit and watch as he has her way with her.  Fucking her bloody cunt with his huge pointed cock.  Hopefully he will allow me to assist in snuffing the life right out of her. 

Ageplay Snuff Phone Sex, Wanna Be My Accomplice?

snuff phone sexShhhhhh, do you see them?  If you’re gonna be my accomplice for snuff phone sex, you’ve gotta be quiet.  We can’t let anyone see or hear us.  I’ve got special plans for those little fucking brats and nobody is gonna spoil it. Not even you! Go get the car and bring it around.  There’s duct tape and rope in the passenger seat, grab it and bring it to me.  I’ve been planning this for a while now.  Oh the things that we are going to do to them will make every horror movie seem like Disney.  Chopping and slicing and mutilating.  All the screams and begging for mommy.  I’m so excited right now, my pussy is so wet.  This is the shit that turns me the fuck on.  I can’t wait to get them home so we can have our glorious blood fest.  Satan himself would be ashamed if he knew what I had planned.  Are you up for the challenge?  Don’t wimp out on me now. All that blood. I can’t wait to roll around in their innocent blood. Rubbing it all over my nakedness.  That moment when life leaves their beady little eyes.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasies Murder phone sex fantasies are rampant in my sick mind. Seriously, I meet more people I want to kill than I want to fuck. My callers only feed my killer fantasies. This may be the wrong profession for a Goth chick with murder on the mind. I was watching some insipid Disney film with a caller early last week. He likes young girls. He wanted me to castrate his pervert cock for liking young girls. They way I see it, those little Disney princesses are cock teases. The world needs less of those, not more. After watching Disney cock teases, I went hunting. This was a solo hunt sadly. When young girls are the target of my rage, I prefer a male accomplice. Someone who can enjoy their little fuck holes first. That way none of the little whore goes to waste once I kill her. I can just look at a little girl and know if she is going to grow up to be one of those cheap whores that have way too many babies and expects us to pay for them.  I saw the perfect victim at the mall. She looked like a little beauty queen. Whore makeup and slutty clothes and attitude a mile long. She was shaking down old perverts for candy and jewelry. I told her I would be happy to spoil her, but she told me to get lost because she wasn’t into old whores. I am not even 30 yet. I punched her in the face just right to incapacitate her. Tossed her into my trunk. I drove her to my cabin in the woods and did very bad things to her. I should have made a snuff porn of what I did to her. I cut off her clit and her nipples. I fisted her cunnie and ass. I shaved off her pretty hair. I dismembered her just to hear her scream. Then, I roasted her over an open flame and ate her tender age body. No one will find her unless they examine my shit.

Let’s Strangle This Little Bitch

strangulation phone sexI show up at your door in kind of a frenzy.  I almost got caught snatching this little brat.  But I had to have her for strangulation phone sex.  Knowing how much you love being my accomplice for all types of snuff, I knew she would be perfect for us.  With tears streaming down her little face, she keeps calling for her mommy.  Little does she know, she’ll never be seeing her again. By the time we get done with her, no one will ever see this little bitch ever again.  Except on a milk carton ;).  So, let’s get started right away.   My pussy is throbbing just thinking about all the evil and twisted ways we can torture her little cunt before she meets her ultimate demise.  Hanging from that wooden beam in your basement with this chain wrapped around her little neck.  Oh what fun we’re gonna have tonight!

So, You Wanna Pretend You’re Dead Huh?

roleplay phone sexSo you wanna have a little roleplay phone sex huh?  So, you say that you want to pretend that you’re one of my many play toys here at the morgue.  Not a problem. Climb up on this cold slab for me then.  Now lay down and close your eyes. I’m just gonna slip this toe tag on you to make it all the more real.  Don’t mind the sound of medical instruments being moved around,  These are my tools.  To make it a little more interesting, I’m gonna put these restraints on you as well and place your head up on a block.  What was that stab in your arm?  Why just a little concoction I made up.  What did you say?  Oh, I forgot, that little injection paralyzed your entire nervous system and you can’t even blink.  Much less utter a word.  Now it’s time for me to have some real fun with you. 

A Tasty Feast

Approached by this man with a thick Texan accent while drinking at a local bar he was obviously looking to herd me into his dastardly obsessions. Cat calling at me and talking really degrading towards my fine assed body he was really sizing me up. After his easily done forced intoxication of me he ushered e out to his Mercedes SUV where he chloroform me as he shoved me in the back. I awoke naked and shackled in the commissary of an abandoned Hospital with a large part nearby simmering over a fire. Watching the big Texan toss vegetables in the pot as he stroked his cock looking at me with an evil and sadistic smile. I squirmed and whimpered when I realized I was coated in olive oil and cracked pepper and noticing some large cutlery of a butcher on the counter.

He smiled at me as he tested the water then came towards me with a machete. “Well darling I sure wished that anesthetic was a bit stronger and you wouldn’t have to feel this near as much.. but then again my pleasure is purely from watching you squirm, oh, and those screams as I dismember you and drop your parts in the water. But don’t worry fuck doll I plan on basting your insides really good with this big Texas cock.

Murder phone sex fantasies


I Love Cold Dead Bodies

necrophilia phone sex

They say find something you love doing and you’ll never work a day in your life.  I fucking love my job.  Wanna know why?  It allows me all the Necrophilia Phone Sex I want.  I can’t help it.  I just love cold dead bodies.   It’s such a fucking turn on.  Nobody else ever wants to come in here so the morgue is like my sanctuary.  It’s the one place that I can be sick and twisted self and no one will bother me.  The first thing I do is strip naked.  Then, I carefully inspect the findings of the day.  There’s so much beauty in death.  My pussy immediately gets moist at the sights.  I wanna smell them, taste them.  Feeling their cold flesh against my lips.  The taste of them on my tongue.   I grab cold stiff fingers and shove them up my hot wet cunt.  Finger fucking myself with corpse digits.

I wonder what tonight will bring me.  I can’t wait.