Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Show Me What Your Capable Of

Snuff phone sex

Anyone is capable of anything which is what I believe. You may look at me and think that you don’t have it in you to hurt me. I’m so beautiful, you would never want to cause me harm. So don’t think of it that way, instead think about how you are willing to do anything to put a smile on my face. There, now go pick up the sharp pretty knife there and take a nice long slice down my chest. Listen to my breathing get faster and look at the bright smile on my face as I see my own dark red blood dripping down my stomach. Feel that twinge in your pants, that powerful feeling is turning you on isn’t it? Don’t let it scare you, instead let’s see exactly what you are capable of.

Killer of Tortured Souls For Cock Cream

killer phone sex

Yes, I do a service, Little souls that are already tortured by life deserve a purpose. Just so happens to be that I need to be getting your cock cream by killing them and making it last a little while. The older they are the more pain they can endure.  The little ones are good for a good ass and pussy tear and then they are gone… too much blood and no more screams. The older street whores can take much more pain. They last longer for the dismemberment.  Blank faces as they already are meeting the maker of souls.  I do love to sacrifice them for me who have all the power in the world. Men who run dark underground things. I have been right there when virgin sacrifices happen. It is not my fault that I have three homeless littles waiting in the blood moon… Hell, every full moon is the blood moon. Pop a littles cunt, ass and mouth and destroy her or him, with me. Let that cock cream free!

Cut Me, Fuck Me

Knife play phone sex

You have me laying in front of you, accessing my body  the ideas of what you could do to me is rushing in your mind. I can see your cock twitch every time one of your little evil ideas excites you. Finally after a long time of leaving me in suspension you command me to spread my legs, as you pick up a butchers knife. You get between my legs and start to slide it’s sharp edge up into my pussy. It cuts and I can’t help me start to scream as the pain radiates all over my body, I feel you start to twist it, rotating it around and around like a corkscrew as it enters further inside me. Then in one quick motion you pull it out, I can audibly hear a slicing sound the pain is almost blinding now. I feel you get on top of me and slide your cock into the gaping mess that used to be my pussy. Your hot cock adds a stinging sensation on top of the pain as you fuck me fast in hard, when you stop you pull you cock out and I see it covered in my blood, as you start to jerk it over me until your blow you load all over my tits and face. At that moment everything for me goes black.

To Death

Evil phone sex

At night people pray for the Lord to take their souls if they were to die before they wake. While I pray to death to come and collect. However I don’t want to be a sleep I want the grim reaper to send his most wicked accomplice to do his bidding. I pray for someone evil and lustful to torture, me all night long and when the morning light comes he leaves me for dead. I want the last thing I see before fading into the dark nothingness of death’s embrace to be the reaper himself with his skeletal smile. With my last bit of strength and last breaths I will tell him “Thank you” as my end approaches. Are you the reapers vile accomplice?

Dominate Me

Domination phone sex

I want you to absolutely fucking dominate me! I want to be your cock sleeve and my holes to be used rough and hard and deep for your pleasure. Force me down onto your cock. Choke me and skull fuck me til I have tears streaming down my face and I’m turning blue. Beat me and abuse me. Leave me bloody, black and blue. Humiliate me and piss on me. Anything you want to do to me. I’ll even be your pretty little willing victim if you want to play out your murder phone sex fantasies! All of my holes belong to you and you can use them however you want. Fuck them, fist them, destroy them. I don’t care, it’s all for you!

Snuff Sex with Rena

Snuff Sex


I want nothing more than to be your little victim slut Master! I want you to use me to fulfill your every desire. I don’t care if I survive, I just want to know that I was pleasing you. Even if I’m dead you can use my body until you grow tired of me and have to toss me away. Push me down and beat the sides of my face until I’m moving back and forth from consciousness. Make my eyes black and my nose bloody, bust my lips open so that when you fuck my mouth there is extra lube from all the blood. Fuck my pussy hard and fast and deep before moving to my ass. Use my tight little ass until it is bloody and prolapsed and when you are ready strangle me while you climax! I want to be your plaything, your victim, one you’ll remember long after I’m gone!

Jezabels Evil Phone Sex Freak Show

evil phone sex

Welcome to my Evil Phone Sex freak Show. These hot nights bring me so much pleasure as it provides the perfect opportunity for me to grab some sweet teen girls who are being whores out in the dark. Our cabin in the woods makes damn sure we can hear every scream and beg for mommy and daddy! I take the perfect ones and tell them this the last time they will be free. My Little girl Vampires are the perfect way to lure them to that sweet death that is coming. I threaten death to those mommies if they don’t come with me. I have mothers watching everything we do. Such a shame I look her in the eyes and watch as I saw her mother’s head off!  Don’t worry we will provide plenty of hymen popping bloody sex for you. Take that sweet spot on the back of her head and push your dick in her skull! Bring your dick out with brains on it! Gouge her eyes out and skull fuck her.  That is before we tear you piece by piece. See my Little accomplices want to survive. They do this by drinking the blood of others. Little forever young virgin vampire whores whose hymen grows back each time we force fuck them!  They  Slit those throats of that innocent and drown her in the tub. They will do anything for us!

accomplice phone sex

Killer Phone Sex

Killer phone sex

I’m such a fucking worthless whore. Just a cock sleeve for you to use and abuse as you see fit. You know all the best ways to beat and torture me like I deserve. I live an endless cycle of being beaten bloody, black and blue and having my holes destroyed over and over. You finally got tired of me, I guess my pussy wasn’t tight enough, my ass prolapsed and swollen, my mouth not good enough. That’s when you decided I could still give you pleasure in another, more perverse way. Murder phone sex fantasies are all my broken and useless body is good for anymore. You tied my hands together and attached them to the bed frame above my head. I laid there naked and afraid when you pulled out a kitchen knife. You instructed me to be still and stay quiet while your ran the blade over my skin. You had tortured me with knife play before, the cold steel against my flesh. But then you stabbed my abdomen and I screamed out in surprised pain. I knew it was over for me when you stabbed me again and again. The blood pouring out onto the bed and splattering with every motion of the knife. I eventually stopped struggling and felt my body go numb, my head go light, and my vision blurred. Just a body in a pool of blood when you used my pussy for one last time.


Bondage Phone Sex With Delicious Prey Gen

Working as an escort servicing men parties sent me into a strange situation that really had no escape with a bondage phone sex scene. I was picked up b the man who booked me for the event. I was sent a dress to wear along with the accessories and red leather heels. Everything was lavish and designer and fit me perfectly. There was also a questionable item, a silk bondage type bag to put on my head that covered my face and eyes. I was told to put it on and wait once I let the visitor in my building. I was not to see him in any way whatsoever. I was led out by the man and helped into a car’s backseat from how it sounded. At our destination two men hauled me from the car into some sort of labyrinth, still unable to see just guided through a maze of sorts. Upon arrival to the center I was relieved of the cover and allowed to see my surroundings. I stumble a little and offered champagne as ten hunters looked me over. The all had tailored Victorianism hunting costumes and each held a different weapon, most of them were blades glimmering and sharp of differing shapes. One had a pistol and another had a bow and arrows. The champagne was spiked and I was completely confused and disoriented. I was told to remove the dress but keep the heels on. I was not to wear panties or a bra so stood naked in 6″ heels. The final command was at the sound of the pistol I was to start running, and had 5 minutes lead then the ten hunters were going to hunt me and disembowel me as they forcefully had their way with me and murdering me like the idiot prey I was.

Bondage phone sex

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

Medical fetish phone sex


I thought I hit the jackpot when I matched with a handsome young doctor on Tinder. You were so sweet and gentlemanly on our date. You even pulled out my chair and paid for the meal, something I never expect. Things went great, laughing and talking the whole time. So when you asked me to come back to your place I said yes with no hesitation. We were kissing and touching before we even got inside and before I knew it I was riding you on the couch. God your cock felt amazing and you filled me up with your hot cum! After, you got up to clean off (or so I thought) and I was laying on the couch relaxing when you grabbed me by the hair and dragged me down your hallway kicking and screaming. I was so scared of this change in you! You pushed me into a room with an exam table in the middle and slammed me onto the ground. You backhanded me hard across my face and told me to get on the table. Terrified, I did what you said and you held down my arms with leather restraints. Then you put my legs in the stirrups and bound me to those as well. You put a metal gag in my mouth and adjusted it tight, then filled my mouth with cotton gauze so I could barely utter unintelligible noises. That’s when you pulled out your tray of toys. You had what looked like medieval torture devices laid out. First you clasped my nipples with hemostats, I could immediately feel them turning purple and swelling. It hurts so fucking bad I was trying to scream out but choked on the gauze. Then you inserted a speculum into my tight little asshole and opened it, it just kept getting bigger and bigger stretching my hole til it was bleeding and open. You left it there stretching me and did the same to my pussy. All of my holes stretched open, I was gasping through the gag and tears. That’s when you grabbed the scalpel and told me the real fun was about to begin…