She is a sweet young thing isn’t she? All pretty in pink with her long curly hair. Who would think she had a dark side….desires that take her over the edge and into my world. My cunt is alive and pumping the juices that are preparing me to give her all that her heart desires. She wants pain, she wants torture, she wants to live on the edge of life and death, living in a world of mind numbing pain with no control at all over her own fate. No idea what that fate will be. She will live out her desires at my hand this fine night. I have more planned for her then she could ever imagine in her tortured mind. I have prepared my rat cage, this will be her first taste of what torture can be, I will cover her face with peanut butter and then fix the cage to her head before putting my three big, beautiful and very hungry rats in it with her. They will eat the peanut butter off her face taking little chunks of flesh with it. When I am tired of hearing her crying out from the pain and her face is covered in blood. When they have feasted and their little bellies are full, I will remove this device and move on. Next I will scalp that cunt of hers and pour the whiskey I am drinking all over it, making it burn and sting with no relief. This is just the beginning, I am going to bring her to the edge of life. Slowly, methodically, enjoying every second of it! Will I go all the way and snuff her? I haven’t decided just yet. But I think it would be much better to keep her alive. Let her heal just a little bit and begin the process a new in a few days introducing her to new and more torturous means of pain. Stephanie my sweet new victim.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
A New Victim
Snuff Films
She had a cloth bag over her head and she seemed to be passed out. I grabbed the chains and hooked them up to the wheel in the center of the room. I cranked slowly and as she started to lift off the chair by her feet she came too and started to struggle. I had to smile to myself. Slowly she rose up by the chain attached to her feet and when she was completely upside down, I removed the cover on her head.
She looked so confused and tried to speak.. Then, to her horror, she realized her tongue was on the table. She started making this screeching noise and I laughed. I walked over to the table and flipped on the recorder. This was going to be her Oscar winning performance tonight!
Slowly I undressed and I slipped into the bathtub underneath her and grabbed my knife. Tonight was bloodbath time! Taking my weapon I slowly broke her skin. Blood started to drip, drip, drip…
Once it reached my skin, I felt something inside me awaken. My demons came to play! More cuts, more blood, more demons. My sex was on fire! I looked into her eyes as her blood slowly ran down my legs onto my cunt, down my arms, and tits. It was all too intoxicating and I could no longer bare it!
Last cut on the throat sent her life spilling all over me and I came so hard I almost passed out!
I looked over at the camera and knew this would be my first of many snuff films at my new place:)
A Sadist’s Home Movie
We wanted to make a film, one that we could enjoy…and one that we could send to our next victims; we thought it’d be the perfect cruel joke. It was all set-up.
The little heathen was still screaming for her mommy; it would’ve been funny if I wasn’t growing tired of it. My accomplice was torturing the stupid, young pink ball of flesh while I was sharpening my saw. The girl’s mother was on my table, completely bound; and, I had made the good decision to gag her. She was crying, though, for her little spawn that was being stretched and carved like a Halloween pumpkin.
I dug the teeth of the saw into the woman’s flesh, just enough to imprint the edges; then, I pressed down, the faintest little trickle of blood falling down her forearm and wrist. She yelped with the gag in her mouth; I always enjoy those first few cuts while they are cognizant. It only slightly burned, but she knew that was only the beginning. I patiently sawed through tissue and bone above her right knee; it wouldn’t be a fatal wound and I didn’t want it to be. The sinew and corpuscles were completely visible as the dead leg hit the floor. She wasn’t thinking about her daughter anymore; isn’t it funny how our attention can change at the drop of a pin!
I was happy that the daughter had quit screaming; I looked once more and saw my accomplice shoving his cock into the hole where her small little nipple had been. Returning my attention to my victim, I sliced off her fingers, one by one, with the hedge trimmers. Then, I completed my tasks by removing her other limbs the same as I had done her right leg. She was a stub of a person, now. I untied her and threw her on the ground near the door. I taunted her, “Run, run. This is your chance.” I laughed as she continually fell and struggled.
Finally, when she had given up, I raised her by the hair and slashed her throat, making sure that the camera caught a close-up of her face. Yes, I would watch that over and over again later. The smell of death permeated the room; my accomplice and I were pleased with ourselves. We stuffed the bodies into a garbage can that we’d leave outside of the local daycare.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
I hate college towns, but they’re good for one thing: football games. No, of course, I don’t love the game. But between the drinking and crowds, it’s a paradise for a sadistic whore like me! So many ages, shapes and sizes, races, and degrees of stupidity. I was feeling particularly wicked and wanted a nice, fresh face…someone who was pretty that I could mar. She was easy to spot; she had people gathered around her; and, since she was so popular, it was going to be a challenge to get her alone. But I was up for it! I waited patiently until she stumbled to the bathroom alone.
I walked up behind her, pressed a knife in her back, and said, “If you want to live, you will do exactly what I say.” She smelled of beer and perfume. I took her back to an empty high school gym, where I had set up my toys. I tied her up and made her watch videos of prom queens and beauty pageants…as I sliced her face. I left the rest of her body alone; I just wanted to scar her face, watch the blood leak from what everyone admired. She cried, “My face…” and I chuckled, reminding her that she would never again look like the beautiful girls on the screen. I let her live but kept tabs on her as she suffered with deep depression.
One night, I left her a note that told me to meet me up on the roof of a campus building; I signed it with some of her blood that I had kept. Of course she came. I told her that she didn’t have anything worth living for and that her eyes even looked dead. I noticed cuts on her arms that I had never given her and smiled. “Why don’t you just end it?” I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of pushing her. I whispered evil musings in her ear, the same ones that I had told her on our first night together. Blankly, she stepped off, screamed only for a second, and made a sound like a cantaloupe on the pavement. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had seen in a while.
Violent, Evil and Sadistic
When I get the craving for violent, bloody, evil, sadistic sex I always let it simmer. I let that craving build so that when I finally satisfy the need, it errupts like a volcano, flowing hot spewing lava over any one and anything in it’s path, creating total distruction. Last week was no different, I got that feeling deep inside my gut for some extra wicked and twisted shit. I let that feeling build all week long making the longing almost painful. Last night the time was right and I let myself explode. I doubled my pleasure, finding a teen couple in a car making out and paying no attention to what was around them (which wasn’t much since they were in the middle of no where). Securing them both to trees facing each other. They were about to wittness everything up close and personal. First I grabbed her beautiful long hair and took my scalple out. Pulling her head back I began to remove her hair like a wig. Screaming the blood was dripping down her faceand onto her shirt, making it stick to her heaving tits. Watching in terror he didn’t make a sound. He knew he was next but what he didn’t know is that it had only just begun. Walking towards him slowly, deliberatly. I can’t help enjoying the surge that runs through me as his body begins to trebble. Ynking his pants down I lick the scaple clean before lowering it to his pubic hair. He rewards me by urinating all over himself as I begin to peel the hair off his body. We have so much more to do! It is going to be a long night for both of them. It was everything I dreamed of. Violent, bloody, evil, sadistic, twisted and a screaming good time!
Freak show human doll creation
My accomplice devised this wicked scenario and asked me to join in the fun. We kidnapped a young girl and took her to a special surgical underworld. The doctors cosmetically altered her to make her look wonderfully freakish at our command.
We had her breasts enlarged to the size of cantaloupes on her small body; then, we relocated her nipples so that they were not centered. One was even hanging off the side of her massive breast! Then, my partner had her teeth removed so that her mouth was entirely gums; I requested that she have bones reconstructed to keep her mouth open at all times. Her face would be in the shape of a constant “O” like a fish. We both agreed this would be attractive for men who wanted blowjobs. And, we made sure that her limbs were broken and reconstructed to not match in length.
We debated about creating malformed penises out of her clit, but I persuaded my partner to be patient; I had a gift that I wanted to give him later where this was concerned. We added concrete to her buttocks to make her look absolutely ridiculous. All the while, we were taunting her, reminding her, “This is all of your fault. You will never be like the pretty girls.” We mocked her as she stayed relatively conscious with little to no pain medication.
When it was complete, we walked her around on a leash. We took her to porn stores, where we paraded her and kept her in the back room for guys to fuck unmercifully. And, they did: they fucked her holes raw until they were just pieces of meat. Then, we would make her lick up all of the cum on the sticky, filthy floor. And, her open mouth was a perfect urinal.
But, the real fun was just about to begin!
Watching and Waiting
Walking through he woods I hear a wicked laugh. It is deep and dark and it sends a delicious chill up my spine. Following the sound I take care to be extra quiet. Whatever is going on I don’t want it to be known that I am there. Slowly I creep closer and the sound of that laughter filled with evil sets my skin on fire. My cunt is reacting and I can’t control it. I haven’t even seen who is laughing or at what and my skin is covered in goose bumps. Finally I am close enough to see and there in the clearing is this man, He is tall and pale skinned, His hair is slicked back and dark as night. I can’t see his face but in his hand is a bloody knife and at his feet is a young one,. She is covered in blood and what little flesh is showing is pale. Her breathing is shallow and there is a gag in her mouth. He lifts the knife to his lips and licks it laughing as the flavor delights him. He slowly lowers it to her body and begins to peel the skin off her inner thighs, slowly, meticulously, not going to deep. I can see her body quiver from the pain and his laugh once again fills the air. My cunt is convulsing now, pumping cum all down the inside of my leg. I stand there and watch him for a long time, his torture so artistically administered. I struggle with the idea of making my presence known when he is done. Instead I follow him and I know I will make it a point to meet him soon and share the love of sadistic torture of the young and innocent.
Then I grabbed my knife and used the handle to spread her plump, pale, fat ass cheeks. I whistled lowly. “Well, would you look at that,” I narrated, running a finger from her pert, tight asshole to her soft knocked-up vaghole. Then I trailed the sharp knife around her cunt so she could feel it and know what was coming to her. “It’s cold, huh?” I whispered down at her. “I like it like that.” She started bawling feebly, wiggling her ass in my face as though she expected to escape. I plunged the sharp blade into her babyhole and listened to her horrible scream as it sliced through her fragile canal. Then I smiled and began moving it in and out of her. Wiggling it back and forth and fucking her with the pocket knife. Hayley was hysterical, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and making tons of noise. Shivering and arching her back, contorting her body strangely. Blood poured out of her, all of the cuts from the sharp tool and the jerking meant that her warm, thick, red blood was pooling out at a fast rate and was already coating my entire hand. Listening to her pitiful cries, I mocked her. Feigning sympathy, I leaned in close and cooed: “Do you like the way I fuck you?” I pulled the pocket knife out of her cunt with one last stab that released a howl from her parched throat. I knew I’d nicked her cervix and it’d hurt like fuck. Then I flipped her over and took a look at my progress. She wouldn’t last much longer–Hayley was already delirious, very injured, and near dead. I stabbed her tummy with my blade and started cutting, smiling all the way. I was going to get that baby out, sever the cord, and stick the fetus down the garbage disposal where it belongs . . . but I woke up. My half-brother is a real dickhole, and made the mistake of betraying my family and sending my Mom to jail a few months ago. This dream will become a reality . . . he’s going to get what’s cumming to him–and his little wife, too . . . I guess it’s just like in the movies. Everyone has an endgame. It’s too bad for them that theirs has already been decided . . . by me.
The Hunter
“In my mind’s eye my thoughts light fires in your cities.”
― Charles Manson
My half-brother is having a baby. Well, his slut fuck wife anyway. Wanna know a secret? Last night I closed my eyes and I dreamed about it . . . the creaky halls, warped floor boards, and silent groans of their Hollywood Hills home. As I climbed in through the kitchen window, echoing sounds ricocheted across the shadowy darkness. Passing the garbage disposal, and taking special note of where is was . . . I climbed upstairs, twisting around the banister, and opening the bedroom door, casting light from the hall across the room. While Bradley rubbed Hayley’s fat bloated preggo stomach, I leaned on my baseball bat for support. And when the lights started flickered on and off in the hall, where my hand was playing with the switches, my halfling got up to go check it out like the “good man.” I reached in my waistband, retrieved the shotgun I’d hidden down the leg of my sweatpants, and blew his fucking brains out. Cocked the piston, aimed it at his third eye, and, he didn’t have time to react with anything more than utter disbelief before I pulled the trigger. “Bye bye Bradley,” I whispered to him. His head snapped backward as it simultaneously splattered against the wall in a mass of bone, blood, brains, and dripping flesh. The sound of the gunpowder blowing back and the shell taking off his head sent shivers up and down my spine. I needed that. I was getting high. Without taking a breath or a pause, I dropped the gun where his head used to be. His body collapsed to the floor, nothing left of him except the shoulders-down. The scream from his fat breeding slut meant I charged in there with a Cheshire grin on my happy fucking face without even a pause or a breath. She was trying to get up from bed, so I whacked that bitch’s kneecaps out with the bat. CRACK! I didn’t want her getting away. She let out an ear-piercing scream. Such a worthless used-up pussy she is. Like a warbling, fluid fantasy, she fell to the floor groaning in horrible utter agony and I grabbed the slut by her hair. “Tell me what scum you are,” I seethed down at her. She obliged, begging for her baby’s life. “No,” I smirked, “I don’t think so.”
Haunted Cabin
So urban legend has it that deep in the woods is a cabin. It is supposed to have belonged to a family a long time ago. The grand father went crazy and chopped the whole family up with a chain saw and then killed himself. It is said to be haunted and that at night you can hear the crazy laughter of the mad old man and the sound of his chain saw. Of course I had to go looking for it. Just the thought made me crazy fucking horny. I would love to get fucked by the mad man’s ghost. As I am walking in the distance I hear a faint hum. Where is that coming from? I am deep in the woods I follow the sound and soon I see the silhouette of a cabin. But there is no electricity out here, what is that noise? The old man’s chain saw? When I get to the cabin I can see a generator sitting on the porch and a gas can next to it. Some one must be squatting out here and my cunt gets wet thinking of how I can fuck him out here in this haunted cabin. When I open the door I get the best surprise ever. There is a white table in the middle of the room and a cord connected to the generator that has an autopsy saw on the other end. Blood is ever where and the body is laid open as if I interrupted the procedure. When I pick up the instrument and continue the procedure, he appears with a rock hard cock and a wicked smile and I know we are about to have some real fun!