Tag: Knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex

knife play phone sex

I have become very attached to my master, he takes good care of me. The other night we had some fun with some tools. I had a screw driver and an electric drill. He wanted me to take the drill and begin to drill into my lower tummy. I probably wont ever be aloud to reproduce since he wanted me to drill deep into my flesh, all the way into my uterus. The pain was excruciating I could not help the tears running down my face. I felt like my tummy was on fire and the blood gushed from the three holes I made and it ran down my pussy mound, into my pussy, and down my legs.

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He thought now that I had blood flowing down into my pussy, that is would be good lubricant. He told me to take my screw driver and drive it into my pussy. He wanted and demanded I do it, hard, fast, and rough. I did as my master said because without his approval and satisfaction,- I am nothing. I needed to please him and make him happy. My pussy was so red and swollen and full of blood that when he finally stuck his cock inside of me, he couldn’t even fit in my pussy hole. He rammed himself harder and harder until his amazing cock was all the way inside of my worthlessness. I begged for more with cries of pain. He wanted to make sure I saw how happy I made him as he took his cock out of me and forced me on my knees and came in my eyes.

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Ass Rape Porn to Snuff Porn Documentary: Cassandra Films it All

ass rape pornWe were on the couch fucking. Actually, he was fucking me like I was an ass rape porn star; nailing my ass hard with his foot long cock. I love rough anal, but 12 inches of thick meat up my ass is difficult to take. He was not happy with me. He tossed me off the couch and put on some snuff porn. He loves to watch the sick shit when fucking me. In his mind, I am nothing more than a fuck pig. The film he put in was about the kidnapping and torture of several women, a mother and her daughters it looked like. It was gruesome, but he was standing in front of the TV jacking off watching these chicks get force fucked before dying slow, painful deaths.snuff porn documentary

That’s when it dawned on him that I would be perfect for a snuff porn documentary. I didn’t like the sound of that. Within an hour, several of his friends were over. He grabbed me by the throat and fucked my ass until I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up naked, and strapped to a wood table, much like the mom in the snuff movie we watched. His cohorts began mutilating my breasts with sharp blades. I screamed, cried, prayed I was having a nightmare. Do men really get off ruining the female body? My nipples were cut then sliced off. My breasts were stabbed repeatedly until the saline bags popped. They actually cut my breasts off and removed the saline bags then started pissing into the stumps that use to be my perfect big boobs.

snuff moviesI was going into shock from the pain when they turned their focus to my worthless cunt and ass. They had this look of sick glee on their faces as they each held up some sharp instrument to impale me with. As my head turned, to avoid looking at them stabbing my fuck holes, I saw one guy filming it all with his cock hard as a rock. Pretty sure I was in shock as I was numb and cold. They were pulling my cervix out, even my uterus. Blood was pooling all around me. I felt once last jolt of excruciating pain as a knife impaled my belly, before I heard the final words,” snuff the bitch.” The knife across my throat I didn’t even feel. Thank God for small favors I guess.

taboo phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex; Hiker Slut Torture

I was hanging out with some taboo phone sex friends of mine, just talking about our new snuff porn ideas that we had rolling around in our heads. One of the guys informed me that they picked up this hitchhiker by the name of Marley and were keeping the dumb broad in the basement for fun. That was when the real fun started though. One of the guys darted up stairs holdin his eyes with glass sticking from it. Dumb ass let her get away. The guys thought they were going to be busted but I knew how to save the day. Hopping into my car I decided I would chase their little bunny Marley.She did not get very far. I guess she did not learn her lesson the first time and was more than eager to jump into my vehicle. I put on a happy, friendly face. She had not seen me upstairs, which meant I could have some fun with the little thing before I sent her on her way. Marley had tears running down her face, said she needed to get away from some people. Marley begged me to drive fast, which I did in a way. I took her to a discreet hotel, one in which I had been to several times, and that didn’t take IDs or have security cameras or anything like that. It was one of those fly-by-night hotels where he could pay by the hour. There usually was a good selection of hooker there, even the younger ones that I like to play with. 

Taboo Phone Sex

I asked her if she would like to take a shower, which she was grateful to do. Marley got into the shower and I sat on my bed and decided I would smoke some weed to get myself into the mood. I can hear her humming and singing as she scrubbed her skin clean. When I opened up the bathroom door she looked confused, but still grateful. She was wrapping a towel around her plump rump. I held the knife behind my back out of view from her or the bathroom mirror and slid into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Marley kind of squinted her eyes at me giving me this dumb luck, which the guys already informed me that she did. I wanted to punch he is the face right then and there but decided to fuck with her first.

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I pulled the knife out to where she could see and began to play with it on the tip of my finger. Fear began to enter into her body and she realized she fucked up again. She started to whimper and plea trying to explain again where she had been in the basement and how the guys tormented her for months upon months without letting her see the light of day. I was unsympathetic of course. I took a knife and started to taunt her, running it up the side of her skin. Marley cried again begging me to stop. That began to really annoy me, there was nothing worse than a little girl he thought that she could beg her way your way out of something. I never came across as that kind of person, I don’t know why they felt they could always confided in me that way.

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I took the knife and started slicing and cutting the surface of her skin. She stumbled back falling into the bathtub giving me a perfect view of her nasty cunt. I decided that it would look much more appropriate adorned with some blood seeping from it, and took the handle of the knife and started shoving it into her moldy box. When I heard her moan, moan for joy I quickly turned it to the blade. Stabbing and fucking her with the knife so that she could feel the pain as it entered into her stupid twat. Once I finished Marley off I knew there was only one last thing that I can do with her. I let her lay in her own blood for a while, she was unconscious and I didn’t really want to have to carry the fat cow. I decided to remove her anyway, and take her back to the guys. When she woke up she was back in the hellhole were she had started with more chains more shackles more security tight around her she was in a state of shock. She was their little toy I had given her little taste of what I had offer now she can play with them.

Burn Bitch!

Torture sexThat fucking little bitch down the road has GONE to damn far. She has always copied me.. followed me. Wants to be wild like me. But she is just a preppy little bitch that has no clue how dark I am. I have my favorite tattoo artiest and lover. Jean. I have been seeing Jean for damn year 3 years off and on. And when that fucking bitch caught on to it she started the same old shit! Angelina thinks she can just take over my life. Copy my hair. My tattoos. Even my furniture and my clothes! Everyone says I should be fucking flattered. That it is the truest form of flattery. And I could ignore most of it. She is but a nuisance. But then she went after Jean. Started telling all kinds of fucked up lies about me… Now Jean doesnt want to play with me. That Fucking bitch went to fucking far. So I did what any good bitch would do. I broke into her house and shoved my panties down her throat. I tied that bitch up and went to town. I let her know what I am REALLY like. I started peeling her skin off of her. I used my small scalpel. I peeled her like a fucking grape. Slowly. I fucking loved the fear in her eyes. She pissed on herself when I told her I was going to kill her. After I peeled her skin off… I poured salt all over her! I let her burn for a while. Then I set her on fire. Burn in hell bitch!

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Reality

Murder Phone Sex Fanatsies      Murder phone sex Fantasies can be so real! The calls I have like this not only send chills down my spine but take care of that sadistic need of torture that possesses me!
      It was all I could do to keep from gagging on the stuffed panties that were pushed into my mouth! The tape was mashed against my mouth making it impossible to breathe. 50,000 volts from the stun gum placed at my neck knocked me unconscious. You couldn’t control yourself as you picked me up and dragged me to a nearby table. I thought this was some cruel joke but I knew it wasn’t. I tried pulling at the ropes to release myself but it was no use. My blouse is ripped open and I see the cruel looking devices you are taking out of your bag. Ripping the tape off of my mouth you pull out the sogging panties. I told you I could use my tongue really well and now you want a sample. My moans are like rasping sounds in my throat. You said you would have great pleasure in me choking and place the plastic bag around my head..
     I feel your hardness through the plastic as you ram your cock deep down my throat. The bag puffs up and bounces around as I thrash around on the floor. My legs try to kick free from the bonds but I cant. You don’t try to thrust further inside of my mouth. You simply rely on the milking of my squeezing throat muscles and vibrations of me choking. My tongue begins to swell almost painful against your rigid cock. Suddenly the bag sucks up tight against my face my body rises and I began to violently spasm beneath you. I am still twitching as you shoot the last load of cum down my throat!
torture phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex Nigger Buffet

Cannibalism phone sex     Cannibalism phone sex can truly feed your appetite for soul food! You know about us black whores don’t you? You can abuse us and use us to your benefit. Have I got the perfect call for you then! Sometimes people turn a blind eye to what is going on in the back yard. These gang bangers sure had the neighborhood fooled! If I try to escape I am sure they will shoot me like a canine in the street! They have pimped me out to so many white men my pussy is raw and bloody! I think they are going to do a live abortion soon because I think I am carrying a half breed. I remember a girl across from me they burnt at the stake! I will try to keep the little one alive for their pleasure but I don’t think there are any guarantees.

     I am their prey to do with what they please! I think they like the smell of my fear and the warm blood that flows through my veins. I think the only thing keeping me alive is this little brat. I know because the other girl here had a whore and I watched them tear that wee one’s limbs apart. One by one they took turns fucking her mouth and cunt and ripping her insides up with cum! I feel the little one kick me as I write this, and I saw my captor with that piercing steel knife! It won’t be long now for the feast to begin! Just another nigger dead like a thousand others that have died here. My stomach turns as they fuck that corpse in the ass! Grabbing me by my hair I am next on the table! Are you coming to the feast, or is it too much for you to handle?

Bloody Hell

taboo phone sex karmaHe is my favorite accomplice. He really knows how to torture a bitch. I love his knife skills and how he is able to skin a bitch down to the bone one layer at a time, keeping her alive to feel every bit of it. He waits until her eyes glass over and she is on the verge of loosing conscientiousness before coming to me with blood covered hands he covers me in blood before lowering himself over my body and impaling me with his monster cock. The fucking is brutal and my cunt swells from the assault of his huge dick. I dip my hands in her blood and cover his body in it. He stops fucking me before I can cum and goes back to her. She is sobbing now and her eyes have focused once again when his torture begins again. The first layer of skin is almost completely removed and soon he will ram that cock into her bloody pussy. He unloads his cum into her before letting me lick her blood covered pussy sucking his spunk out of it. Before the night is over my cunt will be filled with his cum and his cock will be covered in mine.

Torture Phone Sex for a True Killer Fantasy

torture phone sex

    Torture phone sex for a true killer fantasy  begins with me!    I am a sick twisted bitch! I just got off the phone with someone who wanted to release me after they had finished torturing me. I am looking for the guy who won’t let me go! I want him to hunt me  like prey just like these gang members did! I want him to rip that brat from my rotten flesh and choke the shit out of me with the little nappy head’s chord of life! I seek to have him  cut a living organism out of me! Maybe eating the flesh will serve him good as well!

  Once  he hears my voice the rules for release go out the window! I want him to be a cold calculated killer that will  beat the shit out of me and just be what he is; a  cold killer that lusts for my blood! I guess there is a true art to being a cold calculated killer!  A killer that will crush my bones and eat my flesh! I think I get a kick out of being hurt or watching someone hurting me and it looks just like you are the person to do it!

    I am not one for the squeamish the amount of torture I want to endure must equal his dark nature. If you don’t enjoy the idea of torture, blaspheme and fantasy rape then I know I am not the girl for you! But, if your soul thirst for blood and you can get as twisted with your desire as I can, then let’s talk!

Make sure the knife is not dull, and the duct tape you plan to use on me is strong! I don’t want to be able to get away! Make sure the ax is sharpened  and when you deliver that blow to my neck, it severs my head completely off. You can take my head and position it on your cock and shoot your load in there. The colder my body the more you will cum! If it’s sick and dark let’s do it together because, whore’s like me don’t deserve  to live!

Cannibalism Phone Sex in Mid Air

Cannibalism phone Sex

      Cannibalism Phone Sex makes me so hungry one night with a caller! …

    The flight was continuing and I was anxiously awaiting spending the holiday with my parents. There was something strange about this flight though and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Shrugging it off, I boarded the plane and found my seat.  Strapping myself  in I looked out the window until we were in the air. As the stewardess asked for my cocktail selection I began to get very sleepy. When I fluttered my eyes open again I saw the stewardess on her knees with a cock in her mouth. I tried to wiggle out of my seat and excuse myself but I couldn’t unbuckle the straps. She was sucking that cock so well and I was so hypnotized I barely got out of the way as he pissed in her mouth as well. Then she licked the cock clean and got every last drop of his cum out his cock head.

      I am going to have lunch he said. “I have to inspect my meat before I eat it! He said. Placing his hands on my pussy he began to finger it.” I am going to decide which part of your body to eat!” I struggled and scratched to get the seatbelt off of me but to no avail. Returning with a transportable grill the stewardess explained it was a pussy grill! I felt this piercing pain and it felt like my pussy was on fire! I smelled my burning flesh. Arranging the cutlery for him, the stewardess began to cut my tits and ass and place it on a plate. Grabbing a  knife and fork he began to cut and enjoy the tender pussy steak. Coming back the stewardess said its time for desert. He was served my brain and cup of blood.

As the phone shook and I heard the dial tone of the fantasy ending, my pussy was drenched with sweat! This caller sure had got the best of me with this one! I couldn’t wait to do it again!

Every Devil Was Once An Angel

knife play phone sex karmaI know what he wants. I know what I want. I know what we need and how great it is when we are together. The big difference is that I embrace my evil ways and walk confidently within the parameters that others find offensive and wrong. He on the other hand needs to be reassured that even though this is so wrong it is OK because it feels so right. It really doesn’t matter I am both the angel on his shoulder with the lilting voice that is soothing and calm and the devil on the other shoulder that is encouraging him to touch that young and perfect body, The one that hasn’t been tainted by puberty or thoughts of sexual gratification. I give him instructions on how to touch her, how to take her, telling him that it is a good thing that he is teaching her the ways of womanhood. Soon she will be required to satisfy a man. It is what she was born to do. But for now she is going to bring him satisfaction that she will never be able to give again, Her youth, her innocents, are going to please him in ways that can only happen once for both of them. I get to watch and enjoy the fact that I am contributing to the wicked corruption of all involved while enjoying my own special satisfaction. Our orgasms are so strong when we have these special moments together.