Tag: Knife play phone sex

Torture Sex Doll Fun

torture sex funWhen I was a little girl, I was like Wednesday Addams: a creepy little Goth girl with a love for torture sex.  I had this one doll I loved so much. I called her butcher Barbie. She was a sick little thing in the best way. Pale, creepy, came with her own knife. I used her to act out my most violent and twisted fantasies. While girls my age played house with Ken and Barbie, my little dolly was butchering the brats of Ken and Barbie all over the neighborhood.

knife play phone sexAs I grew up, I never out grew my love for dolls. One day I saw this beautiful Goth girl with pale skin and she looked like a human version of my Butcher Barbie all grown up. What demented girl doesn’t want a life size doll. Especially one she can turn into an evil accomplice. I kidnapped Lea. Drugged her, tossed her into my basement. So lovely. So perfect. When I told her she was going to be my play thing, my forever dolly, she freaked. Called me names. She clearly thought I was crazy. She didn’t know just how crazy I was until I sewed her body together like a doll. I ensured she could never leave me.

fantasy phone sexShe screamed in pain as I pierced her skin with a big needle. The crimson blood dripping from the needle excited me. I threaded her flesh together with pink ribbon like dollies always wear. She was immobile. The perfect play thing for me. Just she didn’t want to play with me. Pissed me off. I decided to make her a torture doll instead. I carved my name in her flesh. I cut off  her nipples. I sliced off her clit. I sawed her labia off. I fucked her ass with Butcher Barbie’s knife, her cunt too. I cut tiny slashes all over her body. I waited until she bled out. Took days. It was so much fun. Her pale cold body was beautiful.

I love the pain

Taboo phone sex

I can’t help myself. I love getting fucked up all day everyday. I am a druggy whore who needs to be punished. I don’t believe in god, I believe in getting high! I hurt myself because you tell me to. I keep waiting for you to show up. My wounds are proof of what I do to myself for you. I sit here in my bathtub full of blood, rubbing my tore up cunt thinking of you. I keep thinking of you coming in behind me. Sticking a knife to my throat and you making me fuck you. You want me to make you cum so you can cut it out of me. I want to be your tortured fuck toy. I need you to beat me as I get high. I need you to fuck me till I am bloody and raw. When you are done with my body, Cut me up into little fucking pieces and spread me out around the state. Fuck me, hurt me.

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The Bitch is Back!!

bloody phone sexThat greedy little fuck just thought he was gonna move in on my kill. I had been eyeing this tiny brunette all night, watching her flaunt her shit. I fucking hate Barbie Doll bitches who expect men to fall at her feet. She was rubbing her titties on every man on the dance floor and I was watching her. Then just as I was ready to pounce, some dumb fuck hick asshole thinks he can whisk her out the door. Well, they were in for a big surprise.
I followed them as they left the club, pulling onto a dirt road where men take their easy meat fuck toys. I parked about a quarter mile away and circled back through the woods. They weren’t even discreet about their fucking. I can already hear her moaning as he bucked between her thighs in the backseat. Disgusting animals. I pulled out my blade and ducked down. I knew they weren’t smart enough to have locked the car doors. I planned it like a predator. Just as I heard him hit his nut, I yanked the door open and buried my knife between his shoulder blades. There was no stopping his rushing cum and it shot out along with his blood. I laughed loudly as his orgasm cry became his death shriek. Dumb cunt was trapped beneath his carcass. I wanted her pain to be slow and deliberate.
“Please don’t hurt me. Why are you doing this?” she asked my masked face. I waved my blade in front of me, making the light glint off it. My pussy leaked with excitement. I calmly walked around the car, pulled open the door, and looked down at her. Still trapped beneath his bulk, his dead, shriveled cock still in her pussy, she was helpless. I loved the way her ugly, make-up smeared face looked now. Not such a sexy toy now. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and slit her throat. She died looking at me, still wondering how this happened.
And that’s the way I roll, baby. Can you play hard and kill without remorse? And can you handle a death whore like me? Try me, but be warned. I kill those who can’t handle me.

Dinner with Friends

Cannibalism phone sexWhen you have certain tastes, having an accomplice is key. Luckily, Rick and I both share a love for fine dining. I decided that he should accompany me on a little hunting expedition. I have discovered a new hunting ground: the nude beach. All these lovely girls frolicking about in their natural state allows us to pick out the perfect meal together. No guessing if her breasts are natural or if she dies her hair. No wondering about tattoos and piercings. Plus, you can see the rump, the thighs and the breasts so well. It is nice to see how succulent the meat is before your bring it home. So many coeds these days are just too sinewy. We found the perfect girl. Young twenty something with meat on her bones. Not fat, but healthy. All natural and in good physical shape. Grade A choice girl meat. Our favorite.

We already had a plan to grab her. Another girl never thinks of another girl as a predator. At least not until she feels the chloroform cloth around her mouth from her accomplice. Of course she woke up in a cage with a lot of questions. Why do young girls always assume we want to sexually assault them or torture them? Rick assured her we were much more sophisticated than that. “You have a much higher purpose sweetie,” he informed her as he pinched her flesh in various places checking out her ample breasts, thighs and rump. You need to be able to pinch skin on the perfect meal. We measured her ass and thighs, even her belly. Makes Rick’s mind spin when he sees how many inches of girl meat he gets to tenderize and marinate.

snuff pornI could already picture her a nice golden brown. I could already smell the seasonings blending with her natural aroma. Intoxicating. Made me moist in the panties. A yummy meal is almost as good, if not better, than a hot sexual encounter. This was the finest specimen in a long time. Didn’t need to plump her up. No silicone to remove. Beautiful round juicy ass. I am a breast girl myself, but Rick loves firm thighs with some jiggle to them. When properly tenderized and seasoned, makes for a most scrumptious meal. As we checked out our meal and discussed the different ways we could cook her, she became rather hysterical. I patted her head through the cage to calm her. “Don’t you work yourself up dear. It is not healthy for your body.” Silly girls don’t understand how increased adrenaline and blood pressure spoils meat.

snuff moviesI gave her a natural sedative to calm her, then pulled her out of her cage to prep her while Rick did his magic in the kitchen. He blends the right amount of seasonings and sauce to make girl meat taste out of this world. I washed her body and hair of all toxins. You can’t have any chemicals on a body before cooking for the best flavor. I even shaved her. She didn’t have much body hair, but a nice smooth firm body absorbs the sauce so much better. I returned her to her cage nice and clean and ready for basting. There are lots of way to prepare girl meat. Oven baked with some potatoes and veggies and an olive oil basting; takes awhile, but the meat is so tender and golden brown afterwards. Spit roasted with an apple in her mouth over an open flame permeates the yard with yummy smells. The meat is a bit tougher on the outside, but so tender on the inside. Girl stew. Big cast iron pot filled with water, seasonings and some veggies and your meat over an open flame. Really, with the right chef, the possibilities are endless.

taboo phone sexTonight, however, we opted for girl roast. Rick coat every inch of her succulent body with his special herbs and butter sauce. I used my knife to make a nice incision in her chest cavity so I could insert some veggies and potatoes. Stitched her right back up like a turkey. They taste so much better when they absorb some of the meat’s natural flavor. The poor thing was subdued but still criticizing our meat choices. It really is rude to make others feel bad for their tastes. I will not eat boxed and processed foods, but you don’t hear me being critical of what others eat. As I stitched her back up and told her how delectable she was going to be, and how she would feed us for weeks, I saw the look in her eyes. She was coming to terms with her fate. Rick finished basting her, while I poured us two big glasses of white wine. We put her in the oven with the light on so we could see her cook, sat back and reminisced about the other fine meals we have shared over the years.

torture phone sexThe house smelled wonderful. When she was ready to be severed, I cut him some thigh meat first. “Enjoy. I know it is your favorite,” I told him. I love a quiet fine dining experience with friends. It is the simple pleasures in life that are the most memorable.

Blood Tears

angieIt all started years ago with a show called the Twilight Zone. I remember sitting there watching an episode where a race of aliens came to Earth. They had a manual that was called “To Serve Man” People were over the moon. They thought that the aliens were friendly and just wanted to serve the human race. Finally in the end as people were getting on the space ship to join the aliens, one man, who had deciphered the book and discovered it was a cook book, was yelling out side of the ship. snuff porn angie1At that moment when I connected the dots my pussy let out a gush of fluid. The idea of eating human flesh had never occurred to me before then. But the moment I had that thought I knew I would enjoy cannibalism for the rest of my life. Finding ways to obtain and serve human flesh has been a long road of trial and error. You see you have to pick the right person, you have to decide just what cuts of meat you enjoy, what herbs and spices taste right with what flesh type. Each ethnicity has it’s own flavor. Much like the difference between corn fed and grass fed beef. Being a cannibal is more then a life style it is an art. One must never take for granted the flesh that is being consumed and one must always be reverent in the treatment of the flesh as well as grateful for the gift of life that is given for nourishment. snuff porn angie3This brings me to my latest meal. It was an innocent day at the movies. I was not on the hunt for a meal (often my best meals are the unexpected ones) She was sitting a couple of rows in front of me. It was a sappy chick flick and as the lights came up in the theater almost every female was crying. When I looked at her she was crying tears of blood. My physical reaction to this was intense. I had never seen such a phenomenon and I had to have her. As I followed her down the street I noticed that she was plump in all the right places. Her rump was nice and fleshy but not fatty, her thighs were rubbing together just enough to have some good chunks of meat on them. The rest of her was healthy but not overly so. I knew that because she cried blood tears that she had to be special and that I would have to share her with the most special people in my life.snuff porn angie2 I began to ponder seasoning and preparation as my pussy pumped juices between my legs and the anticipation grew. I also began thinking of how I would “serve” her. I thought of leaving her whole and serving her like a pig with an apple in her mouth, allowing the most privileged guest to carve her for serving. I thought of removing her head and making it the center piece of the platter, especially if I could get some of those blood tears flowing before removing it. It would be very exotic to position her head in the center of a tray of her flesh with a smile on her face and blood tears staining her cheeks from where they flowed for the last time. So many choices, so many decisions, so much planning…….At last, the perfect time to take her and begin…..I can’t wait to share her with you!

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sex karmaOne of my favorite things to do has always been to put on the scrubs I bought from the Salvation Army and hit the hospital. I love the halls that hold the terminally ill, the ones that have the bio hazard signs on the doors, the rooms that are high risk to enter and the halls that smell of rotting flesh while the feeling of despair hangs in the air, so thick you could cut it with a knife. I would often sit in the corner of the room after turning off the morphine drip, waiting for the extreme pain to hit so that I can rub out a good hard orgasm as I listen to them moan in agony. There are a couple of rooms that have great nooks that I can hide in. Those particular rooms are used to perform medical procedures that aren’t generally performed in a normal room. I have been able to witness several invasive procedures in these rooms that not only brought me great pleasure but gave me intense material to share with others on medical fetish phone sex calls. One time especially comes to mind. When I walked into his room the smell of rotting flesh was so strong that it almost made me gag. And I don’t gag easy. I pulled back the sheet and saw a huge chunk of flesh that was swollen, red and infected. i knew the flesh was deteriorating from the inside out. I heard the footsteps and backed into my hiding place and as I watched the doctor inject the Novocaine my heart sunk. Why do they do this? I kept watching and when I saw the scalpel sink into the skin, I felt the moisture begin to build in my panties. Watching the spewing puss and chunks of flesh, the stench that the infection produced when released, all served to stir the darkness inside me and I started to cum. I had to cover my mouth to stop the moan of pleasure as the primal orgasm escaped my cunt. Medical fetishes are so complex……

This Little Piggy Went To Market

taboo phone sex karmaHe had this thing that turned him on. He loved to have a bitch squeal like a pig. She had to grovel and oink for him. It was the only way he could get off. The only thing that would allow him release. At first I got a kick out of it but after a while it became annoying as hell. I had to put an end to his bull shit. Ordering the razor lined condom was the most difficult part of the entire plan. I found the perfect pig outfit and put my plan in motion as soon as the condom came in. I was going to be his last little piggy. Once I was covered in his blood and there was nothing left of his shredded dick I would cook him just like a side of pork. The best part was going to be his crunchy, crackling skin. He would be seasoned to perfection and every inch of him was going taste so good. He would be oinking and squealing for me and it would be the last thing he ever did….

Seamstress Morticia

Taboo phone sex

I was walking home after a night of worshiping. I smelled like weed, and camp fire. I knew I would attract someone. Get them to follow me. My body was barley covered. My ass was hanging out, my tits were out. I knew someone would try to take me and have their way with me. I was hoping for it. I wanted to use my knew hunting knife. I acted like I was drunk, stumbling over myself. Leaning on walls and falling down like a stupid drunken whore would. I wanted to look vulnerable. I wanted to look like an easy target. As soon as I passed him, I knew he was the one. He was a big black man. I knew he was going to act like a nice guy and walk me home. But home was a dark ally, he threw me into the fence and started ripping my panties off. Just as he was about to put his dick inside of me I stuck my sharp new knife into his ball sac. It was like a hot knife into butter. So smooth, so easy to cut into his flesh. I did a number on his cock and balls. If he lives through that, He wont be so eager to help someone out next time!

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Teaching a lesson

Ass rape pornI saw a little boy staring at my ass today. I told the little fucker to piss off but he kept coming back and looking. I told the little shit to come to our tool shed if he wanted to see something nice. The fucker followed me and I told him he could touch me wherever he wanted as long as I could touch him too. He grabbed my tits, I squeezed his little cock. He grabbed my cunt, I rubbed his little balls. When he grabbed my ass I slapped the little fucker to the ground. The fear in his eyes when he turned around almost made me cum and I kicked him down onto his stomach. I put my hand over his mouth, grabbed my toy and fucked him up his ass with it while he tried to get away. His scream and cries were muffled by my hand and soon once I saw his asshole was bleeding I let him up. I told him if he told anyone I would do it again with my blade. He ran off scared. I probably will save this one, he’s going to have a big cock when he grows up. And until then.. I bet he wont be creeping up on girls!

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

Daddy picked me up today and we did a drive by, by my community pool in my neighborhood. It was like a parents drop off place for their brats. Usually daddy likes to play with me, but today he thought it would be fun if we got other little toys to have some fun with. So we grabbed about three pretty fuckers by the pool and threw them in our truck and took off to our secret place in the woods. I sucked daddy’s cock the whole ride there, I was really excited. When we finally arrived we didn’t waist too much time messing around. We went ahead and hopped right into our dirty pleasurable deeds. We took knifes and made slices all over their bodies. We cut them up like veggies for a stew. It was a rather good look for them. They bled all over the place while daddy continued to fuck their little bald cunnys with his cock. I saw the life slowly and painfully drain from their bodies as we poured their blood out of them. There was no way to even muffle their screams and cries, even when they finally stopped making noises and they clearly were lifeless, daddy continued fucking them, blood was everywhere, it was beautiful. The whole experience was so hot. He came all over them, over and over again. I really hope we can keep them one or two more days for some extra fun before their bodies start to spoil.