Tag: Knife play phone sex

I needed her blood

bloody phone sexI licked the blood straight off my knife. It tasted like it always does, and my pussy felt so good. I loved the way it tasted, it was even still slightly warm. How hot is that? I loved the feeling it gave me, and I loved what I had to do to get this blood. She was still alive though, watching me with a terror in her eyes. Once she saw me licking up that blood she really knew I was crazy. I wanted her to know how much it turned me on, so I told her a little white lie. Told her if she did all I told her, I would let her go. She reluctantly was eating my pussy as I sat on her face. But the problem was…I needed more than that. I needed, I craved…her sweet blood. I was bored with her fucking my pussy with her tongue so I went straight to what I really wanted and started fucking her cunt with my knife. Her cries and screams are something I will never forget! Something I’ll be rubbing my cunt to for months…

Testicles are for Winners: Taboo Phone Sex with Venus

taboo phone sex venusI am a taboo phone sex bitch. I have no limits and I like to get extreme. Most of my callers are men who fall into two categories: accomplices and losers. I love both. I enjoy having an equally sick and demented mind to hunt, hurt and humiliate with; but I also love a pathetic piece of shit I can degrade, abuse and castrate. Luckily, for an evil bitch like me, there is no shortage in this world of sissies, bitches, tools, idiots and tiny dick losers who should not have their junk. Testicles are for winners. If you are not a winner, then let me assist you in removing what you don’t fucking deserve. I have a big old knife collection, various CBT toys, cigarettes to stop the bleeding, special chairs made just for junk removal and a whole slew of fun torture devices. Before I remove your worthless balls, I will have fun torturing you first. The more pathetic you are, the more fun I have. I vowed in 2016 to castrate more losers to protect the future. Have you yet made the resolution that you need your junk removed? Admit it too yourself. “I’m too pathetic to have balls.” Wasn’t that easy? Let your balls hit the floor in 2016. I’m waiting.

castration phone sex

Castration Phone Sex: Let Them Balls Drop

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is one of my favorite types of calls. Why? Because most men who call me are pathetic losers with tiny dicks that don’t deserve pleasure. And this world certainly doesn’t need them reproducing. I have an entire room of gadgets to remove junk. And many different methods. There is the standard whack them balls off with a knife. There is the tie them up so tightly that they go blue and pop off. Then there are all the more hardcore torture methods. You can use a blow torch and burn them off. A chainsaw is quick and really gruesome. They can be torn off by a well trained dog. They can be lobbed off using a table guillotine. Can tie a string around the ball sac and then to the bumper of a car and get an angry bitch to go pedal to the metal. Can you tell I like to take off nut sacs?

taboo phone sexI like taboo phone sex. I am not a vanilla girl, nor your girl next door. So if you call me and tell me to castrate you, be prepared for some pain. I don’t give you pain pills. I don’t let you use drugs to numb yourself. Today I am in the mood to tie a heavy cement block using rope to your worthless balls and letting the heavy block pull them clear off. Talk about balls dropping for New Year’s! I will gladly count down until you nut sac is severed from your body in a bloody and painful way. Then I will laugh my ass off as you are finally a ball less wonder. Your pain, is my pleasure. I am a firm believer that balls are a privilege not an entitlement. So if you are a pathetic bitch or a total asshat, I will be as giddy as a school girl watching your balls drop in 2016!

Merry Mutilation Phone Sex Day

mutilation phone sex angieShe was a little ho ho ho and Holly was a perfect name for her. Such a pretty thing with a twinkle in her eye. To bad I would be turning that twinkle into pain and agony. After all tis the season. What better way to celebrate then with an evening of Merry Mutilation phone sex while I decorate the halls with the Bowels of Holly. Disembowelment is such a festive procedure. Covering everything in holiday red! Screams that fill the air like the carols sung by innocent little ones wondering the neighborhood. Unsuspecting of the horror going on just inside. I five her drug that renders her helpless. Unable to move and yet able to feel every thing that is happening. A pleasant little paralytic. Placing the knife in her hand I sing “Deck the Halls: and guide her hand to her abdomen. Where my expert skills go to work slowly disemboweling her with precision that keeps her alive as long as possible for maximum pleasure!

Bloody Fucking Christmas with a Knife Play Phone Sex Bitch

knife play phone sexMerry Fucking Christmas from your favorite knife play phone sex bitch. Tis the season to be bloody. Fa la la la la, la la la la. I know most folks were out shopping last night, but I was hunting. I’m like Bad Santa or Krampus. I look for some unruly brat not deserving of anything for Christmas, kidnap him or her for some fun for me and my group of dirty old men who love snuffing out the little ones. After they force fuck and torture them for hours first, of course. I hit the jackpot last night with twins who were throwing tantrums all over the mall. One of each for my P friends. I don’t judge. I am an equal opportunity hater. A girl who castrates men for fun and loves torturing folks, will never judge a man who loves them young.

My P men were so happy. Each brat got passed around like a joint. Every guy in my P circle hit a little cunt or a back door pussy with their hard cocks. I pacified the brats with a Benadryl cocktail so screaming would be at a minimum. Personally, I like the screams of agonizing pain. Makes my pussy drip. But this particular group of little lovers like their young ones more subdued. They are white collar guys and I think they just worried screams might draw attention.

snuff pornAfter every guy got to fuck the brat of his choosing, I broke out my knife collection and vintage torture devices. I kind of run a holiday hostel. Men pay a price to do depraved things to the brats I deem not worthy of living. The thrill for me is I get to watch, profit and help. I got to saw a little girl’s leg off; stitch her cunt lips shut; castrate a little boy and fuck him in the ass with a knife. Merry fucking Christmas to me. Sure I had one hell of a mess to dispose of, but that is part of what I offer. My men pay top dollar to arrive, play and make some snuff porn then leave quickly.

Would you like to join my club? Maybe bring your own brat to share and play?

This winter solstice will be bloody

bloody phone sexAt last! The winter solstice has arrived. I might or might not have some witchy abilities…I’ll never say. But it makes you wanna know how I got so mean? How I literally get away with murder. Ahh, that’s because I make some bloody sacrifices so the forces are on my side. And I will be making multiple human sacrifices this winter solstice. Hopefully you would like to join me, because if you don’t you’ll end up covered in blood and holes just like the rest of the whores I am gathering together for tonight’s losses. It will be brutal, body parts slowly being cut off, fucking their holes with their own friend’s hands, letting their blood spill everywhere as my pussy drips with the love of torture and pain. I will force them to taste my wet cunt, hold their heads deep into my pussy so they can smell how much this turns me on, breathe in the wet pussy as their little heads get cut off. Stupid whores had to be sacrificed for me…how else am I going to enjoy the new winter solstice?

Evil Phone Sex Slut Venus: My Wicked Ways all Began with a Candy Cane

evil phone sex slutEvil phone sex stories are so fun to exchange. I talk to a lot of demented and perverted guys who love to share their wicked stories with me. Recently, in the spirit of Christmas, a caller asked me what was the kinkiest thing I ever did with a candy cane. I had a story for him. One year at Christmas time, when I was just a little school girl, I decided to get some revenge on the uncle who had molested me. He was a dirty drunk and a mean son of a bitch. I dressed up in a sexy Santa outfit and acted like I wanted his fat sweaty body on top of my young tiny body. I spiked his beer with some of my mom’s Ambien, which knocked him right the fuck out.

As he was passed out naked face down in his bed, I sodomized him with one of those big fat candy cane logs. I ended up putting a bundle of them up his ass so his sphincter would be stretched completely out. I ruined his asshole. Even took them out of his shiter for him to suck on as he was snoozing, then put them back in his ass. I took a bunch of pictures and put them all over the Internet with the meme “I’m a candy ass pervert who diddles little girls.” I thought it was funny. I exposed my Uncle for the pervert he was, ruined his marriage. But, I didn’t feel like revenge had been completely served. So I plotted a return visit. One that would make sure he never ever diddled another brat again.

ass rape pornHe drank a shit ton before I exposed him on the Internet, but after, he was obliterated every night according to my daddy who had no idea I was the one who exposed his brother. I snuck out of the house with some rope and a big kitchen knife. I didn’t need any knock out meds this time since he was in a drunken black out stupor. I found him passed out in his own piss and vomit. Such a waste of space. I rolled him over on his back, slapped his face to wake him up enough to see me, then I castrated him. Cut his balls clear off.

That wasn’t enough for me, so I also chopped his cock off too. He didn’t deserve it. Used the bottom of a hot iron skillet to cauterize the wounds. I wanted him to live his life as a eunuch, never able to fuck or reproduce again. It was a hack job, because I was young and learning. I am more seasoned with junk removal now. For shits and giggles, I shoved candy canes up his ass again, and one inside his severed dick. I left the dick cane in the refrigerator with a Christmas card from his loving niece. I knew he would never tell anyone what I did, because that would out him to his brother as a molester of his niece and show the world he got his ass whopped by a girl in pigtails and a training bra. It was my first real attempt at revenge. Loved it. The rest is history.

castration phone sex

Castration Phone Sex Services: Spreading Holiday Cheer One Nut Crack at a Time

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my Black Friday deal to you. You have a worthless pecker? Maybe a diseased dick or one that just doesn’t work? Too small? Or perhaps you use it for bad instead of good? Maybe you are just a stupid fuck who should not procreate? Or a chronic masturbator that needs temptation removed for him? I really don’t give a fuck what your reasons are; if you want your cock or balls, even both, removed, I will be offering junk removal services all holiday season at bargain prices. Wanna be a eunuch for Christmas? Or maybe you want to give that special lady in your life a present she will really appreciate like your dick in a box literally, or some testicle earrings. Handmade of course. Let’s face it, the lady in your life deserves so much more than what is between your legs so let’s just get rid of it. She will never has to worry about you trying to fuck her again. She forget about your pathetic package forever. Without your junk, she is free to fuck those big dicks; free to have what you have never been able to give her: PLEASURE. If you are single, well there is a reason for that. A pathetically small reason dangling between your legs. Get rid of it professionally, put on some panties and live your life as a silly sissy or something similarly pathetic.

I have my junk removal kit all polished up and ready to use. It is time to spread some holiday cheer to the ladies one nut crack at a time. The only thing roasting over my fire this holiday will be your nuts.

taboo phone sex


Die, bitch, die. No one gives a Tweet.

mutilation phone sexLooking for that perfect accomplice who really likes it nasty and rough? I will help you find your latest victim and make your bloody dreams come true. My very favorite fantasy is kidnapping young girls and torturing them. Not your average run-of-the-mill kidnapping either. I cater to vicious and violent wanna-be psychos who like to hear girls scream. I cut off nipples, shove knives up cunts, and make the living wish they were dead. My latest victim was so innocent and so very dead. I made tiny knife cuts all over her body as she begged for mercy. I burnt her with cigarettes and shoved a curling iron into her pussy. On high heat, of course. She screamed so very loud, which made my Masters cock rigid with glee. Can you stand the dirty games that I play? Are they too much, coming from the dark recesses of your mind. You know you must sate your bloodlust. There’s a full moon tonight and I smell fresh pussy in the air. My theme song is playing and I’m ready to make someone bleed.

“Dirty Little Mind”  by Jackyl
Well I licked her clean from head to toe
I took her down for the count
She was ready for more
And you know she’s got a dirty little mind
The way she walks
The way she grooves
I have to strap her down to keep up with her moves
And you know she’s got a dirty little mind.

Writer(s): Jesse James Dupree
Copyright: Polygram Int. Publishing Inc. Cockster Music


knife play phone sex

Snuff Porn Teacher Shows Young Ones How to Make a Snuff Porn Torture Death Flick

snuff porn venusI love making and watching snuff porn. I run a little film school for the young ones. Every week, I host a workshop with some aspiring killers to show them different ways to eradicate problems and annoyances. This week the workshop focused on how to make snuff porn torture death films. They are my favorite actually. When I make a killer production, I like it to be violent and bloody. I fancy myself a female Eli Roth. I had the perfect subject for my protégés to hone their filmmaking techniques on. An old teacher of mine from my school days. Total pervert. Likes the little ones. I have no real issue with dirty old men. You have rape fantasies about the wee ones, I will help you. Just keep your hands off me and the few brats I actually like.

Mr. Yokomato was easy to lure. Told him I had some little ones for him to play with in exchange for good grades for one of my charges. She is one of my film students; one of the few brats I like. If she had not shared with me that he tried to diddle her, I would not have know that he was still molesting the young ones after school. Of course when he arrived, my little brats of the corn surrounded him like an evil army while I held the video camera. Each was wielding a big ass knife. Like a carnival act, they started hurling knives at him. My pussy was getting wet seeing such young boys and girls hurl knives at a lifelong pervert. With precision, like I taught them, they hit the arteries. Blood was spewing out of him. He was begging for mercy. I informed him that I remembered a time when I begged him for mercy; pleaded with him not to put his thing in my butt but he ignored my cries.

snuff porn torture deathI let my little protégé, who had the most recent indecent encounter with our film star, have the honor of chopping off his pecker. She grabbed his dick, sliced it clear off then shoved it in his mouth as we all watched him bleed out. I was so proud of my macabre munchkins. I took them to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate their first torture sex film. Maybe you will be the star of our next killer film.