Tag: Knife play phone sex

Truth or Dare

Knife play phone sex

Truth or dare, every person plays it at least once in their life. I played a very sexy game of truth or dare two weeks ago. Everyone there was getting pretty kinky while we were playing. While playing things like suspension bondage, rape fantasy, and even knife play got throw out as ideas. I got wrapped into the knife play dare. My best friend Jeffery got dared to do knife play with me and I had to allow it so he could complete his dare. He laid me down in the middle of the circle and took out his pocket knife.

Jeffery slowly cut my shirt off and as the blade rubbed my skin I got goosebumps. After cutting my shirt off, he cut the middle of my bra, exposing my upper body completely. He slides his knife around my nipples making them hard. Soon enough Jeffery was sliding my skirt up and cutting my panties off. I am soaking wet, I hear Jeffery moan at the sight and then feel his blade on my pussy. While I was moaning he jammed his cock down my throat, in front of everyone. Oh my god, I needed to fuck Jeffery right then! So I took him up to one of the rooms, and we had some more knife fun, but also some really amazing sex.

Bloody phone sex kissing fetish

bloody phone sex

I am hanging out at my home and my door rings. I am super excited because I think it is a package I have been waiting for! When I open the door a very tall man barges right in, knocking me to the ground. He locks the door behind him and ties me up. He puts duck tape around my wrist and gets me completely naked. He tells me that he has been watching me for some time now.

He tells me that I better cooperate and if I do not, he will do very bad things to me. “I have been fantasizing about your lips for some time now.” He tells me that and asked me for some kissing. I figure, if it makes me stay alive then I will do anything. I start kissing his lips and I see him growing hard through his pants. I stop for a brief second and he slaps me across my face! “Do not stop you bitch.” I go back to kissing hi lips and kissing all over his body. He says how much he loves my lips.

He traces them with my fingers. He finally grabs them and takes his knife out. “I want you to kiss me for a life time, I want your lips forever.” I start to panic as he is sawing my lips off. I can not do anything since his might over powers me. He has a kissing fetish. He proclaims I am going to die, but my lips will live on, kissing every inch of him.

Castration Phone Sex Sunday

castration phone sexCastration phone sex Sunday has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I don’t know why, but the holiest of all days seems the best day for junk removal. I love following pervs and jagoffs to church. Seeing them there looking all pious with their families who are clueless about the proclivities of their husbands. Not everyone deserves to have testicles. They are for winners only. This morning my eye was on Martin. Several rumors  have circulated about how he likes to impregnate very young girls then not pay for his bastard offspring. I have heard he runs a little underground sex club for men who like young girls. He is a sex trafficker living in a gated community acting like his shit don’t stink. Now let me be clear here. I hate almost all young girls. I am not some pro brat. I just hate a hypocrite. Martin is running for local office. He wants to ban abortion, deny health care to unwed mothers and has quite the history of uber conservative speech. Yet, he is leading a double life; one extremely opposite to the one he projects. So, I took his balls. Actions have consequences. That was his motto when he said unwed mothers should not be a drain on the tax dollars of working citizens.

 As I had him chained to a chair in my basement, I played back his speech while showing him pictures of all the babies he has fathered and paid squat for. I gave him an option: be out as a hypocrite or get castrated. According to him that was not much of a choice. He called me some names, which I don’t take kindly too, so I chopped his balls off with no numbing cream. Didn’t even seal the wound, so he lost a lot of blood. Made him feel every ounce of pain. Shoved his worthless nuts down his mouth. Yep. I made him swallow his own balls. Seriously, Martin is what is wrong with the world. Smug, hypocritical bastards living in glass houses and throwing big ass bricks don’t deserve to reproduce. I prefer my men to own up and be proud of their actions. You like little girls? You like to torture women? You enjoy blood and gore? Wear your freak flag proudly and never lose your junk, unless you want to of course.

Snuff Phone Sex With Stephanie

I want you to slice open my pretty little tight tummy. I want you to peel back every layer of skin and slice it off. You will definitely need a little cooler to keep the slices of red bleeding flesh in. I want you to keep me alive as long as you can I want you to fry up the nice big slices of my tummy. You taking that cutting knife and with every slice It takes my breath away, and makes my panties all nice and wet. Then what I want yo to do is cook those pieces and make sure you get them all nice and well done and feed them to me as I bleed out we can share the pieces. Then just let me die slowly as you keep eating me.

Snuff phone sex

Master’s Abuse Whore

murder phone sex fantasies

I have a Master that does really dark and painful things to me. when I am alone and patching all the wounds and holes he has put in me I think about how much I want to be his victim forever. I know I cry when he slashes my tits or cuts off my nipples but I love how I am powerless when I’m with him. There are days where he is really angry and Master maims my snatch and asshole. He makes me assume the position with no panties on. My slick wet pussy exposed and in the air makes my knees shake in anticipation. I feel the hot burn of Master’s spiked whip dig into the skin and rip off chunks of my labia. Looking at the aftermath make me want to scream!! My pussy looks like raw meat but I know Master will pay for me to make it look brand new all over again. He treats me like shit then spoils me like a princess for being his abuse slut!

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex

I was on my way home from the clubs the other night. I was so wasted that I did not keep up with my group of friends. I guess they all took off with guys and went to go fuck. I started walking on my way home, hoping that a nice car would pass me so I could maybe get a ride from them. A dark car finally pulled over to my rescue. I got in and thanked the man with dark features. He let me know that he was not going to take me home. He told me since he was helping me, that I needed to help him.

He told me about little Jamie that he has been watching for months. He said her parents are not home and she is with a babysitter tonight. He held a cold blade up to my neck and threated to end my life right then and there if I did not help him. I went ahead and agreed to help him in whatever way I could. We went to her house, I broke in and saw her asleep in her bed. The room was dark and I could see her little cotton pajamas glow from the moon. I picked her up and quietly took her to our car. Who knew it could be so easy? I helped tie her little body up and she awoke. She was crying and begging.

I did what he asked, I helped him capture his fantasy girl. I asked if I could go home, and he told me no. I started to cry right beside the little brat. He told both of us to shut the fuck up, that there will be enough crying to do when we are sitting in puddles of our own blood with out holes gapped open. He laughed and drove father and farther away from any civilization.

I begged him to let me go. It was no use, I just made his cock grow harder.

Blood and Cum; My 2 favorite things

I love the feeling of a knife getting dragged across my body ; feeling helpless. When you drag my down the fucking stairs and let me hit every one on the way down. Before you even get a hold of me I am already bloody from the cement stairs. You threaten to knock me out but I beg, ” Please I wanna be conscious for this, I deserve to be here and feel the pain like the little pain slut I am”. With enjoyment you laughed and took a knife and stabbed into my left calf.

I could feel the wetness dripping out of my fucking cunt. I fell on my stomach and that is when you got on top of me and stabbed the knife right into my spine. I could feel my legs and lower half getting numb I think you paralyzed me. You said,” now you won’t be able to run away”. I was screaming in pain and blood started to surround my body on the floor, You grab my head and shove it into the cement floor with my blood on it making my teeth grind into the floor. Then you get in front of me with some pliers and yank each one of my teeth right out ! I just started to squirt all over the floor because the pain just was so intense. To punish me for squirting you just left me down there in my own blood and cum.

killer phone sex

Bye Bye Nipple

torture phone sex

I had a torturous weekend…something I will literally never be able to forget. My master was not happy with me, for what reason…well you can truly pick anything I did wrong as the stupid fucking deserving slut I am. I needed to be punished and it needs to be something that I could never in a million years forget…something that will permanently scar me. Most of you have heard of an amputee fetish, and my master is no stranger to it either. He takes that, his bondage and whipping toys and mixes them all together for the worst kind of punishment for me. First he starts by binding my tits, and whipping them raw. They’re purple because he ties them so tightly! Next he tells me he can brand me or cut off my nipple. I really am struggling now cuz I am so scared, and that’s his favorite time to fuck me – when I’m fighting him. He pumps his cum into my pussy as I beg for mercy, not being able to feel my tits but knowing soon I will feel the most excruciating pain imaginable. Soon I am hanging there, cum dripping out of my cunt, my head bloody too from being beaten, and my nipple hanging off, still bound up and helpless. Blood dripping knowing I am helpless to be his forever, now. But I know I deserved it…all of it.


It’s a Castration Phone Sex Day

castration phone sexI have decided it is a castration phone sex kind of day. I woke up in a foul mood. Well fouler than other days. I am not exactly little miss sunshine ever. Few things give me pure joy in life. One of the simple pleasures, however, that I like in life is junk removal. Too many men have balls that don’t need. My motto has always been, “Testicles are for Winners.” So when the Internet guy showed up unannounced when he was supposed to have been here yesterday, I knew he could turn my frown upside down. He was snarky and rude. As he was on my laptop doing a speed test he snooped into my files. Who the fuck does that when they are a professional?  He didn’t enjoy the snuff sex photos he saw so he started calling me a sick bitch. I showed him what I do when presented with bad customer service. I handcuffed him to the desk chair. He didn’t even see it coming. I think he just saw some emo punk girl. Never for a moment thought I was a dangerous bitch. He realized it when I had his pants around his ankles and my knife under his balls. He started pleading for me to be reasonable. Begged for me not to take his family jewels.  If that was the family jewels his family was in for a big disappointment. He just annoyed the piss out of me. He was late, rude, condescending, not to mention quite judgmental for a man with a 3 inch dick.  I let him whine and whimper for a few minutes then lobbed his worthless balls off.  The world doesn’t need another dick in the world. Let’s face it, the apple rarely falls far from the tree. Now, I just assured no bad apple would ever come form this douche bag. He was sitting their crying, bleeding all over my floor. A minor inconvenience for my altruism. I let him out of the handcuffs, tossed him a towel  to cleanup then informed him if he told a sole what I did to him, he would wake up one morning with his cocktail wienie stuffed in his mouth. I’m a crazy bitch, so he will heed my  warning.

Don’t ask for it if you don’t want it!

mutilation phone sexSeriously boys, if you don’t really want it… don’t fucking ask me for it! This pathetic little pain slut had been begging me for MONTHS to cut off his fucking legs, he said that he didn’t want them, that he was meant to be a fucking cripple. I kept telling him no no no, you will regret this, the pain will be too much for you, there is no way you could handle it. But nooooooo, this little fucking bitch boy just HAD to have it done and he wouldn’t stop whining about it every fucking day! So I said fuck it! I grabbed that little fucking psycho and strapped him to my table. His dick was hard and he was so excited… until I started cutting through his leg that is. That is when he started screaming and begging me to stop. He said the pain was too much for him to bear but that was just too fucking bad for him because there was  no fucking way that I was going to stop now! I told him, this is what you wanted remember?? I knew that it was going to go like this and that is why I said no, now you are going to have to fucking deal with it! I kept on sawing until both his fucking legs were cut the fuck off and then I had my doctor slave stitch his sorry ass up. The moral of the story is listen to your fucking Mistress because she knows better than you do!