From the moment you called me my pussy started getting wet. Hearing you tell me how you would do anything to please me made my cunt throb with excitement. I told you that I am an evil sadistic Mistress that receives sexual gratification from other’s pain. You assured me that you would not disappoint me and that you would do anything I asked. Anything I said in my wickedly sexy voice? Would you cut off your own cock for the devils princess? I wanted to hear you scream out in agonizing pain as you chop your own cock off. Just the thought of your pain and the blood that would be squirting everywhere made my cunt extra creamy. I wanted to hear the knife as it struck the cutting board severing your cock from your body. I wanted to remain on the phone hearing you scream in excruciating pain while I finger fucked my pussy until I came.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Castration Phone Sex in 2019
Is castration phone sex your New Year’s resolution? It should be if you have a worthless dick. Everyone knows that if a man has a big dick, his father likely had a big dick too. That means if daddy had a small dick, son does too. So, the only way to ensure that small dick losers go away, is castrating them. I wish I could castrate all the small dick losers, but I can’t. What I can do, however, is make sure the small dick losers in my state don’t procreate. Some men come to me willingly to take their nuts; others, I must just take them against their will. I took Troy’s nuts at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s. He didn’t see it coming. We were naked in my living room drinking champagne. He thought he was going to fuck me. No fucking way. He was stupid to think he would get lucky with a one-inch dick. He was shocked as fuck when he realized I was holding his severed balls in my hands. He passed out at the sight of his blood. I slapped him back awake and shoved his balls in his mouth. I thought about stopping the bleeding because he was making a mess of my kitchen, but I decided against it because he was crying and whimpering like a fucking pansy. He didn’t survive much of 2019. He bled out before 2 hours into this year. I was drunk and that made me careless. I’m rarely careless, so I had to chop his body up in the bathtub and cook his flesh. I ate part of him yesterday, but the rest is in the freezer packaged like hamburger. His bones I boiled to get the flesh off them, so I could grind them up. It took me most of New Year’s Day to clean up the mess, but if you don’t tell, no one will suspect me. He is just another loser no one will miss.
Cut me deeper
What could be worse than having evil phone sex while getting force fucked hard and rough?! I was kidnapped out of my car and thrown into the back of a pickup truck where I was bound together and had duct tape placed over my mouth as I struggled to get away from my captors. The two men drove me deep into the woods in the middle of the night and spread my legs open wide so that I was gaping for them. I was not cooperating whatsoever for the two horny bastards and because of that they plunged their pocket knives into both sides of my torso and they didn’t stop. Getting stabbed while having my slutty holes ripped open by forceful cocks was absolutely horrific. I was yelping and screaming out for help but it only made them use more force to cut me harder and deeper. There was no one around whatsoever to even hear my loud cries of desperation. My ribs and insides were showing as the men had their sadistic way with me. It didn’t take long for my demise to come. Without an ounce of remorse, they dumped my body into a dirt ditch which is exactly where my pathetic corpse belongs.
Bloody Lena and the Feast
I’m going to beat your fucking ass into submission, you got damn whore. Lena is a black slut who took my boyfriend from me and got pregnant for him, ever since that moment I’ve hated that fucking bitch and I swore that I was going to get her back. It just so happened that Lena pulled up to my office with car problems not knowing that she was at my office building. I noticed this piece of junk car from my office window immediately I knew it was hers, I saw her get out of her car, and I told my secretary to go down and see what the problem was. I didn’t want that fucking bitch to see my face I knew she would be afraid because I had a reputation of being a little bit cruel. My secretary went down to check out what was going on and she reported back to me but that clunk of junk the lady was driving has stopped completely, and she needed someone to call her a mechanic, it seems that Lena was having all sorts of problems not only could she not get that piece of shit car started but her phone was out of battery. This was the perfect situation for me to enact my revenge. I told my secretary to invite her upstairs and let her know that she would be assisted without issue. I left my office and told my secretary to seat her inside of my office and pull all of the shades closed. My secretary did as I said and Lena had said in my office comfortably for about 15 minutes before I walked in and locked the door behind me. Lena looked shocked to see my face, so before she could scream well, I pointed a gun at her forehead I told her if she made a sound I would kill her on the spot. I gagged her mouth and tied her hands and feet to the chair that she was sitting in and I told her while shaking my head that she had stopped at the right place. I slapped her fucking face until it was good and red. I yanked her top off and squeezed those milk filled tits. I put her in a closet and waited until everyone left the office so that I could have her all to myself. I’ve been having dreams of torturing that bitch for so long, and now I get the chance to do all I want. In my dreams, I cut her up into a thousand pieces and fed her to a group of savages. I took a hammer and bludgeoned her until she was a bloody pulp of mush. Now I’m going to get the chance to do everything that I have always wanted to do to that fucking cunt. There is just no need to be kind I don’t have any incentive to let her live, so I guess the feast is on.
Snuff Phone Sex in My Home
He was the kind of guy who called me for snuff phone sex. In fact, he may have been one of my callers. He was some one who knew me at least because he told me things no stranger would know. He broke into my house. Some how got in without tripping the alarm. I had taken an Ambien, so I was out cold. That was until a cold blade and heavy breathing startled me awake. He told me if I made a sound, he would kill me immediately. I thought I would likely die anyway, but if I listened to him for now, maybe I could escape. I let this fat sweaty man who seemed to know a lot about me fuck me. I tried to think of anything else but this fat slovenly fuck on top of me with a knife to my throat. He thrust in and out of me until he came. He smelled awful. He felt worse inside me. I thought, this was over. He got what he came for, now he would leave. That was his form of foreplay. His knife moved off my neck and down between my legs. I gasped as he slid the knife inside my pussy. I cried as he sliced up my insides. I could feel the warm blood of my gutted womb spilling out on to my bed. He left me to bleed out in my own home on my own bed. He whispered in my ear, “Now there will be one less worthless whore in the world,” and he left me for dead.
Duct Tape
The silver duct tape on my mouth only burned more when I felt your hot piss run across it and seep through, mixing with the adhesive that has surely eaten through some of my skin. I hadn’t eaten in days since this tape had been put on my mouth. I’ve got my hands tied behind my back and I’ve tried to break loose in every way I know how. You’re going to let me starve to death while you use my weak body as a fuck doll. Tears used to run down my face but now there’s nothing left. I’m so dehydrated I think I’m starting to hallucinate. Every once and a while I would regain consciousness just long enough to feel you or your buddies piss on my face or start fucking my holes violently. I just want to die.
12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Continues
Castration phone sex? Chop off your balls, Paul. Cut off your dick, Mick. I love making rhymes for losers who need their junk removed. It is the 12 Days of Castration Christmas. A few days left, and I have been super busy. For every loser I castrate for free, I castrate several for pay. Last night, this rich prick Brock got his balls removed. He was one not by choice. His wife paid me my largest some yet to mutilate her husband’s cheating genitals. Castrate your cock, Brock. He is a boy’s club sort of man. Comes from money, makes money and puts his dick in every stripper and Hooters’ girl across the US. Not to mention, he spends more money on sluts than his wife and son. She wants to stay married to him but wants to make him unable to fuck. Brock is my favorite kind of man to mutilate down below. Self intitled and lacking a desire to be castrated. Wifey asked for a dirty castration too. A healthy bacterial infection between the legs makes a man appreciate what he has more. Wifey let me in the house on a night he was home. She drugged him as instructed. When I arrived, he was not happy. I don’t look like the kind of woman he associates with. I spelled out his dirty deeds. I told him his punishment. He made me a counter offer to mutilate his wife. He pissed me off from the get-go, so his wife stripped him naked and I used his belt to separate his cock from his balls. Normally, I’d use a castration band to dull the pain and stop the blood flow, but I wanted this prick to feel the pain. Loser passed out on me. Saw his blood spurting out while I sliced his nuts off and passed out. When I carved “cheater” on the side on his dick, he woke back up. I used a dirty blade. I didn’t cauterize the wound. If he survived, he would be dependent on his wife to pee. Well, maybe he’ll think before he cheats again.
Double Ass Rape Porn
My sons had some friends over for a slumber party last night. They are out of school for a few weeks for the holiday break, so I agreed to let them invite some school friends over. I didn’t know the boys. I just assumed any friends of my sons must be okay boys. I was wrong. After my sons were asleep, two lads who are brothers, pulled me out of bed. They shoved my panties in my mouth and tied my hands behind my back with a pair of my pantyhose. Teen boys made me their double ass rape porn whore. They fucked my ass in tandem while my sons slept in the next room. Young boys sodomizing my ass? I was not sure if I was scared or turned on by them. They didn’t care that my ass was bleeding. They said I was a cock tease. They claimed that I had this coming to them for months of making their little dicks hard and never offering release. Seriously, their dicks didn’t feel so little ravaging my asshole. One of them held a knife to my throat. He told me he would slit my throat if I made a sound. Violent little boys were force fucking me in my house and I invited them inside. When they left, I laid in bed, trembling and bleeding. I wasn’t sure if I was scared shitless or aroused by these young fucks.
Scat with my Master
Shit on me my distorted lover, I want to feel your luscious, fantastic slimy, smelly feces on my body. I love the way your shit feels all over my sexy body I crave the nastiness of your brown bombers. You can crap on my cunt face and let me feel all of the heat from your hot dump, I’m in love with you. You’ve always been the best guy the one to make me feel smutty good. I want you to tear my mind apart as you should, you are my fucking gross master fuck daddy. I want you to beat my whore face in a make me your submissive slut tramp. I am happy that you love my cum guzzling pussy and pissing on me. All I can think about is how you make me feel when you do what you do to me. I’ve got you a gift, I kidnapped this funky bastard ass no good shit worthy prostitute. I told this bitch I’ve got a lot of money to spend and I really want her to make it. This cum-filled cunt slut hopped into the car without even thinking about it, her loss as she will see soon. I brought her back to you master, and now I want you to torture this fucking bitch. I’m so lucky that you’re my master you rule everything I do, there are no fucking stops I just want to go and keep going with you. So now this little fucking cockslut lot lizard needs to be cut into pieces. I’m going to take a straight razor and start cutting into her skin so that you can piss all over her bloody cuts. I’m going to love to see you fuck her and make your cock go down her fucking throat until her tonsils start bleeding. I’m going to shove a broken bottle into her pussy and cut this sleazy tramps pussy up into a mangled mess. When we get finished with this fucking cunt bitch she’s not going to be recognizable we’re going to cut her up like the fucking Dahlia. I’m so proud of your kinky nasty excellence I think you’re a fucking genius and I look up to you I hope to be just like you master. We can beat her head in with a hammer and make her eyes bulge out then you can soak your cock with her bloody pussy. We can get a cleaver and start chopping her lean cock slut body up. I want her ass to get cut up into several portions. After we get done, we should send her body parts to Parliament. I love our sadistic minds we are amazingly creative I’m so proud of you master. I hope that you’re proud of me I enjoy you and I’ll do anything for you.
No Tell Motel Snuff Porn
I have this friend who enjoys snuff porn. He wanted to make his own. A real one, not a fake one. I have known him long enough that I knew how I could help. I had the perfect plan. I recently purchased this no tell motel. It is off the beaten path and looks seedy. It is seedy. It hasn’t been in use since the 70s. I hired a team to clean it up, modernize the plumbing and shit and add a few features like cameras in the room. This is a Bates Motel kind of place. Truckers, hookers, travelers and druggies will frequent my motel. I had the idea that it was the perfect place to make homemade snuff movies. The kind that a client like Mike could have forever as a keepsake. I hired some technology geeks to install cameras and recording devices. They think the hotel is being used as a movie set. It is, just not the Hollywood kind. Mike was going to be the first client to get his snuff flick. Just in time for Christmas. In one of the rooms was my first guest. A druggy lot lizard hooker and her young daughter. We won the lottery. We could watch what was going on in the office. We could see and hear everything. This skanky whore was going to pimp out her daughter to a trucker who was coming to the hotel. She didn’t deserve that angel. I put on my executioner outfit and terrorized the cunt. Banged on the door, rattled the windows, all so Mike could see the fear in her eyes. I broke the door down and that is when the torture sex began. I cut her to make her scream. I made the little girl my accomplice. I told her what her mommy was going to do. This snuff film was going to make a lot of money. I made the little angel stab her whore mommy in the cunt until she bled out. I took the angel back to the office where Mike was jacking off watching the replay. I sold him the little girl. He now has his own snuff film and a super young sex slave at his disposal. I can be your accomplice too.