Tag: Knife play phone sex

Snuff Phone sex Is Life!

snuff phone sex


I fucking love snuff phone sex and the men who come to me to use me as an outlet for their sick and twisted fantasies. I know that some men let the darkness build up and that causes them to want the most vile and disgusting scenes ever. Only theses scenes that I help them create are fucking hot and make me wet at the very least. Most of the time my fingers are shoved deep inside me as They tell me to cut a girls head off so they can skull fuck her dead little head. I had a caller ask me why I find snuff so exciting even though I’m so young? Well, some girls are just born this way. Snuff is my sexuality you could say. Much like being a gay girl, or bisexual, (pansexual) I love the dark, the bloody, cocks, pussy and all the accomplice fun we have while destroying sweet soft bodies. There’s no doubt that as your teen secret sadistic of accomplice phone sex we can get deep into what makes your pervert mind tick!accomplice phone sex

My Speciality is Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my specialty, yet daily some looser IMs me with a “What’s up Boo,” or “I cannot wait to fuck you,” or even worse, “You gonna drain these nuts, bitch?” Those losers are stupid and do not read. We have bios and blogs for a reason. I do not do submissive calls. I do not do fuck calls. At least not your traditional fuck calls. I am a sick bitch. I carry a big knife and I am not afraid to use it. I castrate men who think they can make me their bitch. In what planet do I look or sound like the kind of girl who takes Daddy’s dick? I was born into this world to be a sick bitch. I was raised to be a dominant bitch. I do not do typical fuck calls. I am a sadistic phone sex bitch who enjoys your pain, anyone’s pain. The last loser who tried to fuck me with his worthless pecker got his dick cut off with his balls. I turned his balls into earrings. Men need to take heed of me. I am a Goth chick with a perverted mind. There is not an ounce of me who is submissive. I do not care how big your dick is or how much money you have either. You are my victim or my accomplice. I will cut off a big dick as easily as I will chop off a worthless pecker if you try to treat me like your bitch. Chris was Iming me all last night with misogynistic words. He got a much different call than he wanted. That is because the caller is never always right with me. I am right. What I say goes. I am not playing the part of some love sick submissive bitch just because you pay for it. I took his dick and his balls. And I will take yours too if you try to make me your bitch, your victim or your girlfriend. Consider yourself warned.

Blasphemous Sex Bitch

blasphemy sexI am a blasphemous sex bitch. I believe in nothing. And I would pick Satan over God any day. I think churches rob their followers blind. Stupid sheep who need to believe in something to get through a day. I have my own Pagan rituals and they involve blood and sacrifice. I believe in two things life and death. That is it. We are born and we die. Some die sooner than others. And some die at the hands of a blasphemous bitch like me. Almost every night, I kill some loser. My sacrifice to Satan or any dark lord. Often, I am killing vacuous mean girl cunts, small dicked losers, tools and soul stealing brats. I have no use for any of them. Last night, I was in the mood for a young sacrifice. Some young stupid lamb who goes to Sunday school and church. Girls like that grow up to be frigid cunts and holly rollers who think they are better than everyone else. Best to kill them young before they grow up and wreak havoc on your life. This little brat was dressed in a white laced dress with Mary Jane shoes. She had her blonde locks in barrettes. She was getting ice cream at this little kiosk when I snatched her. I put a knife to her back and told her I would stab her dead if she screamed. She walked willingly out the mall door with me. Her parents were nearby no doubt, but no one noticed me grabbing this little brat until it was too late. I had her in my cabin, naked and chained when the amber alert went off on my phone. This little cunt was some one’s precious angel. To me, she was about to be a sacrifice. I gutted her like a pig. Buried my knife deep into her tender flesh and scooped out her insides. I watched her die slowly and brutally. I said a few blasphemous words while she bled out. After my snuff porn sacrifice, I fed her to the coyotes. They are the best accomplices because they devour every trace of evidence. Who can we sacrifice together?

Castration Phone Sex Through the New Year

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex Christmas? Christmas may have come and gone, but I am still castrating losers. Ball removal is my gift to me. I have quite the collection this year too. I have severed more testicles this month than I have all year. I had no clue there were so many losers around who needed to part with their balls. I met one such loser at Walmart last night. I hate going to Walmart. Only the dregs of society shop at Wally World. My phone charger died on me, and it was the only place open in the middle of the night to get a new one. I sucked it up and the first person I meet is a douche bag player who thought he could pick up a Goth chick in Walmart. I would never date or hook up with some leisure suit Larry I met at Walmart. He stalked me. He harassed me. And when he got pissy after I rejected him, I decided he need a free ball removal. I was not even going to charge him. This castration was on me. I played his game. I got him to think he was in control luring me back to his apartment. I know he thought he was going to bang me. I mean I am not desperate. I am never desperate. He did not deserve to live thinking I was going to fuck him. Men are so delusional. I do not pick up guys in Walmart. I spiked his drink when he was not looking. He woke up tied to a chair naked. I stuffed my panties in his mouth which was as close to my hot pussy as he was going to get. Torture sex ensued when I whacked his balls off with a kitchen knife. I could have cauterized the wound, but he annoyed me. I mean who hits on women at 1 am in a Walmart? No man that deserves to reproduce. No clue if he bled out or if he was able to get some help. I left his severed balls on the table with a Christmas bow. If he survives and gets his balls reattached, they will never work like they once did. I made him a eunuch for Christmas.

Christmas Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sexIt was a castration phone sex Christmas for me. It is a tradition for me. I have no family alive anymore, but that does not give me the holiday blues. I always find some poor sap who wants to spend Christmas with me. Some schmuck who overestimates my need for him.  I was sitting at a bar alone last night. I knew someone would approach me. Someone always does. They falsely assume I am desperate and lonely. They think I am an easy lay. They think they are doing me a favor by taking me home. Cannot play the player. This loser fell into my lap so easily last night. He had cheesy pick-up lines, and back-handed compliments. Just some loser who has to troll for pussy. He will not be trolling any more because I took his nuts. I could have killed him. Perhaps, I should have killed him. I wanted him to be scarred for life and I wanted him to have a memory that would never fade. He will never troll for another chick again because I neutered him. I took is balls in his own bed. He never saw it coming either. He had me pinned on his bed, but I was not helpless. My big sharp knife was nearby. And that knife sliced his testicles off with one swipe. The look on his face was priceless. I do not think he felt it until he saw the blood. It was like the alcohol and shock numbed the initial pain, but once he saw the blood and his severed balls, he knew what happened. He fell over and I had to decide if this was just torture sex, or a snuff date. I went into his kitchen and heated up a pan. Then I cauterized his wound. He will have a nasty scar, but he will live, and he will never fuck again. He will not underestimate women ever again either.

Christmas Torture Sex

Castration phone sex

He tied down as I slid the knife down his body. Watching him squirm turned me on, knowing his life was flashing before his eye. I tied his balls up and just pulled on the rope until they turned blue and wham! Cut them off. His body shook as his screamed out in pain. It made my pussy twitch. I looked him in the eyes and told him how he is not worth fucking anyone let alone me as I stuck the knife deep into his belly. Then I tied a rubber band at the base of his little white cock, stroking so it would grow. Wham! I cut it all off making his body shake as the shock hit him, I laughed. I played with my now wet dripping cunt while he bled out right in front of me. I finger fucked myself as I thought about how I was going to get rid of his body. Then I mounted his face and used his mouth as he died right in front of me. It made me squirt all over his face, making him gargle and drown in my juices. I threw his body in a lake that I visit every Christmas now. 

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies are on overdrive right now. Tensions are high because of the holidays. Extra stress this time of year. I get it. I, however, never have stress. Why? Because I kill and castrate and torture annoying fucks. It is very therapeutic. I encountered a man with road rage this week. He got pissed at me because I did not turn right on red. Well, there was a woman in the crossway. She had the right of way. Pedestrians always do. He honked his horn and flipped me off. If that had been all he did, he would still be alive. This asshole rode my bumper honking at me for two miles. Then he ran me off the road. I snapped a picture of his license plate and ran his plates. I can hack the DMV. I have mad computer skills. Anyway, I stalked the dude. Went by his house, watched him for a few hours. Decided he was home alone for a while, despite being married with a family. I broke in and jammed his alarm system. I was just going to castrate him, but he came at me with a gun. He has a right to defend himself in his own home, but I have a right to fight back. I just wanted to teach him some manners and he went ape shit on me, so I cut him. Not a fatal cut, but one deep enough to slow him down so I could strip him and tie him up. I had no idea how long the family was gone, but since I saw a meal for one, I assumed awhile. My instincts are mostly good. Once I had him tied down, I stripped him naked and took his manhood. I sliced his balls off in his marriage bed. Sexual mutilation is personal. Not for me, but castration phone sex is often blamed on an ex-scorned. No way would anyone think road rage led to the destruction I did to his body. The guy is dead. I mutilated his sex organs, gutted him like a pig and let him bleed out for his wife to find. The way I saw it, I was spreading holiday cheer killing one tool at a time. Who is next?

Castration Phone Sex is a Gift

castration phone sexI was surprised how many men want castration phone sex for the holidays. Many men want to ring in the new year without balls. Guess what? I am more than happy to remove your balls. They are overrated and the cause of so many problems in this world. Men are slaves to their nuts and that makes them do stupid shit. I have a running ad on the dark net for ball removal. Many guys wuss out. They contact me, even agree to my payment, but never show up. I was not expecting Trevor to show up, but he did. He was excited about having his nut sack removed. I rarely see a man so happy to say bye bye to his nuts as him. I had my castration chair ready. I had it decked out for the holidays with garland and Christmas lights. I had all my knives lined up and ready to use. Even had a soldering pen on hand to cauterize the wound. He paid me the ten thousand in cash that I asked. This was like stealing candy from a brat. I thought this was easy. Then I saw him naked. The biggest ball sack I have ever seen. Nuts I would expect to see on an elephant or a horse, but not a 5’7 man. I think he must have had some sort of ailment for them to be that big. I did my best to get a castration band around that huge ball sack, but nothing I had was big enough, so I tied them off with rope. Took longer than usual to turn purple. No knife was severing his balls. I used a box cutter. There was a lot of blood. That little pen did nothing because it was a gaping wound. I had to use a heated frying pan. I got his balls gone, but it was pure torture sex for him with such a large nut sack. I get why he wanted them gone. Sitting on a bowling ball cannot be comfortable. That was the first castration I have done that required so much labor. If I could take his bowling ball nuts, I can take yours.

Sex With Dead Bodies Is Hot

sex with dead bodies

I got a call not long ago from a guy who not only fantasized about having sex with dead bodies right after they die but that he wanted to keep them for a few days afterward so he could continue the fun. I asked how long he thought he might want to keep them, and he said he didn’t really have a specific number of days in mind but that he would love to keep them until their flesh started rotting and falling apart. Now, that might disgust some women, but all it did was make my pussy start throbbing and get wet.

Do you have any fantasies like that? Maybe you want to do a role play where you tie me up, torture me for days, and then start fucking my dead body. Would you force fuck me while I was still alive and bound, or would you just wait until I was dead and there would be no struggling going on? And if it’s not me that you’d like to torture, maybe we could talk about kidnapping and killing a young girl together for you to have your depraved way with. I’ll be waiting to hear just how fucked up you are!

Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sexTis the season for knife play phone sex. For me, it is the season every day. Not a day goes by I do not slice and dice human flesh. I do not kill animals. I like animals. It is humans I hate. Winter becomes more challenging to hunt. With snow and cold weather, folks are not out and about like they are in the warmer months. But I still find victims. I found a little girl making snow angels last night. It was dark outside and fresh snow was following on the ground. I was driving around looking for a victim and there was this little girl who had snuck outside while her parents slept to play in the fresh snow. Perfect. I never had to break into a house. Plus, with the rate that the snow was falling, it would cover up her snow angels. I was in a rural part of the state. The folks would be the suspects in their missing daughter because there would be no sign of a break in. She did not put up a fight. No stranger danger at all. I told her I was taking her some place to make huge snow angels. It was a shame to let such young flesh go untouched, so I texted a pal with rape phone sex fantasies for super young cuties like the one in my car. He met me at my cabin the woods. He fucked her tiny holes. Ruined them with his big dick. She cried so much, but no one to hear her but the trees. He enjoyed her tiny fuck holes. I enjoyed slicing her flesh and sexually mutilating her already fucked up girl parts. That young, the blood is so bright red. She became coyote food when we were done. The coyotes were grateful for a free meal in the midst of winter. I was grateful to carve up a little girl and my friend was grateful for me. Without me, he would not have enjoyed a young slut’s fuck holes for free.