Tag: Knife play phone sex

Bloody phone sex murder accomplice bathes in victims blood! 

Bloody phone sex

Bloody phone sex has me wanting more of my friends to die at your hands. Unsuspecting women and teens all at our disposal have my bald cunny so aching and wet! They have no idea the blood lust that runs rampant through your veins. Eh, they do not need to know, Only I who is just as blood hungry care. 

Bloody phone sex murder accomplice bathes in victims blood! 

The iron smell, warmth and stickiness of their blood entices.  First you can fuck them until they bleed. That will only bring out the beast inside. A knife to the throat will give us a nice slasher spurt to get us started. Let me roll around in the blood and coat myself as I masturbate while you fuck her to death! Momma and daughters seem to be the common commodity for bloody play. Momma’s screaming as they watch her girl get sliced and diced makes my pussy pound even more.

Murder phone sex Fantasies coat your cock in warm blood

Now as your dick grows and gets more blood all over it! Let me fuel your most bloody Murder phone sex Fantasies tonight! My own cunt loves to be fucked with drying dead girl blood coating a malicious cock!

Use my knife and ill bring you more sweet mommy and daughter victims. Perhaps maybe even some you know personally!

Knife Play Phone Sex Because I Can Inflict Maximum Pain with a Kinfe

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex remains my favorite. I inherited a massive knife collection from my grandpa when he died. Some of these knifes historians would consider priceless because they date back hundreds of years. My grandpa bought most of them on the black market, so they are not traceable. No one knows I have these knives. But I never leave a dead body anywhere for folks to discover. I let nature take care of the remains. But when I castrate or mutilate men, the knife pattern will not be traceable if a victim goes to the police.

Did you know that a forensic specialist can tell you the type of knife used to stab someone. Then they can see who has purchased one of those knives in recent months. So, when I do a free castration phone sex visit, I use an untraceable knife. Plus, I enjoy using ancient knives to remove a man’s junk. It offers a more barbaric or medieval feel to the torture.

Knives just have more versatility than a gun. You cannot torture someone with a gun. You aim, you shoot, they die or bleed out. It’s quick. The pain does not last long. Although I often cauterize the wound after I remove the balls, the pain lasts. It’s a physical and psychological pain. If a man did not want to be castrated, he lives with the pain of never being erect again. Psychological pain can last forever.

A Knife I Feel is More Versatile Than a Gun

I gave a free castration over the weekend. He deserved it. This hipster douche bag tried to spike drinks at the Goth bar. Did you know a girl can wear a certain nail polish that if she dips her finger in a drink, it turns a different color when the drink contains roofies? Few men do. But I tested a few drinks and lured the culprit back to his place. He wanted to fuck a Goth girl.

But I did not want to fuck him. However, I did want to inflict maximum cock and ball torture sex pain. So, I used a rustic knife to chop his balls off. And I did let him bleed a little before I cauterized his wound. Normally, I take the balls as a souvenir. In my dungeon torture chamber, I have over 100 balls in a jar fermenting as a reminder. Sort of my trophies. But I left this bastard’s balls in his mouth to shut him up.

He appeared to still be breathing when I left. But he passed out from the shock. Dumbass. You do not come into a Goth bar and spike drinks to force fuck women. Not in my bar. Not on my watch.

Knife play phone sex how low can you go?

            Knife play phone sex how low can you go? Like can you slice all the way through? Just a little? It has become a game now, doesn’t it. How low can you go with the knife. That is the point to end him. To be a killer? Looking to make it bloody? If so, then you need to nick the artery with the knife blade. Don’t want it to be bloody, avoid it and you a pin prick on the tip of the knife.

            By all means, sharpen the knife. Make it razor sharp. Next, we find the victim. I will lure her in. Be your Accomplice phone sex whore. That is after all just what you need with your knife at the ready.     

            In fact, you might just say that your knife is like your phallus. An extension to you. All you need to decide in the first place is how they will meet their demise. In other words, let the game begin and may they forever not be in the victims’ favor but in yours.

            Without delay I will bring them in, help you with the pain, the pleasure, and finally the knife play. After all your knife is your phallus and I do so like being a good accomplice and wielding them both.

Knife play phone sex

Sadistic Phone Sex Could Put You in Prison or The Morgue with Me

sadistic phone sexAll I know is sadistic phone sex. I could not work on a vanilla line. Why? Because I do not know the first thing about being vanilla. And I do not want to learn. Vanilla appears just too basic and boring for me. I am the one you call when you have fantasies that could get you arrested or land you in the morgue. I am a maneater. Consider yourself warned.

For the most part I am asexual. Fucking does not guide my daily actions. However, my thirst for pain and suffering does guide me. The way I see life, you act like a tool or dumbass, you do not deserve to live. We should view life as a privilege not an entitlement. And privileges can be revoked for bad acts or bad manners.

I will admit my threshold for stupidity drops monthly. We have inclement weather. Icy roads with snow coming down on and off. Too cold for salt to work very well. But I needed to go out for an assignment. However, some asshole drove by me like he had a snuff sex wish. And he caused an accident that hurt a woman and her daughter. And could have hurt me too. The jackass fled the scene.

Some Folks are Just to Stupid and Reckless to Live

I am not completely heartless. So, I stopped to help the car he pushed off the road and called 911. But my photographic memory stored the make and model of the car, as well as the license plate. However, I left that part out to the police because I planned to exact revenge for this woman and her daughter. Folks like do not deserve to drive or breathe.

And I have my ways of finding out anything and everything I need about a person. Later that night, I showed up at his house. Of course, I broke in through an unlocked window armed with a few knives and chloroform in case I had to knock out other folks under his roof. Of course, the loser lived alone. Men like that cannot keep women. Normally, I enjoy long torture sex sessions before I kill someone. But this was more like a smash and grab.

I stabbed him over 50 times. Overkill to make it look personal instead of a random act of violence. And as he choked on his own blood, I told him exactly why he had to die. And I watched him choke on his own blood as he bled out. Perhaps the kill did not feel as satisfying as others, but I rid the world of one less asshole. And that does feel satisfying.

Evil Phone Sex Because Being Good is No Fun

evil phone sexEvil phone sex because why not? This is a fantasy phone line. We can get as dark as you want. However, you can only be my accomplice or my victim. And I am not looking for a boyfriend or even a lover. I am looking for an equally evil mind or a depraved masochist. But I get disappointed a lot. And when I get disappointed, I kill. I must take my frustration out on someone.

Damien seemed promising.  I mean the name alone conjures up images of evil. He hired me to kill his ex-business partner who screwed him over and disappeared with a several million dollars, bankrupting his business. Even though he bounced back eventually, for years he dreamed of revenge. He saw my mercenary ad, and thought I could help find his ex-partner.

I am more than just a sadistic phone sex killer. My skills also include tracking. And I found his former partner, in the next state with a new identity. But a stolen identity. And I thought Damien would act happier that I found him so quickly. But he got cold feet. He tried to renege on our agreement and not pay me the rest of the money he owed me. It does not work like that. I have a strict no refund policy. If he did not want me to kill his ex-partner, then I told him I would kill him. He laughed at me like this was a game.

People Who Underestimate Me Always Pay the Price

Men always underestimate me. And that pisses me off more than trying to back out of a deal. So, I showed Damien how evil I could be. I gutted him like a pig. Slowly too. Huge knife in his belly button that I moved all the way up his sternum. His entrails spilled out of his body and onto the floor. He had this amazed look on his face. But he asked for it. I laughed as he tried to hold his guts in. However, he could not do that. The dude literally spilled his guts on his kitchen floor.

Although I did not get to savor the torture sex like usual, he had to die. Impulse kills seem less satisfying to this evil bitch. But sometimes a man just needs to die. And Damien needed to die. Biggest disappointment ever. Let this be a warning to you. Do not renege on an agreement. And never underestimate me.

Killer phone sex whore takes you apart nice and bloody.

Killer phone sex             Killer phone sex whore takes you apart nice and bloody. All in all, I do like to make a mess of things. Getting in there with a knife. Shallow cuts. Lay down in a bed of roses as shown above. The thorns pricking you, making you bleed. Shallow cuts.

            Next, I will use a knife for cutting you. All the shallow cuts. It must be remembered that shallow cuts not only cause a twinge of pain, but the same as a paper cut, they sting longer and in the end cause even more pain. Obviously, this will make me get all wet.

            In fact, watch as I slice my cunt with the thorns of the roses that I lay in above. After all, it is not only about cutting you up but also feeling the sting of the thorns myself. A good killer whore does like to take you apart nice and bloody like.

            Knife play phone sex is all about the flick of the wrist. Getting it to slide smooth and even. Shallow cuts alongside the throat. It will be bloody, but you will live longer. This killer likes to play with knifes. All in all, there are many ways to kill a body like yours. Bloody and knives are only the beginning. After all, we must never forget the roses and the thorns that can be dipped in poison too.

            How will this killer take you apart?

Accomplice Phone Sex is Therapeutic

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex calls will be on the rise in 2025 I predict. As folks stress about the cost of living, they need a creative outlet for their frustration and fear. But for some folks to get up the nerve to take out all their rage, they need a seasoned pro like me. Perhaps, you could call me a mercenary. I am a gun for hire. However, I never use a gun.

I am more of a knife girl. In fact, I have never owned a gun. For protection, I always have a knife or two strapped to my body. And in case of a home invasion, I have knives hidden all over the house. Plus, I keep my favorite knife under my pillow as I sleep. Much harder to find the culprit of a violent crime when the murder weapon appears to be a knife wound. Police can check for gunpowder residue. They can match bullets to where they were purchased.  

If you want to kill someone, knife play phone sex just seems a better and safer option. Plus, a knife death takes skill. However, killing with a gun just takes good aim. A knife can torture your victim better too. And I am a firm believer that if you want to take a ride on the dark side, make it last. We can savor our kill much more when we prolong the death. Thus, providing a more therapeutic experience for the killer.

To Kill Requires Control and Skill and That Can Be Learned

And I am all about therapeutic kills. Work out the rage on a young body. Or anybody, as long as it is not my body, LOL. I would kill an accomplice who even looked at me wrong. But folks who hire this sadistic bitch for a snuff sex kill need my expertise to not get caught. You need impulse control to get out your rage and most people lack the impulse control to safely act alone.

And I know from experience a rage kill requires help. My grandpa cleaned up my first kill when I was a schoolgirl. And he trained me how to harness my rage and kill undetected. Now, I pass that knowledge on to men like you, for a fee of course.

Kidnapped Used And Abused

Kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex.  I was leaving work digging in my purse for my keys when my mouth and nose is covered from behind, everything goes blank, when I wake up  in a strange room,naked  hanging from the ceiling, bound by ropes, a full face gag on my head, I try to squirm and wiggle free but that only makes the ropes tighter. You hear my muffled screams through the door, Shut the fuck up whore! Screaming wont help you now, If you want to make it out of this alive you will keep your fucking mouth shut! you tell me as you run the blade of a very sharp knife across my throat,tears running down my face, you lick them with a sticky tongue that smells of cigarettes and whiskey, I hear your pants unzip, feel a hard cock pressed against my soft ass, my ass cheeks spread wide and your thick cock shoved in my asshole no lube only your funky saliva on the head of your huge fucking cock, fucking me up my ass for what seems like hours first your cock , then a dildo that had to be about 3 inches around,my asshole was on fire its now numb, my whole body is numb from hours and hours of being tortured and abused at the hands of you, I have been tased ,whipped, choked,pissed on, spit on. When your friends arrived you removed my gag so they could rape my mouth, fill it with cum , piss,one of the nasty motherfuckers even spit in my mouth. Just when I think the torture is over, you bring in a furry four leg friend to mount me, filling my sore pussy with his red rocket spewing his load inside me, When his furry cock finally returns to its normal size he gets off me. Thankfully nobody wants to follow up behind him, I’m determined to be useless until one of you decides to take a huge shit on my chest. You blindfold me, wrapping my bruised and abused body in a dirty blanket,Knocking me out with a chemical soaked cloth, When I come to I’m naked in a field covered in shit, piss cum and any other body fluids you can think of. 

Fuck me while I play with my knives


Knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex. I take pride on my massive collection of knives. I have so many I’ve lost count. I love to throw them in the back as well as practice on my victims when we play. I don’t like ending my men after a good fuck, I just want a little taste. The fear in your face turns me on, I get so fucking wet when I bust out my machete. “What’s your plan with that?” they always ask.

Tonight I’m playing with you. Don’t be scared. Your cock get’s hard when I dress up in my little devil outfit. I love prancing around you as it grows, bending over showing you my cute little ass. You can’t take it and grab me by my hips and sit me down on your lap. I slowly slip my tight little wet pussy on top of you and start swirling and grinding. I can feel your girth expanding deep inside me.

It’s the perfect time to bring out my 12 inch knife. Don’t stop fucking me or else. I run it down your arm as you’re bouncing me on your lap, my wet pussy wrapped around your cock, trapping you. You can’t feel the blood oozing as I lick it up, spreading it all over my tits. Mmmm you taste delicious, I promise not to kill. The fear in your eyes makes me cum. I can’t handle it!

Let Santas helpers In yoru home to Rape Fantasy your family!

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex for men who tell their brats Santa is real. Letting a fat, hairy man in your home once a year to give them gifts? I bet he wants to give him his nice candy cane right in those little chimneys. So If you let your fucking brats believe a man can sneak in the house, I can exploit that to my best interest.  As your new student, I think it’s time for me to come and visit teacher’s house during the holidays. I mean, you did fuck me in the ass in a supply closet. So I think I should repay the kindness. And with sexy wife, little girl and teen boy we should have a lot of fun.

Home invasion phone sex

Breaking in your house around a holiday is bringing the gift of good orgasms for Big Daddy. I know you like I’m young baby because look at me, I would never pass for 18. You want to fuck my ass so much, I think you want to fuck your daughter’s ass and your son wants to fuck your wife. I’ll bring some big enforcements to help your wife get some massive cock just as well as your girl. Hey, do what I say, or they will get this knife cross their throats. Don’t fucking play with me, get me what I want. Because I think Daddy needs some cock from his son and my accomplice too! Don’t worry, daddy, I won’t forget you. I’ll make sure everyone gets their share of cock. Now, let’s get this show on the road.