Tag: kidnapping phone sex

The Perfect Storm

torture phonesex karma1My mood matches the raging storm that has been rumbling for days now without letting up. The wind howling, the rain beating down with angry fists while the night fills with the loud angry screams of the thunder. Nights have rolled into days and the raging storm has created equal darkness no matter the time of night or day. My mood and blood is raging now too, I am restless and eager to escape the captivity created by the storm.
Finally I can’t take any more captivity and I have to escape. By the time I reach town I am soaked and the darkness has filled my heart. I must find release for both my pussy and my rage.
As soon as I walked into the little cafe I heard her mouth. Loud and obnoxious and full of herself, just the kind of mouth you want to shut. And then she looked up at me and it was self righteous and demeaning. Oh yes I would teach this one a lesson!
I wait patiently as my cunt gets wetter thinking about the satisfaction of taking this chick down a notch or two or three…
I brought a few things with me because I knew I couldn’t wait to get someone back to my place. The roaring inside me had to be tamed.
I dragged her into the alley and began beating her mercilessly as my pussy gushed with satisfaction and my heart began pounding faster. The adrenalin and the release of all my frustration raging as I throw blows. Finally I am tired of beating her limp body and it is time to drag her home to finish what I started.
I get her home and tie her to a tree while I prepare for her to wake up. I take out my needle and thread, and as soon as she is awake, looking at me through the slits that were once her eyes, I get to work. Sewing those steely eyes closed, cutting that sharp tongue out of her mouth, before sewing it shut are just what I need for on earth shattering orgasm before leaving her there tied to the tree in the storm.
I sleep well, satiated and dreaming of what I will do to her in the morning.

Gruss Von Krampus

Allow Me to introduce you to one of My favorite all time Demons.  His name is Krampus, and He has the honor to make His appearance every Christmas Eve.  He travels along with Saint Nicholas, riding with a black sack tossed over his shoulder in the back the sleigh.  The reason for him to exist is to punish nasty, dirty, disgusting, out of control, parasitic, young males and females.  If you so happen to find yourself upon Saint Nicholas’ naughty list, you can be sure of a visit from Mr. Krampus.  He will beat you with a bundle of birch sticks, He will toss you into his sack, He will give you nightmares, and He will even take you with him, to be put into slavery for the next year until you learn your lesson. 

Almost everyone in the world equates Christmas with happiness, love, joy, feelings of good will toward our fellow man.  I however, do not.  I equate Christmas with this beautiful, wonderful Demon, who makes little ones suffer, causes them pain, and I can only imagine, give them some sort of mental scarring which would be sure to never heal.  All in all, I hope that your Christmas is filled with everything your wicked heart desires, along with the screams of those bratty neighborhood fuck sticks being beaten by a Demon.

Merry Krampus,


Taboo Phone Sex

He Wanted Accomplice Phone Sex That Would Sock It To Him


accomplice phonesex angie1He called because he wanted to know if I would be his accomplice again. As soon as he asked me to bring my sharpened scoop I knew what was to cum. My pussy juice dripping down my leg I put the metal to the sharpening stone and made sure it was razor sharp before I left for his house. When he opened the door I saw her in the corner, cowering and whimpering, her young body not fully developed, her long blonde hair flowing down her back but when she looked at me with those wide eyes, not blue, not grey but a smokey color somewhere in the middle, my pussy responded and I knew why he wanted her. As soon as my feet crossed the threshold and the door closed behind me he was on her like a man possessed, yanking her up by her hair and dragging her into the bathroom, shoving her to her knees in front of the toilet and motioning me to sit on her back. I face the wall and straddle her back taking her hair in my hand and waiting for him to get into position. I know he is going to rip her tight little ass open and my bare pussy is rubbingaccomplice phonesex angie2 against her back as I get ready. I hear him grunt and I shove her head into the toilet, holding her under the water as he rams into her deep and hard. Rubbing my cunt against her soft young skin I ride her as she bucks and tries to get a breath. Finally I pull her up so she can get one big gulp of air before shoving her face back into the toilet. He is fucking her in a frenzy now and I know he is almost ready for the best part of this. He pushes me off her and grabs her hair from my hand spinning her around and shoving her head back so I can do what I came here to do. I grab the scoop and cut her eye right out of the socket before he shoves the head of his dick in the gaping hole. I look down at him and say the words that he is waiting to hear. ” Shove it in baby. You know you want to feel the warm, softness of her brain against your cock. And I want to see the fluid push out of every orifice as you explode inside her head” In an instant we are both cumming rubbing our oozing juices all over her limp body. I love being his accomplice!

The Devil Made Me Do It

I saw him while I was eating lunch. I could tell by looking at him that he was just what I was looking for. I went over to his table and helped myself to the seat across from him. He looked at me with haunted eyes and my pussy instantly got wet as possibilities ran through my head.
I have been looking for just the right one for a week now. It is getting harder and harder to just look at them tied up and masturbate with out touching them. But Lucifer gave me specific instructions and I know the consequences if I do not obey.
It took awhile to get him to talk, he is so introverted, which was perfect.
As soon as I got him away from people and started talking about them, his eyes lit up like light bulbs. My pussy began to gush cum and I knew he was the right choice. My Lord would be pleased tonight.
He told me how he had been in treatment and how wrong his thoughts were according to his Family and Therapist. His family is going to be mighty upset because in one afternoon and night I am going to undo all this bullshit they have put in his head.
I can’t stop cumming as I take his hand and lead him deeper into the woods. As we approach my cabin I tell him it is OK to want their young bodies, tight and innocent and not yet touched. It is OK to touch them and feel their warm pink skin under his hands.
I open the door and there they are naked and tied up against the wall. His breathing gets faster instantly and when I look into his eyes; my eyes glowing red like fire; I know he is mine and will take them all for me.

Little Brat Pussy Torn Open (HAHAHAHA)

imageedit_36_7315523650We were hungry!!!!! It was time to devour the brat’s sweet little pussy!!!!!  We captured her in her home-when her parents were away.  We snatched her-screaming her fucking head off-pissing all over herself!!!
We grabbed her by her throat and stuffed her in a trash bag (shitty and pissey panties included) HAHAHAHA!!! We drove her to the next state over -took her to a secluded/ vacant vacation home in the woods-cut her shitty smelling trash bag open.
My partner-turned on by the stench-RAPED ‘FANTASY’ HER STINKY HOLES!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
I laughed as she screamed-trying to fight him off of her filthy little holes.  He came inside of her piss and shit holes.  Nasty little fucking bitch-she loved it-i know she did!
I got in between her legs and sucked the cum out of her filthy holes-YUMMY!!!
and then I got up!  I slammed a chair into the bedroom window-GLASS SHARDS WERE FLYING EVERYWHERE!!!! (HAHAHAHA). I grabbed an arm full of broken glass and started shoving them inside of the little brat’s ass and pussy-cutting-mutilating the sluts’ holes. SCREAMS OF TERROR!!! SCREAMS OF HORROR!!!  When I was done, I snatched a huge piece of glass out of her cunt and slit her throat with it. 

A Wickedly Deviant Thanksgiving

This is the time of year when we’re supposed to reflect upon our life and give thanks for all of our blessings…. yeah whatever.

BeFunky_Natasha pinup.jpg

But, as I look back I am definitely thankful for all the delicious, little gifts that I come across, don’t you agree? We have the good fortune and ability to use all of our twisted, deviant charms on these tiny pieces of flesh.

It’s like a dark, hypnotic dance we do together; luring our doomed, brainless prey into our clutches and waiting for the right moment to pounce.

No matter how many times we’ve set our trap, it never fails to get my heart beating faster, my senses heightened and my smooth, tight little cunt dripping wet. I give thanks for these brainless little wastes of space because their unbelievable stupidity is almost funny if it wasn’t so fucking pathetic!

I am thankful that I have a kindred soul like you who appreciates the abilities we have in each other. My beauty, charm, quick thinking and seductive ways teamed with your intelligence, strength and raw magnetism leaves nothing to chance when it comes to seizing the moment.

You savor every part of it just like I do. Stalking, setting the trap and luring our prey, capturing, torturing and using their perfect mouth watering bodies for our sadistic pleasure.

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing our perfect plans come to fruition. Using their beautiful, young, smooth bodies and taking advantage of every situation we find ourselves in is something I never take for granted.

I must admit that I love showing off for you, letting you see what an invaluable accomplice you have in me. Watching your twisted deviant fuck doll gets your cock rock hard doesn’t it baby? The euphoria overtakes us and we fuck and fuck on top of those lifeless little bodies….giggles.  Oh yes, I’m definitely thankful for so much!

Stocked Up For The Winter

torture phonesex angieI know an old farmer lives out in the sticks at the end of a dirt road. No one ever goes out there unless they have a reason and if you happen to loose your way and end up out there uninvited and unannounced you won’t be leaving. We often get together and drink his shine while talking about how he offs the fuckers that end up at his place. He with his dick in his hand drooling over the thrill of the kill and me with a pussy full of fingers imagining each detail as he shares his stories. Sometimes if they are just the right age. Not to boney, not to fatty, they look healthy and he thinks they might be my kind of meat, he will butcher them for me and call me to come pick up the meat. He knows just what to check for, he makes sure they look well maintained, good set of teeth, clean and no evidence of drug use. He called me this morning for the one that came wondering up last night. We are going to finish butchering her after we are done with the shine and cumming as he tells me all about this, his latest kill. When I get her home my freezer will be stocked full for the winter but I am sure I will be back soon to sit and pass the time with my old solitary friend.

Dinner Will Be Served

angie2Right now she is in a room next to mine. The windows are bricked up. There is a bathroom but any and all possible exit or attempt to call for help has been sealed and secured. I don’t want her in the basement, not this one, she is our holiday feast. I want her comfortable and as relaxed as she can be. i have been feeding her well. Good wholesome healthy foods.

I have had her for a week and watched her put on the pounds thanks to the food and limited exercise. I have made sure she has music and television and books that she enjoys. Other then being captive and not knowing why, her stay has been and will continue to be pleasant  I want her meat fresh and tasty for my guests. Her blood is going to be used to make the sauce for the cranberries, the cherry pie and the blood pudding. Her organs are going to be so tender and make the best giblet gravy ever. I really don’t think there will be much left of her. I am going to cook her slow and low all night long and the food she has been getting has all the herbal flavors I love so not only will the marinade make her flavorful but her meat is going to taste of the herbs. I can’t wait for dinner to be served this year!

Teen accomplice for your cock

Alice 9Now that you are here, go ahead and get naked on the bed. I found this sweet lil’ one lost in the park today and I knew she would be the perfect one to fit your cock. It was just too easy to snatch up this fuckin’ brat … all it took was a smile and some candy. Lol! Once I got her to my house, I knew I had to call you to cum down here quickly. Now, just look at us … it’s just you, me, and this crying lil’ idiot in the bed together. But before we have our way with her, I just want to make sure your dick gets nice and hard for her twat. So let me wrap my hand around you cock as I begin to suck you off. I just love the taste of it on the tip of my tongue. Oh, and I will be sucking on it after you came deep inside of her torn up cunt hole. I just love the taste of virgin blood on a dick.

Bloody Fuck

angieThe need for blood was overwhelming today. I found her . I kidnapped her and brought her back to the house. I chained her in the cold dank basement and covered her in tasty morsels to attract the rats. I left her there to be nibbled on so she was nice and bloody for me and my man when we decided to go get her. He came over and we took our time with dinner and drinks before going down stairs and turning on the hose full blast for the maximum amount of pain to get the rats off her. The water was cold to make sure she was awake.
We Took her up stairs and I took out my dildo that he made for me with small scalpel blades embedded in it  and I fucked her pussy bloody. I licked it and savored the taste of her sacrifice.
 He shoved a blade in her ass and then proceeded to fuck her bloody gaping hole, making her lick all the blood and shit from his cock when he was done. Our wounds coupled with the bites from the rats and the bitch was one bleeding little whore.
Of course we didn’t want to risk infection and we needed to clean her up.
We weren’t done we wanted some for later. So we got the bottle of Clorox and dowsed her in it, fucking to her screams.
Back to the basement you go until we are ready for more, my sweet.angieII