I have been feeling particularly twisted lately and my latest taste of torturous fun is very interesting. It has been keeping my pussy nice and wet for days now. I have lost count of how many victims I have played with over the last few days. I have body parts every where and each time I look at them and remember the screams, the agonizing pain, it makes me cum all over again. What diabolical, evil means of torture have I been implementing you ask? I will tell you….I have been grabbing unsuspecting and random people. I haven’t been particular about age or sex. The only requirement has been that they are alive and lucid. I created a machine in my basement that is crude but does the trick. It has two pieces of wood that are connected to heavy springs. I pull them down and latch them in place. Then I place my victim on them binding their ankles and wrists to the wood. When I pull the lever the spring create a great force, pulling the wood up and apart and ripping the bodies in half. The screams are deafening but brief however they are blood curdling and enough to make me flood my panties with cum. It is the purest erotic sensation ever and I am loving every minute of it.
Tag: kidnapping phone sex
Torture phone sex Fun
Blair Meets the Puppetmaster
Help me. I have been kidnapped by a deranged doll maker. I have been held captive for days , while he conducts evil, painful experiments on me. He has deprived me of food and water. And, I am constantly in some form of suspension like a life size marionette doll. In fact, he told me I was doll like and he wanted to use me to create the perfect life size marionette. What the fuck? Those dolls are creepy. Always in horror movies, taunting people, scaring brats. Who does this guy think he is? The Dr. Frankenstein of dolls? I tried to beg and plead with him, but he keeps shocking me and stringing me up from the ceiling. He said next he was gonna cut my limbs and sew string through them and even slice my mouth open like the Joker to give me the authentic look of a marionette doll. He is gonna dismember and torture me so he can have his own personal creepy ass doll. Who is he, The Puppetmaster? This sick, evil, sadistic mother fucker is enjoying my pain, my screams, my starvation. He says I’m just a stupid, worthless cunt and no one will miss me. He says all girls should be seen but never heard and that is why we make the perfect dolls. You don’t agree with him , do you? Please someone help me. Anyone. I will be a good girl; I will be quiet. You can do whatever you want to me, just let me live and get me the fuck out of this house of horrors.
Bloody Phone Sex with Cassandra: Gut Me Like a Pig
Bloody phone sex is what I crave. I am a total whore to blood. When I was a little girl, I cut myself to watch the blood run out of me. I would masturbate as I lay there bleeding. Feeling the warm gush of hot, sticky blood run over my limbs made my clit throb. Now, as a full grown pain slut and subby bitch, I need more. One of my many warped and depraved sexual fantasies is to be kidnapped, strung upside down and sliced open and gutted like the pig I am. My insides falling out of me; totally eviscerated for the pleasure of a blood thirsty cannibal who lay beneath me. In my ultimate bloody fantasy, a sexy naked female cannibal uses a male accomplice to hunt me down like a wild animal. He brings me back to his mistress’s lair, strings me up upside down while I dangle screaming for mercy over her naked body. He then gives her a massive sickle knife and she cuts the arteries in my legs so blood spurts out of me, covering her in my blood. Underneath me she lay, masturbating as my blood drains out of my body onto hers. When I am still breathing, but just barely, almost drained dry of all my blood, her accomplice slices my belly open so my organs spill out onto his mistress, giving her another hard orgasm. Then with my dead carcass above her, they feast on my bloody entrails, saving some of my organs to cook later and eat for dessert.
Do you have bloody phone sex fantasies you want to explore with me? I promise to get off good and hard as you drain me of my blood. Cum gut this pig. You know you want to jack your throbbing cock off as you watch the life and blood drain slowly out of me.
Prey at the water park
for Rick
My accomplice and I are lucky that we have very similar tastes in meals: the young, plump, and healthy ones. We decided to case out a parking lot of a local water park; I wanted a larger theme park (for more options), but my accomplice was quick to inform me that such a choice would come with dangers…most specifically, security cameras.
I wore a short coat with a hood that looked like I could have a bathing suit beneath it; and, he wore his normal attire because he would be staying near the van. It was dark, so I didn’t need my hood; but, covering more of my face made me look even younger. And here they were: a young couple of coeds having a quarrel. “Sir, my daddy needs car help,” I said in my little girl voice. I shuffled my legs like a teenager. And, of course, his female companion was sympathetic.
When we approached the van, my accomplice forced some chloroform to her mouth while I slit the man’s throat. We headed home while our little female captive was bound snugly behind the seats. I kept checking on her; I wanted to see her face when she opened her eyes and saw her dead companion with his neck barely hanging by a thread of skin to his body. And, it was exquisite; those large eyes, the tears…
I would discard the male’s body near a local bar after injecting heroin into his veins. Then, the female…she was going inside the house with us and straight to the kitchen. The spices were spread across the kitchen counter as my mentor handcuffed her hands to the metal rail on the table. I made slits in her flesh to place extra seasoning. The rosemary and red wine were added; and my accomplice placed stuffing in her ass. It was odd but nice how our victim had become dazed and compliant, almost as if she was having an out-of-body experience.
But when we placed her on the roaster, the bitch started screaming; he assured me that that the screaming would stop very soon…as soon as her lungs were filled with smoke. We saluted to our accomplishments and discussed how flavorful this one would taste. We traded compliments and began enjoying the lovely whiff from the kitchen. Mhmm…yes, it was one of the most exquisite dinners ever!
For Keeps
Just like you, I too have fantasies. One of My very favorite ones involves keeping a person prisoner. I want them to become so dependent on Me that even when the time comes for Me to release them from their place of captivity they stay put, unable to function without My unloving guidance. It makes Me grin and My heart skip a beat every time I think of it.
I would keep them in a continual state of sensory deprivation for the first week. Feeding them intravenously instead of orally. The second week I would allow them to hear my voice. They would also feel the sharp pain of any number of My instruments that I have to inflict orgasmic pain. I want them to be conditioned to crave the pain so they can feel the pleasure.
After a few months, they would be brought out into the light. They would be placed in unfamiliar surroundings, with vague instructions, tethered to the wall to accomplish the impossible task. If not done properly, then no pleasure will be had, only body wracking pain. They will learn to please Me, learn how to get what they desire. They will become so addicted that I could beat them mercilessly hour on end and still they would be curled up by My feet craving even more.
I am not sure I will ever fully realize this fantasy of Mine, but it does not matter. Just the simple thought of this fantasy causes Me great joy and makes wonderful self stimulation fodder.
Teenage Hide
I was visiting a friend who has his own farm of sorts; he keeps a cage of young girls for his sexual pleasure…usually three at a time. But, the ones that he had were getting a little too old and starting to menstruate. We were having a beer and fantasizing about what to do with them. I told him that we should round them up like the cattle they were; he was so intrigued with the idea that he got up and began setting the plan in motion. He came back from the shed with two cattle prods and explained how to use them: clench the handle to ignite the iron at the end. At sunset, he rolled the cages out into a small gated area and released the girls. They ran in the dark, falling down on each other, as we laughed at their pathetic attempts to change their fate. One even tried to crawl over the fence but she was too weak and collapsed, spraining her ankle. We joined in the fun, poking them with the prods; I caught one in the buttock and held it for long enough to sear her flesh. I got tired of hearing the one girl with a sprained ankle sobbing; so, I took the prod and jammed it into her throat. Blood spurted everywhere, but she was finally quiet. I kept ramming the metal tip into her body and watching the coal-like tip of the prod gleam. I looked over at my friend who was sadistically laughing as he jammed the prod inside the girl’s pussy, blood dripping down her legs. His hand was around her throat while he kept the other girl on the ground by pressing his boot to her throat while she watched her friend. “That’s what you get for growing up, you stupid heifer!” he grunted at her and sent the last thrust that killed the bitch. As one last hurrah, he made the last girl suck his cock; I noticed that she had her teeth removed and he explained he hated to be bitten anywhere. Then, I had the pleasure of beating the girl while she gummed and sucked his dick; she was probably thinking she would survive if she did a good job. What an idiot! I put down the prod and chose a nearby whip. I lashed at her back and buttocks; I loved watching her wince as she tried to maintain sucking my friend’s cock. When he shot his load all over her face, he pulled her up by the hair and slit her throat. We dumped their bodies in the creek because we thought it was fitting, confident that the wildlife would finish the job we had started; but we took a few pieces of their hide to make into blankets.
Fresh Meat
I often frequent tent cities for meat to fill my freezer. It really is a brilliant plan. Homeless people that no one will miss. Runaways that are hiding and don’t wish to be found. Generally they are hungry and I can plump them up with good healthy foods, which makes their meat so much sweeter. I have been eying a nice fresh thing just the right age, with meat that is tender and perfect, However she has been rather difficult to catch. She is sharp and has her wits about her. Lucky for me her boyfriend likes to tip up the bottle. I caught him at just the right time, grabbed him from the cardboard box that they call home and left a note letting her know that if she wanted to see him again she would meet me at the specified place and time. She had no clue that she is the one I really want and that when she shows up I have no intention of letting him go. He is not good enough for consumption so he will be my slave for a while, until his usefulness wears off. She will be prepped for butchering and consumption. My stomach is rumbling and my mouth is watering just thinking about what she will taste like!
Evil Phone Sex with Blair: Held for Ransom
Mother Fucker:
We have your mother. We know she is your favorite fuck toy; the only thing you really own and without her you will be completely lost. We are holding her for ransom. As long as we have her, we own you and can get you to give us whatever we want. But we don’t want your fucking money. We know the only thing of any value you own is your whore of a mother. We have been watching you for weeks through your bedroom window. We know all the perverted kinky things you two do together; how you abuse her for you and your friends’ pleasure. We want that fucking machine you use on your precious mommy. We get so hot watching you tie her to the bed, shove a ball gag in her mouth and start fucking her cunt and ass till she screams and begs for mercy. We want to use it on the pretty prey we dupe into coming back to play with us. Your fuck machine is gonna be an accomplice to our twisted fun sex games with the chicks we pick up and abuse for our pleasure. We are gonna ruin asses and cunts with that fuck device. And until you fork it over, we gonna ruin your precious mommy’s ass. And if we don’t get it by 5 PM today, we will snuff your bitch out and enjoy watching her die a slow painful death. Your mommy’s life and tight ass are in your hands. Give us the fuck machine and you can have your fuck toy back still breathing.
Evil Lesbo Bitches
Please give these crazy bitches that fuck machine. My ass and life depend on it. I was waiting for you on our bed when they broke into the house and kidnapped me. They didn’t believe me when I said you keep all our toys and torture devices under lock and key and because you are my master; only you have the key. They keep me in a cage like an animal and are anally torturing me with all sorts of devices. If you don’t give them what they want, my ass will forever be ruined. I want my ass tight for your cock baby. My ass belongs to you, as does my cunt and my tits. These evil bitches are getting off on my screams and my pleas. I don’t know how much more I can take. Just give them the fuck machine so I can be back in your bed, being your bitch, being your whore. I love you so much. They said that if they don’t get it by the end of the day, they are going to use a choke pear to mutilate my rectum like in the medieval days. Baby, do you know what that is? It has sharp prongs on the end and they shove it in an orifice, and it expands, shredding the body. It will kill me baby, slowly and painfully. I am so scared. We can get another fuck machine. These bitches are demented and so sick they would kill me over a stupid sex toy. I’m pleading with you to give them what they want to save me. I belong to you and no one else. Please baby, this is not a joke. This is real. I’m in pain and I am really scared. Give them their ransom demands. My life depends on it.
Your Mommy
Ransom for Flesh
I found the perfect dinner! She’s lovely, round in all the right places and young. The only problem is that she is wealthy and Daddy keeps with her a bodyguard at all times. I captured her friend, a little less meaty but still worthwhile and I told my young, plump prize that her friend would be killed unless she swapped places. Sure enough, she slipped past her bodyguard and arrived at my house. I gave the stupid little girl my address because I knew she wasn’t going to call the cops, and I also knew that none of my prey ever walked out of my house. Meanwhile, I had been fattening up the friend, who was filling out nicely.
When my little prize walked through the door, I noticed that she had crumbs of Oreos around her luscious lips; poor thing had probably been stuffing her emotions, worried about her friend. I appreciated that. This was going to require a lot of work, so I enlisted the help of a friend. He bound my pretty little prize while I took her friend out of the cage. Relieved, she thought she had saved her friend; and, the friend thought she would be released. Stupid things. My mouth was watering as I began preparing my tools and heard her little whimpers. My friend had already started carving her friend and I was glad. The smell of blood and meat permeated the air and made me even hungrier for the young chubby thing that graced my table. She didn’t even struggle; I could’ve forgone the restraints, but I knew she would be flinching when I began using my knife.
Her beautiful eyes were even more beautiful in death; and, the blood that followed the trace of my knife matched her hair. I had to stop at several points and admire her, committing the scene to memory and also memorializing it on film. Her breasts, large and natural, were going to make an excellent soup. I decided to even leave the cute little nipples on them…confident that they would soak up flavor very nicely. After the long, worthwhile work, I had a friend who specialized in taxidermy and had her head stuffed as a trophy. I took her rings and laced them around her lovely curly locks of hair. She sits in my study and I still enjoy admiring her, recalling our time together and how savory she was.
Hunt, Bind, Kill, Eat
My hunger for flesh has been undeniable; and, yesterday, I had the great fortune of talking with someone who has my same unusual tastes. He shared a picture and several ideas that captured my interest; and, with the proper planning, I went out to execute it myself…even though it was risky alone. It was almost dusk, so I had to hurry to the local hiking trail. The pretty little families and coeds walked past; but, in the distance, I could see a large group and one particular meaty chick was lagging behind. I double-checked my trap and waited. One of her stupid little skinny friends stopped to help her; but, I breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to a boy that was further ahead.
I smelled the group as they passed; this catch would definitely need a bath before eating and I was glad that I set-up next to a creek. She was teetering and I was afraid that she would miss the spring that would trigger the net; so, I stepped out in front of her and asked if she could help me…that I had sprained my ankle. Oh, the ones with a little bit of body issues are so easy to snag! And, quickly, she was floating in the air in the net! I forced her to drink a concoction that would make her easier to maneuver; and that was easy because her mouth was open as she sobbed. She didn’t even scream because she knew that she was destined to be prey. I cut the rope and she lay there as I drug her and washed her.
Then, I bound her wrists and legs. Not correctly gauging her weight or tolerance, she began to come out of the semi-unconsciousness and began begging for her life, struggling against the ropes. I quit listening until she said that she had so many people that I loved her; looking up at her, I showed my doubt. She instantly burst into sobs and was quiet the rest of the time. I was going to attempt to roast her over a fire that I had recently created. I hadn’t realized that she’d be so heavy, though; as I carved her meaty flesh, I decided to take what I wanted. I’d leave a little of her hidden in the brush for a friend, whom I’d call and offer that part of the kill.
I happily returned to my vehicle and placed the backpacks of fresh meat in the trunk; her friends hadn’t even missed her yet. They were all huddled around a truck and drinking beer. Yes, she was better off where she was going; at least she’d bring pleasure this way, and I was quite certain that her own seasoning would be delicious.