Tag: kidnapping phone sex

The Queen of Death

knife play phone sexI played accomplice for Mr. D last night. Picked up some young whore at the local pizza place. She was drunk outta her mind and I promised to get her home safe. She was wearing tiny slut shorts and no bra. Ripe for the picking. Young and tender just the way he likes them.
He jumped on her like a piece of choice ribeye. Tore her clothes off and starting fucking her dry. She was all moaning and blubbering, snot running down her face. Made me wanna cave her nose in. Gross slut. She seemed to enjoy it at first and I got jealous. Mr. D is my man and only I can please him. Here’s this bratty whore trying to convince him how much she likes the abuse. I couldn’t stand it. I kicked her in the head while she sucked his cock. He knew I was jealous and egged me on, making her suck his balls. I lost it and stabbed her right in the spine. She went limp, her spinal cord severed. He picked her limp rag doll body up, threw her on the bed and stuck his cock in her. He taunted me that she was tighter than me and so much younger. Such an obedient fuck doll. He might have to keep her around. I saw red. I jumped up on the head of the bed and took her head in my hands and began to squeeze her throat. She gurgled. He got harder. I squeezed more and her lips turned blue. “Do it,” he roared, his orgasm hitting him hard. I slit the whore’s throat just as he burst cum into her pussy. Her dying gasp made me cum too. He fucked me right there in a pool of her blood. I am still the queen of death. He’ll never give me up.

Snuff Porn Fun with Crack Whores

Friday night festivities are under way. I’ll be grabbing one of the boys to be my accomplice phone sex assistance in rounding up a snuff porn victim or three. Crack whores are the easiest target and least likely to be missed or they are already writen off as dead. Who in their right mind will miss a filthy druggy crack whore? For fucking real, the bitch could care a rats ass for herself so who fucking cares!

My boys in the lab have my bait ready to grab a few for the snuff film tonight. You see we always need a couple extra victims as they are crack whores. You never can tell just how bad things will go before finishing the film so we need more than one disposable body. I love hunting for the perfectly degraded piece of trash to make some of the most gruesome little films. Some nights we get lucky and achieve full use of each victim.

This round I am going to lure in a male counterpart for fucking the crack whore to death and we’ll even fucking snuff his ass after my gang gangbangs his fuckless ass. We will get fucking filthy and feel free to call me up for a preview as I verbally exploit the hell out you. 

snuff porn

All For Daddy

accomplice phone sex

I do everything with daddy! No matter what he wants to do I am there to help! Daddy loves when I am his little accomplice the most though, I can see how happy he is when I help him. And I love it too because daddy always rewards me for helping with a really good fucking, so it is always worth it. This time daddy wanted help getting a slut for us to fuck, and I already knew a few so that made this job one of the easier ones. I picked one of the dykes I know and invited them to a huge party at our summer cabin, I forgot to mention that the only huge thing there was what was in daddies pants! She came out that night and I was already in daddies favorite slutty little outfit, and as you can imagine she was very surprised, but no worries! I pulled her inside and started making out with her, she had obviously liked me for awhile, silly girl thought I brought her here for me. Daddy was not there yet so she took me to the couch and started flicking my clit with her tongue, daddy walked in but she was to busy to notice, I wrapped my legs around her head so that she couldn’t run. I played with my nipples and in no time daddies cock was hard, he came up behind her lifted her skirt and rammed it in her, she tried to scream and get away but I would not let her. Daddy fucked every hole she had until she bled and then I made her eat my cum. We left her on the couch while daddy gave me my reward by giving me the best fucking a girl could ask for.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Why I love Fall!

Cannibalism phone sexFall is my favorite time of year for a couple reasons. First, I love Halloween. Not only do I like all things horror and scary being a Goth girl sadist, but the entire month of October is hunting season for me. Why? Because dumb bimbos find the need to dress in some sort of slutty costume for the entire month. Slutty nurses, slutty secretaries, cheerleaders, sexy bunnies or kittens… Hell girls will be a slutty nun to bring attention to their bodies. This helps me with the second reason I love this time of year so much. Thanksgiving. Fuck the pilgrims. I am all about that special dining experience. October allows me to better see the meat if you know what I mean. All those stupid bimbos walking around in slutty costumes, drinking too much, means I can find the right meal a month in advance. That gives me plenty of time to fatten her up; purify her body; work on the right recipe; and invite my fellow friends who enjoy a fine dining experience too.

snuff porn cannibalismThe best meals are planned well in advance. With this kind of dining experience, you need the meal prepared correctly. No running to the store for a back up rump roast if you burn your girl. Ii mean meal. Now, sometimes a special accomplice hires me to make a meal out of an annoying ex or co worker. It is fun to dine on the dregs of society. At least he or she can bring some happiness to people in the end! Regardless of how the meal is selected, the preparation is what makes the meal scrumptious. Skinny sluts need fed a month of protein shakes. Most whores need the dyes out of their hair; the saline out of their tits (although I do try to nab the meals with real breasts); remove all piercings and fake nails and crap. Daily washing in a butter sauce makes the skin so tender and juicy. About a week before Thanksgiving, I start experimenting with seasonings and special sauces. I’m an excellent cook. Of course I have been schooled well and trained in the preparation process by experts. Now is the time of year for all those special meal requests. I can nab just about anyone with no difficulty between now and Halloween. I’m also looking for help with the meal preparation process. And of course folks who would like to spend Thanksgiving with me dining on a most special meal.

I love cannibalism phone sex fantasies. I have peculiar tastes, do you?

Smoke And Mirrors

Taboo phone sex

She was easy to get wasn’t she?  It is amazing what some will do when you give them things.  There we were, sitting at the Vape bar just having a great time and she walked in.  It was her first time in a place like this, you could tell right off.  She didn’t even know what a blank was.  You and I chuckled at her, as did a lot of other people.  She looked like she was going to cry.  It was then that I saw that look in your eye.  The one that asks the question, “Raven? You want to have some fun?” I smiled back at you and you winked at me.

Within a few minutes you, her and I were sitting off to the side.  We taught her some of the terminology, how to vape and just talked in general.  You even offered to fill up a blank for her.  Aren’t you nice? No, you really aren’t.  I know what you put in there, she however, did not.  There she was, enveloped in smoke, slowly drifting off.  Just a few more minutes and we would have our play thing.

Once the effect wore off she was very surprised to find herself naked.  Remember how she argued, calling us all those names.  I never understood why they do that.  Call us names that is.  Do they think it is going to hurt our feelings and we will just let them go? Yeah, NO!  Those swear words of hers quickly turned into whimpers of pain.  It was glorious!

Kidnapping Phone Sex Games

kidnapping Phone SexKidnapping phone sex has always been one of my favorite phone sex fantasies. That was until I was in Kentucky recently to visit family and my car broke down on the side of the road. I knew better than to take a ride from a stranger, but it was dark and raining. The moment I sat in his truck I regretted my decision. I felt like I was in a bad horror movie, like Joyride 4. He sensed my fear. I tried to escape at a traffic light, but the door handle was gone. I begged him to let me go, but he just laughed and drove into the dark rural back roads of Western Kentucky. When I grabbed the steering wheel, he smacked my head against the dashboard, which knocked me out.

bondage phone sexI woke up naked, suspended in the air in some shack. Ball gag in my mouth. Collar around my neck. My boobs bound so tight they were turning purple. When he approach me, I kicked him in the balls since my legs were dangling. He punched me in the face, knocking me out a second time. Woke up with shackles around my ankles and my ball gag removed and replaced with a bamboo spear through my tongue. I could taste blood. My captor was not amused. He looked menacing with his mask and whip in hand. I started shaking because I knew I was going to be whipped like a slave. He whipped me with a leather cat of nine tails that left huge gashes in my flesh. Blood was running down my legs, pooling beneath me. I have been a pain slut all my life, but with this man, I had no safe word, no way of making him stop. I was scared I was going to die inn the hills of Kentucky.

torture sexI passed out a third time from pain and blood loss. Woke up on a rack hooked up to some sort of electric shock machine. My kidnapper was molesting me. Shoving fingers up my cunt. It was the electric current that  woke me up. Made me piss myself. I begged to be released. He got on top of me and shoved his cock in my pussy while he put his hand around my throat. Force fucked me, came in me, then put a gas mask on me. “Never take rides from strangers bitch. No one ever comes here looking for some stupid missing cunt.” I prayed this was just a horrible dream…

Thirty-one days to Halloween means Thirty-one Days left to live!!!

sadistic phone sexHallo-fucking-ween. My favorite day of the year. One where I can be myself and let my freak side shine. Oh, I have such big plans this year. I plan to catch me a trick or treater and make her SCREAM as I chop her into bits. I’ll decorate that abandoned house into a nightmare chamber or horror. And best of all, NO ONE will care if she screams. Everyone screams on Halloween. No one will even pay attention to the little slut that I am dismembering. I’ll put her parts in a plastic pumpkin and throw in it with the trash from the local haunted house. She’ll blend right in with the fake gore and pig guts.
I want to go to a party and find me a skank. You know the type. She uses Halloween as an excuse to dress up and wear some cutesy outfit that shows it all. Halloween is supposed to be scary. Those fake cop outfits, or slutty Dorothy of Oz, that look like streetwalker garb, make me sick. Gonna drug her and take her home. Tie her down until she wakes up to find me dressed like pure evil. Then let the games begin. Spiked dildos, anal probes, scalpels to cut off nipples. A slow painful torture. But first, we’ll have my friends over for some fun with her. A real freakshow Hallowed Party. She’ll be a party favor for the boys. Oh yes, my pretty.
I can barely wait for Halloween. My pussy gets wetter as the day draws closer. I wanna splash in the blood and eat the flesh of my victim. And when the moon is high, she will draw her last breath. And if there is time before dawn, more than one may die. Trick or Treat, motherfuckers. Happy HELL-o-ween.
Stay tuned for my evil blogs as Hell Day draws nigh…..

bloody phone sex

The X has got me Rolling

Twenty minutes ago I hated you and was fighting to get out of this room. You’re an old disgusting perverted old man and I know you’ve been wanting to do things to my tight little cunt since the day you became the janitor at my school. Something has changed. I remember you knocking me over the stairwell in the hallway at school and then I woke up here in this shithole you must call home. Stripped down to nearly nothing. My head was hurting and oddly enough you offered me Tylenol… hey wait a second… those weren’t Tylenol were they??

I feel hot and tingly all over and I just want to fuck the shit out of you. You slipped me some X and now im rolling hard and the music seems like its beating in my mind making you sexier by the moment. I can look at you and know how fucking sick you are for wanting to rape my ass here in your filthy house, but my pussy is wet and throbbing and needs cock so bad I can hardly control myself. My heart is pounding and I lay back on the bed in an attempt to seduce you! I am aware of what I am doing, but I can’t help myself.

snuff phone sex taylor
You pull your cock out and smile at me with your nearly toothless grin. Normally so disgusting, but now I just want that stinky mouth down between my legs and sucking my clit. As I feel your slimy teeth and slobbery tongue begin eating my tight pussy, my stomach turns but then I feel the butterflies of orgasm rush over me. You slap my face with your cock and I just want to suck it even though it already smells like someone else’s pussy. As I take it balls deep, I wonder how many of us girls you drug and violate like this. The thought just turns me on even more and I am powerless to your concoction of lust. We fuck all day and night and you offer me two more pills… I can’t refuse…

Jingle, Jangle, Tick, Tock…

torture phone sexHere comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail….WTF is it? It can’t be human. It’s not the freaking Easter Bunny. It’s Michael, the jingly jangly bell wearing pansy. He’s coming down the hall, dancing a jig, and looking pukey in pepto pink. I hate faggots, and bunnies, and sissies who wear “pretty pink penis pouches.” And I especially hate pink.
If I had the chance, I’d like to turn him blood red instead, after I beat his fairy ass with a cane until he cries like a little girl. Oh, I wouldn’t kill him slowly and painfully. I’d just give him what he wants. I’d slice open those ruffled panties and stroke his pathetic little cock until it was swollen. Then, I’d make him beg for his life. Or worse, yet, I’d cut off his balls and useless appendage and make him into a girly with an ass-pussy and a pair of jingly bells.

kidnapping phone sex
“Oh Michael, better pay up. The WBMT girls need vacation money. We are some greedy bitches. If you don’t comply with our wishes, and become our paypiggy, we’ll make your name public in our blogs so the whole world knows your secret, Michael Fra…”
(Evil giggles) I think I’ll turn your pretty pink pics into my own evil creations. Maybe then you’ll know how serious we are, you little pansy. Better open that wallet wide. Blackmail bitches are coming for your cotton candy ass.
Shake that cute little ass right over to the bank now and give in to our demands and we’ll spare you the shame and humiliation of having your friends and family know your dirty little secret. I’d hate to have to send that nasty cum-stained penis pouch home to your family. Makes my pussy wet just to think about the pain I’d cause.
Ohhhh, pink is so much prettier when it’s splattered with red…..

Your evil freak,

evil phone sex

The Thrill Of The Hunt

taboo phone sex angieThe weekend is upon us and I have a wonderful hunt scheduled. I have two couples in the basement that I abducted last week. I have resisted the urge to play with them, as difficult as that has been. They are shackled, but have been well fed and taken care of and other then living out a couple of rape fantasies over the week they have been well cared for. Tonight several friends are coming over and we are taking our prey out to a large piece of land that we use. We will strip them naked and release them with nothing but their wits into the night. We wait 20 minutes and then sound the horn for the start of the hunt. I will feel that familiar tingle inside when I see the gleam of hope in their eyes. But they won’t get off the land alive. Hunting humans is one of my favorite things to do. the hunt is usually over with in twenty four hours. I hope this time these victims are a bit more resourceful and it lasts at least till Sunday morning.