Deep in the woods, there is this cabin where I know young college people got to party. They think they are safe from the wickedness of the world but they are so wrong! This cabin is far away from town and has no neighboring homes close by. The reason for why I know about this cabin is that I have been invited to come to several parties out there. Oh, and don’t worry about cops showing up because without neighbors near by them … who is going to even complain. (evil laugh) So this the master plan, we are going to enter in through the back door behind the cabin. That side of the cabin is thick and full of trees so that they wont see us going to break in that way. Plus the door knob is old and ready to fall apart so I will use a screw driver to pop the door open. Then once inside, everyone will be passed out from partying to hard which will make it perfect to strip them down and tie them up. Oh I just can’t wait to see the shock of terror in their eyes as we break-n-enter inside of them like the pathetic fuck-dolls as they all are. Lol!
Tag: Home invasion phone sex
Breaking-N-Entering with Alice
A Bloody Lesson
My whole body is alive with excitement. Electricity running through ever fiber of my being. He wants me to help him harvest body parts to sell. A way to torture and get paid for it. Tonight is a lesson for me. He picked a pretty little thing that lives alone. Here we stand by her bed. she is tied down and gagged and the surgical tools that will be mine are on the bedside table. While he is preparing to get started I look around the room and the closet door is opened. I see rows and rows of beautiful and obviously expensive heels. I can’t help but silently admiring them, even though I would never wear them.
He asks me if I am ready and I can feel myself cumming in my pants with anticipation as I shake my head yes. He lifts the scalpel and her eyes get wide as he lowers it to her exposed body. I watch as the scalpel eases into her skin and the milky white turns a crimson red. Her screams are muffled by the gag in her mouth and I can see that she is about to pass out. He spreads her skin open and takes a bigger scalpel to cut through the meaty flesh. Pulling out the first organ he carefully shows me exactly what to do.Then he examines it and shows me that this one is no good. He points out the flaws and tells me why it would not be able to be distributed. I look at the heels and I go get a pair of nice spiked ones, turning them over I take the defective organ and skewer it through the heel, placing it on display. I am going to create little trophies with any organ that we are unable to sell. I can’t wait for him to pull the next one out!
An Open Window Invitation
I will come to them when they least expect it. Snug, warm, in their beds. Little heads peaking from beneath covers tucked tightly around them. Rosie cheeked, soft lipped fuck meat puppets are what they are. They just do not know it yet, but I do. All it takes is one unlocked window, one unlocked door, and I consider that my invitation in. You know, sometimes I do not even do anything. Sometimes just the fear of something is just as good as the act.
Last summer I was in Michigan. There was a cabin not far from the one I was staying at. I would see the family out on the lake. They would yell, scream, splash, they would have such a great time, like all cookie cutter douche bag families do. They had one young girl with them, who didn’t do any of that, she would just sit on the grass and watch. When they were outside cooking, she would sit at the picnic table and just stare out at the water. Since I am all tactful and shit, I went over there one day and said, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” The woman came rushing over and put her arms around her like I had the fucking plague or something. She goes, “Stay away from her, her sister drown last year and she is having a hard time.”
What…the…fuck?!? Who the hell takes someone to a place that would remind them of an event like that?…”Oh you just got out of rehab? Great! Glad you’re back, now let’s go buy some crack!” Jesus! Actually it made me laugh and think, ‘Why didn’t you think of that Raven.” That bit of information was all I needed to work out in my warped little brain how to make her vacation all the more special. I grabbed one of the other screaming things that had come out of the water to towel off and asked her what her sister’s name was. She told me that the girl wasn’t her sister, but her cousin, like I gave a fuck, I still wanted a name, and not just that name, but the name of the floater too.
For the next three nights, I waited until everyone was asleep, climbed up to where I had seen her at night, and found; luckily for me; no locked windows. I would climb in there, sit in this one corner, perched up on this low stool, and I would whisper her sister’s name, over and over again. She would wake up eventually, look into the corner, and I would just lean forward a bit so she could just see the lower part of my face, and say her sister’s name again. The chick would freak the fuck out! She would run out of that damn bedroom so fast. I would just go to the window, climb back out, and wait behind one of the trees. I bet she thought she was going crazy.
The last day I saw her, she was crying and looking upstairs. The adults had those worried “OMG, what are we going to do” looks on their face. As they pulled away in their stupid car, I waved and blew them a kiss. I always wonder if that crying girl remembers the voice in her bedroom, and the dark hooded figure with the alabaster skin, and blood red lips that whispered her dead sister’s name at the lake when she tries to sleep at night, and if she has to draw pictures of it for her Adolescent Psychiatrist.
Drunk Pathetic Parents
Over the holidays, so many people get fucked up, that it makes it easy for bad girls like me to do bad things. My boyfriend wanted us to break into his neighbor’s house to steal some pot. We entered through the basement window, wearing ski masks and found their younger daughter in her bed, fast asleep while her stupid parents were laying on top of each other, naked and passed out on the living room floor. We carried the lil’ brat into the living room and dropped her on top of her parents. They were so drunk, that they didn’t even budge. The little brat woke up startled and started crying, asking us who we were and what we were doing. We ignored her, bagged up the nose candy and returned to the living room, once we had packed our bags full with drugs, before leaving, we forced the drunk daddy to fuck his daughter’s tight little pussy, in front of her mother. Even though he was wasted, his dick had no problem getting hard. We rolled him onto his daughter, after removing her cute, little pink panties. I got crazy-horny and felt my pussy get creamy as he forced his big daddy cock inside of his daughter’s little hole. I looked down at my boyfriends crotch and saw that he got a major hard-on. We laughed our heads off because the parents were so pissy drunk, they had no idea what was going on. The little brat cried, screamed, and tried to fight her drunk dad off of her while her fucked up mom looked over at them, drooling and moaning like a drunk bitch. When my boyfriend and I left the house, we were so horny that we fucked like dirty, pervs in his car. We did a roleplay: he pretended that he was the dunk daddy and I was the screaming, crying little brat. He pulled out of my pussy and shot a huge load on my hard nipples. I came all over his dick, as he covered my mouth, to stop me from screaming (like the little brat screamed).
I Am a Cold Hearted Bitch
A darkness came over me yesterday that has not in a long time. My cunt ached for some serious evil and twisted shit and I would have my fill. The demons took a hold of me, controlling my mind, body and soul. I needed several victims to torture and only a family would satisfy my craving for pain and torture. I needed this blood lust satisfied like a heroin addict needs a fix. I found the perfect little family and watched them all day, waiting for my time. He was a strapping man and he walked with pride and purpose around the yard with his dainty and beautiful wife and little girl. Breaking him down and making him watch it all was going to be as good as the actual torture I plan on inflicting. I went home and got a few things I had collected earlier just for this special occasion. Before they know it I am in the house and I have that sweet little bit of a thing in my grasp. He is furious but he knows he can’t make a move without putting her in danger. his wife is begging and sobbing and my cunt is singing with delight as the juices flow. I throw him a rope an make him tie his little wifey up. I warn him that if he doesn’t do it right, this pretty little thing in my hands will pay the price. Watching him fight to maintain control only fuels the fire between my legs. I call him over and order him to get undressed and kneel before me. His wifey is going to watch him fuck her innocent little one. The sound of mommy crying while daddy’s dick gets hard in spite of himself, the pitiful sound of him apologizing before stuffing that tight virgin pussy with his very nice sized cock and her scream as he rips it open all spur me on. I make sure he fucks that sweet thing hard and rough and when he pulls his bloody dick out of her i lick it clean. I tie his hands behind his back and his ankles to the heavy couch as I tell him that he must be punished for what he has just done. I pull a bottle of syrup out of my bag and pour it on his cock and then the piece de resistance, the jar of fire ants I pour on his cock. he can’t help put scream as they eat him alive and as his dick swells from the numerous bites I let his wifey go and make her eat my cunt till i am satisfied.
Family Fun My Way…
Don’t you just love a good family game night? I know I do. They all look so happy and I hope their smiles stay put when their mouths are full of cock and pussy. Even the little ones. They have to learn sometimes. Me and my crew are experts at family fun. I’ll have the guys undo their pants and let the girls have a dick sucking contest! Will the very experienced mommy out shine her little slutty cheerleader daughter? I guess we will see. Daddy’s little cock is getting hard as he watches his wife deep throat the cumstick of a stranger. Maybe this family is more interesting than we thought! Don’t be jealous daddy I won’t waste your good hard dick. Daughter number two looks like she’s ready to be de-virginized. They say your first time should be with someone who loves you and I bet nobody loves her like daddy. I’ll make them fuck each other until I get bored. Then me and my friends will make them watch as we fuck each other all over the dining room table. It’s gonna be so lovely. Too bad that will be the last vision they have before there all snuffed out….oh well.
Home Invasion Mutilation
We crept into that fancy ass house. I was hoping for a mommy and daddy and some cute little tidbits to watch the carnage before getting fucked up themselves. But what I got was a lot more fun. There was a mommy and a daddy all right and on little morsel but there was also a young couple living with mommy and daddy till they got on their feet. She was the one that was the most fun. I helped him tie mommy and daddy up and I made the others watch as he made daddy suck his dick till it was hard so he could force it in mommy nice and rough while choking the life out of her. I let him have the little morsel and I had big plans for the star crossed young lovers. I gave her a huge railroad nail that was nice and sharp. I ripped all her clothes off while he watched and handed her the nail. His pain, torture and mutilation would be based on her self mutilation. I wanted her to fuck herself up to save him. Which was never really going to happen, there was no salvation for him. There never is any mercy or salvation once I get started. My accomplice watched the whole thing jerking his dick with his blood covered hands, By the time she was done she was laying in a pool of her own blood, her arms looked like they had been put through a meat grinder. Her young lover had chunks of flesh hanging from his body in various places and he was bleeding all over the floor as well. I told my accomplice to pull her up by her bloody matted hair and hold his knife to her throat, while I held my knife to her young lovers cock and balls. Together we were going to slice as deep as we could, she was lucky she would die quickly but he would have to look at her body jerking and convulsing while he bled to death. I love mutilation especially self mutilation.
I Watched Her Go…
Hell fucking yes! I have snuffed plenty of fucking bitches but never have I watched a bitch go. I don’t think I have ever been more fucking turned on by anything in my life. Just thinking about it makes me cum over and over again.
The bitch lived in a creepy old fucking house. I had a blast exploring that old fucking place while she was out and I waited for the fun I was going to have with her. I stayed hidden when she came home and fucked myself while I watched her from the closet. If she only knew what was going to happen when the sun went down and the day was over.
She took her shower and laid down in that big old wooden bed, thinking she was safe and sound in her room…NOT BITCH.
I came out of the closet and stood by the bed watching her sleep. My pussy just aching to see the bright red blood on the white sheets as it oozed out of her body.
I put my hand over her mouth and got right up to her face, staring into the wide frightened eyes of hers. My wild eyes meeting her stare as I contemplated if I wanted to make this fast or slow. I so wanted to see and smell and feel the blood.
I couldn’t wait I had to do it, taking out my knife and cumming as it glistened in the moonlight cumming in the window I put it to her throat. I cut that bitches throat so deep that her head was attached by only a mall piece of flesh at the back of her neck. The blood flowing out of her life less body like a river on the white sheets.
I got it all over my hands smelling it, tasting it, rubbing it on my face. But what happened next made me cum harder then I ever have. As I stepped back and admired my handy work I watched her leave her body. It was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen!
This just gives me one more reason to kill, and that is the hope that I will see this again when I snuff my next victim.
Arachnophobia is when someone has a fear of spiders. Like my down stairs neighbor. Every fucking day when her husband is gone to work at night I hear her screaming. I used to go see what was wrong with her, it would always be because of a damn spider that is crawling around in her damn house. I would just kill it and go home. After watching the movie arachnophobia tonight and hearing her scream. I had the greatest idea. I left to go to the pet store the next morning. I came home that evening waited for her husband to go to work, waited for her to do her nightly damn screaming. I walked downstairs taking a knife and robe with me. When I got into her apartment she showed me the direction the spider was into. That is when I hit her in the back of the head with the lamp they had on the table making her fall to the floor. I climbed on top of her tying her up. I ran upstairs to get my things from the pet store. When I got back to her apartment she was whining and crying begging me to untie her and just let her go. Yeah right, I told her. I am going to make you wish that you had never screamed, and that you did not have a fear of spiders. I grabbed my black duffel bag and one by one took all my glass jars out. She saw that each one was a different kind of spider she screamed asking me to stop. She was sweating,breathing hard like she was about to hyperventilate. As I started opening the jars letting each spider out on top of her stomach her heart was pounding faster and faster you could see them through her shirt. I took the black widow out and the brown recluse and put it right on top of her head. She begged for me to stop, she wouldn’t shut the fuck up so I pried the fucking thing open and shoved the black widow down her throat and duct taped it. Within a few minutes you could see her eyes rolling to the back of her head. The fucking stupid bitch was dying. Lol. I whisper to her what you are most scared of is usually what fucking kills you. I close the door behind me leaving the spiders behind to finish her off. The next morning as I am laying in my bed I hear her husband screaming to get help something is wrong with his wife. Yeah the stupid fucking bitch could not handle her own phobia.