Tag: Fantasy phone sex

Snuff Porn: Lesson Dealt

Six of my guys and I had this fucking crank whore we needed to deal a lesson to. We believe Evil Phone Sex is the answer. Well the lesson may be the last one she never learned. I am going to be standing over the whore while my guys make her body a useless corpse.

This little plan has the seven of us sneaking in and hiding, awaiting her arrival home. I’ll be behind the door when she walks in. My plan is to throw a black pillowcase over her head, while one of my guys jumps out and binds her wrists behind her back. We haul her up to her bedroom and Big Boy will hold her for me as I take my knife and start cutting her clothes off of her. I get down to her panties and run the blade of the knife along her clit through the panties.

We used some chloroform on her and so she was out this whole time. I push the tip of the blade against her clit to see if she comes too. Doesn’t seem to be so we tie her on the bed and the guys take turns fucking her hard and dry. This whore will wish she was dead by the time I finish with her…

 Snuff Porn

Gothic Phone Sex with Blair

gothic phone sex submissiveWhen he said we were going to a Goth club, I got excited. Something new.  I was not familiar with the lifestyle, but as a good submissive, I did my research so I could please him. I discovered 23 varieties of goth. Some I was familiar with like the emo punk girl, the death metal head banger, even the vampire goth. But others like steampunk and rivethead goths, I was not at all familiar. I decided to dress  as a Victorian/Elizabethan goth. That way I could be sexy and sophisticated with a whimsy of romance. Goths are romantic, dark, mysterious, even a little morbid. I was going to enjoy this club. From what I read Goths were not violent, just kinky. They dabble in the BDSM culture,  pagan rituals and the occult, but  are basically just a gloomy lot of sexual deviants. Surely, I would fit in.

The club was an old castle turned into a private  nightclub. My companion paid thousands of dollars for a VIP suite for the night. The room had an eerie feel. On the surface, it looked romantic and dark. Very Victorian era. Something wicked was lurking beneath the surface, however, I just had a feeling. It is not my place to question a Master. Ever. I ignored my feeling, did as I was told. Master tied me up, skull fucked me, force fucked my ass, even flogged me. We played our usual master and servant game.  I convinced myself this was just a fantasy role play for us; something different than the usual bondage games.

sex with dead bodies mommy sexMaster told me he had a surprise for me. He blindfolded me. I could hear him opening a door, talking in a whispered tone, then I heard silence and a loud thud, then more silence. When he removed the blindfold, I saw a coffin. At first I thought maybe this was a vampire fetish he wanted to explore. I wish that was it. Master thought it would be fun for me to fuck a corpse. I thought he was joking. Certainly this was just a guy pretending to be dead, so I climbed into the coffin to show Master what a good girl I am. The body was ice cold. There was an awful smell. I tried to leap off, but Master held a knife to my throat. “Be a good girl Blair, or you will be punished, permanently,” he said. Such a sinister smile on his face when he said it too.

When I asked how I was suppose to fuck a dead guy, he slapped my face so hard,  he busted my lip. I was giving a hand job to a lifeless dick. I felt sick. His cock would not  get hard, not even too my mouth.  Master shoved a cattle prod up the dead guy’s ass and his cock came to life. I closed my eyes, mounted that ice cold cock and rode him like he was alive. I kept telling myself it was fantasy; that he was just an actor at the club. But the harder I rode him, the more I realized this was not fantasy, but Master’s macabre desire to humiliate me, scare me, hurt me. Flesh was falling off the dead guy’s pecker the harder I rode him. Master saw the disgust and horror on my face and just laughed. I wanted to vomit.

necrophilia phone sexMaster made me spend the night in the coffin with a rotting corpse. The next morning when he let me out of the coffin, made me shower, then spent the entire morning force fucking my ass with a medieval cross. My ass was gaping open as usual. But there was nothing usual about fucking a corpse. Goths may be dark; they may be macabre, but they can’t hold a candle to Master’s perverse world.

sadistic phone sex

Venus’s Backyard BBQ Secrets

accomplice phone sex kinfe playThis is my favorite time of the year. Why? Because it’s BBQ season. I spend the winter capturing fine specimens that I cage and feed, so I may feast on them in May, national BBQ month. You have not had  truly down home cooking  until you have attended one of my backyard barbecues, which I have daily in May for very special guests. I serve only the finest meat around. The key to a good barbecue is preparation and patience. I have many recipes and I like to share my secrets.

On today’s menu. Pineapple Penny Pig Roast. First, you need a stupid drunk coed who can’t find her way home. Luckily, they are everywhere. Then you need to have  a doctor check her out, make sure she is healthy, in good shape, free from disease. More often than not you will need to fatten her up. Why do young girls think they can live on carrots and beer? I am fond of high caloric protein shakes daily for months. Can easily add 25 yummy pounds to any pig. A key component to preparation is restoring the body back to its natural state. Cut out silicon breasts. Remove the chemicals and dyes from hair.  Bathe pig daily in a sugar scrub to sweeten and soften her skin. Takes time to prepare a pig for a BBQ, so be patient.

cannibaism phone sex killer sex A few days before the BBQ, the entire pig must be marinated or brined  or certain parts will taste rather bland. I am particularly fond of brining.  A nice apple cider brine enhances pork’s natural flavor. To add even more flavor, you can add an abundance of herbs, onions, pineapple, oranges even hot peppers to the brine solution. I brine my pigs for at least 24 hour. My entire house smells delicious right now. I spent last night injecting the thickest parts of Penny’s meat like the rump and the thighs with my brine solution to insure my guests get flavored meat on more than just the surface cuts. Even the deepest cuts of flesh will taste yummy if you follow my suggestions. Some guests just love to devour flavor infused internal organs, so do not just baste the outside. Make sure you inject the brine or marinade into the thickest parts of meat for the best all around flavoring.

I take pride in my BBQ meat. I don’t just slap some meat on a stick and call it a day. Once my piggy is brined or marinated well, I pay careful attention to trussing. Proper trussing of the  pig to the rotisserie spit is the key to perfectly cooked meat.  My pigs are fairly large, so the spit needs to go between the thighs, along the inside of the body, just under the spine and out through the mouth. Since the spit is not impaling the meat down the center, it is not necessarily secured to the spit. To prevent flesh from falling off the bone into the fire, heavy duty kitchen twine can be used to secure the spine to the spit about every  6 inches along the length of the meat. The hips, thighs and legs should be trussed securely to hold them tight against each other and the spit. Repeat this procedure for the head and shoulders. Wiggle room in your pig is bad. You want the body to be one with the spit, so when turning it over the open flame, all the flesh cooks evenly.

killer phone sex cannibal pornYou cannot rush the cooking of your pig. I am fond of an open fire pit, about 250 degrees, slowly turning for about 24 hours so the skin does not burn or become too tough to chew. For the best results, your pig should be alive while turning her on the rotisserie spit. It’s bonus for you to hear the life cooked out of your pig. Nothing gets me wetter than hearing flesh crackle. and spit while the pig screams in pain. Once your pig is cooked, served it up with some beans and corn bread and you have yourself a yummy backyard BBQ.

Are you a fan of fresh BBQ? Perhaps we can exchange recipes, tricks of the trade, hunting tips…. Maybe we can even have a pig roast together? I find cooking together a sexy bonding experience.

fantasy phone sex

Bloody Phone sex for Borrowed Cunt Taylor

bloody phone sex

A client of mine wanted to get this bitch Taylor. The problem with Taylor is that she was someone else’s nasty little rape toy and he was only will for us to have her on loan. We could fuck her up real good, but we were not allowed to kill the dumb bitch. It was whatever though, as soon as she walked in, whimpering like a little bitch I gagged her and hog tied that little cunt so that she could not move at all. Throwing her into his chair I unrolled my knife’s right in eye shot. I wanted her to see that I was examining them closely for which one was going to look better against her skin.
I bought it towards her and slid up under her garter. She whimpered holding her eyes closed and turning away. That really pissed me off, I nicked her thin skin and got up grabbing my duct tape. I brought it over to the stupid twat and taped her eye balls open. I wanted her to watch me fuck her up.

knife play phone sex

My client was paying a lot of money just to watch her bleed. I grabbed her eye lid in between my fingers and taped them back to her face. I tapped the bottom ones open too. Taylor started to squirm her head around whimpering past her gag like a good little fuck slut.
My client came up close to her and began to ass rape Taylor. I laughed as she cried. I lay under her, cutting her up. I slit up those tits of her and dragged my knife from her useless cunt all the way up her body. She kept trying to get free as I held her up with one hand. I told her I am sure her master would not miss an ear, or possibly an eyeball. She screamed so loud. This bitch was for sure that Master of screaming past a good ol’ ball gag. At the end my client fucked Taylor’s face so good that she puked up his cock. One her filled her throat hole we made her eat it up before returning her. She cried asking us to just let her free and say she escaped. What a dumb little piggy.

2 girl phone sex

Knife play phone sex with Terry

Knife play phone sex

Want to know what my favorite weapon of choice is? I bet that you will never guess. Let me give you a him, It is long and sharp and makes all of my kills super personal. A Knife. I love the personal feeling I get when I get close enough to sling it across your throat. I love that I have to be close enough and will always feel the warm splatter of your sweet blood coating every inch of my face. The fine detail that I can execute with a knife can also brings me so much happiness. When I splice open a nut sac to remove a ball before shoving it into your face hole it makes my pretty pussy throb with joy. After you are nice and dead I will take the handle of my blade and rub it against my clitty. Sometimes I will lay under your water fall of blood and insert that knife into myself jacking me till I cum with perfection all over the floor.

Master’s Pain Slut Loves Bloody Phone sex

Bloody phone sex

Slice me wide open, do whatever you have to do. You know I can take it, I might even like it now too. Since you’ve know me I’ve become such a good little pain slut and I know you can see it too. The way my pussy gets dripping wet instantly whenever you pull out your knife makes it very obviously. Feeling my warm blood run down my body and seeing the puddle it creates on the floor while my arms are tied up over my head tightly gives me the biggest rush in the world. Nothing else compares.

Maybe you liked it better when I was scared? I won’t lie to you, I’m still scared. Scared of what you’ll do, how far you’ll take it. Scared of what I might do to please my Master. What will I sacrifice and how will I hurt just to satisfy you? Sometimes I can feel my fear on my flesh whenever I get the chills which causes goose bumps to appear, but you’re such a twisted fuck that seeing them pleases you even more. I can tell that’s the truth.

You do play some cruel and evil tricks on me. Like when you first captured me, you fooled me into thinking there was a chance to escape or that eventually you would let me leave. Honestly I should have known better, but I believed it. You’re way too smart to leave doors unlocked unless it’s on purpose. Now I don’t try anything even if a door is wide open because I know how much you love playing games. You love to watch me suffer and hear me cry out in agony. The torture excites me a little more each day, but I’m terrified of how much I enjoy it. I’ll never be the same even if you let me go some day or I escape, but I’m not sure I would even want to.

Kidnapping phone sex

Hardcore Rape Porn Fantasies Now On DVD

ass rape porn

I keep saying I want to get into my own hardcore rape porn fantasies production company. Not your run of the mill snuff either, I am wanting some real extreme rape porn that would make you squirm. My collection of my own private stuff is still relatively small. I have started to add more of a variety to what I am doing as well. Everything from ass rape porn to murder fantasies are displayed proudly on my media shelf in my dark basement room. My favorite are the little tiny p rapes where I get to take advantage of all the little brothers and sisters off the ass wipes who make my life what it is today. I love going on adventures with my daddies to swoop up and grab our latest catch. I have lots of Daddies and that is okay because they are each special in their own way.

hardcore rape porn fantasies

They will each have their own sub categories in my snuff porn production company. One of my Daddies loves to make house calls to little skanks around my age. We watch them and figure out their schedule. We get to learn their parents schedule too. Than when we are nice and ready we wait for her parents to be gone and presto murdero bitch is getting a dick in her ass and my knife to her throat. It gives me such a rush knowing that her parents could be showing up any time and catch us too. She thinks they will as she begs like the pathetic little slut she is “Daddy, Daddy…” Stupid bitch, Daddy is here and tearing your add hole wide open while he fucks your ass with his cock and his glock. Ha Ha, My Daddy is so silly, I shall call this movie Glock on cock and it will sell well with all of my p friends. I can see the movie being such a big hit, and being a great producer, real hands on.

extreme rape porn

Torture sex and hardcore rape porn fantasies

torture sexOh my favorite of all… the forced, the unwilling… the hardcore rape porn fantasies. Let’s make that fantasy come true now shall we? There’s no time to waste, she’ll be out of class soon. She is so dumb, always walking alone on these deserted streets almost every night! She won’t be making it home tonight… no she won’t be turning in her homework – ever. This will be easy, I won’t even have to sneak up on her… these girls always think because I’m a female I’m harmless, but we all know it’s quite the contrary. She will only need a whiff of this cloth or maybe I’ll feel more violent and hit her just right on the back of the head. She’ll be down in seconds without any struggle at all. Oh, but she’ll struggle later when she awakes rest assured. She’ll wake up all tied up, naked and completely exposed. She’ll try to scream but I’ve already got something stuffed in there…not your cock just yet. She will begin to cry and pull against her ties but she isn’t going anywhere. This body is so fresh, so innocent and untouched. I’ve landed us a virgin…mmm as rare as a unicorn. It might take some physical force but soon she will be obedient and our dream sex slave. I’ll soon have her begging to be fucked, begging for your cock, begging to cum and begging to taste my pussy. But for now she must be forced. She’ll try to push away as you shove and force your cock into that tight little pussy, she’ll cry as she bleeds, but she won’t be able to resist the way it feels as you fill her all up with your hot sticky cum. And what better way to end this then to have her suck your cock clean of her blood, her cum, and your cum? Ahh yes, and this is just the beginning…

hardcore rape porn fantasies

Club Hematolagnia: Vampires, Blood and Femdom

gothic phone sex vampire fetishWhen this guy asked me to go to this upscale new Goth club with him, I jumped at the chance. Club Hematolagnia is rumored to be highly exclusive with the finest red wine in the world. Plus, my date has the best coke in town. Pretty sure if I fucked him the bathroom, he would give me a few bumps to party with later. I felt out of place. Lots of women with pale complexions like mine, but I was the only redhead. I was also the only female  sub in the club. The club had what appeared to be sex bathrooms.  Huge rooms with a toilet, vanity and bathtubs big enough for two. Dave sent me into one. I saw the douches and enemas lined up on the back of the potties and assumed I was to clean myself out before fucking anyone in the club. The tub I guess was to wash myself up afterwards. Wrong and wrong.

As I was sitting on the toilet cleaning out my dirty fuck holes, a tall dominant woman with jet black hair entered. Perhaps Dave intended on sharing me with another woman. I was down for that. What occurred next, was nothing I could have even imagined. “You smell delicious,” the dark beauty said. She offered me a glass of wine, which made me queasy. The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor covered in blood. I panicked, but I did not appear hurt for once. The mysterious woman was in the tub with my date, Dave, but he did not look conscious. He was slumped over, his wrist hanging over the tub, blood dripping from a huge slash to his artery.

killer phone sex bloodlettingMorticia was masturbating in a tub of blood, my date’s blood, while sipping on wine. It wasn’t wine she was drinking, wasn’t wine I drank either, but blood. Fresh blood. This was no ordinary club, not even a typical sub bar. I was in fetish club, vampire fetish to be exact. She saw the look of horror on my face as I tried to escape. Nowhere to run. The bathroom door was guarded by a huge fellow with a big knife. I was next I thought. My need for coke would finally kill me. “Stop your crying pretty lady,” she said softly. This is a femdom club. We don’t kill pretty ladies, just stupid men.”

fantasy phone sex bloody sexI was not a dominate woman, however. I thought surely she will realize this and kill me.  I was instructed to join her in the blood bath. My date’s obviously drained carcass was removed by the armed guard and tossed on a gurney. I stepped into the tub with trepidation, but the warm sticky liquid that quickly engulfed my body made my pussy wet. I submerged myself in Dave’s blood. I toasted my dark beauty and drank a glass of his blood as an initiation into this exclusive Femdom  goth club. The terms of membership were explained very clearly to me. I must bring one male for feeding to the club per week. I must never reveal the location or specifics of the club. I must consume a glass of blood a day. And, I must serve my new master in whatever way she deems, no matter how dark her request may be. All violations of the rules, punishable by death by bloodletting.

This was a twist. Submissive to women, dominant to men. Can I do it? I better, my life depends on it. So which of you is going to offer yourself up willingly to be vampire bait? Surely, there are men who recognize their high potential. Feeding sexy femdom vampires is not a bad way to die for a submissive male. May not  be a bad way to die for a submissive female either.

bloody phone sex accomplice sex

Accomplice Phone Sex is the Best: Killing is More Fun with Two

accomplice phone sex sadistic babysitterMy protégé Amy, the young daughter of my favorite sadistic accomplice, called me in a panic. She was babysitting and something went awry. When I arrived to the house she was at, it looked like the home of the Devil’s rejects. Blood splattered on the walls, even the ceiling. I could smell the carnage and it made me wet. “Amy dear, what happened, I inquired?” As she explained it, mommy and daddy came home early and caught her having naughty fun with the brats in her charge. Guess the parents got their panties in a bunch over a little knife play on young flesh. Amy went all Lizzie Borden on the family out of fear. She is young still. I’m training her to kill with less emotion. As I assessed the situation, I realized there was quite a bit of clean up necessary. Four bodies were still twitching, barely alive, but alive none the less.

The little ones just required some face sitting to snuff them out. They suffocate so easily at that young age. I put mom in the bathtub. Stripped her naked, then assaulted her fuck holes. I could say it was to make it look like an intruder had force fucked her then killed the family, but really it was just for fun. I fisted her pussy, while Amy shoved a baseball bat up her ass. We didn’t finish her off until we had a little fun with her pretentious worthless holes. One sharp stab in the gut with my knife, and the cunt bled out in the tub. I let Amy finish off Daddy. Suggested she castrate him first. She sliced off all his man parts. I was so proud if her when she tossed his junk out back so the coyotes could feast. She slit his throat, masturbated as she watched the blood spurt from his jugular.  

bloody phone sex accomplice callFinishing off the picture perfect family was easy. Staging the house to look like some random act of violence was more difficult, but a perfect chance to school my young  disciple in the finer details of killing. My method of madness is to stage a home like a frenzied killer looking for drug money or something similar broke in the house. The random senseless acts of violence are rarely solved. I am the perfect killing machine. Methodical, emotionless, creative and intelligent. Amy is in good hands.  No one will ever know either of us were there. It turned out to be a fun night.  Sometimes the best fun is unexpected. I always enjoy killing more with an accomplice.