Tag: cheap phone sex

Mommy Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies mommyRape phone sex fantasies are a great way to work through your mommy issues! My son sure is fond of force fucking me. We had a nice little family party to celebrate America’s birthday. I was wearing a festive bikini. He invited a few friends over, but as soon as I started serving drinks and snacks, the boys got rough with me. They started chanting whore over and over again. Tore my bikini off. Slammed me down on the lawn and circle jerked on my face. One boy had his foot on my throat so I could not move. Cum soon flew out of cocks onto my face with force. They are young, so they were hard again in no time.

Ass rape porn was the next round. They shoved beer bottles in my ass until their cocks were hard again. My son even broke off one of the bottles and fucked me with it while threatening to slice my clit off if I made any sudden movements. Once cocks were working again, two , three at a time got crammed up my butt. My son’s friends tag teamed my ass, while he skull fucked my mouth. They weren’t high, not even particularly drunk. They just felt like treating me like a fuck pig. They look at me as a worthless whore for their pleasure and amusement only. They refused to wear condoms. It is my son’s hope to knock his pig mommy up so I will bore him a much younger playmate.

For hours I was a cum dumpster for my son and his friends. By the time they were done, I looked like a volcano of jizz had exploded on me. So many loads of batter in me, no doubt I got knocked up. My future daughter won’t stand a chance in this household. Would she stand a chance with you?

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Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

All I wanted to do it make him happy. He wanted to take me to a new level. A deeper darker level. All I remember is waking into his house and feeling the jolt of power hit my neck and now I am waking up tied up. Im in the bath tub and as I am looking around I see some of my hair in my lap. I start breathing heavy and freaking out because my hair is in my fucking lap!

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I try to sit up and I slip. I feel liquid splash and I look down at my feet. I see blood. I am in a pool of my own blood and hair. I start screaming and crying, I hear his soft voice saying “Hello” He opens the door and pops his head in and smiles his dark smile at me. He is here to take me closer to death. He is going to shave my head bald, He is going to bleed me out.

Murderlicious, Fuckalicious and Delicious

Taboo phone sex

I love honey barbecue! I love having a nice roasting fire and the smell of flesh cooking. I was feeling Murderlicious and well horny at the same time. And after hours of hunting for the perfect meal I had an amazing idea! I had the hog in the trunk, and I got a craving for BBQ. I brought her home, pulled her out of the trunk. Got her into the bathtub to wash her. She was too big for the kitchen sink.

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As I was washing the mud off her body she started waking up, Her bright blue eyes got wide as she looked up at me. She was confused, still had a strong amount of drugs in her. I helped her out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I sat her down in a brass tub, gave her another shot of extra strong pain killers. She was sleepy again, She fell asleep as I poured honey all over her body. I laid her slender body down in the brass tub and poured more honey on-top of her. Making sure she was covered. I would let her lay there, covered in honey suffocating in the thick sweet bath she is in. I will let her marinate over night. In the morning I will Chop her up into pieces and slow roast her over the day. I’m not sure I can wait that long! 

My Fur Baby is hungry!

Taboo phone sex

The young ones are easy to eat. Their bodies are easy to get rid of and its even easy to trick the young ones and get them into my car and house. I can get em with the promise of candy or by telling them my fur baby is stuck I need their help. They are suckers for animals. I have a big boy who loves their young flesh and insides. I enjoy having them for dinner. Their meat is soft and tender. It has great flavor. But I also enjoy the fun that happens before our meal. My fur baby’s name is Buddha. He is a big mean fur baby, about 150 pounds of muscle and anger that is focused on a young cunt. He hates to hear the ankle biters screams. It sets him off and makes him angry.

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That is where I have my fun. I like to take my razor blade and cut her young skin all over! Listening to her scream is part of the fun for me. Then I’ll piss, pour lemon juice or bleach all over her body. As she screams I let Buddha’s chain lose and he grabs her right on the belly. Riping her to shreds as she screams louder and louder. Buddha is such a good boy! He will get a yummy peanut butter treat and mommy will get the best lick of her life.

Domination phone sex

Domination phone sex

He started calling me a few weeks ago.

He wants to be my slave, my cum slut whore, my knotted dick lover.

Last night during our call he became my scat man.

I loved playing with my pussy as he grunted and dug into his own ass hole.

He finally shit letting out a very sexy low moan.

I listened as he did what I told him.

He walked into the other room, and wiped his shit on his cunt wife’s face.

He shouted in her ear “I am IVY’s WHORE! I love her bloody pussy, I will do anything I can do for her!!”

I laughed and laughed as he shouted at her over and over.

I listened to him rub his cock until he finished all over her shit covered face.

I wanted more, But our time over.

Sadly I couldn’t get him to bend down and pull my tampon out and use it for his morning tea.

I would have loved watching him drink a part of me.

The meat shakes

 Bloody phone sex

I have started this new diet. It is way different from everyone else. I am doing a high protein diet. I blend together Red blood from underage whores, some chunky thigh meat and make myself this yummy shake. But hunting has become so easy for me. I moved across the street from a school. I get to watch all the cum stains run home after school is over. I sit there and watch the cum stains as I rub my cunt and sip on my drink. I love living here. I have my own little room in the basement. In there I do my dirty deeds. I torture them. I cut out of their nasty insides so they don’t rot. Then I’ll smoke them even make a yummy jerky out of their body. With what is left Ill make my shakes and Sip those until I feel amazing!

Goth teen phone sex with Ivy

Goth teen phone sex with Ivy

I have a hunger I can not seem to feed. No matter what I do it is still there. After my 4th victim this week I deiced to take things slower. I snorted a bunch of lines and got jacked up. I waited for big daddy to come into the room. I wanted to watch his big black cock shred this underage pussy up. I did not like how this cunt was looking at me. I walked past the play ground and there she was. Just staring at me. I walked past her and got an Idea. I ran back to her and told her there was a fur ball stuck and I need her little hands to help get to the little fur ball. She ran right with me and the next thing she knew she was waking up strapped down to a cold metal table screaming as big daddies big black cock was ripping her to shreds. I rubbed my cunt as I sat on the table just above her head. I took my heels and shoved them into her tiny chest making her scream more and more. Fuck I love this!!

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taboo phone sex

Taboo phone sex is no joke. My favorite caller really knows how to get me in the mood. Just seeing hearing his voice “Hello” Makes me wetter than the ocean. I put on my tight skirt and climb into my bath tub. He likes the idea of seeing my skin pop threw the tight clothing. He tells me what to do, and I am more than willing to do it. He loves to torture my cunt and to listen to my screams as I stab my pussy lips. This week when he calls I have a new toy to play with. I have tried it on my own but I wanted him to really tell me what to do with it. Its about 6 inches long and skinny but the needles on it hurt. I can wait for him to torture me this week. In the past I have had to sew up my own cunt. I love rubbing my warm blood into my cut up pussy. For him I’d do anything! Check out our snuff porn galleries .

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Babysitter phone sex

Gothic phone sex

If you would of walked into the bloody mess that I created tonight you would be having nightmares for the rest of you life. The things that I have done to create my bloody mess would be haunting you for as long as you live and have you thinking of things you would never think could of possibly happened to someone so beautiful and so young and innocent. Do you really value something so tiny and worthless? What would you think if you saw someone young and what people say innocent laying in a puddle of a bloody mess.

Bloody phone sex

Let me let you in on the biggest bloody mess you could ever imagine. it all started with my neighbor asking me to watch his young twins while he ran his wife to the emergency room she wasn’t feeling well. I knew I hated little brats and wanted nothing to do with them. I told him no but he left the fucking little monsters anyway. What did he expect me to do with something so little and whiny. All they did was cry for the first two hours of their parents being gone. I knew I was not going to be able to tolerate it much more. I tried calling them,no answer.

Evil phone sex
After all I am a sick and twisted bitch. I cant take any more of these fuckers crying. Anyway I read this book when I was little, in it this mother made her shit tard of a kid eat something that made him shit himself… I think it was gas.. I have gas. We keep some in the shed. Plus this was going to be easy to act like I had nothing to do with it, ankle biters get into EVERYTHING. I grabbed the red can and brought it to the little shits. Told them it was a yummy drink and watched them gobble it up. After about 15 minutes these bitches started puking up blood!! Now I have a big mess to clean up and two bodies to put by the shed.

Mutilation phone sex

I tried to remember life before daddy brought me home and locked me up.

I remember the green of grass and blue of the sky but that slowly starts to fade away with memories of being hurt. 

Being held down and told that I was such a dirty whore.

Having a cock shoved up my ass fucking me so hard it bleeds. 

Knife play phone sex

I started cutting myself to relive the pain. 

Feeling real pain made my mental pain fade away. 

I love watching the blood run down my arms but it wasn’t enough.

I was tired of being used as a sex toy.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. 

I started rubbing that knife all over my body. 

Feeling the cold steel was turning me on. 

I pushed the knife into my pussy, it felt so amazing. 

Mutilation phone sex

Having the knife shoved into my pussy over and over again. 

Little did I know that it would not stop them from fucking it. 

They liked it all cut up and bloody.

They wanted to fuck and hurt my pussy even more…