Tag: cheap phone sex

Bloody phone sex

Bloody phone sex

My fur baby Crowley is such a good boy. He loves me so much and is so protective. Crowley and I have a very connected relationship. I would rather spend my life with him for forever than being with any worthless human. No human man or woman makes me cum like Crowley does. I started happening as an accident. I passed out with a sandwich in my lap and Crowley started eating it along with my pussy. It felt so fucking good to have his big wide tongue teasing my cunt through my panties. I took them off and sat there looking at him, waiting for him to do it again. He sniffed around and started lick me. He looked up at me and that is when I realized I started my period. I spread my pussy lips, laid back and let Crowley eat my bloody cunt. It was amazing. His face was covered in blood but he fucking loves my bloody pussy! 

Strangulation phone sex

Strangulation phone sex

He wanted to join me in my evil sexual fantasies.

He wanted to worship satin with me.

If he really wanted to be down with me he needs to do something.

He begged me, he wanted to what ever I fucking told him to do.

This once church going man wants to give up everything and worship my god.

I ordered him to go find a sweet young lady who goes to church.

I told him to bring that church slut to me.

She is a waste of fucking air, stupid slut preaching her stupid fucking religion.

She is a fucking waste of life.

Blasphemy phone sex

He brought her to me and waited for his next order.

I was tired of listening to that fucking whore praying.

Praying for salvation to come.

I wanted to watch her life leave her eyes.

I gave him some rope, and told him to figure it out.

I loved watching that bitches face turn purple.

I push him down on her dead body.

I fucked him on top of her till he blew his load inside of me.

After a few weeks that fucker was going to do the final test.

He was going to kill his spawn!

 Sadistic phone sex

Missing Person

Cannibalism phone sex

It is so sad when a young teen run away who is  hitchhiking goes missing. The worst part is when they finally get to their destination. A lot of teens runaway to Vegas to get away from the rules their parents make. Once they are in my home, they wish they could go back home. They will never leave my home again. I trick them into coming with me. I promise a hot meal, shower and a warm bed to sleep in. Once I get the runaway home I feed them a home made meal. Even tho it is left overs my meat is still juicy. My new Meat source is getting sleepy as she eats. Little did she know that in her meat I put a ton of sleep meds in there! I love it when she finally woke up. She was strapped down on the counter top, as I was getting her skin all oiled up. I don’t want her to dry out as she cooks away in my oven. I love explaining to her what she is going to be cooked for! I am so excited to eat this runaway hitchhiker!!

Taboo phone sex

The Wendigo

Sadistic phone sex

I was born evil, I was born with a hunger that never ended. I hunt for my meal. I like fresh meat, I don’t kill every piece of meat I see. I look for the perfect one. Juicy while living. Young meat is still tender and soft, it cooks well in its own juices. The thrill of hunting is intoxicating. Its like my drug. After I snag my hunt I do not kill it right away. I bring it home, I clean the body and remove its hair. I want my meat to know exactly what I intend them for. I love listening to my sweet meat cry and beg me to let them go. These whores I find on the street are homeless, drunk and alone. I show them my photos of my past meals, taunting them with the recipes I have to make their human flesh taste so amazing. I get so turned on listening to them that I go and find porn to help me cum. My porn is stories online about different Cannibalism stories. I found one about the Wendigo. The wendigo is a monster. I am the Wendigo. I am the monster who eats people. I am the monster who is sexually charged by killing. Are you a monster? Do you want to turn into my wendigo mate? Come eat with me. 

Killer phone sex

Meal Prep with Ivy


Snuff porn

I love cooking, I search all day for the right veggies. Everything must be fresh every day! I keep some pieces of meat around. But I save those for special times. Like for dinner parties, I keep my meat tied up and well fed to fatten them up. I keep them tied up so they stay nice and tender when they cook. Besides living alone I like the company, it is comforting to have my meal be able to talk to me. I love it when they beg me to let them go. They beg and beg, it just makes me want to get them in the oven right then and there. But I wait. I wait until they are ready. The one I have tied up right now is getting prepped. Every other day I make a liquid mix of butter, garlic and other herbs and put it in a meat injector. I think go to all her fleshy parts on her body. I do it to give her flavor. The added flavor with be amazing after she is roasted!

Cannibalism phone sex

Obedience Training: Part One

Accomplice Phone Sex I was having a little trouble training my new mutt so I called a number in the paper that offered obedience training.

The training was a week long and really cheap so it sounded pretty good but I was really surprised when the guy said to leave the little bitch at home!

The second I got there, I knew I had made a mistake!

The door opened seemingly, by itself! I stepped in and was grabbed instantly and had a black sack put over my head!

Two big strong men dragged me to a cold concrete feeling place and slapped a collar on me and chained me to the floor!

I was so scared! That is when you came in….

You told me that if I wanted to train my mutt then I needed to know what it was like to be one!

You starved me for two days while you left me chained to the floor. I didn’t understand it until you came in stroking your hard cock.

I was too weak to fight as you held me by the hair and fucked my face! Your cock was so hard and so massive that I could barely breath as you punished the back of my throat with pounding thrusts! Then I tasted it! The first drops of that nourishing cum!

You pulled out of my mouth and walked away! I crawled after you pleading for you to feed me!

I knew at that point that you owned me and I needed you for food! I needed you to survive!

You taunted me and teased me with that hard dripping cock as I crawled around after you like a bitch looking for a treat!

Please give it to me! Please master! I am begging you!


Morticia’s young rape porn fantasy

Taboo phone sex

I know I am not the only one who has a young rape porn fantasy. 

I want a tight young female that I can take advantage of. 

I want to lick her top to bottom. 

Rub my tongue over her nipples feeling them get hard in between my teeth as I bite them off. 

I want to hear her scream as I torture her. 

I’ll open her cunt with a tool, stretching her open and put thumbtacks in that tight young cunt. 

young rape porn fantasy

I  want her to fucking bleed out as I fuck this bitch with a giant cock making the thumbtack go deeper and deeper into her cunt. 

I’ll lay her beautiful pure body down on the ground covering her with thumbtacks. 

Next I’ll take thick heavy glass and lay it on top of her body making the thumb tacks push into her skin. 

I’ll lay down on top of the glass and fuck myself while I crush her body. 

One by one her bone crushing under my weight and the weight of the glass. 

Hearing her screams as I orgasm on top of her slowly dying. 

porn needles snuff

The Wedding Night

taboo phone sex chelsea12I don’t think there’s a bigger turn on than a woman who knows her place. I know I’m just white trash. I live in a run-down trailer with my drunk of a BF, Larry. He pimps me out to everyone. Doing drugs keeps me sane. Just a line or two and I would fuck anything with a cock….and I do mean ANYTHING. I will probably be a dirty whore until they carry away my cold, dead body, and even then, he’d probably still be pimpin’ me out.
Lately, his game is to dress me up like a flashy tramp. Short skirt, high heels, thigh high stockings, fake eyelashes, the whole works. He loves to make me up. Sometimes I think he is a fag at heart and that’s why he doesn’t fuck me himself. “Look, bitch.” he said to me. “I need money to pay a gambling debt. Don’t come home until you have $500.”
I admit that made me pretty hot. I thought about the beating I would get if I came home short. I decided the best way to make that much was to get a bachelor party gig.
That’s when I saw you. You are standing all alone, waiting for your wedding day only 12 hours from now. You look drunk and angry. I decide to fuck with you. “Hey, sexy,” I purr. Why don’t we have a wedding recital tonight. You and the wedding party can all line up and fuck me.” I feel your slap come out of nowhere. You hit me hard across the face. “You cunt,” you whisper, “I love my fiance.”
My skin tingles and I am turned on. I look at you with big blue eyes. “Hit me again. Come on. Take it out on me.” You smile cruelly and drag me towards the party room. I feel you rip off my sexy dress, leaving me in my stockings. “Cunt likes abuse.” you say. Someone grabs my arm and I feel liquid gold rush into my veins. The rest is a blur.
I awake to see you standing over me. You are jerking your cock hard and fast. “Filthy whore. Dirty white trash. Harlot. Skank” you whisper as you blast your nutsac onto my prone body.
I look into the mirror. My face is broken. I see a busted lip, black eye, and bruised cheeks from being slapped. I look further down. I have bruises from being kicked. My pussy is sore and my asshole feels like someone shoved a boot up it. Suddenly, I am overcome with need. I stand in front of the mirror and finger my pussy viciously, coming to a screaming orgasm. I see you still standing there, watching. Your slowly begin to clap and throw a wad of money at me. I count it out. $1000. I look up and smile at you.
I know I have you now. You’ll be back for more. Every time you argue with your pretty little wife. Those times when she says no and you are so horny. Your first big fight when you want to knock her teeth down her throat. It’s me you’ll turn to. You know my weakness and I know yours. It’s me who’ll take the abuse meant for her. I’ll get the raging fuck where you choke me and call me names. Your fist will pound me when she wounds your pride. I’m nothing but a punching bag for your rage and I love it. I’m here waiting. honey. Hurry back!!

Hunting for Food or Fun?

Taboo phone sex

After a long day outside in the heat I FINALLY found the one I wanted. She wasn’t too big and she wasn’t too skinny. She was perfect for me. She was walking down the highway with her thumb up. I knew she would get in the car with me. I look nice, and sweet but in my mind she looked so good to eat. I pulled my car off to the side of the road. She ran to get in. I opened the door for her, she was sweaty and looked tired. I turned the cold air on blast to give her a little chill. I wanted to see her nipples get hard. The smell of her sweat made my stomach growl.


I asked her where she was going and like a runaways she said “Anywhere but here.” I smiled and off we went. I offered her a place to stay, shower, eat and a bed to sleep in. After about 3 hours of talking in the car on the way to my house I knew I just had to have her. I ordered some food and grabbed a bottle of wine. I showed her to the bathroom and gave her some of my clothes. When she came out of the bathroom, she smelled so sweet. Her body was so clean I wanted to take a bite out of her then. I waited, I offered her some wine and she downed it like it was the last thing she will ever have.

2 girl phone sex

I poured another Glass she did the same thing, before the food even got to my house the whore was tied up and in my basement. She woke up to me chopping some onion and getting a piece of meat all trimmed of fat and getting ready to cook. She couldn’t move, she started to scream but her mouth wouldn’t open. I giggled as I showed the whore her own leg in my roasting pan. I wanted her to eat herself before I finished her off.

My keepsakes


Snuff porn

I know what I do is against the law. I do try to honor ever part of my victims but there are a few things that I keep. I keep them to remind me of things that I have done. All the time I spent with them. I spend hours hunting them down following them. Then when I finally get them home I spend so much time with them. I had an idea while I’d sit in my car rubbing my cunt thinking of all the things I could do to them. Like the uncut man I found. I cut his dick over and over again. I poured bleach in his wounds, salt, and I would pour vinegar on him. Then After I beat him, tortured his cock, Fucked him in the ass and made him suck his shit off my cock; I sewed his foreskin together. I tried to keep his cock, but I couldn’t keep it hard and after a while it started to stink. I did how ever keep his head… I keep all of their heads…

Taboo phone sex