I had the most wickedest dream last night I had to wake up and write about it. I was coming out of work getting into my car. When all of a sudden I was grabbed from behind and my head banged up against the car door. My body went limp but I did not pass out. Who ever it was threw me into my car, and handcuffed my wrists behind my back. He drove me somewhere I have no idea where. But when we got to where we were going he dragged me out of car. Cuts my clothes off with a knife, even digging into my flesh as he does. He is punching and kicking at my naked body. I could feel the pain in my dream. And it felt amazing. I could feel him raping me with the knife. Gutting my insides. I could actually feel the blood drip out of cunt. Then without warning he snuffed the life right out of me. And that is where I woke up right before my death. And the blood I could feel dripping out of my cunt was my cunt juices leaking as I squirted. Making a huge mess on my bed.
Tag: cheap phone sex
Snuff Dreams
Teen Rape Porn Victim
He told me he’d give me a lift to the next town if I would be a naughty girl for him, and let him watch me play with myself. His thing was voyeurism, and I didn’t think it would hurt anything. It was just touching myself with an audience, and at least he was being up front about what he wanted. When we got to his place, you could tell he had a family, and he brought me straight to what looked like his daughter’s room. He nodded toward the bed, so I took my clothes off and lay down on it, but he immediately barked that he wanted my ass in the air. I got on my knees, face in the bed, and pulled my panties aside. I started to touch myself, trying to get into the mood of it. Slowly, I was getting aroused, and then I was playing with myself for real. I could hear him breathing more and more heavily, stroking his meat, and that actually kinda turned me on. The next thing I heard, he was blowing his load, and I was close. So, I definitely wasn’t expecting his cock to jab into me. He started calling me by some girl’s name, and talking about how happy I’d made Daddy, because Daddy always wanted to fuck his babygirl. He was fucking me and picturing his daughter?! All I could do was lay there and take it, because he had such a grip on my hips that I knew I’d have bruises there tomorrow. The one time I tried to lift my head, he punched me in the back of it, so I didn’t move…
Taboo Phone Sex
I want to be in a snuff porn. I want to be kidnapped tortured for days raped several times a day and then when my body is all torn up cut and bruised I want to have my life snuffed out from me. I think of so many ways I can be tortured. Being beaten. Fucked with blunt huge objects. Until my cunt is a sloppy fucking mess and my uterus is hanging out. I can be branded, cut with knives. It is endless the scenarios that go thru my head. And I want to enjoy every moment of it every single last minute I can until I am snuffed out. And I do not want to be shot, that is too quick. I want to suffer. I want to feel my life leaving my body. After days or weeks of your endless torture. I wish I could make this happen. I have enlisted some men for the job. But they always pussy out when it comes to taking my life. And even the torture is at best torture light. I crave a brutal man with no regard for me, to just use my body up for his pleasure then toss me away like the piece of garbage I am when he is all done. I want to feel the pain all of the pain from the moment that you snatch me until the moment you take it all away. And if I pass out beat me until I wake up screaming. It is so hard to find somebody to help me out with my fantasy. A fantasy that I am determined to make come true. I just need a nasty cruel sadistic man who craves a whore just like me. Baby if you think you can handle this please let me know, I am dying to live this fantasy. I do not want to die an old age hag in my bed. How lame.
Snuff phone sex
Snuff phone sex, Sadistic phone sex and, Castration phone sex is what i love to role play with you Master. I need a new master just about fucking now. Will you be my new Master? I need a real man to tell me what to do. Life to me is boring when I don’t have a Master telling me what to do. One that will take me out to work the corner. I’m even happy if you take me to the truck stops. I love being a good little fucking fuck slut. Love getting the dick in me all over me. Specially when they cum all over me and make me walk around like that with no shower just full of cum for the whole day. Master I’ll even get my pussy full of cum and get one of the little cum sluts to suck it out of my tiny tight pussy!
Blood and Tears
My boyfriend wasn’t happy with the small amount of cash I brought home. He showed his displeasure by punching me in my eye. He demanded that I fix steak and eggs for dinner. I overcooked the steak and he yanked me by my hair. I don’t mean to upset him so much, I try really hard to be perfect. My tears made him angry and he tore my panties off and brutally ass fucked me.
“I’ll give you something to cry about, bitch!!”, he screamed.
It hurt so bad I thought he was fucking with razor blades. He pounded my ass hole as blood ran down my thighs. My cries for him to stop only turned him on more. He came inside me and left me bleeding on the living room floor. I need to leave him, but where would I go. It gets really cold on the city streets.
Selling Pussy
From day one my man has drilled it into my head that I belong to him. Like a branded cow belongs to a farmer, I belong to my crack-addicted boyfriend. When he looks at me he sees dollar signs. He doesn’t work because he makes me sell my ass to the highest bidder. I walk the streets and sell myself on the internet to keep my old man high. Sometimes I fuck so many men in one day that my pussy lips painfully swell up. Sometimes the johns get rough and abuse me with vicious acts of violence. I come home with bruises, black eyes, and bite marks and my old man doesn’t blink an eye. As long as I keep crack in his pipe he’s happy. But if I don’t make enough money that’s a guaranteed ass-whooping’. Why can’t I leave this terrible relationship?
Football Game Fun
I cheered for the football team tonight. All the boys kept staring at me, short skirt and my big tits bouncing all around. The girls on my squad don’t seem to like me too much, I think they are just jealous of all the male attention I get. Whatevs. After the game, which we won, a few of the guys from the team invited me to a party. I love going to parties, anything to keep me from home really. So we get to this party and the quarterback keeps giving me drinks. It really was not long before I was totally wasted. He and a few other guys asked if I wanted to go have some fun in a more private place. I did. They took me into a empty room and laid me on the bed. I sat up and pulled my shirt and skirt off. “Well boys what should we do?” I said. The four of them looked at each other than back to me with big grins on their faces. I stood up so they could remove my panties and bra. One guy dropped to his knees in front of me and started licking my bare wet pussy, another began to eat my little asshole. One kissed me and the other was playing with my tits. I felt wonderful but I needed more. Once I told them this the quarterback sat on the bed, I sat on his fuckstick and began giving him the ride of his life. One guy used his fingers to gape my tight asshole while his friend got ready to fuck it. Once I was being fucked in the ass and cunt another guy stuck his cock in my mouth. I was so full in every way. They took turns switching positions until we were are mutually satisfied. It was a good time.
Goth Teen Phone Sex
He was so weird, from the very moment he picked me up. I mean, I still rode into town with him, because a ride’s a ride, and I’ve ridden with some real weirdos before, so he wasn’t off-the-charts weird. He brought me back to his apartment, which was above someone’s garage, and let me use his shower. As I was finishing up, drying off and what have you, he knocked and asked if he could watch me put on my makeup and fix my hair before I got dressed. I figured it was a small price to pay for a ride and a clean body, considering. So, I let him in, and then sat naked on his counter as I started my makeup. I’d hardly gotten my mascara on when I realized he was sitting there jacking off to me doing my makeup. Every new item I used made his cock jump, as I watched him in that same mirror I was using for my makeup. Just as I finished my face, he pulled me off the counter, yanked back on my hair, and drilled deep into me, his other hand coming to my throat to stop any possible sounds. I fought against the hand that was keeping me from breathing, but he had a hell of a grip on me. I was starting to black out…
Gangsters’ Playtoy
I should have known something was up when my man started being extra nice to me. He took me out to eat and brought me a new outfit, something hasn’t done in years. When we were heading home, he passed our street and headed towards the 5th Ward Bloods trap house. I started begging for him not to take me there and he said I owned him for dinner and the outfit. Dread filled my body and tears fell from my eyes. He had to drag me to the door because I put up a fight. He finally knocked me out with one punch to my jaw. I woke up on a dirty mattress with a gangster huffing and puffing on top of me. When he got done fucking me the next thug took his turn. Seven thugs fucked me before they gave me a break. I had dry cum stains all over my body. I was used and abused for three days before my old man came back to get me.