An evil fuck kidnapped me, tied me up, abused and violated my wet, tiny tight pussy with castrated cocks. After he captured and killed many men he kept their bloody junk on a shelf in his demon dome where he sent me too for days.
Cock by cock my tight little twat was fucking rammed, smashed, pulled, poked, torn, and demolished by so many different sizes. Stretched and widened by a 13 incher, taken down to a 6 incher. Lubed up and spat on my capterer didn’t give a fuck about how much blood was oozing, dripping, leaking out of my stretched, torn the fuck up little tweaked out tiny twinkie. He got on his knees, shoved the massive monster up my cookie and put his mouth to catch the run off, dripping out off his lips, down his chin. He licked his fingers and then shoved his fudge filled finger down my throat. This sick fuck getting off, I could see the pre cummy bulge poppin from the top of his pants as I licked my lips, tasting and smelling my own clammy, damp, moist, tasty cunt, getting my torn up cunt cut up by dead cock, ringing my goth bell.