Tag: Castration phone sex

Sadistic Phone Sex Bitch Gets off on Neutering Losers

sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex is all I know. I am not a warm fuzzy type of girl. And I am not girlfriend material either. Most men I meet, fill me with disdain. They say something misogynistic, or they somehow falsely believe that they can fuck me just because they are a man. No man is entitled to fuck me. And those who think they can, often lose their balls, sometimes their life too.

At my local Goth bar two nights ago, a guy came in who looked clearly out of place. He looked like a yuppie. And Goth girls like me are accustomed to non-Goth men coming into the bar thinking they can pick up a Goth babe. None of us want some strait-laced suit and tie kind of guy. So, when Adam bought me a drink, I knew what he was thinking. But I am impervious to men like him.

However, I did not plan castration phone sex that night. But he pushed his luck with the comment, “My Body, His Choice.” He played it off like he was joking. But I knew better. So, I took him home and severed his balls. He thought he might get lucky with me. The poor loser assumed I wanted to fuck him. As if that bad joke would make me drop my panties. Maybe it works with a coed bimbo, but not a sadistic bitch. He picked the wrong girl if he wanted to get laid.

Losers with Small Dicks Pay the Price If They Think They Can Fuck Me

Once he was naked, I could see he was all potatoes and no meat. Adam belonged in women’s panties, not boxers.  Talk about a small dick. Wow. If he had 2 inches hard, I would be surprised. I tied him up to the bed, got out my knife, and severed his balls. And I did not even use a castration band. He did not deserve his pain to be lessened. I wanted him to feel everything. He deserved extreme cock and ball torture sex. And he got it. But he cried like a bitch. And he bled like a stuck pig.

Eventually, I cauterized the wound. Although I wanted to kill him, I like neutering men like him, so they have a constant reminder of what their bad actions cost them. He won’t bother any women ever again.

Domination Phone Sex with a Proud Ball Buster Might Leave You in Tears

domination phone sexI enjoy domination phone sex calls as a sexy switch. The older I get the more fun cock and ball torture sex becomes for me. I have this one regular at the strip club who enjoys CBT. You could say he is an extreme pain slut. Usually, in the club, I am limited to how much I can hurt him even with him agreeing to it. It’s bad for business the owner thinks for club patrons to hear a man screaming from the VIP room.

So, he took me off the books. Hired me to be his dominatrix. We had our first session Tuesday night. I signed off early from my phone sex job, so I could inflict some serious cock and ball torture sex. He had all the equipment for me too. Even a sounding device which I had never used before.

In the club, I could kick him in the crotch. And I could step on his balls. However, no sounding devices allowed, no sharp objects and no actual ball busting either. Lame, I know. What does it matter if a man is willing to pay for the pain. This worked out well though. I could demand more money and do more damage to his junk.

Now That I Have a Taste for Extreme CBT, I Want to Inflict More Pain

With my highest stripper heels, I danced on his balls. Even trampled his cock too. This time, I actually busted one of his nuts. Ouch. But his dick stayed erect. I told you this client enjoyed extreme pain. I used the sounding device on his pee hole, but I used Ben-Gay as the lube. That brought tears to his eyes. But once again he stayed erect. For hours, I slammed his balls in books. I trampled all over his cock and balls in high heels. And I forced large objects down his pee hole. But he paid me handsomely for the CBT.

Torturing his cock and balls made my pussy wet. So, now I think my CBT training wheels are off and I am ready for castration phone sex.

Only Violent Phone Sex Fantasies Found Here

violent phone sexViolent phone sex fantasies, I welcome every day. Men who call me for vanilla sex, never seem pleased when I want to castrate them. But not my fault a guy does not realize what a snuff site offers. If you are dumb enough to call a sadistic bitch on a snuff site for vanilla sex, you deserve whatever comes your way.

I will say it until I am blue in the face. A man can only be my accomplice or my victim. The truth is, I do not need a partner. I am capable of mayhem all on my own. Standing only 5’2, I sure know how to handle myself. I think most men underestimate a short Goth girl.  But no one should ever underestimate me.

Over the weekend, I worked with John to explore his teen rape porn addiction with a young girl. I took him to a different county where we could not be linked easily to the crime. Surrogate victims work best for men. Because if you kill someone close to you, the police view you as a suspect. We found the perfect teen girl at the mall for him. But after I went through all the trouble of kidnapping her and bringing her to my cabin in the woods, he got cold feet.

If You Pay Me to Hunt and Kill for You, Do Not Get Cold Feet

He paid me $300,000 to fuck and kill a young girl. What did he think would happen? I always deliver what a man pays for. And since he did not want to force fuck or kill her, I coached her on how to torture him. Someone needed to die. And if you pay for a service, allow me to take some big risks, then back out, you deserve to die. So, I let this teen girl exact her revenge.

She did not heed my suggestion to inflict torture sex slowly. When she plunged my knife into his belly, he bled out quickly. Although a quick death never satisfies me, I did become $300,000 richer. Plus, another loser bit the bullet. And I have a new young protégé. She appears to be a natural born killer like me.

Confessional Confessions: A Twisted Encounter

 Blasphemy sex

Hey, you disgusting fucks, gather ’round as I spills the filthiest details, a narrative so nasty it’ll make your religious leaders vomit, you perverted bastards. I was a pious bitch, but my body craved the pastor’s throbbing cock, a forbidden desire, you sick fucks.

I exposed my eager pussy, a tempting offering, and he slammed into me, his rod claiming my innocence, you twisted perverts. His spiritual cock invaded my holy hole, defiling my sanctity, while I screamed in pleasure, you depraved freaks. His hands tightened on my throat, controlling my breath, as I pleaded for more abuse, you fucked-up bastards.

My climax shattered me as his sacred cum mixed with my sinful fluids, a fucked-up blend of heaven and hell, you filthy animals. So, if you crave spiritual awakening, I’ll lead you down a path of carnal sin, you lust-filled, condemned bastards!

Only Violent Phone Sex Fantasies Fulfilled Here

violent phone sexIt’s only violent phone sex fantasies that I indulge. You are my victim. Or I am your accomplice. Nothing else. I am not looking to be your girlfriend. And I do not want to know about your day or cuddle. None of the coupling bullshit for me. I am here for the violence. The mayhem and the blood also.

And my mercenary ads make that clear too. No refunds because you don’t read the contract. But as a killer for hire, I take precautions. Sure, my contracts a court would never validate. But I don’t need a court. Just your signature and your ID on file to keep you in line. If I go down because of some love lorn tool or some chicken shit loser, I will take them with me.

Arnold demanded a refund after we killed and mutilated his ex-girlfriend because I would not fuck him in her blood. I do not mix business with pleasure. And I stated that in the contract he signed along with the no refund policy. So, Arnold had to die too. It takes a special kind of stupid to demand a refund from the person who you just watched torture and kill your ex-girlfriend. To do that, you have a snuff sex death wish.

I am The Queen of Torture

And I grant death wishes. I took longer to kill him though than his ex. He deserved some intense suffering. Plus, he deserved cock and ball torture for thinking he could fuck me. I had zero trouble overpowering him because I made him believe that I wanted to ride his big dick. Handcuffed him and tied him to his bed. I put his balls in a vice grip. But I slowly cranked it until I busted each nut. Cigarette burns to his dick. And I bit chunks of his cock off too. Little cuts to his pee hole and flesh. Not deep enough to make him bleed out. But enough to hurt.

 I am the queen of torture sex which means I can prolong your agony like I did his. But I eventually gave him a fatal cut to an artery and let him bleed out. Do not feel sorry for him. Not my fault he was a dumb fuck.

Sadistic Phone Sex Chamber of Horrors For the Best CBT

Morticia is the Sadistic Phone sex goddess of your dreams. In fact I am a girl that loves the darker things in life. The best time is torturing men and making them plead for their life. Often times pathetic perverts end up in my dungeon and get tortured cruelly.

From a very young age I daydreamed about torturing humans. One may say I have a bit of a serial killer mentality. But whose to say I am not in fact a serial killer? After all I am a Murderess.

Just the Gothic Evil Seductress Playing in the Night

So when Jay happened upon my path one night, I knew I had the perfect victim. His drooling and pathetic ways made me laugh. All I wanted to do is slice him the fuck up. Obviously I cooed at him a little and got him to follow me home like a lost puppy dog.

However the very moment he crossed my threshold as the very moment he signed his life away. As I tend to do I let him cross into the room first. This triggered my booby trap and he was hanging like a bat in seconds.

As my new plaything hung by his ankles and hoisted up I was face to face with my prey. Like a predator I inspected my new treat. First I took my knife out and I started to run it along his arms. I could see this one was already a bit of a cutter.

Once I realized I had a real piece of shit in my lair I took no shame in what I did next. The large trapping mechanism used for vermin was triggered to that cock. And his ball sack got a slice.

As his screams echoed through the sound proof room I laughed and got myself off as I watched him bleed out from that scrotum slice. Soon my victim would be listless and his tainted blood would be drained. This made me very happy and gave me a little something to practice my love of human taxidermy on.

Sadistic phone sex

The taste of human flesh makes me cum

Cannibalism phone sex

I’m an evil bitch but my true love is the taste of human flesh, especially fat meaty cock, those leak out more blood than a heart. My cannibalism is bloody evil, if I fuck you there’s a good chance you’ll be on my dinner plate later that night. You need to feed me.

The tastiest part of the body is the dick and balls, they leak so much. After I’m done sucking on your cock I like to keep it coated in cum when I cook it.  I’ll give you the best blow job you’ve ever had then finish you off while your body is jerking having a full orgasm and you hit that peak. You won’t even see the knife coming. Mmmmmm I love the fear and the blood, it makes my pussy so wet thinking about cutting you into tiny pieces while I’m sitting on you, fucking the living shit out of you.

When my victims catch on I’m forced to tie them down and force fuck them, I want my creamie cunt filled before I kill. I gag their mouths and tape their eyes shut, torturing my food is so fun! I’ll grind that dick while controlling their airway. Getting the perfect kill requires skill and the more cum they spew up inside me the tastier.

Knife Play Phone Sex Because I Can Inflict Maximum Pain with a Kinfe

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex remains my favorite. I inherited a massive knife collection from my grandpa when he died. Some of these knifes historians would consider priceless because they date back hundreds of years. My grandpa bought most of them on the black market, so they are not traceable. No one knows I have these knives. But I never leave a dead body anywhere for folks to discover. I let nature take care of the remains. But when I castrate or mutilate men, the knife pattern will not be traceable if a victim goes to the police.

Did you know that a forensic specialist can tell you the type of knife used to stab someone. Then they can see who has purchased one of those knives in recent months. So, when I do a free castration phone sex visit, I use an untraceable knife. Plus, I enjoy using ancient knives to remove a man’s junk. It offers a more barbaric or medieval feel to the torture.

Knives just have more versatility than a gun. You cannot torture someone with a gun. You aim, you shoot, they die or bleed out. It’s quick. The pain does not last long. Although I often cauterize the wound after I remove the balls, the pain lasts. It’s a physical and psychological pain. If a man did not want to be castrated, he lives with the pain of never being erect again. Psychological pain can last forever.

A Knife I Feel is More Versatile Than a Gun

I gave a free castration over the weekend. He deserved it. This hipster douche bag tried to spike drinks at the Goth bar. Did you know a girl can wear a certain nail polish that if she dips her finger in a drink, it turns a different color when the drink contains roofies? Few men do. But I tested a few drinks and lured the culprit back to his place. He wanted to fuck a Goth girl.

But I did not want to fuck him. However, I did want to inflict maximum cock and ball torture sex pain. So, I used a rustic knife to chop his balls off. And I did let him bleed a little before I cauterized his wound. Normally, I take the balls as a souvenir. In my dungeon torture chamber, I have over 100 balls in a jar fermenting as a reminder. Sort of my trophies. But I left this bastard’s balls in his mouth to shut him up.

He appeared to still be breathing when I left. But he passed out from the shock. Dumbass. You do not come into a Goth bar and spike drinks to force fuck women. Not in my bar. Not on my watch.

Killer Phone Sex Bitch Removes Your Cock and Balls for Any Reason

killer phone sexBeing a killer phone sex bitch never gets dull. And that’s the main reason I like this job. Plus, it makes me look legitimate to the government, you know? Although I make great money doing this, most of my money comes from being a mercenary. People find me on the dark web and hire me to help them kill someone. Or perhaps, they want me to mutilate their junk. You might be surprised what folks pay for. And how much they pay for their dark needs.

Clay hired me to castrate him. He claims that he tried many times to do it himself but always chickened out. Of course, I took the gig. So, a few men I castrate want to be castrated. However, most of my victims got a free junk removal because they pissed me off in some way or hurt someone I know. But a few wimps like Caly understand that their junk causes more problems than it is worth.

Extreme cock and ball torture sex guys want the ultimate CBT. Others know that their micro penises never please women, so why even keep it. And some men prey on young girls and women. They believe they cannot control their sexual urges. Urges that will land them in jail. Personally, I don’t give a fuck why you want your junk removed or mutilated. I only care about the money.

I Love to Castrate Dumbasses

However, Clay’s reason for wanting castrated proved to be a first for me. He already violated his very young niece. Although she is not too young to rat him out to her parents. So, this loser thought that if I chemically castrated him, he would have a sort of alibi for the crime. If his dick cannot get hard or produce any cum, how could he have violated that little girl. Dumbass, his DNA could still be tested. But I did not tell him that.

In fact, I relished the fact that he would lose his junk and likely get arrested too. If you want to diddle little girls, go right ahead and diddle away. But be smarter than Clay. I gave him the castration phone sex he needed and wanted. But not a chemical castration. That would be too easy and painless. I busted his balls. Then I chopped them right off with garden shears. Made a bloody mess of his bathroom. I got the money. All I cared about. However, I guess now he cannot commit any more sex crimes because he will never get hard again.

Cum with me on my killing spree

Killer phone sex

Killer phone sex. Ever thought of a female batman? One who goes out at night in search of the bad guys? Well that’s me except I kill, torture, in search of blood of those men who live out their rape fantasies. I like to capture them by seduction and make them my little toys.

You can smell them in a crowd after they laid eyes on you. The creeps, the gropers. I want them all. Take them back to my place and do what I please. I always tie them up then tape their mouths. I don’t want to hear a peep or these pussy’s scream. Put my strap-on on, panties on them and make them my bitch. Turn them over, pull up their panties and shove my big cock up their asses.

Leash up their neck, my favorite an electric collar and pound them using all my bodyweight. I want to violate every creep’s butthole, tear their ass up and make them bleed out. I wanna watch them cry. I love this shit.  Using my knife I’ll cut them clean while I’m cock deep inside. For the nasty boy’s I always keep their balls in my box of “creeches”.  Killing them without leaving anything behind.