Tag: Bondage phone sex

Your Pain My Pleasure


torture phonesex angieIt is time to inflict pain again and this twisted bitch is feeling extremely wicked. I am feeling like this should be a family affair. And that it should last a few days maybe even a week. I know just who is going to satisfy this wicked and twisted desire building in my heart, my head and my crotch. They are a story book family with a sweet little mommy and a rugged handsome daddy, the little boy looks just like his daddy and the little girl looks just like her mommy. They couldn’t be more story book then if they came off the pages of a rustic novel. Makes you want to gag doesn’t it? I took them this afternoon, a lovely Sunday, sun shining, birds chirping and them in their Sunday best returning from church. Fuck me I think I just puked a little in my own mouth. Once they are secured in the basement I start the fire pit in the middle of the room. torture phonesex caulronMy huge iron kettle filled with water is heating to a beautiful boil. They are all sobbing and scared just like I want them. I slowly undress in front of them rubbing and pinching my hardening nipples and licking my fingers covered in my juices while I wait for the the water to boil. As the steam begins to rise and the bubbles start to rise and pop I know it’s so hot it will burn the skin off of that cute little girls arms. Grabbing her by the hair while her parents and brother watch I take her arm and shove it in the boiling water. To my satisfaction she screams and pisses all over the floor and when I pull her arm out the blisters begin to form as soon as her arm hits the chill in the air. Her mother is hysterical, her father is furious and I am in my element. I go upstairs for a drink and dinner leaving them there. But I will be back for more. I think after dinner I will remove daddy’s balls and cauterize the wound. We shall see….torture phonesex arm

Erotic S & M And Bondage With Wicked Aria

We know each other like the back of our hand, sometimes all you need to do is give me that certain look and I know exactly what it is you need. I’m the perfect Accomplice because I am a chameleon when it comes to switching up my look to deceive and confuse these worthless, doomed little fucks.

I can sound and look so demure and sweet, no one could possibly envision me doing anything that would hurt someone so innocent and defenseless…Mmmm, such fucking fools! I get off on luring these brainless, useless little cunts into believing I am someone they can count on to protect and care for them.

In reality, I want nothing more than to see the look of sheer terror and disbelief in their wide eyes after it dawns on them that I am their worst nightmare come true, and their fate is sealed. Do I feel any pity for these pathetic pieces of flesh…..fuck no!

They let their guard down with the wrong Bitch and now they’ve let the Devil inside their own home, so they have only themselves to blame for the deviant, evil and sadistic torture that we are about to inflict upon her young, untouched, tiny body.

Mmm, my pussy is aching and so wet at the thought of how we’re going to relish in the pleasure of devouring and shredding her perfect, little cunt. Your cock is throbbing right now isn’t it baby, are you ready to begin satisfying our hunger for that bald, tight pussy? Fucking with her worthless mind and body is all set up and ready to begin…

Money Can’t Save You


torture phonesex angieI can’t believe my luck. I found an ad in the paper looking for someone to care for an ailing elderly man that is fucking loaded. His wife is to old to care for him herself. I decided to give them a call and make an appointment for an interview. As I pulled up to the house, it is a creepy looking old mansion that reeks of secrets, age and money. Good thing I like that look, the darker the better and this place looks like it is straight out of a Steven King novel or something. Just looking at the joint was making me hot as fuck. Grabbing the huge brass knocker I pound it loud, these old fucks might not have their hearing aides turned up. I was surprised when she answered the door and not some hired help. She looked younger then I had expected and had a nasty fucking attitude. I decided right then I wanted this fucking job and I would derive great pleasure form not only fucking her up and taking her down a notch or two but robbing her rich ass blind. She offered me tea and she sat interviewing me all prim and proper with her nose in the air. I answered her questions while envisioning how I was going to torture and fuck her up, slowly and with great pleasure. I started right away and after meeting her bedridden husband and touring the mansion she had me change into the uniform that she had for me. During the tour I saw many of her own things that I would use to torture her over the coming weeks. I learned that there was no other staff in the house, just her, her husband and myself. Going to the basement to start the laundry I found the perfect place to tie her up. Pretending there was something wrong with the washer I got her to the basement and bound her to the radiator pipe. Warning her that it was about to get hot I went up stairs and turned the furnace on, letting it heat up while I gathered all the things that caught my eye earlier. When I got back to the basement she had already burnt her arm pretty good trying to get loose and touching her arm to the hot pipe, she was sweating so much I couldn’t tell if she was crying too. My pussy got wetter the closer I got and the more fear I saw on her face. This was going to bring me a lot of pleasure!

Now You See Me Now You Don’t

torture phonesex karmaI love Hitchcock movies but one of my favorite is “The Lady That Vanishes” I imagine myself being on a train, sitting next to a stranger. Her beauty is breath taking but as soon as she opens her mouth she is a bimbo. Her voice is high pitched and whinny and nothing she says makes any sense. She instantly gets on my nerves and the overwhelming desire to slit her throat is becoming more then I can stand. Knowing that I can vanish and no one will believe I was ever there, I wait till she falls asleep. As soon as she is in a deep slumber I tie her arms to the armrest on the seat and stuff her dainty, lacy kerchief in her mouth. I take out my knife and begin slicing her wrists. Her eyes fly open and her crys are muffled. I know I am not cutting her to kill her but enough to cause the blood to flow and the pain to be felt. As she stares at me wide eyed and the blood drips from her wounds, I bend down and lick the blood off her flesh. I sit up and wipe my mouth before smiling sweetly at her. As I pull the handkerchief from her mouth I vanish. Her screams bring the other passengers to her side and her incoherent babbling about the vanishing woman lands her in a padded cell at the next town’s psychiatric ward. I often visit her there, causing her pain, driving her crazy slowly as I smile and vanish each time. No one believes her because it is impossible for anyone to get in and out of her cell without being detected. What a perfect version of Hitchcock’s movie, with my own special twist!torture phonesex hitchcock

Beg Me Not To

Evil Phone Sex Bianca

I love a good begging whore. Bondage is great. All tied up and served to me on a platter, legs spread, eyes wide with fear, and mouth gagged with some coarse rope. I love it when their tittes are nice and plump with blood. Using and abusing people as toys. Treating them like human meat. Maiming, using, abusing them in whatever way I decide to that day. I like to shove objects up their holes that should never belong there. I’ve fucked chicks with scissors, Fourth of July sparklers, scrap metal from an old flagpole, and my personal favorite–the barrel of a gun. Do you have any idea how painfully agonizing it is to shoot a bullet up a bitch’s vaginal canal? Yeah, baby. That hunk of steel goes right through the cervix, pierces their ovary, slams through their uterus, and proceeds to tear apart every internal organ it breaches before punctuating the heart and slamming up into the throat. When the esopagus is popped open and the stupid whore can no longer process air, I like to lean in close and listen to her choking on her own breath, the whole in her breathpipe causing her to sputter and gasp. Too late for anything but enjoying her last moments, now. I guess she should’ve begged harder when I first asked.

Fright Night

torture phonesex karmaIt’s late and I am restless. I need release so bad I can taste it. So I decided to take a walk in the cool night air. Passing the house I looked up and saw the silhouette of a young woman. It was obvious that she didn’t have any clothes on and I could just make out her hard nipples. I could feel the familiar tingle in between my legs as twisted, evil fucked up ideas raced through my brain and I could not fight the urge to go to her. Breaking in was easy. There was no alarm and using a credit card to get the door open is something I mastered long ago. I quietly walked through the kitchen and living room taking note of the decorations and pictures. It appeared that she is a single young mother with a small girl. This was going to be more fun then I first anticipated. Locating the young girl’s room was also easy. Creeping to her bedside and rubbing my cunt while she slept peacefully, unaware of the nightmare that was about to begin just added fuel to the fire of my wicked desires. I placed my hand over her mouth and her eyes opened reflecting startled fear. I carried her to the room that was her mother’s. She didn’t see me enter with the girl in my arms. I watched, turning the girls head so she could see too, as her mother laid on her bed lost in masturbating. The hum of the vibrator filled the room and knowing that the girl was was watching her mothers pussy filled with the machine that would soon be filling her made me cum. Just as the her juices started flowing I emerged from the shadows with her young girl in my arms. I put my fingers to my lips and pulled out my knife putting it to her throat. “If either of you scream, you both die” I said quietly. Taking the vibrator from her hands I laid the little one next to her, they held hands and cried, softly sobbing as I shoved it deep inside that sweet little pussy. I stayed with them for hours, taking them both over and over again. Savagely feeding my lust for carnage, and then leaving them there to console each other. I made it perfectly clear that if they told a soul I would return and they would not survive.

Twisted Sitter


torture phonesex angieI can put a big smile on my face and act so sweet when it means bringing a wicked and twisted plan to fruition. They needed a babysitter and I needed to fuck up some brats. They didn’t know me from the man on the moon. But I looked respectful, dressed in good girl clothes, pearls on my neck. I knew just what to say and how to smile and nod my head. Their babysitter had canceled at the last minute and this was an important dinner engagement, they would pay me extra since it was such short notice. They gave me the emergency numbers and all the info I needed, introducing me to the brats, and giving me their schedule, they rushed out of the door. I started cooking for the little brats adding a special ingredient. They ate like they were starving and I sat back smiling at them waiting for them to be done. Bath time was going to be so much fun and they wouldn’t remember a thing to tell mommy and daddy. The site of their excited and intoxicated naked little bodies had me all worked up. I put them in the bath and started my torture. Holding their heads under while they kicked and fought to come to the surface my cunt getting wetter by the minute. Watching their little faces fill with fear as I continued the water torture over and over again till I came all over myself. Taking them to their room, confused and disoriented I began my assault on the little bald pussies. Fucking them roughly abusing every inch of them until I came again. Finally they passed out from the effects of the drug and I dressed them in their pajamas tucking them in with a wicked smile.

Teen Models Wanted

torture phonesex karmaWhat a wicked and well planed scheme. The warehouse was just out of town and had been abandoned for a long time. The exterior was in great shape and the interior was perfect for a fake set up in front and a glorious torture chamber in back.
The ad was short, sweet and cheap and the response was overwhelming!
I set up appointments as the secretary and was ready and waiting for them.
The first Mother/Daughter duo was stunning. Of course I started snapping photos and gaining their trust right away.
Then it was time for a break or so they thought. My heart raced as I took them to the back and used one against the other while recording the whole thing.
The poor Mother knew if she didn’t do as I said her Daughter would suffer and the Daughter knew the same.
I began by cutting their pretty little faces and making them lick the blood off each other. Keeping the torture simple for now, until the others arrived.
As the day worn on five Mother/Daughter duos showed up. More then enough for a night of hideous torture and mutilation, destroying their beauty, accompanied by my pleasure and endless orgasms.
All of it on film. Fucking the little ones with knives, removing nipples one at a time, cutting and slashing and delighting in the screams and pain.
Today I sleep amongst the corpses and tonight I get rid of all of them.
I love it when a plan comes together!

Extremely Evil Phone Sex

torture phonesex angie 01When I found Ms Brown she was a wee one. I fell in love with her simply because of her nature. I created a beautiful home for her in an aquarium. It was a paradise for her and she deserved nothing less. I have taken such good care of her, pampering her and making sure she stayed healthy and happy. Each time I tend to her my cunt secretes sweet juice just knowing she will do the same for me when she is big enough. My juices bring me pleasure and hers will cause excruciating pain rewarding me with more pleasure. Ms Brown finally grew to the size of a dime and it was time for her to show me some evil, twisted, love and pleasure. torture phonesex spiderI took her down to my basement where I have kept him for months, keeping him well fed and slightly tortured, in preparation for what he would endure. The plan was to start at the bottom and work my way up over a period of several weeks, or as long as he stayed alive. I carefully placed Ms Brown, my beautiful Brown Recluse, on his lower leg, just above his ankle. She did not disappoint me, injecting her venom with a nice bite. Returning her to her home in the aquarium, my cunt was alive with what was to come. As the days past the bite became inflamed and filled with the effects of her venom. I watched as it worsened and he became feverish, moaning from pain. Finally it was time. Using a dull and rusted razor blade, I cut it open and began digging at it with gloved hands. His screams of agony served their purpose, bringing me intense orgasm after orgasm. It has been several weeks now and I enjoy going down to the basement and digging my gloved hands into his growing and festering wound.torture phonesex bite I believe it is time to let my lovely pet have another taste of him.  This time on his inner thigh very close to his groin. I will allow this bite to fester and grow and will enjoy inflicting more pain on him. If he survives this one, his cock is next. I will continue to work my way up his body, giving Ms Brown delicious tastes of his flesh as I watch him decay and cause him more and more pain. I am hoping that he will survive long enough for me to get to his face so that I can watch that decay as well after my lovely Ms Brown pumps him with more venom. I am not sure how  many Brown Recluse bites a human can survive without treatment as the flesh is eaten away and falls from the bone. However I plan on finding out as I cum with delight throughout the process!torture phonesex angie 02

Unmasked Lust=Evil Phone Sex

Evil Phone Sex

He didn’t even try to hide the lust in his eyes. The look was dark and as his eyes ran up and down me. I could feel him undressing me in his mind, imagining the curves of my body with out my clothes on. He looked like a wild animal ready to take his mate, hard and rough. I could tell by the way he looked he had it in him to demean his woman, he was used to being in control. He carried himself with an air of confidence and arrogance. Just the kind of man I love to tame. A challenge I am always up for!
I approached him with all the sickening sweetness i could muster without puking in my mouth. I wanted him to think I was demure and shy and oh so innocent.
My act worked perfectly. He invited me back to his place with a satisfied and evil smirk on his face. I accepted with cum soaked panties knowing I would take him down a notch, or two, or three.
As soon as we got to his place he made us a drink and I opened the pill into his drink, waiting for it to take effect, all the while creaming in my panties.
I knew he would be to heavy to move so I have to tie him up right there on the floor.
I find a nice sharp knife in the kitchen and take off all my clothes waiting for him to stir. When he opens his eyes I stand over his face and spread my pussy lips and ask him if this is what he wanted tonight. He is so confused; poor thing.
I begin cutting the clothes off his body and I can feel him shaking but his macho attitude is keeping him in control, or so he thinks.
I lick the blade and begin shaving his legs, he is a hairy one…
The closer I get to his penis the less he can maintain his composure…..ahhhhhhh yes this is what I have waited for….The tip of the blade touches his balls and he urinates all over himself, making me cum and earning him a nice big slice on his inner thigh. He cries out in pain, bad move. I go to the kitchen and cme back with a box of salt and pour it all into his wound.
“Don’t you enjoy demeaning women?” I ask. He nods his head but doesn’t speak.
“It’s going to be a long night for you” I say with a smile….