Walking through he woods I hear a wicked laugh. It is deep and dark and it sends a delicious chill up my spine. Following the sound I take care to be extra quiet. Whatever is going on I don’t want it to be known that I am there. Slowly I creep closer and the sound of that laughter filled with evil sets my skin on fire. My cunt is reacting and I can’t control it. I haven’t even seen who is laughing or at what and my skin is covered in goose bumps. Finally I am close enough to see and there in the clearing is this man, He is tall and pale skinned, His hair is slicked back and dark as night. I can’t see his face but in his hand is a bloody knife and at his feet is a young one,. She is covered in blood and what little flesh is showing is pale. Her breathing is shallow and there is a gag in her mouth. He lifts the knife to his lips and licks it laughing as the flavor delights him. He slowly lowers it to her body and begins to peel the skin off her inner thighs, slowly, meticulously, not going to deep. I can see her body quiver from the pain and his laugh once again fills the air. My cunt is convulsing now, pumping cum all down the inside of my leg. I stand there and watch him for a long time, his torture so artistically administered. I struggle with the idea of making my presence known when he is done. Instead I follow him and I know I will make it a point to meet him soon and share the love of sadistic torture of the young and innocent.
Tag: Bondage phone sex
Watching and Waiting
Light And Dark
My favorite saying is by Laurence Sterne: “Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other” How true this is, Especially in my world. I will lure you in with the promise of pleasure beyond you wildest imagination. I will tempt you with my sweet voice and invite you in with my soft tender kisses. The curves of my hips and the rise and fall of my breasts will mesmerize you and render you helpless to my will. Then just when you think you are about to experience heaven, I will take you to hell. I will take what I want from you, sucking the life and will from the depths of your being and making you like it, want it, even beg for it. As you go from the heights of sensual pleasure to the depths of intense pain you will feel the power of my black heart and my evil desires, Your need to please me over rides your sensibilities and the pain becomes and aphrodisiac that you beg me to give. If you’re lucky you will live to see the fruits of your sacrifice and see the juices flowing from my cunt as you bring me pleasure. But likely, you will only feel the hot, wet cum on your lifeless body. Light and dark, pleasure and pain…welcome to the dark side!
Things That Make Them Go Boom
Going through the basement and spring cleaning I found a box of goodies. Left over fireworks from the fourth of July and a couple of little goodies that my friend in the military gave me to play with, a little brick of C-4. I remember when he gave it to me and told me to go blow some shit up I had all kinds of ideas and yet somehow I put it up and forgot about it. But now my cunt is dripping with cum as my mind decides what to do with my goodies. There are a couple of little twits that have been irking my last nerve over the last few months. I have been waiting for something special enough to take care of them and I believe this is it. I can see them shaking and naked right here in my basement, tied face to face. I can feel the sweet softness of their asses as I spread them wide and begin inserting fireworks in them before lighting them and watching as they jump and scream only to become a tangled mess that falls to the floor unable to escape the pain and horror of it. But the best part will come when I drag them to the field behind my house and break off small amounts of C-4, attaching a little piece to a finger and a toe before detonating it. Slowly blowing off bits and pieces of their bodies until I am left with nothing but two bloody torsos. That is when I will use the last of the C-4, placing it between their bellies and detonating it, enjoying the feel of the pieces of flesh blowing apart and hitting me as they fly into indistinguishable chunks of flesh.
Take Your Punishment
Nothing pleases your Mistress more than seeing fresh meat like you bound and gagged and waiting for me to arrive for your torture session. You know better than to look into my eyes until I have given you that right, and you pass the first test.
Seeing you there, your arms bound above your head hanging from the ceiling, ropes around your chest and ankles get my pussy dripping wet in anticipation at what is in store for my new pet. I see your big thick cock harden and begin to throb when you see me all in black shiny latex and thigh high stiletto boots with a flogger in my hands.
I ask if you’re ready for your punishment, any you mumble yes Mistress. Mmm, very good slave. And then I proceed to whip your body all over with my intimidating leather flogger, you impress me with your strength and fortitude.
It makes me very happy and very wet when I see how hard you are trying to show your Mistress just how serious you are to show me your complete devotion and submission. I remove the ball gag and give you a deep passionate kiss and get onto my knees and ask if you would like your Mistress to tongue your throbbing hard dick that’s just dripping with sticky pre cum.
Oh and you beg and plead for me to, and I give you a little treat and slowly tongue your cock up and down and suck up all your delicious pre cum. You thank me over and over and I accept it but now the fun begins, and I proceed again. It’s going to be such a long night of extreme pleasure and pain, but I have that certain feeling about you and I can’t wait to prove myself right. Are you ready for more?
Sweet Little Pussy Lips
Castration is such a wonderfully fun procedure. I love it when I can use a dull, rusty blade and make pain so much more intense. I love when the wound gets infected and my newly castrated patient becomes weak with fever which is always followed by them becoming delirious. If course when most people think of castration,the instantly think of males. However I do not discriminate when it comes to administering pain to my victims and I am just as happy castrating young pussy as well. And today I have some sweet young bald pussy lips to remove. Slowly and carefully. No anesthesia is necessary. A nice sterile sharp scalpel is not required. All I need is this sweet young victim, tied to my table. Legs spread wide open with her eyes wide and full of fear. This nice dull knife that has so much rust on it you can’t tell it was ever silver. And this yearning deep in my pussy to draw blood and cause pain. My cunt tingles as I grab that pussy lip and pull it, placing the blade on the top part, pushing the blade into the skin the first drop of blood and the scream flow forth together and my cunt contracts in anticipation of the orgasm that will surely come.
Caught In The Act (Almost)
Ahhh babysitting the fucking brats again. This has turned out to be a super fucking gig. I love drugging the little bastards and fucking them up. And the parents have no fucking clue how sadistic I get with these little fuckers! I went about our usual routine, feeding them their laced dinner, rubbing my cunt under the table as it gets wetter by the minute. Thinking of all the twisted shit I am going to do tonight. Just as their little heads start to bob I get up and take all their clothes off before tying them to their chairs, legs spread and ankles tied to each leg. I am on my knees and just about to take that little cock in my mouth when I hear the front door open. Fuck me what the fuck are they doing home? They aren’t due back for hours. Standing up and straightening my clothes I emerge from the kitchen to find him there looking through the credenza for something. God I hope he doesn’t go in the kitchen, good thing the little brats can’t do anything but drool at this point. He has forgotten his credit card he thinks it is in his office on his desk. Fuck he has to walk right -past the kitchen. Luckily I am able to keep his attention and keep him looking at me as we pass the doorway. Finally he has his card and is walking out the door, none the wiser. Fuck that was close as shit and as I close the door the rush of almost getting caught sends a wave of cum flowing out of my cunt and down my legs. Time to get back to business.
I hated malls growing up, and I hate them even worse now. There are so many stuck up cunts walking around with their latte’s and coach bags, really pisses me the fuck off. I only went there to upgrade my cell phone since it was the only store local to me, but that’s when it happened. This stupid cunt with her pink everything asked me why I was dressed like it was Halloween. Then those bitchy friends of hers all started laughing. They wouldn’t be laughing for long. I simply stared at her and asked her name. “Honey.” she said, hmm fitting.
I followed that rich cunt home and waited till the wee hours of the morning and rang the doorbell. What a dumb whore. I quickly subdued her and dragged her to my car. It was time for a trip to my Daddy’s farm. His honey bee farm. A place for bitchy “Honey” too!
She was still passed out when I slapped her awake. Oh that look on her face was sheer terror! She tried to struggle, but I had her tied to that utility dolly good! I ripped her nightgown off and I started painting her with pure honey. Oh what a sight. I poured it in her mouth, shoved it up her nose and shot it in her ass and cunt. There was this cute apparatus that I stole from my gynecologist. You know the one that opens up your cervix? Mm hmm… those bees were gonna find treasure up in there! I put honey on this “Honey” treat all spread eagle like, honey dripping from her gaping cunt, and her asshole. Hell I even shoved it in her ears. Can you just imagine how loud and hungry those buzzers are gonna sound in her actual eardrum! Maddening I tell you! My cunt was getting wetter and wetter!
I wheeled in that screaming teen and the crowd went wild! I literally jumped up and down with excitement as this young meat was stung, stung, and stung again. You could see those winged devils crawling everywhere they found a taste of honey. Her bites eventually turning to oozing bloody welts. There were so many bees in her cunt, and down her throat. It was sheer magic.
I bet you would love to have seen this!
Creep Up On Ya
What’s lurking in those deep dark shadows . . . distorted shapes that seem to be twisting around your ankles, and clawed hands that grab, the sharp fingernails digging in deep. Nightmares come from this inherent fear of the evil that lurks beneath the surface. Do you know what else nightmares are born from? Parties after dark . . . social hour. Everyone believes that more bodies means more safety. Isn’t that the idea behind the so-called “buddy system?” Haha. I know the truth.
More bodies just means more wicked fun. More sinister persuasion. More merciless fucking. All of those scantily-clad whores and drunken rich boys. Gyrating bodies and unsuspecting prey. The great thing about already being on a boat is the fact that there is plenty of rope lying around. This comes in handy when a sick, twisted slut like myself wants to tie up a couple of hos and man whores with tight, circulation deadening sailor’s knots. I like to maim penises. Some chicks like to tie hair bows, but I’m a little different. I especially love the feeling of a firm, juicy, cum-filled ball weighing down heavily in my hand. When the party guests wander off and leave their drinks unattended, I’m looming over the bar, shaking a little bit of magic potion in there to put them fast asleep.
Glub Glub
Day two of torturing the perfect little family. The little girl did so well with boiling water yesterday I thought I would keep the theme up and show her some good old fashioned water torture. War supplies me with so many various methods of water torture and I love each and every one of them. However I have a select few in mind for this girl today. I think it is only fair that since I burned the little thing yesterday and gave her a taste of heat, that I show her the opposite end of the spectrum. Don’t you? I fill the tub with water and ice as they watch all cried out but shivering from the fear. Just looking at their fear filled, tear streaked faces makes my cunt so fucking wet I can barely stand it. As I grab the little one her parents let out desperate cries that make me tingle with goose bumps. I drag her limp body to the tub and throw her in shoving her head under as she struggles against my grasp. Pulling her up, her lips are blue and she is gasping for air. Again and again and again I dunk her under until she passes out. Pulling her out of the water I throw her to the floor with a hard thud bringing her out of her darkness. But I am not done with her yet. I pull the plug draining the freezing water and go to my shelf. One by one I empty jugs of urine into the tub. Not only is this going to be fun but the bacteria from the urine is sure to infect her burns from yesterday. The thought of watching the infection set in makes me cum again. Oh how fun it is to be twisted!
My New Torture Method!
I know I’ve told you how much I like BLOOD and TORTURE but there are sometimes I use torture methods that don’t involve blood, at least at first, lol. One day I was stalking this little bitch and scheming a way to take her and torture her. I waited until late at night, when she was at home alone, and broke into her house and took her by gun point. I duct taped her mouth and dragged her by her hair to my car and throw her in the front seat. I drive with my gun pointed at her head telling her not to move or scream. I am taking her to my abandoned torture house. I have a new torture device I plan on using tonight. I have built this new contraption where I can chain up her legs and hook them on this device that is used to lift slaughtered cattle up in the air. Underneath is a tank full of water. So I get to my warehouse of torture and I drag the little bitch into it. I have her sit on a chair and I proceed to put chains around her ankles and padlock them. I push a button on my contraption and it starts to raise her up above the water. I lower her into the water and keep her head under for a while and then pull her back out. Then I dunk her head under the water again and keep it there for a while and then pull her head back out. This type of torture is called water bondage and it is a lot of fun! I could do this all night long! I keep dunking her head in and out of the water holding her in longer and longer. Finally the last time I do it I just keep her head underneath the water until she stopped struggling and she was dead. Totally different torture device for me but totally fun!