Tag: Bondage phone sex

Snuff Sex by Suffocation

snuff sexSnuff sex by suffocation was his plan. I was his bondage whore and his coke buddy. I was completely bound tight. I was wrapped up like a Christmas present. I couldn’t move. When he sat on my face, I thought it was just to lick his ass, but he shoved his dick so far down my throat I started to choke. I was unable to breathe because his asshole was over my nose and his cock was making sure I couldn’t breathe out my mouth. I started flailing about. My arms were restrained behind my back, so all I could do was shrug and rock a bit. He was not a little man. I thought he was joking when he said he was going to smother me to death. He is a drug buddy. We get high and we fuck. He never has been violent towards me. He is one of the few mean who has not abused me. I still thought it was some sort of joke until I passed out. I thought that was the end, but his urine stream in my face woke me up. He was laughing at me. According to him, we were just getting started. He invited other guys to join our kinky snuff porn. Every guy sat on my face, choking me with his cock until I passed out. They woke me up by pissing in my face.  I have rope burns on my wrists and ankles. Veins are visible on my face and in my eyes. I look like I survived something, but I can’t tell anyone that I look like shit because guys smothered me with their nut sacks all night and pissed on me to revive me. That doesn’t sound like something a soccer mom would let happen to her. But then, I am no ordinary soccer mom.


Gangbang Nightmare Ch.4

Taboo phone sexMy man traded me to the 5th Ward Crips for four crack rocks. They keep me in a room with a boarded up window and a dirty mattress on the floor. These thugs treat me worse than a plastic sex doll. My jaw aches from blowing multiple men for hours at a time. And my pussy and asshole hurt from this never-ending gangbang.
Tec-9 walked into the room with a dog leash and an evil grin on his tattooed face. He put the collar around my neck and walked me into the front room on my hands and knees. I was completely naked and felt totally exposed being the only female in room full of dangerous gang members. In the corner of the room, a gangster had a furry friend on a leash. The gangster let the leash go and the furry friend ran straight towards me. He mounted my back and his pink cock enter my tight cunt. He humped me and the gangsters laughed. The furry friend panted in my ear and his drool slid down my back. His cock knotted inside me and I couldn’t pull away. The gang laughed even more at my struggle to get away from the furry friend. I felt totally humiliated and completely defeated. When will the living hell end?

Snuff Phone Sex Fantasies

snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex fantasies make me wet. I am a twisted woman. The higher I get, the more fucked up and twisted my thoughts become too.  I was doing meth with this dealer the other night. Normally, I am a coke head, but beggars can’t be choosers. He was a dealer, but not a coke dealer. I didn’t have money to pay, just my worn out fuck holes. None of my regular dealers will give me coke anymore, so I tried meth. I got high quicker than ever before. I got fucked up in the head quicker than before too. I started talking about snuff sex and my twisted death fantasies. I was so fucked up, that I didn’t even realize he had restrained me and put a choke collar around my neck. I was blabbering about a torture and rape fantasy and he was preparing me for it. I am unsure when I realized that we were acting out my fantasy. It could have been when he fisted my ass. Or, it might have been when he strung me up to a beam and used me as a punching bag. When the baseball bat cracked over my head and the blood trickled down over my face, I knew for sure we were no longer just talking. I should have been in pain, but I was laughing and begging for more. I guess that was the Meth talking. I woke up the next day looking like death warmed over. I was sore as fuck. I looked like hell, but guess what? My pussy was super wet. I told you I was a nasty fucking freak. I think I like meth more than coke. I didn’t think it was possible for me to go any darker, but one night of Meth proved me wrong.

Scare him away

Domination phone sex   Kenny took me home from school, even though he knows i’m some what of a bitch, he is okay with it. He really thinks he can date me. He does not even know me all that well. How dominate I am. My lack of caring about others, my dirty nasty fetishes. How are you supposed to be with someone when I am who I am. Not going to happen. Id love to just fuck his head up thinking I am some what normal and then just really fucking him up. He had it coming I told him not to mess with me but he still pursues me. What an idiot. I am planning to have him walk in on me and my girlfriend cutting each other and drink each others blood to scare him away. what do you think ? How should I scare this nice, boy away hahahhaha. I need answers and they better be good (;

Snuff and Bondage Phone Sex

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex sounds tame at first. It is often Fifty Shades of Gray; however, when you are a dirty whore like me, it is never tame. I woke up in a basement yesterday morning. I was naked and tied up. That is not the name of a reality show. It is my life. I hang with an unsavory crowd. I am related to an unsavory crowd too. My step son hates me. Always has and likely will never grow to like me. He can be a sadistic son of a bitch when he wants to be. He had some gambling debts he couldn’t resolve, so he sold me to some mob wannabe loan sharks to settle a debt. These boys were Guido types with no regard for human life. My step son told them to make a snuff porn with me and use the profits to settle his debt. I am not sure how I got from my place to this basement, but I am sure I was drugged somehow. I pleaded for them to let me go. I tried to appeal to their love for their mother but that didn’t work. If anything, it made them want to hurt me more. They whipped me. They used electric shock on me until I was drenched in sweat and piss. They punched me. They force fucked my ass. I asked if they were going to kill me. I honestly thought they had every intention of snuffing me out. One of them told me they planned to rent my body out for abuse, so they could maximize the profit off my body. “Men pay good money to do anything to an old whore and get away with it. You’ll be dead soon enough Blair,” he laughed. I think I prefer a swift death over torture sex any day.

Blow-up Doll

Sadistic phone sexMost women love giving their man a blowjob, most of the time it’s done out of love. But my old man can turn it into a punishment. It doesn’t take much to piss him off, he has a very short fuse. Last night, I didn’t do something fast enough and it angered him. He forced me down on my knees and made me suck his cock for 3 whole hours. He loves to edge, he made suck his dick until he felt like he was going to cum, then he pushed me away. After a few moments, he motioned for me to start sucking again. For three whole hours, he forced me to please him like a sex slave. After the first hour on my knees, pleasing him turned sadistic. To him I’m no longer a woman, I’m a sex toy… a blow-up doll. If I try to resist, he would hit me. I suck, and suck, and suck until he finally fills my cheeks with semen. I swallow because I need nourishment to quench my thirst. My lips hurt from sucking and swelled twice their size. He gets off on being cruel but I don’t have the strength to leave.

Make your choice

Medical fetish phone sex  We all all have our secrets and our fetishes. Don’t we ? Well on this site we can write what ever we want and how we feel. I am sick , perverted to be blunt. My fuck buddy loves to make me bleed and sew me up hes just into medical fetishes like me. I’m always thinking of the next best thing to do. I dream about knife play and I actually found someone who likes to play along. Have you? If not that’s what I am here for. I called him to come over yesterday I was healing from last week ,much better now i have to say. My pussy was jabbed and cut just so he can play doctor with me. Then, he fucks me until I open up wider. the pain is so pleasurable , Let me in on what you find fun or tell me what you want me to do with my body choice is yours. But, remember I am a cheap phone sex little slut.

snuff ? Yummy

snuff sex   I love to role play what I have already done. Or , what ever you want to do. I have all the dirty thoughts just like you. I met my fuck buddy at a party and he was so quiet I knew he was a nasty little fuck just like me. Why? Because its always the quiet ones. And, sure as hell enough he walked up to me gave me a smile grabbed my hand and said he wanted to fuck in sign language. I was impressed to say the least. How he knew that and how quiet i needed to get his cock. I did hope he was as nasty i was. I remember thinking that in my head. we went back to my place and he through me around while i bounced on his cock he was choking me , grabbing me by my ears, almost bleeding he bit me and said he loved the way blood tasted. I then told him I had the same problem low iron we laughed about it and fucked it out. I have scars from my flesh being ripped off. I need some nasty snuff phone sex tonight. Its been awhile my nasty freak is gone so help me out like i’m going to help you.

Extreme Bondage Phone Sex and Torture

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex gets extreme with a submissive druggy whore like me. I got a bit tied up last night. I am not exactly sure how it happened either.  I was in a bar drinking with strangers. I know I was hitting guys up to party. I am a cougar whore. I love to party and fuck. I like coke too much and it gets me in some predicaments like last night. The last thing I clearly remember was doing lines of coke in the bathroom with this college dude.  I had been playing pool, drinking, flirting and partying with some frat boys. When I woke up, I was tied up and suspended with some dude I had no memory of meeting. He was not one of the frat boys. I don’t think he was even at the bar. He had a pulsating vibrator attached to my clit that was giving me orgasm after orgasm. I know that doesn’t sound bad, but rapid cums in close succession like that over stimulates your pussy and hurts. I asked him who he was and how I got there. Apparently, the frat boys I was partying with sold me for $500 to this guy. WTF? They can’t sell a person. I demanded to be let go. He was not having any of my sass. He took a blow torch to my cunt and asshole. Torture sex is why he bought me. The pain made me pass out. He liked me awake, however. I could feel my flesh melting. I could smell my flesh burning. I puked. The way I was suspended, I only managed to puke all over myself. The torture went on for hours like some strange Pavlov’s dog experiment. It was like he was trying to get me to associate cumming with pain. I am a pain slut but burning the flesh from my skin was more than I could bear. Eventually, I passed out and couldn’t be revived. He dumped my body in an alley. I woke up when a bum was pissing on me.

Beat Dat Pussy

Sadistic phone sexIt was a horrible mistake, over-cooking my boyfriend’s steak. He likes it cooked medium rare. He came towards me like a raging gorilla and pummeled me to the floor. He punched me in the head four times, then gripped my hair and jumped to his feet. He dragged me upstairs by my hair, cursing me. I pleaded for him to stop, but his rage was over the edge of insanity. He forced me to undress then he tied me to the bed with my hands and legs spread apart. He pulled his belt from his pants and I struggled to free myself. He swung the belt high into the hair and sent it flying back down against my wet cunt. The pain was so bad that I saw stars. He hit me over and over again between my legs until he got tired. I cried myself to sleep.