Tag: Bondage phone sex

Gangbang Rape Porn Star for Men

gangbang rape pornMy daddy had more than just rape fantasies. When I was a young girl, he made money off me with gangbang rape porn videos. He would give me a lot of Benadryl and a shot of whisky and let random men fuck me. I would try to act like it was just a dream, but I would wake up the next morning with a sore butt hole and cum in my pussy and ass. I could barely walk. The older I became, the more I resisted and the more difficult it became to drug me. That is when daddy started using rope to bind me, so I couldn’t fight. Twenty years later I am still the subject of rape phone sex fantasies. My current boyfriend is just like my father. A mean son of a bitch who pimps me out for money. I guess you can say I have a type. I like bad boys clearly. My man pimped me out on the weekend to a bunch of guys who violently gang banged me. They were savages and now my ass is prolapsed, and my pussy is stilll healing. I had so many cocks in my cunt at once, my inner pussy lips tore and required stitches. But my boyfriend made money just like my daddy did and that is all that matters, right?

Family Taboo Phone Sex whore

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is my world. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a druggy whore and a slave. Not in that order either. Last night, I was my brother’s whore. He is in town on business and was not alone. He was with a male co-worker. He summoned me to his hotel room. I went because it is what I do. It is who I am. Him and his business partner wanted to fuck me. They wanted to use me. My own brother sat on my face and made me worship his ass. I had to tongue his sweaty dirty ass while his friend fucked me. His friend fucked my ass hard too. No lubrication.  My brother told him that I was a nasty whore who likes it rough. I don’t really like it rough. I just don’t stop men from taking what they want. I am usually too high to fight it much either. My brother and his pal took turns fucking me. They even fisted me too. I was screaming from the pain, so they shoved my panties in my mouth to muffle my sounds. We were in a hotel. My brother and his friend eventually passed out, but I couldn’t get away because I was tied up. When they woke up, they put on some ass rape porn for inspiration and fucked my ass some more.

Knife Play

knife play phone sex

I just love it when you bring out your extravagant knife collection. It makes my clit pulsate and drip. That barbaric look in your eyes becomes extremely fierce! Knowing I will submit fully, whilst trembling with fear. Your collection seems to be growing every week. How many knives do you have now?! I want to feel the sharp end of each and every one of them. The way you slice off my panties, with your cock throbbing is one of my favorite parts when it comes to knife play phone sex. I especially love it when you tie me up and force me to watch you sharpen and clean your beautiful knives. Then you finally come over and one of them up to my skin, without puncturing it. Grazing it across my body and you watch my face. Practically never breaking eye contact. You love to keep me in a constant state of fear when it’s knife play time. I love feeling your cock tease my sweet cunt and you scrape my tits a little with that sharp blade. I feel what it does to your body. Your body and mine for that matter. What do you have in store for me tonight?

Breaking In

home invasion phone sex

You hold the knife to my warm throat as you instruct me to shut down the alarm system. That is how a lot of my home invasion phone sex fantasies begin. You know that you hold all of the power when you slip in and place the blade to my pulse like that. For a moment I think to hit the panic code, but I feel that you will find a special way to torture me if I make that mistake. Once it’s all clear you use your knife to slash my gown and also to tear off my panties.

You march me to the sofa and then I see your partner is bringing down my roommate. She looks as shaken as I am. You laugh and tell us to save our tears because it’s going to be a long night. Your partner orders my roommate to lay on her back on the coffee table. He presses the silver blade into her lower stomach and traces her cunt in a fresh blood trail. I’m wrenched up by my hair and pushed to her body to lap up the blood at knife point.


Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex“Don’t make a fucking sound or I will slit your throat bitch.” He digs the knife in deeper, as he starts to pull down my panties and the rest of my clothing. I really was just playing the victim in Murder phone sex Fantasies, and all of a sudden he was actually here! I had no idea, and now I have a feeling about what is going to happen. He gets me naked and takes me to my room, locking the door behind him and with a bag in his hands. He pushes me onto the ground on my hands and knees and ties them together. He uses a device to spread my legs and keep them spread. I am whining now and starting to beg, but this only pisses him off more. He comes up to me and cuts some of my hair off and shoves it into my mouth telling me to shut the fuck up. He proceeds to fuck my cunt and ass over and over as he uses a cord to choke me till I blackout. I always wake up to him forcing his cock down my throat, and I am sure this is how I am going to die. He is fucking me and I am screaming bloody murder as he says “shut the fuck up bitch, you wanna fucking die you, damn whore?” And this time he wraps the cord around my neck harder than ever before. He is screaming as he fucks me and as I lose consciousness. I can only hear him say “die whore, die whore” over and over.

Snuff Phone Sex Submissive For Punishment

It’s just the way I am, a very submissive snuff phone sex whore. I will have Master’s get sick of me and my slutty ways of misbehaving. These Master’s are always throwing me to the pack to let them destroy me, once he’s had enough. My last Master gathered up some of the most brutal bikers to really take care of me. They ravished and destroyed my perfect pussy. These brutes tied me up and took turns beating me and shoving their cocks down my throat to use me as a urinal. You know how much that beer loaded salty piss burns when is hits an open wound? Well I sure found out when my pussy and ass were ripped, gaped, and prolapsed. There were like 25 of these brutes and they pissed all over me calling me a filthy whore after I was already beat, cum oozing out of my orifices and glazed all over my bloody body. Their cum was so fucking salty that it stung even more than that piss.

Snuff phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Ghost Story

taboo phone sexI have a taboo phone sex story to share that is appropriate for Halloween. My own Blair Witch story. My stepson kidnapped me the other night. I was asleep in bed and he snatched me up and took me to this abandoned house with a history of hauntings. I was not sure if it was urban legend or not, but I didn’t want to find out if it was truth or fiction. He said he would win money if I stayed in the haunted house all night. Fuck that shit, I told him, and I tried to get out. He was not alone. His friends grabbed me and used restraints to force me to stay. I was bound to a chair in an abandoned creepy house. They joked that I was going to be the ass rape porn star of a ghost or demon. I almost pissed myself. I knew they had cameras set up, but I had hoped they would stay. I was scared. This house was the scene of a brutal family murder decades ago. The house could never be sold because of its murderous history and today it’s a dilapidated scary house right out of a horror movie.

ass rape pornThey left me there. I tried to think of other things as the time passed, but I was shaking. I felt weird things like hot and cold air. I swore it felt like someone was groping me, but I saw no one. Then, I knew I was not crazy. Hands were around my throat choking me. I saw no one.  I felt a presence, however. A strong demonic presence. Something entered me. My body shook and convulsed from a violent fuck, but no one was visible. No one was in the house.  If my stepson was punking me, I didn’t know how he was doing it. For hours I was ravaged by an unknown presence. Ghost fucked. Demon fucked. I didn’t know what, but I was fucked. As soon as the sun rose, the presence was gone. My stepson and his friends came back for me. I was chained as they left me, but I was covered in bruises and cuts. They played back the video and saw me thrashing about as I was being assaulted. I was not crazy. I was part of my stepson’s private Blair Witch project. I have no idea who or what assaulted me, but I vowed I would never go near that house again.

fantasy phone sex

My Stepson’s Ass Rape Porn Star

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all he watches. He would be my stepson. He gets high and watches violent porn. Since he hates me, I am always the object of his anger. If not a punching bag, my asshole is getting the brunt of everything. That was the case last night. My husband asked me to bring his son a check. My son gets an allowance from daddy because he is a loser who can’t keep a job. I know I am hardly one to talk. I am a druggy whore. But at least I have a job. I know being a taboo phone sex whore is not a job to many, but I don’t need an allowance from daddy. I didn’t want to go because I knew the outcome would not be good for me. It never is when I must encounter him. I tried to slip it under his door, but he heard me. While I was bent over, he opened the door and yanked my arm, putting me off balance. I fell. He tied me up like a beach ball and force fucked my ass for hours. I had no choice in the matter. With him, fighting never goes my way. I don’t think there is anyone who hates me more in this world than my stepson.

Bondage Phone Sex and Torture

bondage phone sexWhen you are a coke head, bondage phone sex is one of the many things you do for a fix. He told me he would trade coke for bondage pictures. It didn’t sound like a bad choice. I told myself it was art. I was simply posing for some photos and saving the guy money. I work for coke. Anyone who knows me, knows that. I arrived on the set ready to be tied up. Nothing could have prepared me for this bondage shoot. I was tied up tightly and suspended in the air. I was not suspended with rope, however. He inserted a meat hook in my ass and hoisted me up 20 feet off the ground. My ass was holding me up. If I farted, I could have dislodged the hook and fell twenty feet headfirst on a concrete floor. My ass was being stretched. It was tearing and bleeding. I was in so much pain with likely medical grade injuries. I screamed to be let down. I was even saying fuck the coke. I was choosing my life over coke. Wow. That had never happened before. It didn’t matter, the photographer only cared about getting some hot pictures and ruining my asshole. I looked underneath me and could see the pool of blood collecting. It was my blood dripping out of my ass like a BDSM ass rape porn star. He spun me around like I was spinning on a cock not a meat hook. When he got all the pictures he wanted, he tossed me some coke and told me to get lost. One and done. He didn’t fuck me. Other than binding me up, he never touched me. He said I was just another dumb junkie willing to do anything for a fix. I guess he was right.


Anal Torture Sex Revenge

torture sexTorture sex was on her mind. She found out her husband was cheating on her with me. Instead of confronting me or putting me on blast on social media, she plotted a painful revenge. She used her husband’s phone to lure me to a no tell motel on the outskirts of town. I thought my married lover was being careful. I didn’t know yet that his wife had busted us. I soon found out just how pissed off she was over our affair. The moment I entered the motel room, she jumped me. She used a taser to subdue me. She tied me up and fucked my ass with a cattle prod that shocked my ass with every thrust. I was convulsing and pissing myself in a dank, dark motel room. If I screamed, I was sure no one would come to my rescue. This was likely a junkie motel. She yelled at me for fucking her man. She called me a dirty skank and insisted she would teach me a lesson. She would if she didn’t kill me. I wanted to die. I was in a downward dog position exposing my ass to her ass rape porn torture methods. I could feel my asshole prolapsing. She was merciless. She wanted me to suffer. Mission accomplished. I was crying in pain and humiliation. She left me in that motel tied up. The maid found me bound and laying in a pool of my own drool and piss the next morning. I guess I need to find a new boyfriend.