Every night I sit looking out my window just watching that little girl walking at night all by herself. just thinking about all of the sadistic things I could do to that little brat just makes my pussy all wet. As I sit here I am plotting my next move, how am I going to lure her into my dark world. I think I should just kidnap that little bitch off of the street, it wouldn’t be hard but would be fun! How should I go about snatching her up off of the street? Maybe I should enlist my boyfriend, he loves that shit! We always love to fuck after a good torture session! So this is what we are going to do, I will be driving my car and my boyfriend will be hiding in the back seat and I will stop and ask her if she needs a ride. So our plan is in place and I am driving my car and stop and ask her if she needs a ride, she says no so I have my boyfriend jump out of the back seat and snatch her right up off of the street. She starts screaming like a little bitch so my boyfriend puts a gag in her mouth and duct tapes it so she will shut up! She is kicking and resisting so he duct taped her hands and feet. We get her back to my house and that is where the fun begins!!! I want her to watch what I do to her, I want to see the fear in her little eyes. So I get my knife out and start rubbing the cold blade up and down her body, not cutting her yet but she knows it is coming! How this excites me is unreal I could cream my pants with this shit. My boyfriend is sitting here with me with the biggest hard on. I can’t wait to fuck this little bitch up so my boyfriend and I can start fucking like little rabbits! The more fear that shows in her eyes the more excited I get! I then take the knife and start cutting up that cute little face of hers. With every scream my pussy gets wetter and wetter. I start sliding the knife down her chest cutting it open and letting it bleed all over. I keep cutting her chest all the way down to her stomach just making superficial cuts for now just to watch them bleed! God how I love torturing and lots of blood. I run my finger through the warm blood flowing out of her body and start rubbing it all over my face and even sucking it off of my finger, yum! I also have these little needles that I am going to put through those little nipple buds of hers and really hear her scream! I lean down and whisper in her ear that she should never walk alone at night, lol. Then I spread her little legs and plunge the knife deep into her little cunny. OMG seeing all of that blood spewing out makes me want to fuck my boyfriend! We start fucking as she is bleeding, god that makes it so good!!! I finally take the knife and slice her open from her stomach to her chest seeing all of her insides start to fall out. Then i watch her bleed until the life goes completely out of her! Man I have cum so many times over this little bitch, totally worth it!!!
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
She Walks Alone
The Walking Dead
Ripping the flesh from the bones of the living as the blood runs down their faces and chunks of flesh are devoured before my eyes. My cunt pulsates in time to the chewing motion of their decaying and decrepit mouths. What I wouldn’t give for a world full of disease infested walking corpses to be wondering the planet. The thought of the carnage and mass hysteria makes my cunt crave the thrill of my twisted and demented orgasms. I know I would keep a few of these undead as pets in my basement and relish the pleasure of fucking my cunt while watching them feast on victims that I brought to them. I would torture my victims just out of reach of my pets watching them become more and more agitated with every scream as they pull at their chains in an effort to reach what will be theirs soon. Looking into their dead eyes that have no life behind them as they smell the blood I am spilling, knowing that soon I will reach the ultimate orgasm as I watch them rip the remaining flesh from my victims as they feast before my eyes. There is no doubt that i would sever the limbs of one of these undead and rip the bottom jaw off to prevent him from infecting me while I ride his decaying cock. Filling my cunt with his undead flesh. What would be hell on earth to the rest of the world would be heaven on earth for me. Watching The Walking Dead each week is like watching porn for me. I cum over and over again each week and dream of the possibilities of such a world cumming to pass.
Dark and Twisted
Dark and twisted is what I am. I hate vanilla things they do NOTHING for me. The only thing that I like is something evil, something bloody and torturous. The bloodier and darker the more it turns me on and makes my pussy drip! I am not for the squimish so if you are vanilla or squimish then don’t call me. The only thing that turns me on is fucking BLOOD and TORTURE!!! I especially enjoy torturing women and little girls. Awww all of those are sweet morcels to me! Such easy prey, especially for a girl like me! Those bitches will trust me because I am a girl and then I can lure them into my dark world of torture! I want to lure them in and gain their trust and then surprise them with my big ol knife. I want to tie them up and slice their pretty little bodies and faces and watch the blood run out of their wounds. I want to hear them scream and watch their eyes as they open widely not knowing what I am going to do next! I want to watch the life fucking drain out of them!
Feed The Need
I love the thrill of watching someone get really fucked up or fucking them up myself. The more blood and mutilation, the more pain and degradation, the more humiliation and torture the better. I love severed limbs and disfigured flesh. My blood starts pumping with the first cry of fear. At that single moment that my subject realizes he or she will be mine I become uncontrollably aroused. My body feels like it is on fire and with every cry and every drop of blood my cunt gets wetter and the longing to get fucked like an animal becomes over whelming. My place is so secluded that no one can hear the screams. No one can save your ass if you are stupid or gullible enough to fall for this girl next door act. I can be such a sweet little bitch to get what I want. When I get you where I want you, I blast my stereo and feel the vibration from the music from my toes up to my nipples as it strokes me from the inside out in the most seductive way, stroking every part of my body. The sensory perception just adds to the excitement of the game. The thrill of the mutilation to cum, and when it accompanies the sickening sound of the gurgling as my subject chokes on their blood I fall to the floor weakened by the strength of my orgasms. It is my favorite way to end the game to hear someone choking, gasping for their last breath as I hear the gurgle of blood deep in their throat asphyxiating them until there is no more breath. Yeah I am a little touched, I know, but you still want to play don’t you baby?
Quench My Blood Thurst
My thirst for blood drives every fiber of my being, from my head to my toes and everything in between. I need to drink blood like most people need to breath air. For me it is life sustaining and orgasmic.
Today i went hunting for wild game just so I could drain the blood and drink it. I was lucky and got two huge wild bore that yielded a lot of blood for the drinking.
I have to drink it quickly so that it doesn’t spoil and I am now down to about a gallon. All that blood has made my pussy soaking wet, and made me long for human blood which is what I really love.
I guess tomorrow I will go to the hobo camp and find some poor homeless fucker. Not to skiny and not on drugs, to bring back home and enjoy.
I will hang him or her upside down from a tree, slit their throat and let the blood drain into the pot so that I can drink it while it is warm.
Human blood taste so different then animal blood and while animal blood will hold me over, nothing quenches my thirst like human blood does!
Who’s My Next Victim?
I can barely contain myself around all these pulsating veins. My pussy is throbbing with anticipation. Its something about sinking my teeth into a person that drives me wild. I love the ones that are hot and horny and the thought of me injecting my 2inch fangs into their neck gets me high. Listening to their hearts beat rapidly then slow down and eventually stop. Hearing their moans turn into cries for help is making my pussy drip. Stupid little whores clawing at the air while I drain them like that’s going to make me stop…. I love this way too much… It gives me a rush stalking my prey, luring those silly men in with my sexy body and lustful whisper.. I’m a big tease and I like to keep it that way. Running my fangs up and down their neck, they find that shit sexy. Biting down soft then hard, love bite? I think not! As I begin to bleed them dry. They never see it coming. And they say men are stronger than women… The trail of blood and dick I leave behind should prove otherwise. Will you be my next victim? We shall find out tonight….
It’s Hunting Season
I woke up long before the sun came up. Excitement running through my body like small jolts of electricity. In the dimly lit room I cleaned my gun and sharpened my arrows for the hunt. I find conventional hunting very boring. You know the macho men that like to hunt deer and hog and all other sorts of wild life. Please these are unintelligent animals that can not out think you, there is no challenge there. That is why once a year I have my own hunt. He has been in my basement for two weeks now. I have kept him well fed so that he is not at any disadvantage what so ever. he will be at the top of his game and provide a challenge for me. My cunt is dripping with anticipation, he is a scraping man, strong and he knows his way in the wilderness. But he is no match for me. I released my prey 25 minutes ago, naked with nothing but his wits to guide him. I will give him five more minutes then I will track him and the game will begin. As the time grows closer, my cunt is becomes wetter, quivering with the thrill of it all. He will try to out smart me, his survival depends on it. He will try, but he will not be successful. I have never lost his game. Of course IF he can make it to the edge of my land without being taken down, he will survive the hunt. I can feel the pleasure of the kill already. i will take him down with my bow, an arrow to the leg to wound him first, allowing him to run a little more, his heart pounding with fear and pain. I will track him while he is wounded, dipping my finger in his trail of blood and licking it off, making the game a bit more fun as I toy with him. Eventually i will run another arrow through one of his arms, causing more fear and pain as he realizes his chances are diminishing. I will only shoot him if he is close to winning, if not he will die a slow death as my arrows pierce his flesh until he falls, unable to go on. Then I will put the last arrow in a lung and sit at a distance, fucking my over excited cunt, rubbing my swollen clit, waiting to cum as he takes his last breath. It will be the perfect kill and another trophy for my wall.
Glowing Eyes In The Night
Walking on the side walk I can hear his low guttural growl. I feel him calling me. It is a primitive sound that stirs the fire building low in my abdomen. I can feel it spread with each growl, creeping slowly down to my pussy where it is released in a flood of juices to drip down my thighs. I have to get in to see him. I have to be near him. I return the next day early, dressed in a school girl out fit and I wait patiently until the bus pulls up. Blending in is easy and I am able to slip in as if I am part of the group. It doesn’t take me long to break away and I know right where to find him. In my purse In a zip lock bag I have a raw chicken leg that i used to fuck myself before cumming here so it is covered in my hot juices. I throw the leg into his pen and watch as he circles it, looking at me right in the eye before devouring it and giving me that low, sensual growl of his.
I stay right by his cage all day looking for the right place to hide at closing time. I want to be with him all night. The lights are out, the zoo is empty except for the animals and the moon is full and high in the dark night sky. I sit against a tree with my school girl skirt up around my waist staring into his glowing eyes as my pussy responds to his eyes and my hand finds the warmth of my cunt.
His dark body makes him almost invisible in the night, but for his glowing yellow eyes and his low growl, one would never know he was there. With our eyes locked I masturbate to the sound and feel of him late into the night.
My heart is pounding as I stand on weak knees walking to his cage. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I have to be with him. I have to give myself to him.
As I enter his cage he lunges towards me, I turn and fall to my hands and knees offering my cunt to this huge black cat. He mounts me and sinks his fangs into the back of my neck as he begins to fuck me like a savage.
I don’t know if I will make it out alive, but for now the feeling of the blood dripping down my neck, the heat of his breath, the feel of his fur and the fierce urgency of his thrusts take me over the edge and into another realm.
Out Of The Shadows
Step out of the shadows with me and explore the dark and depraved side of the sadistic, hardcore and oh so bloody world of an expert accomplice.
I know that the very thought of those young, sweet and innocent bodies gets your cock rock hard and ready to fuck, that’s the easy part of it.
Do you think you really have what it takes to succeed at stalking, luring, abducting these delicious pieces of flesh? Well, that’s just one aspect of it, you have to possess the desire to torture and fuck with their little, worthless minds and bodies.
It has to be a hunger inside of you that you must feed, when you hear their pathetic and desperate cries out in terror and pain, does it make you take it even harder and further? Nothing will deter you from your ultimate goal and that is after taking your most twisted and evil fantasy into a satisfying reality are you able to seal the deal?
It’s up to you just how much and what you want to get out of these trapped and caged young prey. When you grow tired of their constant begging and pleading for mercy, the final and in my opinion most satisfying part of this experience is snuffing out the pathetic, useless little worthless fucks.
Share with me just how bloody and rough you want to get, what part gets your cock throbbing twisted mind racing. I can‘t wait to discover what new and interesting ways to get the job done and seal their doomed fate.
Lyrics from Nine Inch Nails
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Help me, I broke apart my insides
Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell
Help me, the only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole is existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Help me tear down my reason
Help me it’s your sex I can smell
Help me you’re making me perfect
Help me become somebody else
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God